The Captured Butterfly


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"Yes and no I wanted you to learn to appreciate and adjust to you knew life. I wanted you to stop fighting me at every turn. I don't want to punish you; that would be the last thing I want to do. I want to share, talk and show you how much I can love you. I must have your obedience though."

She looked up at him, "I'm sorry I promise I'll be good just please no more silence."

He pulled her to his chest, "Alright no more silence." He held her while she cried out all the feelings she had inside her.

He pressed the button that called Dorie.

Dorie came in the room, "you called sir?"

"Yes Dorie seems our Ellie has finally decided to embrace her new life so I think we will be having dinner together privately in her room. Is everything prepared as to my request?

"Yes sir,"

"Good, I am going to give her a bath so prepare my tub with the special bathing salts that I talk to you about and then set everything up."

"Yes sir right away." He quickly popped back out the door. Renald reached over taking the pillows from her back he gently laid her down straight then removed her nightgown. For the first time since her first day she was very aware that she was naked with him in the room and it brought heat to her cheeks. He smiled down at her as he wiped her final tears away, "ah Ellie." He started to make circles on her belly with his fingertips, which only made her blush even more.

The heat in her belly was burning with desire, "I can't let these feeling take over me, I can't lose control, or I'll lose what's left of me," she thought to herself. Scared he might no her thoughts she turned her head towards the wall then closed her eyes.

Suddenly he placed his whole palm flat on her belly causing the heat in her belly to increase to an unbearable amount. She jerked her head and looked wide-eyed at him as he gave her a gentle smile. "I know what is burning there my dear and the flame I placed there will not stop until I put it out. I wish it to burn just a bit longer my darling, as these precious things must be done to perfection, I demand nothing less for our first time. No rush or pressure just relaxed ecstasy for you my love."

Dorie came in with a large round bathing tub along with towels and washing sponge while one at a time the maids came in with pails of hot water. Renald and her watched while Dorie poured the salts into the steaming water then ordered them to get the other things. As he set up the towels and soap for the tub the others brought in a table with two chairs then some other things she didn't get a chance to see cause she was distracted when Renald moved his palm downward sending fiery heat to surge between her legs. She was just about to beg him to stop when she heard the door close leaving them alone. He gently lifted her naked form into he arms then slowly lowered her into the soft soothing water. The bath water smelled like her aunt's garden with every flower she could think of. She felt her body melting in the luscious steam as his cool fingers started to wash her body lingering on certain privet areas taking great care in washing them thoroughly. She found herself watching him as he gently moved from one part of her to the other.

"The salts are fantastic it smells like my aunts garden in the middle of summer, what is it? It makes me feel soft and smells so good."

He smiled up at her, "like it, it's called Fancy Garden, I had it imported from Europe just for you." Her face flushed again making him laugh lightly, "Ellie since I broke threw all your real feeling refuse to hide away anymore, they show up at my voice or touch, it's enchanting."

"It's frustrating, I really should be angry and hate you, but...oh this is madding," She turned her face away again.

Finally he carried her back to her bed, then after drying her off really good he propped her up again disappearing into the closet. "Yes this is the one." He came out holding a beautiful red dinner dress that dipped low in the back. Once she was completely dressed he turned her around on her stomach.


"Shh..."he said, "don't ask." He ran his fingers up and down her spine causing heated little sparks to sink into her skin. Then he turned her back over, "a gift of your legs," he smiled, "just for tonight." He moved to one side putting out his arm for her to lean on, "shall we madam?"

With an amazed look she place two hands on his arm as he pulled her up with the other one. She gingerly stepped onto the floor with her feet but found her legs very weak, specially the one with the cast, causing her to almost crumble to the floor.

"Ah don't worry sweet heart, I would never let you fall," he said as he took her chin. "Take it slow and easy, there's no rush." They finally got close to a table for two, that was set up for dinner with candle-light, wine and all. He placed her in the seat, he poured her a glass of wine, "I must get ready now, my sweet, I will be back in five minutes, Ellie you have the use of your legs back so you are more yourself but I do not want you to move from this spot. You're not strong enough, stay sitting understand" She nodded her head then he swung towards the door and was gone.

Chapter 10 Dinner for two

She sat there sipping her wine as she found herself looking at the things on the table, one place setting with her wine glass at her spot and then his silver goblet in front of his spot. Two candles where lit guarding a single red rose in the centre while on the side was an ice bucket with a bottle of wine in it. Her eyes glanced to her legs then the door, "I just want to see if I can stand up on my own just once, I'll hold on to the table and the back of my chair for support so I don't fall." She glanced at the door again then placing all her weight on her arms she lifted herself up. They where very weak, she could feel them wobble under her so after a few seconds she sat back down. She didn't even hear him come in but suddenly he was there. He lifted her chin but stayed silent as he rang for Dorie. While he was waiting for him he took the bottle of wine filled up her glass again. Dorie came in with a tray; he placed a plate of food in front of Ellie then poured red liquid from a special decanter into his silver goblet.

"Will that be all sir?"

"Yes Dorie thank-you, you may retire early."

"Thank-you sir, have a good evening."

"Oh we shall won't we pet?" He picked up her glass placing it in her hand then grabbed his silver one from the table. He tapped her glass with his own, "to our first of many romantic nights together."

He sat down never taking his eyes off of her for even a second. "Eat Ellie you will need all your energy and strength," he grinned.

She watched him take sips from his silver cup as she took her first bite of food. "I wonder if that is human blood? I can't very well ask that though it would be rude," she thought as she shook the thought from her head. She still watched him as he lifted it to his lips and took a large gulp.

He smiled at her, "If your curious just ask my dear, and yes it is human blood it's what I feed on, animal blood will do in a crunch but it leaves me weaker, I detest being weak."

"Is that why you push me so hard specially with my studies?" she asked taking another bite.

"I push you cause I know you can do better but you tend to let small distractions divert your attention, it is a human thing. Eventually you will learn different languages but I know that is something that must wait till your brain is a lot more open to the world then it is now." He took another long drink from his cup.

"Did someone die for that?" she hid her face in her hands. "Sorry I should not have asked that in fact forget that I did."

"Ellie it's ok you can ask me anything you like, your going to be living this life, it's only natural you would ask these questions and no one died. Even if I fed on fresh blood I can feed several times a day taking only minimal amounts that you as a human won't even miss, no different than giving to the blood bank. This blood is bought and paid for though, they get paid quite well for it actually." He took another gulp.

Ellie took another mouthful, "You mean people volunteer they're blood, do they know that...what it's going to be used for?"

"You mean do they know I am going to drink it, no but they don't care they get paid for it and they know it's for a privet company not the regular blood bank." He looked at Ellie a little exasperated, "Ellie we can't allow everyone to know about us think of the hysteria it would cause."

"Yes of course, Renald when we...tonight will you..." she quickly looked at him then looked down at her lap again.

He came and knelt beside her taking her chin into his fingers he whispered, " I will take a little bit yes only because it's our first night, I want to bind you closer to me. I will have to bind us again on our wedding night then I won't take any more until after you have my son, that is when I will take you completely."

Tears started to escape into her lap so she wiped them away with her arm. "Sorry but I'm...scared."

He raised her chin again, "Ellie I know you are, and you wouldn't be human if you weren't. I am going to be showing your body so many pleasures you won't have time to think about it until is happened and by then it won't matter to you. I won't lie and say it won't hurt after all I am going to bite you with my teeth." He took her finger and opening his mouth he let her feel how sharp his teeth were. They where so sharp she ended up with a small cut to the end of her finger but one quick lick of his tongue made it disappear. When he saw the fear starting to gather in her eyes he licked her neck. "Ellie what do you feel when I touch you with my fingers, lips, or tongue?"

Distracted by the question she looked at him, "Heat, furious heat it almost drives..." She felt the heat in her cheeks and tried to hide her face.

"No Ellie! I don't want you to hide your face from me; that heat is not coming from me, it's coming from you, its passion. The passion you have hidden away because you where afraid of getting hurt again. It's hard to love people that leave or die isn't it Ellie?' He pulled up her chin, "I know what that feel like remember, your parents, other family, and Paul. I want to be there for you even after death, where we will never leave each other's sides." He stood up and pulled her up to him, she wobbled but he held her close to his chest so she wouldn't fall. He swayed back and forth with her as they danced to invisible music. He picked her up then cradling her tightly to his chest slowly made his way over to the bed then after laid her gently down. He turned her over to unclip her dress so he could remove it from her silky skin.

She cried silently, "Renald I'm scared."


"Shh..." He laid her down pushing the covers all the way to the bottom of the bed he lit candles that had been stationed around the room then turned out the light. He loosened the dress from her shoulders then from the bottom of the bed he slowly pulled the dress off. He took her bad leg then after kissing her tender toes he blew into the cast then gently he placed it far away from the other one. He did the same with her good leg kissing the inside of her leg as he placed it gently apart from the other one. After undressing he leaned onto the bed so he could immediately start to kiss the flesh of the inside of her leg crawling up to her heated centre kissing her soft pubic hair which was burning with his touch. He placed his tongue in her bellybutton causing the heat inside her belly to burn unbearably her good leg, with a life of it's own, pushed her hips off the bed. He pushed her down with his hand then ran his tongue up to her chest. He looked up into her face as his fingers found her nipples pinching and pulling on them driving her heat even higher while his tongue found her lips and forced them open. He plunged his tongue deep down to the back of her throat.

Her hands in a fertile attempt to stop the burning in her breasts clutched at his hand. "Renald it's burning please stop the burning."

He grabbed her hands and forced them above her head then looked into her glassy eyes.

"You want me to take you Ellie, to ignite that flame and cool it off?"

"Yes please it burns."

"Maybe I should paralyse you again and leave you with this unbearable heat?" He still had her wrists and was looking into her eyes.

She looked up at him, "Please don't why would you be so cruel." Her head swayed back and forth, her mind crazed.

"When I told you not to get off that chair over there did you disobey me?"

Wiggling with the tormented heat she looked up at him. She knew she couldn't lie to him cause he would know. "Sorry yes but only for a second or two then when I felt how weak they where I sat right back down again."

"Give me one good reason why I should not make you suffer with it?"

She smiled up at him, "Cause I finally want you to take me. I really want you."

He smiled down at her, "Wench." Then while still holding her wrists he slipped his stiffness inside her heat pumping it till it hit the burning wall. She screamed for release as her good leg pushed her hips up. She could feel the heat increasing like it was going to blow her apart higher and higher it took her. She felt like a volcano ready to erupt then as he pumped hard into her she broke and as her hot liquid burst inside of her she felt his heated seed come to join it. As her fire started to cool she felt a bite that shot a pain down her torso then the pain stopped and she could feel some of the retched heat gather at her neck where it was finding release. She lay there content and comforted while he fed on her heated life, then when he was done he stopped and with his tongue he sealed the small rows of holes in her neck.

Xoxo "Marinda?"

"Yes Marinda I've made arrangements, for Jerry my driver, to pick her up at the bus station."

"Oh thank-you so much."

"Now can we please enjoy out walk without the tears?"

Ellie smiled, "Yes."

That afternoon he put a nice dress on her brushed her hair out then sat her up in the bed ready for Marinda. Suddenly she peeked around the corner of the door.

"Ellie? Oh Ellie she came in aimed right for a hug around her neck. I missed you so much. I'm staying at the house, Mitch is taking good care of me."

"Mitch? I thought she would have moved on by now to a new job?"

Renald stepped into the room, "I am paying her to look after the house, besides I have been paying her wages all along anyway."

They both looked up at him as he planted himself against the wall, determined to stay for the whole visit.

"Hey how did this happen anyway you're such a safe driver I don't get it Ellie. Renald said you were speeding? That sure doesn't sound like you El what was up that you would go speeding down a dirt road like that?

She wanted to tell her the truth, wanted to tell her to take her out of here and run but he sat there leaning on the wall and now glaring at her as if he knew what she was thinking. Then it hit her he might know what she is thinking and she didn't want to anger him. She sadly looked into her lap. "I wasn't thinking, I was careless I guess."

"What? You have never been careless in your life Ellie."

Renald walked over, "I hate to be the party pooper but Ellie does need her rest and you don't want to wear her out."

"No of course not, you're right." She kissed Ellie on the cheek, "besides we are going to see more of one another from now on, Renald gave me a job. Did you know the whole second floor to his house is an art gallery? He's going to start tours and needs a manager, isn't that something. Well you get some rest and I'll see you later ok?" Then she headed for the door.

"Marinda?" he said over his shoulder.

She stopped at the door, "yes sir?"

"I would like you to go down right now and take inventory.'

"Now? Oh ok sir you're the boss."

When she left he shut the door and walked over to Ellie he grabbed her chin tightly looking deep into her eyes he wiped away the tears that where coming down her cheeks. He pulled her down straight on her back, placed his finger over her lips then gently grabbed the collar of the dress and ripped it off in one violent pull.

Her eyes went big, "You did read my thoughts, what can I say but I'm sorry for thinking that? I didn't mean it; I corrected it anyway. I didn't say it? Please your scaring me with your anger, tell me what you want from me? Am I not even owed my thoughts?"

Renald stroked her face with the back of his long fingernail then looked directly into her eyes, "Nothing my dear but I have decided you need to have a very long rest no visitors for a while." He stripped her naked covering her over with the blanket, then walked over to the dresser and grabbed a syringe. He sat down on the bed beside her.

"Your going to punish me for even thinking it? You are such a fair man." She looked at the needle as the tears fell.

"You are still looking for a way to get away aren't you? Haven't I been good to you, taking care of your every need? You know Ellie I don't think Marinda will be able to visit for a while now, I'm afraid your going to take a turn for the worse."

"Please I'm sorry, I'll be good please don't hurt me, I try not to think like that again." She cried.

"No I think you need to very long nap maybe a couple of days, maybe when you do wake up you'll be ready to behave."

"Renald I'm sorry I'm ready now please."

He ran his fingernail lightly down the side of her face, "Sleep my love." Then he stuck the needle into her arm.

When she woke up it was night, there was an IV in her arm again. He leaned over her, "Ready to behave yourself?"

"Yes I'll behave, and Marinda is..."

"Fine home in bed or maybe not her and David have been spending a lot of time together, I've been making sure she's busy here too. She pops in to visit you, but I make sure your well sedated, she thinks you got worse. I don't think I will let you have a visitor for a long while, you don't know how to behave."

Tears came to her eyes, "Silencing me for a couple of days wasn't enough? Please let me see Marinda? I have a feeling you're going to be in the room anyway, please?"

"Yes I will be, because I can't trust you can I? Of course if you where bound to me it wouldn't matter would it, in fact I could even stop hovering over you. I might even fix it so you can walk again, but ah forget it. No it's better to keep you immobilized, bed ridden so you can't run or hurt yourself."

"No wait, what is this bound business?"

"I don't think you'd like it much. You would be forfeiting your will allowing me full assess to you brain I could tell you for instance not to say anything to anyone, and you would not be able to. I could even fix your spine but no you don't want to be bound to a man you hate do you now Ellie?"

"I'm stuck here anyway, you are never going to let me go and besides if you can really fix it so that I can walk again, it would be worth it?"

"You must be sure before I bind you, once your bound to me that seal can never be broken, ever."

"But then I wouldn't have to worry about the wrong thing slipping out, making you angry, and it would be so nice to use my legs again. We could go for walks together." She looked up at him. "Was it your plan to keep me in this useless state? You want me to beg you to do it to me, then I'm begging please bind me and give me my legs back. To keep me like this, it's just cruel and I would rather you kill me now than leave me in this state any longer."

He raised his eyebrows up at her, "Don't you want to know what I do to you and what it means for you later?"

"Your going to be able to control my brain I get it, as for what you do to me I would rather not know please."
