The Coffee Shop Ch. 03 - McKenna

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Spa day meeting McKenna and learning reality is a cold bitch.
4.6k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 04/05/2023
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A/N - I continue slowly from this recent medical journey I've been on, and I would like to share with you chapter 3 of this fun little fictional jaunt. Who knew a dreamy little tale like this would be so much fun, thinking back to what life could be like starting all over again.

Caitlin leaned forward and said "You have captured my heart. I will wait for the day when soon we'll be together and you place it on my left hand."

She kissed my cheek and walked out of the coffee shop.

I turned to Marcie and the tears just flowed. She wrapped her arms around me holding me tight and whispered that everything would be okay.

***End of Chapter 2***

The only reason I made it through the last two weeks of the semester and was able to survive finals was because of the support for my family, but also from Marcie.

Once the semester ended I asked Marcie for a few days off. I explained that I needed some time but would be in touch with her after Christmas. She hugged me and assured me that she would welcome me with open arms and a kiss when I was ready to come back.

With that reassurance I went home and crawled into my bed and just ignored the outside world. It was just me and my streaming music service. I wanted to rewind the last weeks and months finding an escape for this current reality.

Loneliness and heartbreak.


It was the 21st of December, three days later when they started checking on me. I heard a knock on my bedroom door, which I ignored.

"Baby?" I heard my mom. I rolled over ignoring her.

Then there was the softer knock knock knock "Franny baby?"

Again I ignored the noise and the voice from outside my bedroom, this time from Momma.

I just rolled over ignoring them both tossing and turning for a few minutes. Lying on my back just staring at the ceiling. I just couldn't cry anymore. I was both physically and emotionally drained. My eyes hurt, my chest, stomach and back muscles were sore.

Life just sucked and I felt lost all over again. I understood but mad, jealous, hurt and crushed. My heart was broken but most of all I missed Caitlin.

I heard my phone ping with a new text message. I reached for it and turned the volume up, drowning out any and all noise with music from my playlist.

I must've dozed off because the noise coming from that side of the door was simply rude and absolutely unnecessary. Then the sound of multiple fists pounding on my door. The duo of pounding fists did nothing but irritate me even further.

I screamed but it did no good, the noise continued for a few more seconds. Then it suddenly stopped. Then there was a calm but very firm sounding voice.

"Hey" there was a quiver and hesitation in her voice. I started crying again as soon as I heard her voice.

"I sent you a text from the airport!"

Before she could get out a full sentence I ran to the door unlocking it, tears streaming from my eyes. Michaela was standing there with her arms open. She had the saddest look on her face that I had ever seen.

I just hugged her and continued balling my eyes out. She wrapped her arms around me and walked me to my bed, sitting me down just holding me.

Almost everything in my world was suddenly better, it was far from perfect but it was better. Michaela was home.

After 10 minutes, Michaela pulled away from me and stood. She walked over to my dresser, opened the drawer grabbing panties and a bra, then walked to my closet and pulled out a red sweater and my favorite jeans. She tossed them on my bed and just looked at me.

"You smell dearest older sister and need a shower. You have thirty minutes to be ready. Now move."

"What? No, Mich..."

"No dearest older sister" she paused, "thirty minutes." She turned and walked out of my room.

At her request, well it was a demand, thirty minutes later I walked out of my room and met my family. Mom, Momma, Francis and Michaela were standing there waiting for me. I was handed my coat and followed them out the front door.

The five of us sat at dinner, like we hadn't in a long, long time. We told stories and shared memories. They laughed. I tried but my mind was elsewhere. I was still sad and my heart still hurt. At one point Michaela looked at me. She winked, smiling wide. She leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"You need a spa day and that is just what tomorrow is going to be."

I shook my head 'no'. She just smiled and continued the conversation she was involved in. After dinner, we strolled through PPG Place and Market Square taking in the sights and sounds of the holiday season. Hanukah had started and Christmas was coming soon. I smiled, or at least tried to when Mom and Momma asked for a family photo at the tree in the square.

It was nearing midnight when we arrived home. Michaela admitted she was tired from traveling. We wished each other good night and made our way to our rooms. I changed into a top and sleep pants. As I went to crawl into my bed, I just couldn't.

My sheets smelled and I just didn't want to be alone. I walked out of my room and across the hall. I opened her door and closed it behind me.

"What's up Fran?"

I just crawled into her bed under her sheets. I curled up next to her wrapping my arms around my sister.

"We aren't six you know." She whispered.

"I don't care, I miss you." I replied.

I laid my head down on her pillow falling asleep.


I felt her stir rolling over. I could feel her breath on my face. Opening my eyes I saw the most beautiful woman in my life. She was the perfect woman in my opinion. Her beauty, kindness, and love would be all anyone ever wanted. How could someone not love her? Yes I might have a biased opinion as she is my sister; she is unfortunately forbidden.

Slowly and carefully, trying not to disturb her, I eased myself out of bed and out of her room. I made my way to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. I opened the cabinets and started pulling the ingredients for breakfast.

I wanted to try and make Wolfie's scones. I thought I would try his recipe but knew they wouldn't be anywhere close to his but I wanted to try for my family.

"Something is on your mind isn't there?"

I turned to see Momma standing in the doorway.

"The coffee stopped brewing a few minutes ago and you are staring at an empty mixing bowl holding an egg."

She moved forward and wrapped her arms around me in a hug. I leaned my head back against her exhale and denied everything. She released me from her hug and I went back to making the scones. Momma poured two cups of coffee and brought them to the center island.

She sat on a stool at the island and just watched me not saying a word. Once the scones were in the oven and the dishes in the sink, I sat across from her sipping my coffee.

"You know" She started, "It's okay to be hurt and it's okay to feel sad or be heartbroken and it's okay to retreat. What isn't okay is to continue suffering."

I looked at her and cracked a partial smile.

"I could say the same about you when Mom was gone all those months, when we were young but you had a family to care for was the answer I always heard from you."

She pointed her finger at me. Her smile turned into a snarl. "That was different and you know it, young lady! We had been together for years. We were always together."

I knew my logic was skewed and wouldn't hold up against her but I at least tried.

"Momma I will never be allowed to love the woman I really truly love. Society won't allow it, and even if it did ..." I paused, swallowing hard, "She doesn't feel it like I do but I realize it even more now."

I set my cup down and walked out of the kitchen still broken hearted, still confused, still not certain what I wanted in life.

I stepped from the shower and dressed without doing anything to my hair. I checked my phone but still nothing, no missed calls, no texts, just silence from Caitlin. I sent her a message

"Hey, I know you are busy just wanted you to know you are on my mind"

I walked to the linen closet and grabbed new sheets for my bed, changing out the dirt ones.

On my way to the kitchen, I dropped the dirty sheets in the laundry room and walked back joining my family. I saw them all at the table enjoying the scones. A second pot of coffee had been brewed. I fixed a cup then sat with them listening to the banter and back and forth chatter. Finishing her coffee Michaela told me it was time to go as we needed to be on time for our appointment at the spa.

I acknowledged her with a defiant attitude. Mom and Momma just smiled at me.


We checked in at the spa and were escorted back to the changing rooms where we were given soft beige fluffy robes and open toed slippers to change into. We moved to the salon area. We found a container of lemon and lime sparkling water, each filling a glass part way, then had a seat in a chair.

Michaela was sitting to my left when two ladies walked in. Both in similar beige smocks which fit their bodies well. One with raven dark hair just below her shoulders came and put her hands on Michaela's shoulders starting a hushed conversation.

The other walked over standing behind me. I was struck by the beauty in this woman's eyes and the natural glow that seemed to be all around her. I was startled when a soft voice caught my attention.

"Hello, I am McKenna, I am to make your day special."

Her hands carefully unfolded the drape and placed it around my neck. Once secured, she placed her hands on my shoulders sending a shiver down my spine.

"We will make our way to the spa shortly but I wondered how you wanted your hair. How can I help you?"

There it was again, another shiver straight down my spine. Goosebumps popped all over my body. I stumbled over my words, my brain confused.

"Ah ... Um just a trim, I don't want it short. Please keep it below the bottom on my shoulder blades."

Oh goodness what was wrong with me, my nipples were hardening!

McKenna gently took the still partial full glass from my hand. She placed it on the countertop behind us. She slowly reclined my chair and went about washing my hair. I closed my eyes and I listened to Michaela and her stylist chatting away. The room filled with the aroma of lavender, my senses teased.

Then my scalp started to tingle a familiar tingle on my scalp. Then goosebumps returned all over my body.

I felt like I was dreaming when McKenna's nails softly scratched my scalp, her fingers massaging my head and running through my hair.

"Are you okay?" I heard her whisper.

"Hmm fine" I mewed, feeling her fingers and nails continuing their task.

Once my hair was washed and rinsed, McKenna slowly set me forward. I was sad as the enjoyment of her work completed. She began to comb it out and to trim it. Once she finished with trimming my hair, she removed the drape carefully assisted me in standing then asked me to follow her.

I followed her to a room with two massage tables with smaller tables next to them which held different shaped and sized bottles. McKenna shared that she would let me undress and asked that I lay face down on the table covering my bottom with a towel. She turned and walked out of the room.

A few minutes later she returned, dimming the lights and turning on some calming instrumental music. Her hands felt magical on my shoulders, arms and back, then my low back. I must have made a noise.

"Are you okay?"

"I am." But I found myself perplexed. "I'm sorry I was lost in the moment and your skills."

After the massage, we went for manicures and pedicures. When finished we were escorted back and then seated next to Michaela. McKenna walked in standing behind me again with a drape in hand and asked how I wanted my hair.

"I would ..."

"No, she would like a light, loose curl on the sides and in the back, pulled slightly back off her face. People need to see her beautiful face and lovely complexion." Michaela spoke with a firmness not heard before.

I just stared at her. McKenna acknowledged Michaela and went to work. Moments later she put a final spritz around the back. She gently lifted the drape and grabbed a mirror.

"No it's fine she doesn't need to see it. It looks perfect." Michaela stated very quickly.

Michaela stepped closer, extending her hands and reaching for mine. I stood carefully and she leaned forward kissing my cheek. Then she stepped back and smiled.

"Yes, perfect."

She released my hands and then she hugged McKenna. "She is beautiful. Isn't she?"

"Stop it!"

I blushed a crimson red while chastising Michaela. I heard McKenna agree with her. I felt so embarrassed; I could feel my face turning redder and redder.

I looked at my sister and snarled at her slightly walking out of the room towards the spa exit wanting this to be over. We returned to the front area after dressing. I reached into my wallet forgetting to tip McKenna. I wandered back looking for her but wasn't able to find her.

Returning to the front desk, I paused asking the receptionist to please deliver the tip to her. Seeing Michaela waiting on me, we walked out to the cold chilly air of Pittsburgh upset at my sister. The drive home was quiet but as we pulled on to our street I inquired to her reasoning for her comments.

She just looked and smiled. "Frances, you are deserving of all the compliments I give you. You are pure beauty in all forms including your amazing and creative mind."

When we arrived home, Mom and Momma shared that reservations had been made and we would be going to dinner again as a family. We enjoyed our second evening in a row as a family. I even found myself laughing hysterically at one point. Michaela and I locked eyes at one point but she seemed to turn away after a brief moment.

When we got home, I changed and sat on the couch for a few minutes, not yet tired enough to go to bed. Michaela sat facing me and took my hands. Her thumbs gently stroked the back of my hands pausing as if playing with my knuckles.

"When you were looking for McKenna, I was with her."

Jealousy immediately flamed in my heart. I went to speak but she put her hand on mine and continued.

"I gave her your cell number and the address for the coffee shop."

She leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I need my older sister to be happy. I am not blind, deaf, nor dumb. Goodnight Frances."

With that she stood and went to bed. I went up and completed the most basic of tasks, getting ready for bed. I had changed the sheets on my bed but wasn't in the mood to be alone. Dressed in a crop top and flannel pants I opened Michaela's door, closed the door behind me and crawled into her bed.

"Are we doing this again?" She mumbled.

"Hush" I wrapped my arms around her, this time my right arm under her pillow and my left arm placed carefully on her torso just below her breasts. "You want this just as much as I do."

I thought I heard her say something but I might have been wrong. Sleep overtook me as I dreamed of this every night.


Three days later we enjoyed a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner and attended Midnight Mass as a family. Riding home from Mass I sent Caitlin a text.

"Merry Christmas to you. Hoping you find your dreams in your stocking and in the presents under your tree."

Christmas morning I checked my phone, there was no message from Caitlin.

I sent a text to Marcie wishing her a Merry Christmas and that I would be at the store every other day starting tomorrow until the end of the semester break if she needed me.

"Thanks Fran, merry Xmas see you tomorrow xx"

We spent the day as a family but after dinner I saw a text from a number I didn't recognize. It simply read 'Coffee with a splash of skim milk, can't wait to meet you and see you in action'.

I looked at Michaela and smiled, thankful she didn't notice me. She had a gleam in her eyes which made me happier than anything.


It was around 11:30 on Wednesday when the door chime sounded. I looked up from the inventory I was doing to see McKenna walk in. I quickly gathered a mug, not a cup, and a saucer poured a cup of our blend and added a splash of milk. I plated one of the three remaining cranberry scones that Wolfie made. I looked up at McKenna and nodded to a table not too far from the counter.

I walked around the counter setting the coffee and scone down then pulled out her chair a bit.

"Goodness," she smiled. "I could get used to this service."

"Only for my new favorite hairdresser." I winked.

McKenna sat taking a sip of her coffee. I watched as she meticulously broke a piece of the scone off and dipped it into her coffee taking a bite. My eyes followed her every movement. But then I was caught up staring at her beauty.

I felt myself turning flush. "Excuse me McKenna I ...uh ...must." I turned quickly on my feet retreating to the safety of the counter and my inventory.

I felt her eyes on me. I felt as if she was watching me but was fearful of acting. Why was I doing this? I was still in love with Caitlin, or was I? Am I too young to not enjoy life? Am I too young to only love one woman?

I started second guessing myself.

I didn't need further heartache and tears. She didn't deserve my anguish or pain. My mind was made up. I would cut the potential ties and desires before they surfaced in her mind.

McKenna approached the counter with her mug, saucer and plate. I saw that she had finished her coffee and scone.

"How was your coffee? I am sorry about this inventory..."

She looked at me pausing and placed the dishes down on the counter.

"Michaela shared with me your recent relationship challenge." She held out her hand placing it on top of mine.

"Perhaps we could have a glass of wine tonight and get to know each other a little better. I will be back at 7:00 to pick you up."

"Look McKenna, you are really nice and all but I am not dating."

She smiled and right away told me it wasn't a date. I pushed back.

"But I'm not 21, I shouldn't legally ..."

"I didn't ask your age, I will see you at 7:00. That is when you finish work isn't it?"

And with that McKenna turned and walked out of the coffee shop, leaving me speechless and flustered. Suddenly those goosebumps returned. A cold shiver as well as a warmth rushed over my body.

Precisely at 7:00 Erin came to the back of the store where I was doing the last minute dishes and cleanup. I started shaking as soon as I saw her.

"There is a very beautiful woman here to see you. She mentioned that she was here to pick you up."

She then turned to Marci, and they both smiled.

"Go, enjoy your date". Marcie said.

"It's not a date, my girlfriend is in Rome. She is the woman that did my hair." I rebutted as I turned.

"Uh huh. Then why are you nervous and blushing crimson red!"

I heard Marcie say as I walked out front, my purse and jacket in hand. I was immediately embarrassed. McKenna was dressed immaculately. She has on snug jeans which fit her thighs and hips like a glove. She was wearing a beautiful forest green sweater holding her jacket and purse.

"There is a nice quiet place on Liberty near the Westin; I was hoping we could go there."

"McKenna, I still don't know what my sister shared with you but I have a girlfriend."

She smiled, "She mentioned that but I still wanted to take you out for a quiet evening. Just join me for a glass of wine, I know the owner. She is dear to me, a close friend, it will be fine."

I shrugged my shoulders and nodded. McKenna smiled and took my hand walking us out the door.

Less than thirty minutes later we parked and walked down Liberty Avenue. We were close to each other but not holding hands. We made our way inside the club and when greeted by the door-woman, McKenna hugged her. They exchanged a brief kiss on the cheek. We were then escorted to a booth in the back just adjacent to the dance floor.