The Case of the Murdered Man


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Now I had my work cut out for me. I climbed the latter and put up all the outside decorations with the help of my son, while inside Maria and Jenny finished up the decoration to the tree and the rest of the house.

The "girls" also managed to prepare a great dinner. After dinner was cleaned up, we all sat in the living room and admired our handy work. Soon it was just Maria and I sitting there as the kids went up to their rooms to "do their own thing."

I got up and went into the kitchen. I put on a tea kettle for tea, while I waited for it to boil, I poured Maria a glass of red wine. I picked red because she had picked up that bottle while we were shopping and I figured she must like it.

When I delivered her glass I got a nice smile. When I came back in the room with my tea, she really looked at me funny. So I thought I'd better explain to her, "why".

"Jenny has asked me not to drink. The smell forces her to relive those terrible months at the hands of her captors. I guess the smell reminds her of those poor souls hanging next to her waiting to be butchered." I said softly.

"We need to get her some help, "was her only reply.

We sat side by side on the couch, both lost in our thoughts. I don't know how long we sat there like that but I felt her head settle on my shoulder and her hand join with mine. For the first time in years, I felt contented.

The 11:00pm news was just finishing up when Maria lifted her head and looked into my eyes. I felt that we were going to kiss. I was wrong. She squeezed my hand and stood up. She took my tea cup and her wine glass into the kitchen.

"I don't know about you but it's past my bedtime, "she said returning to the living room.

I stood up and turned off the tree and shut down the TV. When I got finished, I found her waiting for me at the foot of the stairs. We climbed the stairs hand in hand and walked to her room.

Outside her door she put her arms around my neck and said, "Thank you for letting me join your family."

She then kissed me softly on the lips, turned and entered her room. She closed the door behind her. Standing in the hall, I heard ,"No Percy! Please go to bed, it's too soon."

I had a hard time going to sleep that night. My mind was a mess. It was the first time in a long time I didn't want to sleep along.


I was wide awake. It was 3:00 am and all I could think about was Percy's kiss outside my bedroom door. It had lit a fire in my belly that I hadn't felt since I buried my husband 10 years ago.

Telling Percy "no" was the toughest thing I had ever done.

I wanted him in my bed with every pore in my body.

The sun was starting to rise when I finally drifted off to sleep.


The days leading up to Christmas were hectic. There were last minute gifts, parties to attend and all the things that make Christmas, Christmas.

When Christmas Eve finally arrived everybody brought their present to each other. The floor around the tree was full. I guess everybody went a little overboard. As we were opening our gifts, I saw rather than heard a car sneaking into the driveway. I waited about 15 minutes and invited Todd and Jenny out the front door. While they were getting on their coats, I snuck into the kitchen and turned on the driveway flood lights.

All of a sudden I heard the screams form outside. I guess they discovered their "Big" presents. I had bought two cars from the police impound lot. They weren't the best, but they were cheap and both kids loved theirs. Todd would use his to be a teenager and Jenny would use hers to drive to her classes at our local college and the "Mall."

Maria and I stood in the snow and watched the two kids. They were running back and forth telling each other what "their" car had.

Maria put her hand in mine and said, "You continue to amaze me! Put your arm around me its cold out here." I did as she ordered. One because it was cold out here, and two, I liked the way she felt.

After we were completely chilled, Maria dragged me into the kitchen. She made hot chocolate for the four of us. I eventually had to lay down the law to get the kids back in the house. Something about the fact that I still had the car keys turned the trick.

Once we were settled in the living room, we went back to opening our presents. There was a large shirt box with Todd's name on it from Maria. When Todd opened them he found a bunch of legal documents. He handed them to me to translate. I glanced over at Maria and she was just beaming. I started the examination of the paperwork. On top of the pile was a document declaring that Todd had completed his sentence and all the records of his juvenile crimes are now sealed. The second document was a declaration by Todd's mother turning all parental rights over to me and relinquishing her rights. I checked and both the documents were signed by Maria as the presiding judge.

I looked at her and mouthed, "Thank you." I explained to Todd what all those papers did. When I finished he was crying and hugging Maria so hard I swear she started to turn blue.

Then he got serious, "Does this mean you'll no longer be in my life?"

"Todd I will always be there for you until you no longer want me there. Then I'll start spying on you, "she said with a great big smile.

"Will you join us for Christmas next year and at my graduation?" he asked.

"As long as your father wants me here, "was her answer.

I just smiled at her and nodded "yes."

I noticed that when most of the presents were opened, I snuck up to my bedroom to get Maria's gift. When I handed it to her, she got a funny look on her face because the bag it was in came from a local jewelry store. The box in the bag was too big for a "ring" box. As she looked at it she looked relieved by its size, but also she looked disappointed by its size. She opened it and found the jeweled ear ring and matching necklace staring back at her. Her eyes started to tear up as she looked at me and mouthed, "Thank you."

I leaned across the couch and quickly kissed her, "Merry Christmas, darling, "I whispered.

She ran out of the room and we could hear her bedroom door slam. I guess I screwed up.

Both of the kids were concerned about her, I asked them to give her a little personal time. They gave her about half an hour before visiting her room. It took about an hour but the kids finally returned.

"She's OK now, Dad; she just needs a little quiet time, "was their answer to my look.

They said good night and left me sitting in a darkened room. I soon tired and went to bed.


Maria felt all the hurt of her husband's death return when she opened Percy's gift. The hurt was now compounded by her feelings for Percy. She had her loyalty to her dead husband and her new love for Percy.

She had to leave the room before she broke down and ruined everyone's Christmas.

She ran into her bedroom and threw herself on the bed. She cried her heart out.

I found myself being held by Jenny and Todd. They were telling me I was safe and no one would hurt me as long as their Dad had anything to do with it.

The three of us rested on my bed. It was like a big group hug. I never felt so loved in my entire life.

I guess I must have dozed off because it was quiet in the house when I opened my eyes. I got off the bed and started getting undressed.

I heard Percy walk by my door and go into his bedroom.

I knew what I had to do.


As I was getting undressed I heard a soft knock on my door. Thinking it was one of the kids I tossed on a robe and opened the door. Maria was standing there in her house coat with very red eyes. She looked as if she had been crying very hard for a long time.

"Can I come in? I want to explain, "She asked.

I stepped aside and invited her in, closing the door behind her.

She sat on my bed and started, "Just before my husband lost his battle with cancer, he bought me a matched set of earrings and necklace. When I saw your gift it brought back all the pain from that time. Please hold me and make the pain go away."

I took her in my arms and we just sat on the bed and hugged. After way to short a time, from my perspective, she jumped up and walked to my mirror. From her pocket she pulled out the ear rings I had given to her and put them on, and turned to face me. She pulled the zipper open and the housecoat and let it drop. All she had on were the ear rings and the necklace.

"Please be gentle, you're the first since my husband died, "she asked.

We had a great night together. No one had ever given me such a nice Christmas present. We awoke early and made love again before taking a shower together and dressing for breakfast. Todd and Jenny were sitting at the breakfast table. Both of them looked like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland because of their smiles. Maria and I blushed. Jenny took her hand and said, "Welcome to our family." Todd patted me on the back and whispered, "Atta boy Dad."

After we finished breakfast Todd and Jenny announced they were going to visit friends and wouldn't be back until dinner time.

"Want us to call first before we return?" They asked.

Maria blushed again.

Maria and I spent until 3:00 pm in my bed. I guess we were trying to catch up on lost time. I was exhausted and she was walking funny, but we were both head over heels in love.


Percy was taking a nap after the third time that day we had made love.

I lay there watching him sleep. He was my man and I loved him. I knew that we were both too old to start another family, but it would be fun trying.

I was sore between my legs, but it was a nice pain. He could make her a little sore there anytime he wanted.

She let her thoughts drift to resigning her judgeship and what she would move here to his house.

She looked back to the man she loved and decided that he had had enough sleep. She wanted him in her again.


When New Year's Eve rolled around, Maria and I found ourselves at the Chief's house for his "important" people New Years Eve party. And all the important people were there. As I looked around I started pointing out all the local politicos to Maria.

"Why are we here?" asked Maria. "You don't run in these circles. I'd rather be back in your bed. It's a lot more fun."

"We'll leave early, "I promised.

We did!

Maria and I brought in the New Year in bed.

It was a sad time around my house when Maria had to return to Oregon. But she did promise to return for Todd's High School Graduation in June. I promised to try and visit her in Oregon, frequently.


It was February and I was feeling low because I missed Maria when my phone rang. It was the crime lab. "You want to come down here and look at this," said a familiar voice.

I signed myself out and drove over to their building.

"What's up," were the first words out of my mouth.

"Look at this, "I was pointed to a microscope. There I found myself looking at two identical bullets.

"So?" I questioned.

"The left one is from the Club shooting, the right one from the site where Sharon died, "was the answer I received. "They came from the same gun."

I had trouble wrapping my head around that fact. The Club shooting and the site where Sharon died were related. I looked at the tech and said, "Don't let these get lost; something really big is going on here. Let's keep this under our hats."

And I added, "This makes two fishy happenings with the Club case."

On the way back to my office, I started running the facts around in my head

1. There was a drug related gangland shooting in an upscale Club. One victim was shot more times than was normal for this type of shooting. The Taskforce claimed a drug kingpin was the target, but this woman who happened to be in the process of divorcing an important Politian, received more gunshots than the kingpin. She wasn't sitting that near him.

2. A newspaper reporter, who revealed these facts, was killed in an auto accident. The accident occurred on a lonely country road. There were no witnesses. The car caught fire and burned. The only way they could identify the body was through dental records. It was a very hot fire. The CSI techs on the scene felt there was something wrong with the crime scene, but couldn't put their fingers on exactly what.

3. One bullet from the Club murders and one bullet from the murder scene we were investigating when Sharon was killed were from the same gun.

Somehow these crimes were connected. It felt as if someone was eliminating people who knew too much.

I got a headache trying to fit the pieces together.

I got back to my squad room and started going through all the files from all three cases looking for anything could find.

I went home that night stumped. But I was determined to catch them. They had killed my partner.


Valentine's Day rolled around. Jenny informed me that a guy she met in college had asked her to go with him to a party. I said she could go, but I'd like to meet the guy who wanted to take my "daughter" out.

"OK, but he said that he already knew you," was her answer.

I started running all the college age waiters, busboys, and grocery baggers I knew through the prism of my mind. No one stood out as acceptable.

When the doorbell rang I was surprised to find Dean Begy, the local patrol officer, standing at my front door. He was wearing a suit and carrying a box of candy and some flowers. He stood there looking nervous as hell.

"I suspect that those flowers and candy are for me?" I commented.

His face registered panic.

Then I smiled and said, "I was only kidding. Come on in, "I said. You could see him start to breathe again.

"So where did you meet my daughter?" I inquired.

"We are both taking classes at college and met in one of them, "was his answer.

"OK, do you remember when I first moved in out here and I said that there was someone looking for me?"

He nodded.

"Well its Jenny he's after. It was that serial killer from last year. Are you carrying your gun?"I asked.

He shook his head "No."

We walked into my study and opened the gun safe. I handed him my .50 cal Desert Eagle, two clips and a holster. "Put it on," I instructed.

While he was putting the holster on and loading the clip into the butt, I continued, "He really big, about 6'8" and 300+ pounds. One shot won't stop him, empty the clip into him. "

"Remember he's crazy and won't stop until dead, so none of the usual cop warnings. Just kill him, "I added.

Jenny was coming down the so we broke off the conversation and walked into the living room to great her. She lit up like a 1000 watt light bulb when she saw Dean. I smiled at them and walked them to the door.

As they were leaving I said, "Have fun but don't do anything that I wouldn't do."

Jenny started to reply when she suddenly turned red. I guess she was remembering Maria and I at Christmas.

"Dad!" was the response I got.

About 11:00 pm I called Maria on the West coast. I got the answering machine and left a message that I missed her.

At 3:00am my phone went off, at first I thought it was one of the kids in trouble so I grabbed it and yelled, "Where are you, I'll be right there?"

"Home in bed. Do you promise to come right over?" Maria's voice said.

"I love you," was my answer.

We talked until the sun rose in my time zone. No we didn't have phone sex. But we did talk about some of the things we were going to do the next time we met and there was a bed handy.

I made up my mind to take a vacation as soon as possible; I wanted Maria in my arms again.


The crime rate was at low ebb now. It was winter and it was just too nasty for even criminals to go out. So I was sitting in at my desk thinking. Well not exactly thinking, I was reading the sports section of the newspaper when the business section of the paper fell on the floor.

I picked it up and noticed an article about our local senator. It seems he was embroiled in a law suit against his late wife's trust fund. He was trying to get control of her $100,000,000 trust. It seems that she was the only heir to her family fortune. The trustees were resisting his efforts.

As I sat there reading the article I remembered she was one of the victims at the Club shooting. She was the one who had been shot too many times in my opinion for a bystander. I think I had just discovered a reason to kill her, to be exact, 100,000,000 reasons. I started pulling some of the files out of storage to have another look.

This time I re-read the reports with a different perspective. When the killings first took place, everyone was working under the assumption that it was drug related because a drug kingpin was killed. But what if he wasn't the target, what if the senator's wife was. That trust fund was one hell of a motive.

I'm not a financial guy. I'm lucky I can add 2+2 and get 4. But I have a friend that is. In my earlier years, I had helped catch the killer of his father. The killer was a lowlife who was trying to rob his father. The father fought back and received two .32 specials in the belly. I did my job and caught the lowlife, who got life. The son never forgot my involvement and became my money manager when I got the award from my ex-wife's lawyer. I don't understand how he accomplished it, but I now had a couple of million in my account.

My original plan was to retire from police work and buy a hunting/fishing camp in the woods someplace and take up a new career. My plan was put on hold when I suddenly became a father with a home to support and two kids.

I had 23 years with the force and I was ready to retire. I was tired of all the senseless violence. There were only two cases I wanted to solve. I wanted to kill the bastard who had kidnapped my Jenny, and I wanted to solve the Club Shooting.

Did I say I was planning on taking justice into my own hands with Jenny's kidnapper?

Damn right I did.

No "Goody Two Shoes" was going to save him from what he so rightly deserved.

I put my hand on my .50 cal hand gun and just rubbed it a little.

I pulled myself out of my revengeful daydream, and placed a call to my financial guy. When he answered I asked him to lunch. We agreed to meet at a fancy restaurant near his office at 1:00 the next day.

When I arrived at the restaurant the next day I was a little early. The Matre'd decided that I wasn't the type of customer that belonged in "his" restaurant. I looked at that little 5'6" creep and started to pull his chain. This was a very expensive French restaurant and I wasn't dressed in the required $1000 suits and other fancy clothes. I was in my wrinkled cop clothes and un-shined shoes.

I opened my coat and put my badge on my belt. My gun was now in plain view. He started to back away; I grabbed him by his skinny arm and pulled him back right in front of me.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" I yelled. The restaurant got quiet.

He wet himself.

I let him go and pushed him away with a look of disgust on my face about the time the owner arrived from his office. He took one look at me and yelled, "Hi Percy! Where you been? I haven't seen you in ages." I had helped one of his employees once. He never forgot.

"Working "I replied. "I decided to stop in and get a burger or maybe a ham & cheese sandwich."

He started laughing and put his arm around my shoulders. The restaurant returned to normal.

One of the waiters filled in for the Matre'd that day.

The owner and I sat at a small table in the rear of the dining room. We chatted about our lives until my financial guy showed up. When our waiter showed up, the owner said, "No check for Detective Holmes and his party, ever." He bid us goodbye and left to go back to running his business and hiring a new Matre'd.
