The Chronicles: Notomol Ch. 03


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The speakers are friends of Vidrik. He himself is careful not to say anything negative. He smiles, and ingratiates himself with everyone. In that sense, he reminds me of that parasite Heras Koymil. But he allows (and doubtless encourages) his followers to question and criticize Notomol. They direct most of their comments to the new men from Hvad Town.

At least they did, until Dubek chose to answer. Adser and Bakhva were complaining that Notomol was no true warrior.

- "That so?" said Dubek. "Funny - I saw him at the river, when the Izumyrians landed. I don't remember you two being there. And Doreg was at the Battle in the Gut. Were you?"

"You know ... this little band, with nine men and two women, took down 15 Izumyrians near Dienik's steading. Fifteen! Imagine that!"

"How many have you killed?"

Adser and Bakhva had no reply. They have steered clear of Dubek since then.

I must admit that I was surprised to hear Dubek speak in that manner. I was astonished. He is still Dubek, of course: crude, and loutish. But perhaps he has some redeeming qualities after all.


I really didn't like Vidrik. I heard the talk, and I knew that he was the source. I had to make sure that Notomol knew what they were saying.

- "Thank you." he said. "But I'm not deaf, Kolasovets. There's just not much I can do about it, at the moment. I am working on it."

- "It's not fair, though!"

- "Maybe not. But they really don't know me - or any of us. I have to prove myself, to gain their confidence."

- "You have proved yourself." I insisted.

- "They haven't seen anything, yet. Wait until we've had a chance to fight side by side. That should change everything." he said. "Look - you don't have to like everyone on our side. But we do have to try our best to work with them."

I wasn't so sure. He was trying to go about this the honourable way, while they were using underhanded methods, slandering him behind his back. But it was plain that he wasn't going to listen to me.

I went back to the part of the camp that I shared with the brothers, with Motekin, and the women.

To my disgust, there was Vidrik, smiling as he chatted with Senderra.

I saw red, for a moment. No, I didn't lose my mind - but I was angry, and I wasn't about to stand idly by while Vidrik tried to use his charm on Senderra.

I walked up, to within about five yards of them. Then I sat down, pulled out my tools and materials, and started to fletch an arrow. I tried to appear as calm and as unconcerned as I could, but my heart was thumping in my chest.

- "Hey, Kolasovets." said Senderra.

- "Hey." I kept my head down, and didn't even look at her.

Vidrik clearly didn't appreciate the interruption.

- "Why not take a walk, little man?" he said. "Take your little arrow somewhere else."

- "Nah." I said. "I'm comfortable here." Again, I didn't look up.

- "It wasn't a suggestion, dwarf." he growled.

- "You're a terrible judge of character, Vidrik." said Senderra.

- "What?"

- "You insult my friends, even as you try to undermine my brother ... and you seriously think that I'm going to fall for your smiles and your flattery?"

Now I looked up. Vidrik looked confused. Senderra looked magnificent. I was so proud of her at that moment.

"Why don't you take a walk, Vidrik." she said. "Take your little arrow somewhere else."

He might have been a fool, but Vidrik wasn't a complete idiot. He could tell when he was beaten.

- "We'll talk another time." he said.

- "Probably not." said Senderra.

Vidrik managed a smile even as he retreated. I blew out a long breath the moment he was gone.

"Thank you, Kolasovets." said Notomol's sister. "But just so you know: I was safe the whole time. Evane is right behind you, keeping an eye on me."

And there she was. Senderra's friend grunted in my direction, and walked away.

Senderra shook her head. But then she smiled at me. "Doesn't mean I don't appreciate what you were trying to do. Thanks again."


I was more than a little nervous. It was the first time I'd gone into a fight without Notomol nearby. I was also trying to keep one eye on Senderra, to make sure that she wasn't in trouble. Now I understood why Notomol hadn't wanted his sister to join us.

His plan was a little more complicated, this time. We used Yadha's extensive contacts around the Ban's steading, and determined that an Izumyrian patrol of 20 men would be going out to requisition food. They would also be shadowed by a second group of soldiers, 30 strong.

If the first party was ambushed, the second force would be in position to surprise the ambushers.

Knowing these things, Notomol split us into two groups. Yadha led the brothers and me, Senderra and Evane, and Aunam. We waited for the second Izumyrian force, and attacked them without any warning.

Our first volley was our most effective: four arrows struck their targets. As usual, we aimed at the officers first. My arrow flew straight and true. Two officers went down, and another was wounded.

Our second shots were not so precise. Senderra killed her man. I think that Yadha and Evane wounded two more, but the rest of us missed.

We didn't waste any more arrows. Instead, we took to our heels.

Thankfully, the Izumyrians did exactly as Notomol had predicted: their first instinct was to pull together. But once they saw us running, they pursued us into the woods. We ran. Yadha had already plotted our route. It was mostly uphill, over stony paths and rough ground.

We got away.

That was all we meant to do - annoy and distract the second group of soldiers - while the rest of our band ambushed the first Izumyrian party.

It didn't go quite as planned.


Journal Entry #25

Notomol's plan was excellent.

The diversion by Yadha and the archers worked to perfection. They killed three or four Izumyrians, and then led the rest of their force on a wild-goose chase through the woods

That left the bulk of our band lying in wait for the food-gathering patrol: 24 of us against 20 of them. We also had the advantage of surprise. But that was squandered when Bakhva let out a whoop. He saw Notomol stand to fire his first shot, and couldn't restrain himself.

Notomol missed - as did Ille. Fortunately for us, Ermanar felled an officer with his sling. A moment later, everyone else charged forward.

We had the advantage of surprise, as I said. But the Izumyrians rallied quickly, and presented a row of shields and spear points.

Dubek was an irresistible force. Dusca actually drove her enormous boar spear into an Izumyrian's stomach. Vidrik and his friend Adser smashed through the Izumyrian line.

The real damage, though, was done on the edge of the line, where some of Vidrik's companions turned the Izumyrian flank. The enemy soldiers pulled back, only to reform further back. Notomol shot one of their officers, but it didn't seem to affect them.

Nine of the Izumyrians were killed or seriously wounded. But that success came at a cost: we lost 4 of our own - the two most unskilled fighters from the town, one of the Ban's druzhina, a friend of Vidrik, and Valarav the woodsman. His axe was no match for a shield and spear.

Vidrik and his friends were elated by our 'great success" - though they blamed Notomol for missing his shot, and not eliminating the Izumyrian commander at the outset.

I know that my friend was unhappy. This was the first time that we'd lost anyone in a fight. In addition to the four dead, we had three lightly wounded.

The plan was sound. I, for one, do not blame Notomol.


We moved again, at once, back south of Notomol's house. There were good hunting grounds there - food remained a priority - and the area was quiet. But the main burden of hunting fell on the same small group, as Notomol sent Yadha, Ermanar and Aunam to find out how the Izumyrians were responding to our latest attack.

If they were changing their habits, or if they'd received significant reinforcements, we had to know about it. I understood the logic.

Yadha returned within the week. The old man looked exhausted. He had to sit down on a fallen log before he could begin to talk. Notomol, Vidrik, Doreg and Dubek surrounded him.

- "What news, old man?" demanded Vidrik.

Yadha smirked at him, and took his own sweet time before answering.

- "Baron Harke is on his way. Wit'a hunnerd men. Lookin' for us." he said. "An' they know the right direction - someone remembered your name, Notomol, an' the fact you was a Guardsman."

- "Shit." muttered Dubek.

A hundred men. Three new men had come to join us after our last successful fight. But they barely replaced the four men we'd lost in that fight. There were 30 of us - against a hundred.

- "Oh, it's worse than that." said Yadha. "After what happened at Dienik's steadin', the Iz'myrans are sendin' 500 men to Stonje - to 'pacify' the province."

- "Pacify?" said Doreg. "What does that even mean?"

Motekin answered. I hadn't even seen him, standing close by behind me. "It means that they will kill anyone who does not immediately knuckle under. And, I fear, it means that there will be more Dusovas."

- "But why now?" asked Notomol. "Dienik's steading was almost a month ago."

Yadha shook his head.

- "No." he said. "After we pulled out, someone else attacked the Iz'myrans who were left. They captured Dienik's steadin' ... and killed every last one of the enemy."


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Comentarista82Comentarista82about 1 month ago

Evane reminds me TONS of Meeli Deadeyes.


I will mention something about the work "f**k," which is that its first recorded use occurred in 1535 in its current spelling. Since we're talking about 937 here... Hardly worth dinging the story for, but others can find the same in the Online Etymology Dictionary.


The Achilles' heel here is letting Vidrik badmouth Notomol's leadership, although I remember it will resolve later.

Richard1940Richard19405 months ago

i think Comentarista82 is on the right track. Still enjoying it.

pk2curiouspk2curiousover 1 year ago

Yes . I agree they will need GR8er numbers . So far so good . And the stort is even better .

Comentarista82Comentarista82over 1 year ago

I would like to know who killed the remaining Izumyrians when Notomol's group left, as that would mean there's more to join with Notomol!

Love both interludes with Kolasovets and Senderra: the trees "interpretation" proved so fascinating, although I don't know why Kolasovets regretting sharing about the Birch with her, as it was only information and for all we know, Senderra didn't register it as more than that. I LOVED when Senderra wittily told that oaf to "take his little arrow somewhere else," as she's warming to Kolasovets.

I really find it odd, though, that you'd have fighters join that are trying to undermine Notomol. While he may very well "win them over," that's exactly what no one should face when keeping sharp is the priority. They don't need the infighting to distract them from their goal, as now they'll be quite harried and hard-pressed to evade the search parties trying to find them and eliminate them.

Thanks for such an intriguing tale! Loving every installment...just wishing each part could come faster. 5

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