The Club


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"I'm so sorr-" the young man started.

"Kiss me," Jeremy said. Her eyes focused on Todd.

"Are... yeah?"

Without waiting and knowing that she'd soon lose her nerve, Todd turned and went to her tip-toes to kiss the young man full on the lips. He wrapped his arms around her and she relaxed, going down to her feet as he bent down to her. They kissed deeply and she felt herself melt in his arms. He was so warm. After an eternity, they pulled apart.

"Did... did you like that?" He asked, eyes locked on hers.

"Yes," she whispered.No. No, I didn't. I'm not. I'm not gay.Jeremy looked down. "Again."

"I'm sorry?" The man said.

"Kiss me ag-"

This time the man interrupted her, picking her head up to kiss her deeply and she wrapped herself around him until she gasped out when her back thudded against a hard wall. She lost herself in it, gasping and moaning as the man's fingers worked along her body. When Jeremy came to, panting, burning,needing, Todd was standing and wiping her chin. The other woman looked down at a mound of cum on her hand. She smiled and lapped it up.

Jeremy groaned, shifting her feet.

"I hope," Todd said, looking at her man. "That there's more where that came from?"

"Oh yeah," her man said, voice husky while he zipped up his pants.

"Are you-? Do you want to-?" Jeremy's partner said.

No, she thought.Oh god, no. I'm not a woman. I'm not. I'mNOT. Oh Jesus fuck I'm-

"Yes," she said. She reached for him, hand sliding down to his crotch to squeeze his hard cock. It felthuge in her small hands.

The walk to the men's dorm was short but every step took years for Jeremy. Her mind fought her every stop while her body remembered the man's touch. The man's lips on hers. How she felt in his arms. How empty she was. How fuckingfantastiche smelled. Her thighs felt sticky and she desperately wanted to touch herself. But, more than that, she wantedHIMto touch her.

She didn't remember walking into the house. She couldn't remember stepping into the room. And, yet, here she stood, nearly vibrating from nervousness and desire. Todd and her man wasted no time getting naked, throwing clothes as they chased each other into a bed on the far side of the room. Todd's loud moans soon filled the room making Jeremy blush down to her toes. Beside her, her partner shifted and cleared his throat.

"You, uhh," he said. She looked at him and her pulse sped while she cursed it. "You don't have to do this, you know?"

"I-" Jeremy paused.I don't. I really really don't. I can just... I can just leave. I can go back to my dorm and just... just touch myself. Just work out this ache. Oh god. Oh god. Just... just touch myself and rub myself until I cum and then maybe I'll be done. Maybe it'll just-

Todd screamed and Jeremy glanced at her. She was riding the other man, large ass slapping the man's thighs while the man squeezed her enormous tits. The other woman fell against the man, her body shaking. Jeremy watched, hoping and praying for some small changes to show after her friend's orgasm. Some small changes to show she was turning back into a man.Anything.

"I hope there's more where that came from," Todd's partner said with a laugh.

Without an answer, Todd pushed herself up, nipples brushing the man's hairy chest. She worked her hips up and down, back and forth, smiling at the man.

I could...Jeremy thought.I could just... what does it feel like? That? What... what is it like?She could feel her partner's warm arms around her still. She could taste him on her lips. Whatwouldit feel like with him inside of her?

Slowly, shyly, Jeremy grabbed bottom of her shirt and lifted, shivering as it slid over her aching nipples.

Oh god,she thought.What if I look wrong? What if I'm still a-

She couldn't finish the thought. Turning away from her partner, she slid the shirt off and dropped her to look down at herself. Her small, pert breasts were firm and perfect and she breathed a sigh of relief. Crossing her arms to cover her breasts, she turned back to her lover. She couldn't look him in the eyes. Her face was on fire and she wanted him to touch her but she couldn't find the words.

Gently, her lover took her hands and pulled. Jeremy felt a single tear leak from her eyes. Whether from shame at her change or just pure emotions rolling through her body, she couldn't tell. She jumped, gasping as he touched her nipple. And then, he went to a knee before her. Jeremy looked away, hands to her side as her lover pressed his face against her breast. His tongue flicked lightly at her nipple and Jeremy shuddered. He worked his tongue in a circle over her fat nipple.

With a moan and a sigh, Jeremy reached her arms around the boy's head, holding him tight against her breast. She felt a sharp tickling sensation that grew within her breast and shot lightning down to the building pressure between her thighs. She hissed when the boy tugged at her jeans.

Todd cried out again, giggling as she came for a second time.

"I'm sorry," Jeremy's partner said. "We can just-"

Jeremy reached for her own buttons and turned again. Her heart beat in her chest and her one nipple shined wetly in the overhead light. It felt sore in a good way but her other nipple ached for the same attention.

Slowly, Jeremy worked her jeans down her slim waist. They pooled around her feet. Her ass was small and rounded and there was a small gap between her thin thighs. She flushed as she realized her cock was still there. Barely half an inch long, it jutted from beneath a fleshy hood. The head of it was no longer flared and it glistened red but it was still not what it should be.

Oh no. Oh no, I'm a freak. I'm a freak. I can't. Oh no.Tears welled at her eyes and she almost reached for her pants until she felt a large warm hand on her smooth back.

"You're beautiful," her partner said. "My name's Jonathon. Jonathon Reid. I'm... I'm not dating anyone but, uhh, but if you're interested? Maybe? I could? We don't have to do this tonight. Why don't we get coffee and get to know each other?"

A single tear dropped from Jeremy's eyes. Amazingly, she felt herself relax. His voice was so soothing. She could hear the concern and desire in his voice and it sent a thrill along her body. Shewantedhim, this man. She wanted thisman.

Jeremy arched her back, pressing herself against the man's crotch. She rubbed him, biting her lip as his bulging jeans slid against her wetness.

"I'm-" she paused. "I'm Jenny. I... I need you. Tonight. Now. I need you." And she knew it was true. Desperately true.

Jonathon unzipped his pants and Jenny felt his thick, warm cock slap against her lower back. She moaned, pressing back and forth to feel it slid against her smooth skin. Warm, strong hands gripped her shoulders while she moved. She rocked, finding her rhythm and suddenly felt his balls against her pussy. It was too much. It much for her to resist.

Reaching back with a slim hand, Jenny took Jonathon's cock. It throbbed in her hand and she gripped it, pulling at it while admiring his girth. The ache in her belly flared and she gasped, rocking forward until the head of his cock slid against her sopping wet lips.

"Ohhhh," Jenny moaned. "Ohhh Jesus." She held him in place and slowly pushed back, hissing as her muscles opened for the first time. It hurt badly and she froze, trying to relax.

"Are you okay?" Jonathon asked. His voice was deep and his fingers dug into her shoulders.

"Yes," Jenny gasped. "Yes. Just. I'm-"

"Are you a-"

"Just slowly." She bit her lip again to keep from crying out. Sliding back millimeter by millimeter. It hurt badly but the pleasure of him inside of her was unlike anything she'd ever felt. She felt his head rubbing against ...things... inside of her. It slid against a certain spot that made her gasp and then kept going. Further and further until she could take no more. She convulsed against him and her tight virgin lips flared out around his thick cock as he pulled out.

"I'll be gentle," he told her. "If it's too much, just say and I'll stop. You okay?"

"Y- yesssss," Jenny breathed out. She lifted her hips, flexing her middle as she pushed back again. This time, she felt more of him rubbing against her and the sharp pain was already beginning to fade, replaced by a dull thudding ache. "Y- you move too. This. This far. I can't... I can't take any more of you."

Jenny blushed at her words. At what she was saying. Her ears burned but she didn't care. Not any more. She reached out, hands against the wall, holding herself in place while Jonathon pulled himself out. Her miniscule cock flipped and flopped as the man fucked her pussy and, slowly, it pulled further under the fleshy hood. Jenny found herself matching her lover's rhythm to push back as he pushed forward.

Her body was alive. Everywhere Jonathon put his hands felt good but as soon as he gripped her hips, Jenny cried out. His short fingernails dug into her side, clawing her carefully and she shuddered, losing the motion for a moment before finding it again. Back and forth, in and out. The flesh above her pussy flared out into a small, delicate mound and she rocked again, gasping in surprise when she felt his balls against her pussy.

She'd taken all of him inside of her. Every single inch of him where before, half of him had hurt her badly. Every inch of him and she craved more.

The head of her old cock pulled further until it was completely covered. The bulging hood pulled tight into her pussy and Jenny cried out when Jonathon's cock rubbed against her clit for the first time. Her ears burned as she moaned and gasped like the porn stars she used to masturbate to but she couldn't help it. The sounds were torn from her with each thrust.

She cried out for her lover. Told him to fill her, felt herself grow evenmore wet when his fingers gripped and pulled at her long hair. Felt herself slamming her small, rounded ass hard back against him eagerly. Bouncing on his cock. Begging him to fuck her. To fill her. The words just poured from her mouth.

The world vanished in a burst of white. Jenny screamed loud and long as her first orgasm rolled through her body. She fell but Jonathon caught her, his cock slipping free of her contracting, pulsing pussy.That sent her over the edge again and she curled into a small ball, jerking while stuttering to speak. Firecrackers went off in a wave down her body and she nearly bit her tongue.

Sounds returned slowly. Todd and her partner were still fucking. Gasping, talking dirty, moaning, growling and bouncing until their bed creaked from it. Jonathon reached out for Jenny but she jerked back from his touch.

"T-t-t-too," she stuttered. "S-s-s-sens-i-tive." She felt his heat as he sat next to her. His hands stroked her hair and she sighed.

"First time?" Jonathon asked quietly.

"Y-y-y-yes," Jenny nodded, her head jerking. She calmed by increments as he stroked her hair until, finally, she reached for him. She was surprised by her lack of hesitation. She was no longer disgusted by the thought of him. She wasn't sure whether that should scare her or not but all she knew was that she needed to touch him. To feel him. His fingers twined into hers and they lay there quietly like that for a long time, both lost in their own world.

"Did... did you?" Jenny asked, blushing at the question.

"No," Jonathon answered.

"I- I could-" Jenny's blush deepened at the thought of taking him in her mouth. Her body stirred at the image but she winced and groaned at the pain between her legs.

"No," he said again. "It doesn't matter. Not tonight. Can I touch you?"

Jenny nodded and she felt the man's arms under her. She was lifted in the air, naked. Aching. Sore. Her body still sensitive. Still wanting him.Have I always been this light?She wondered.As... as a man?

Jonathon carried Jenny to his bed and lay her down carefully. He crawled in behind her and reached up to cover them both with an old, ragged blanket. Jenny blushed as she realized Todd was still fucking the other man.How in the world can she keep going like that?A part of her was jealous again and she wriggled her hips back against Jonathon but then bit back a gasp of pain.

"Really," Jonathon said. "It's fine. In a bit I'll grab you some pain medicine. You're going to need it. Just, just for now I wanted to hold you." The man reached around, large warm hand grabbing Jenny's right breast carefully. She sighed and settled back against him.

A million thoughts and questions raced through Jenny's mind.Jenny,she thought.Jenny now. I'll have to use that and get used to it. Oh god, classes. I don't- my ID is for Jeremy. I'm not registered-! Will I change back? Will this fade? What if-

Jonathon sensed her distress and pulled her close. Jenny's mind slowly quieted. Held tight, surrounded by her lover's warmth, she relaxed. She felt his hard cock against her ass and back, sticky with her own cum. From her own pussy. She still wanted him badly. Wanted to know what it was like to feel him cum inside of her. Wanted to feel her own orgasms again. And again. And again. They were incredible.

Jenny shifted and reached back, dragging Jonathon's cock down and between her legs. It rested against her slick, hot pussy and she slowly rubbed against it, back and forth. She was so incredibly sore and knew more sex would be terribly painful but just this slight motion was enough to build her up.

"Slow, Jenny," Jonathon whispered. "Slow. I'm all-"

"Shh," she whispered back to him, slowly working her slim hips back and forth. "Oh, Jonathon." She blushed at saying his name for the first time. With her silky, sexy voice. She rocked a little faster and the man's hands tightened against her breast, kneading it and massaging her. It felt amazing and her hips sped up and she felt him jerk. He tried to pull back but ended up angling his cock instead.

Jonathon came all over Jenny's small tits and stomach. She shuddered as a small orgasm flashed through her. Cooing and sighing at her lover, she felt him spurt again and again. The scent of him filled the air and his cum was slick and warm on her skin. She fought an urge to taste it and, instead, just reveled in the texture and smell of it. She rubbed it against her skin, spreading it all over her body. Before she could lose her nerve, she tasted a bit of it against the tip of her mouth. It was salty and starting to go cold but not as terrible as she imagined. As Jonathon's cum dried on her body, she licked her finger clean, rubbing the taste of him all over her mouth.

"Thank you," Jonathon whispered, kissing the top of her head. Jenny blushed at what she'd done and his gesture but felt herself glow with pleasure. He shifted behind her. "I'll grab you some Ibuprofen."

"No," Jenny said, pushing herself back against him. "Stay."

Settling back, nuzzling herself in Jonathon's arms and feeling her eyelids droop, she sighed and whispered again.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

That was a seriously beautiful story. You managed to catch the essence and describe the reality of a first time perfectly. The want, the nerves, being sure yet unsure at the same time and best of all is you described a caring man who didn’t just want the old wham bam thank you ma’am crap that so many college students think that is the not just the cool way to act but also the proper way to get themselves off and not give a crap about their partners. I really love and appreciate your storytelling.

hearthammerhearthammerover 8 years ago
I enjoyed it. Do hope there is more, maybe some explanations

Do hope there is more, maybe some explanations

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Very good

Very good and we'll written I like the slow transition

animeturtleanimeturtleover 8 years ago
My opion

I liked it. It was well written, your story is a mix of sci-fi/fantasy/transgender, it was a little confusing in the middle durning the change section of the story. Is there a part two?

MatureWildMatureWildover 8 years ago
Nice Story

I enjoyed this story.

All I'll say is "I'll have what she's having".

tex4tgtex4tgover 8 years ago
Well i liked it

hope you continue. It was a very nice start.

LycandopeLycandopeover 8 years agoAuthor

Thanks and sorry you didn't like it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Mind control? Sci/fi?

But this was just dumb. Did you bother to proof read this?

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