The Captive Flame


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Nudging him with the baton, he roughly poked him in his left cheek.

"I won't fight anywhere," Kit choked out. "I'll behave. Please don't put that inside of me," he begged.

The rubber tip was sliding from one cheek to the other now, and Kit's legs stiffened every single time that it passed across the opening to his body.

A long drawn out sigh escaped Lambert's throat, and then the motion ceased. "Fine," he relented in aggravation.

The baton landed on the mattress beside Kit's right hand, and he gazed down at it in stunned amazement as relief flooded through his slight frame. It was short lived.

With a resounding crack the officer's large palm connected with his bottom. The slap was so unexpected that Kit cried out with a mixture of surprise, and pain.

He had barely recovered from the onslaught of the attack when his other cheek was treated to a similar slap.

Tensing his back, Kit's mouth dropped open in agony. The officer hit him again, and again until his bottom felt like it was on fire. He switched from one cheek to the other on each downward stroke, and after half a dozen on each side, Kit let out a sob.

"Stop!" he whimpered.

"You deserve this!" Lambert snarled. "Hell, you deserve more than this."

Lifting his hand he treated his reddened bottom to another swift blow. When Kit made an attempt to lean forward to escape his hand, the officer grasped onto the back of his shirt to pull him back into place.

"Hold still, brat," he snapped in anger.

Another agonized sob escaped Kit's mouth, and then he began to cry in earnest. His frame shook as tears streaked down the sides of his face. His chin dropped to his chest, and he began to snivel as he wept.

With a sound of disgust, Lambert hauled him to his feet by the back of his uniform. Turning Kit to face him, he clasped onto the sides of the young boy's face. A large thumb brushed against his chin to wipe away the blood that remained there, and then he sighed.

"Stop crying, you fucking idiot."

Kit's face was still contorted with pain, and fear, but it cleared once he lifted his watery blue eyes to meet the furious grey eyes of his tormentor.

"I'm sorry, Derek!" he sobbed again. "Don't be mad at me!"

Derek Lambert had never been so frustrated in his entire life. His large frame was still filled with fury, and he had to fight the desire to drop to the bed, and take him over his knee again.

"You promised me you wouldn't intentionally get into any trouble again. Do you have any idea what I went through when I saw him hit you like that? I wanted to fucking kill him!"

His fingers tightened significantly where they held his head, and Kit winced at the pressure.

"I missed you," Kit moaned sorrowfully.

Derek's mouth opened to rebuke the statement, but all that left his throat was a sharp breath. Clucking his tongue with censure, he scowled at Kit with disapproval.

Unsure what to do with his residual anger, he followed his instincts, and leaned in to press his hard mouth to the young boy's lips before emitting a groan. When he pulled back his grey eyes were heated.

"I still want to kick your ass," he snapped. "What you did was unforgivable. How am I supposed to trust you if give me your word about something, and then break it without a moment's hesitation?"

Kit bit his lip guiltily as his eyes darted away. Peering downward to avoid his recriminating gaze, he lifted his fingers until he was holding onto Derek's arms.

"I couldn't help it," he said softly. His mournful blue eyes returned to storm clouds of grey as a breath shuddered out of him. "I love you," he whispered.

Derek couldn't argue with that logic, and his eyes immediately softened as his hold on Kit eased. "I love you too, you idiot," he whispered back. "Why do you think I'm so angry every time that you do something stupid that ends up getting you hurt?"

Pulling Kit towards him, he wrapped his arms around his back before dropping his chin to the top of his head. "It was a moronic stunt that you pulled. What were you thinking?" he groused.

"I was thinking of this," Kit admitted quietly. "I was thinking of you."

A small smile tilted Derek's lips, and then his fingers trailed lower until he was gripping one side of Kit's abused backside in his palm. The contact made Kit wince in response.

"Well, the next time you get another brilliant idea that puts you down here, just remember this." Squeezing the hot flesh, a chuckle escaped him after Kit yelped with discomfort.

"You weren't really going to fuck me with that thing, were you?" Kit wondered as he peered over at the baton that was still lying upon the bed.

Another chuckle escaped Derek, and then he shook his dark head. "No. That would be a hard standard to live up to. I don't think I could handle the pressure."

Kit pressed his lips together to contain his giggle, and then he reached his arms up to wrap them around Derek's neck.

"I really did miss you," he said solemnly before a frown flitted across his features. "I hate not being able to touch you when I want to."

Derek groaned in response as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. "It's fucking torture," he agreed. "I obsess about doing things to you the entire time that I'm working. It makes it very difficult to concentrate."

Kit's brows lifted with interest. "What kinds of things?" he wondered.

"Dirty things," Derek answered with a lecherous grin. "Things I could get fired for doing."

"Hasn't stopped you so far," Kit reminded him with a grin of his own.

Derek lifted a brow. "Good point."

Reaching down, Derek swiftly clasped an arm around his thighs, and lifted Kit's feet from the floor as he turned towards the bed. In one swift motion, he swiped the baton from the top of it before dropping him down onto the mattress.

Kneeling above him, he made quick work of removing his pants from the bottom of his legs, and then he tossed them aside before parting his thighs.

When he was spread open beneath him, Derek reached for the buttons of his shirt, and began opening them. The material parted quickly beneath his large, deft fingers. and then he was dragging it down his arms in order to dispose of it.

His molten grey eyes passed over Kit's swollen appendage hungrily, and then he gazed into pools of blue. "I'm going to suck you off, and then I'm going to fuck the shit out of you," he announced heatedly.

Kit's burnished bronze head pressed back into the mattress as a low moan erupted from his lips. His entire body writhed in anticipation while Derek slowly removed his belt.

Once it was off, he let it slip from his fingers after lowering it to the floor. Looming above Kit, he gazed down into his heavily slitted gaze before passing his tongue along his lower lip.

"This doesn't mean that I'm not mad at you anymore," he stated thickly. "You're not off the hook quite that easily. I just need to taste you, and bury myself inside of you so that I can feel sane again."

Kit nodded in understanding, and then lifted his fingers to trail them through Derek's dark hair. All thoughts of formulating any kind of response drifted away the moment that Derek's soft lips pressed against the center of his chest.

He followed a trail down the center of Kit's torso, kissing, and licking at different intervals. When his lips reached his navel where the tip of his eager cock head rested, Derek promptly scooped it into his mouth, and held it between his lips as he lifted the shaft vertically.

Once it was pointing towards the ceiling, his smoldering grey gaze flicked upwards momentarily, and then his head descended to take every thick inch inside of the hot cavern of his mouth.

Closing his eyes, a harsh moan barreled from his throat at the taste of it. His tongue swirled over the length appreciatively, and then his cheeks grasped onto it as he began to suck.

Kit's spine arced away from the mattress at the sensation. Digging his fingers into Derek's dark, brown locks, he tugged on them urgently while pleasure filled moans fell from his lips.

The older man knew just how to work his length. Slow and persistently until his entire body felt as tight as a bow, and his cock had stiffened into solid marble.

Once he began to throb, Derek gently palmed his testicles in his large hand, and began to roll them lightly between his fingers.

His tongue began a rhythmic thrusting against the underside of his shaft, and his pace quickened aggressively.

Relaxing the hollows of his throat, Derek eagerly rammed his swollen flesh into it's tight confines. The sensitive cock head filled him again, and again, and he didn't slow down for even a moment while he moaned on it in euphoria.

It all became too much for Kit to withstand. Thrusting his hips into the air in order to plunge as deep into Derek's mouth as he could get, a rough cry exploded from Kit's lips as he began to ejaculate hot spurts of cum down his throat.

The older man took it all without showing signs of ending. He continued to suck reverently while Kit rode the aftershocks. Allowing his eyes to drift closed, he hummed mindlessly as Derek slowed the motions of his descending head. It was like watching his favorite wind up toy gradually running out of vigor.

Once he was completely soft again, Derek allowed his cock to slip from his mouth before peering up at him with the darkest gaze Kit had ever seen. The intense look of promise in those grey depths made Kit gasp as he slowly began crawling up the bed until he was looming above him.

Gripping him beneath his head by a fistful of his light hair, Derek lifted him to meet his urgent mouth. He pried his lips open wide, and buried his tongue deep as a harsh breath seethed out of him. Kit moaned again as he tasted himself on the older man.

His large frame lowered until Kit could feel his weight pressing into him, and then his fingers were between them so that he could free himself from the confines of his pants.

Grasping his stiff cock in his hand, he probed between Kit's soft cheeks until his knob was pressing against the coveted opening. When he was positioned, his large fingers released his hold on the young boy's hair to trail over his throat until his thumb was pressed just below his chin.

Lifting his mouth, Derek peered into his beautiful blue eyes with an expression that was purely predatory.

His jaw noticeably tightened, and his hips flexed to nudge his puckered hole wider. "Do you want it?" he growled.

Kit's tongue shot out to swipe along his lower lip as he fought for breath. He felt like he was being devoured by Derek's possessive grey gaze.

A grimace of pleasure contorted his features while Derek worked his thick head inside of him, and then he nodded emphatically.

"I want it," Kit gasped. "Fuck me."

Slipping his large hand beneath one arm, Derek curled it around his shoulder in order to brace himself, and then he lunged. The force that he used rammed the entire length of his shaft deep into the young boy's ass.

Kit's mouth opened wide at the intensity of it, and Derek lowered his head to take advantage. Filling the space with his tongue, a thick grunt escaped him as he surged forward again.

"This is mine," he uttered savagely against his lips. "It belongs to me."

Kit nodded again mindlessly, and dug his fingers into Derek's back while he filled him again. An anguished cry escaped Kit's throat at the feel of his teeth sinking into his neck, and then he lifted his legs to wrap them around Derek's hard frame as he started to really move.

His cock savagely slammed into his slick canal in a hard rhythm that Kit could feel pounding against his stomach. The feeling was so intense that warm wetness began trickling from the sides of his eyes.

He was overwhelmed by the enormity of so many sensations at once. In his mind, in his heart, and in the lower recesses that were being thoroughly plundered by Derek's raging hard cock.

He couldn't contain it all, and a soft sob fell from his lips while he gripped onto Derek harder. It was followed by the older man's deep throated groan that reverberated through his rib cage.

With several more hard thrusts of his hips, his cock twitched, and lifted where it was lodged deep inside of Kit's hole.

Warm bursts of semen began flooding from his cock head while Derek ejaculated long, and hard. Once he had finished, he clasped onto the top of Kit's head with one hand, and promptly collapsed on top of him.

Kit's breath was shuddering out of him slowly when Derek finally managed to lift his head. With a slight frown, he released his hold on him in order to brush the wetness from beneath his eyes.

"Why do you always cry when I fuck you?" he wondered. "Am I hurting you that badly?"

Kit scowled, and shook his head. "Just overwhelmed," he breathed in explanation.

Derek's brows lifted, and then he frowned again. "Is it strange that I like it?"

Kit couldn't help the smirk that tilted his mouth. "You like it when I cry?" he asked in surprise.

Derek nodded solemnly. "That's kind of twisted. Isn't it?"

"A little," Kit admitted. "Maybe you like the idea that you're hurting me with it."

Derek's grey eyes widened at that disclosure, and then he shook his head. "I really don't like the idea of other people hurting you. You have to stop doing this, or someone will eventually, and it won't just be a punch to the mouth. You could be stabbed, or worse."

When Kit only gazed at him impassively, Derek reached up to clutch his chin in his hand.

"I'm serious. It's hard enough ensuring that you're safe without having to worry that some lunatic is out for your blood because you antagonized them. This isn't the schoolyard, Kit. These fuckers are hardened criminals. One of them is going to kill you someday if you don't stop."

"It's the only way I ever get to see you," Kit gasped in pain.

His response only made Derek's expression darken. "If you do it again, I won't come," he vowed. "That will be your punishment. I'll stay away, and you can sit down here alone."

Kit bit down on his lip in a desperate attempt to keep his tears at bay. His insides felt like torn mesh, and the ability to breathe eluded him.

"Alright," he whispered. "I won't do it again."

"Promise me," Derek demanded.

Kit cringed. "I promise."

Derek's hold on his chin tightened. "Mean it this time, Kit."

"I promise," he vowed again. "I won't do anything to antagonize anyone."

Derek's breath left him in relief, and he pulled the younger boy towards him until he was curled against his frame.

"How the hell did someone as sweet as you ever end up in a place like this?" Derek wondered with confusion. "The world is fucked up. You don't belong here, Kit."


I'm not sure where this came from... it just popped out of me one night when I was bored. I'm contemplating doing a few installations. The next one will probably be about how they met. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it. - T.M.

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xkinkyxxkinkyxover 5 years ago

So heart warming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Mmmm very hot and romantic story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I wish I hadn't even read this, I just want more!!! Please continue this.


Reminds me a little of Poshbillionarire's Prison Inmates. I was so scared for Kit and was glad to find out that Officer Lambert was indeed Derek! Phew! Looking forward to upcoming chapters. Good job!

withindarknesswithindarknessalmost 10 years ago

Great story. Really enjoyed it. Would just LOVE to read more. Very well done.

canndcanndalmost 10 years ago

very well done. I wasn't sure which Derek was, guard or inmate. You did get me when Lambert was Derek. i really hope you tell the rest of their story. I would like to know how they meet, how they start sleeping together and when the feelings come in. Why is Kit in jail? Will he be out soon? Will they have a relationship? How does Derek make sure he's safe? Does he pay inmates to protect him? do other guards know they are together/he's fucking him? I really hope you answer all this stuff. good START to a story ;)

Headhunter22Headhunter22almost 10 years ago
Loved it!

Well put together. Not your typical story. More please!!! :))))) I want to know how they met and what Kit did to get in prison. You know......everything.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I like the story. You've written in a way, you can either leave it as is, or you can add another chapter. I hope you decide to write another chapter.

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