The Captured Butterfly


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He placed her back into the bed covering her up. She hid her arms as he picked up the needle silent tears falling on her pillow.

"I'll go to sleep on my own, I promise. I won't run away or try to get out of bed please not that." She put her arms under her in a fruitless attempt to keep him from sticking the needle in them.

He sat down on the bed be side her. "Have I done anything to hurt you? Have you not been healing nicely? I want you to know Ellie that you can trust me and I want you to understand that if I say this is for the best right now than you believe it to be so." He dug underneath her and pulled her arm out of the covers, smoothing it out over the blankets. Watching her tears fall over her cheeks he pierced the needle into her arm then pushed the medication into her veins. As he slid the syringe from her arm he whispered in her ear "Sleep my love," she felt him kiss her lips as she drifted into darkness.

Chapter 9 The Final Decision

"Why was he still sedating her when she was clearly healing, he was preventing her from leaving him. But as the days with him increased she wanted to run away less and less," she thought as she started to wake up. She could feel the heat from the morning sun on her blankets but as she looked over at the chair where he usually sat he wasn't there. She could get out of bed and look for him but if she was ever going to get him to trust her she had to show good faith. She didn't want him thinking she was trying to get away again even thought she could get out of bed easier now and no longer had an IV stuck in her arm. She pulled herself up into a sitting position and waited for him patiently.

Minutes later he came through the door and she could tell by the look on his face he was not happy about something. He glinted at her.

"What's wrong?"

" Did you forget to inform me that you had invited someone to come to see you today?"

"Come to see me?" She looked lost for a moment. "Oh, what day of the week is it?"


Shyly she looked up at him giving him a slight smile, "Merinda is coming today?"

He crossed his arms over his chest, "No she isn't coming here she is already here. Why didn't you tell me you invited her here? You're much too ill to entertain her. I'm going to send her home."

"No, please you can't, she has no other place to go." She then looked down into her hands folded in her lap. "It's your fault she hasn't got a job or place to live. Renald when you closed off your funding to the gallery she was working at, so I couldn't go there," she looked up at him, "She lost her apartment too, it went with the place. She helped me...get threw some very hard times that I never would have without her. I can't turn her away in her time of need, please I can't."

He sat on the bed beside her and took her chin in his grasp, pulling her head up to look into her eyes. "How can I turn away someone that means that much to you? Alright but I won't have her interference with your recovery, is that understood?"

"Yes," I said with a big smile. "Thank you! Can I...see her today...please?"

"Um, I don't know," he still looked into her face as he lips started to turn down.

"Please?" the frown touched her eyes.

"Alright, but not before you eat all your breakfast and this afternoon you have to take another nap."

She smiled "I will I promise, thanks."

After her breakfast Merinda was allowed to come to see her. "What are you doing girl? See you shouldn't have left me now look at you, you're a broken mess," she laughed as she scooped down and gave her a huge hug.

"Hi to you too Merinda," Ellie shook her head. "So how was your trip?"

"Ah not so bad." She sat on the side of the bed. She looked down at the blankets coving her leg. "Broke your leg and almost your head too eh, Ellie you are such a good driver, how did this happen?"

"She glanced a quick look at Renald who was listening in the hall outside her room. "I...thought I saw someone on the road and swerved to avoid them when bam right into a tree. I woke up here a couple of days later."

Merinda looked at Renald too then back at her, "Are you...ok? I was talking to Mitch downstairs and she seems worried. She said she has only seen you once since the accident, apparently he," she thumbed toward Renald won't let her in fact I don't even think he was going to let me. El what's going on, eh?"

"He's just very protective and worried, he wants me to get better, that's all."

"Well I have to admit compared to what I was told you looked like, you're looking pretty good so he must be doing something right." She smiled. "You should try to see Mitch though she's really worried about you. Hey how about lunch with me down stairs, Mitch says you've even been downstairs on walks even outside. Maybe even ask Mitch to join us eh what about it?"

She looked up past Merinda he was standing behind her now. With pleading eyes she looked at him. "Can I please, I promise I'll take a good long nap this afternoon to make up for it."

Merinda swung her head around noticing how close to he had come without her knowing it then looked back at Ellie with squinting eyes.

"Alright but you are to take a small nap now first before lunch."

She smiled then looked at Merinda. Merinda had that questioning look and she didn't need to read her mind to know what she was thinking, "Ok what's going on here," but she would have to be careful and ease both her and Mitch's minds, she needed to reassure them both that he was only doing it all to help her. It was for their own good as much as hers after all.

"Ok well I should get moved into my room anyway so you have a good snooze and we'll see you at lunch ok?" She got up and kissed her on the cheek, "I missed you like hell you know? Get some rest ok." She waved and smiled as Renald closed the door.

He turned round and came to sit on the bed beside her while she scooted down under the covers ready for to have a sleep. She smiled up at him, "Thanks for letting me have lunch with them I promise I won't let it ware me out."

He leaned down into her face, "Sleep!"

She smiled and closed her eyes.

She woke from her nap letting her eyes immediately go toward the clock on the side table then right to him. She grinned at him, "Lunch time now?"

He shook his head and grinned back as he made his way to the closet to get her housecoat and something for her feet.

"You know when I get this stupid cast off I'm not going to have any socks that fit me, I'll have to wear socks that don't go together cause all their mates will be big enough to fit an elephant."

He laughed as he covered her feet and placed her housecoat on. "I'll buy you a sock factory how does that sound?" He grabbed the crutches out of the corner and after pulling her to a standing position placed them under her arms. He let her walk to the stairs then cared her down to the main floor. She hobbled into the kitchen with him behind her as she walked over to the table Mitch pulled a chair out and helped her sit down while Renald quietly walked over to the solarium and sat down.

Mitch gave her a hug and put her crouches against the counter, "Oh Miss Ellie it's so great to see you looking so much better now."

"It's good to be up having lunch with you too Mitch, hey how is your mom?" Ellie said as she turned her body towards the table.

"Ah not so good Miss Ellie she has a cold, my sister and I are afraid of her catching pneumonia and she's so frail, it just wouldn't be good you know?"

"Well if you need time off you just take it ok?" she said as she place a hand on Mitch's. She looked at the table, "Wow look at this; veggie and fruit tray, different cheeses, sandwiches and is that a fresh apple pie I see on the counter there?" They all started to put things onto their plates.

"It sure is Miss Ellie, Miss Marinda helped with the lunch and I baked the pie as soon as she told me about it. She's sure good at organizing things."

"You want to believe it sweetheart. Hey I guess all those years at the gallery added up to something eh?" she shrugged.

"Come on Mar you'll find something."

"Ya well not like that job, I really loved the gallery you know?" she said as a tear escaped the corner of one eye only to have it quickly wiped away, like it had a nerve to come out at all. "Anyway this is supposed to be a happy lunch for you, no more yucky talk. Hey before I got here I stopped at the store in town and you know I saw half our class there. You and I must have been the only ones that left this hick town. You know I bet if we had a class reunion everyone would be there." She stopped and her eyes got all glassy.

Ellie looked weird at her then giggled at her, "Oh no what is floating through that head now. I know that look and it usually means expensive and or trouble and not necessarily in that order." She laughed again and shook her head.

"No listen this could be fun you know a class reunion it would really liven up this little place.

"Marinda get serous this place is too small besides you forgot the host is laid up in bed and still has a broken leg, oh ya did I mention I'm not working right now?"

"Hey you wouldn't have to do a thing and as far as the size well that could be kind of fun specially if David Shows up?" she looked pleadingly at Ellie, "Please have a heart it could be so much fun."

As she shook her head from side to side she suddenly felt Renald's hands on her shoulders. "Actually that sounds like a good idea."

Ellie looked up at him. "What, here are you crazy?"

He smiled down at her and kissed the top of her head, "No she could have it in the ball room, at the estate."

Ellie just looked at him with her mouth open while the thrill of planning a large party took flight in Marinda's eyes.

He looked at Marinda, "If you like I can call Dorie right now and tell him to expect you to come talk to him this afternoon with the details. What ever you need just let him know and it will be taken care of." He smiled and flipped open his phone as she nodded her head up and down.

"Dorie, A Miss Marinda Davenport will be coming to see you this afternoon. Show her the ballroom; she will be organizing a party. Make sure every thing she wants will be taken care of." He then flipped it closed and smiled. "He is at your disposal." Ellie, still to stunned to speak quietly said, "Are you sure you want to do that?"

He smiled at her and walked over to the glass doors.

"Wow Ellie this is going to be so much fun and this time David will be my date. Mr. Branston the dance floor in your ball room might not ever be the same." She looked over at him.

With his eyes still on Ellie's he smiled, "That's ok Merinda the place needs to be woke up anyway."

Mitch started too gather the dishes and take them to the sink she brought some tea over and pieces of the pie.

"Oh Mitch you make the best apple pie I have ever tasted."

"Yum Mitch this is good."

Glad you both like it well I should get my work done, it was really nice sitting down with you two and having lunch. You take care of yourself Miss Ellie." She smiled as she touched her hand then went to the sink.

Well I guess the party is over but that's ok I have so many things to do. Hey El I'll be gone for the day. I hope you don't mind but I want a talk with David cause he knows everyone in town so he can help me with the list. Plus this afternoon I have an appointment with a butler. Will you be fine for supper alone? I might just talk David into having supper with me."

Ellie shook her head "That is a silly question, go and enjoy yourself. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"Oh girl that leaves it wide open." She laughed and kissed her on the cheek then sped down the hallway to the front door.

Renald grabbed her crutches then helped her get up.

"Can we go for a walk in the garden before I go back up there, please?"

He stopped and looked at her pleading face. "Alright but then its back upstairs for a rest." He opened the glass doors and followed her out and they walked threw the paths in silence. When they got to the bench he placed the crutches in her hand and carried them both up the incline placing her gently on the bench then sat down beside her.

After a few minutes of silence she looked at him, "Renald, are you sure you should be opening up your house to everyone?"

He looked at her and smiled, "Yes, it's time the place got shaken up, it's been...a very long time since that place saw joyful happy faces. It needs it!"

She saw a bit the flamed blackness in his eyes when he said it but then went back to grey again and he smiled.

"Long time? I'm guessing your engagement party, am I correct?

He looked into her face again, "Yes. Can we drop this please?" he said irritated.

She looked down into her lap, "Sorry!"

Her apology was followed by ten minutes of silence. She looked up at him, "She's the reason you don't trust me isn't she? It the reason you drug me at night?"

"Ellie I told you why I give you that medication. Now drop this, its time for you to go back anyway, you need your rest." He got up from the bench.

"I know you need to...feed that's why you sedate me so you can leave. I notice the red tint in your eyes in the morning. I know its hard for you to trust me because of Valerie and I haven't made it easy have I?" she looked up at him now.

He stared at her for a long time then sat down and faced her taking her chin firmly in his hand. "No you haven't and I regret having to do that too you every night. It breaks my heart to see the tears flow from you eyes every time I shoot that stuff in your arm but trust is not something that I can bend on, I'm sorry. Until your bound to me, you will be sedated. I am taking no more chances" He dropped her chin then faced the garden. "I won't allow you the chance to run away again."

There was a long period of silence as Ellie stared into her lap in thought. She raised her head and looked right at him, "Why don't you bind me to you then?"

He turned towards her and looked into her eyes. "I don't think you would like that anymore than the needle my dear. It is painful and permanent. Once you're bound to me there is not going back. The decision to be bound to a mate can never be broken and it would mean you would never be able to leave my side, ever. You would be making the decision to come to me."

"Will it hurt every night?"

"No, only when I do it to you."

"Will you ever have to stick that needle into my arm again once I am bound to you?"

"No, because you will not be able to go to far without me. Once bound to me you will have to keep within a certain distance."

She thought for a moment then looked right into his eyes, "Bind me to you then."

"Ellie you have to be sure about this cause once your bound to me there is not changing you mind later, your heart will be under my control and it can cause you pain if you try to escape. I could easily stop it if I chose to."

"I don't plan to run away from you anymore so that won't be a problem. I have a choice of a life with you or death; I'm too young to die yet. I want you to bind me to you."

He took her chin into his hand and bent down towards her lips. His lips sent shocks into her body as his closed onto hers. He pulled her to him and whispered into her ear, "Than bind you I shall, after tonight, you will belong to me." They sat there together looking into the garden. Eventually they got up and slowly walked back to the house.

He brought her up stairs and put her to bed, "You still need to rest and I will be down stairs making some plans for tonight so I can stay the night," He smiled. He kissed her on the nose then touched her eyelids with his finger tips, "Sleep love," then he snuck out the door.

She woke up to him kissing her cheek. "Good evening," he pulled her to the side of her bed, and then stood her up. "Follow me my darling." That's when she noticed a candle lit dinner right there in her very own room.


He smiled and pulled out the chair for her. "Sit." When she sat down he move towards the other chair grabbing a silver cup, like the one from his estate, and watched while she ate. "I decided that this is a very special night so I sent everyone home till the morning. I will be staying with you tonight."

As she placed the last morsel into her mouth he rose from his chair and with a swift quick movement she was swept up into his arms. He slowly walked over to her bed and with one hand pulled the covers right to the bottom of the bed. He gently laid her on the bed he undid the buttons on her nightgown. Fear started to show up in her eyes as she moved her hands to her nightgown. He looked into her eyes, "Trust me Ellie, you must trust me." He gently placed her hands down at her sides again and continued, pulling the nightgown off exposing her naked body. She could feel the fear seep into her belly like it was waiting for the fire that would ignite it. He fanned her hair out onto her pillow above her head then traced a line with his fingernail to the bell of her throat. "I am about to show you pleasures in which you have never experienced before," he whispered in her ear. Then his tongue licked her jaw, slipping over to her open mouth then diving deep inside sending sparks of cravings throughout her body. He brought his tongue over her chin down to the hollow of her throat then with one vicious flick up towards her chin; he sent her head and chest upwards making her dizzy. His tongue followed a trail down her throat again to her breast and his tongue teased her nipples awake making them hard and wanting. He undressed himself while teasing her skin with his tongue making all her body tingle with delight. The cries from her lips where ones of need and he quickly covered them with his while his hands parted her legs opening her need for his entry. As he climbed on top of her, his tongue moved towards her neck licking the side making her burn with desire. Her body arched as he entered her, "Ellie do you relinquish your heart to me, tell me you do?"

"Yes take it, take me, now!"

He thrust deep inside her making her body move like a wave on an ocean. Then as she felt his full amount flow into her she thrust out all her juices to join his and within that second she felt the sting at her neck. She could feel her blood being drawn to that spot in her neck and the warmth gave her pleasure. Then as the feeling eased it was replaced with ripping pain that shot down her veins to her heart. It sent a sharp pain around her heart squeezing the life from it and for one quick minute she couldn't breath and then it was over. He released her neck then licked the wound. "There, it will be healed over by tomorrow morning." As her body relaxed he kissed her nose then sat up against the headboard pulling her up with him.

She looked up into his face; "Wow!" was all she could say.

He laughed, "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

They lied there in silence for a long while; suddenly she looked up at him again. "I have never felt like that before. You made me feel so...special."

He smiled at her, "that is because you are special, tonight you gave your heart over to me, you have decided you are going to give me a son, and someday you will come join me forever. You are my mate for eternity." He rose from the bed and got her glass and his silver cup then went back to the bed. "To us," and they clinked cups lightly.

While they sat there, she snuggled up to his chest she looked up into his face, "Renald, can I ask you a question?"

He looked down at her and smiled, "sure."

"This is just hypothetical, after being made love to like that, who in their right mind would want to leave, it's not even an open option anymore but what happens know, try to leave?"

His eyes went dark for a minute centring with a glowing flame then it disappeared again. He smiled down at her, gently placed his hand over her heart then tapped it ever so lightly, to make it to skip a beat. It didn't cause her any pain but it made her look at him with a bit of fear. "Oh," she said a little shocked.