The Contest

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Wife and friends ask husband to judge them.
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It's like this. She's crazy. I can't think of any better explanation. I mean, who would even dream up such a thing except Julia? That's just the way she is. She knows what she wants, and she knows how to get it.

It started innocently enough. I arrived home from work about 8:00 p.m. – a little later than usual – and found my wife and her two closest girlfriends halfway through their third bottle of red wine. It was some site. There was Julia sitting in the middle of the ivory leather couch, her long blond hair hanging in her face, the gorgeous curves of the tops of her tits just barely peaking out through the top of a pink floral tank top, and a grin across her face like the Cheshire cat. She's incredible. My wife. She's absolutely the most beautiful, sensual creature in the world.

To Julia's left sat Terri. Terri and my wife had been in high school together. They were old friends. And they had a habit of getting together and getting drunk. Terri was still single – ten years after high school – having had a long line of boyfriends break her heart. For my part, I couldn't imagine how a man could even think of dumping her. She's hot. She was leaning into my wife, giggling like a schoolgirl as I walked into the house, wearing a pair of the shortest shorts I've ever seen. They left nothing of her legs to the imagination. Her long, tanned legs were crossed neatly at the ankles, and a loose-fitting t-shirt was draped over her somewhat smaller rack. It's amazing how opposite the two of them are. Julia's pale white skin and blonde hair next to Terri's amazingly dark tan and silky, nearly black hair.

"Max. Have a seat!" It was Jenny who called to me. She was sitting to Julia's right. Jenny works for my wife, and they've become very close in the two years they've been working together. Jenny's fiery-red hair always startles me because it's so amazingly different than my wife's long blonde tresses. I've secretly wondered if Jenny had a fiery-red personality to match the hair on her head – and many times fantasized about the fiery-red hair I guessed she had downstairs. It was odd seeing the three of them there. The blonde. The brunette. The redhead. The three sexiest women I knew, and they were all different. So much for having a 'type', I guess.

I took a seat. The three of them giggled and eyed me. "What's up?" I asked, innocently enough.

"I was just going to ask you the same question," Julia replied. The other two giggled again.

"Had some wine tonight, huh?" I smiled. I poured myself a glass, finishing off the third bottle of Merlot.

"Max…" My wife trailed off.

"Julia?" I looked at her smiling.

"We were talking about our bodies, Max."

"Oh. Is it girl-talk? Do you want me to leave?"

"Oh God, no," Jenny piped up. "Please. Stay."

"We were hoping for your expert opinion, sweetie." Julia winked at me.

"Ah." I slipped my shoes off and kicked them to the side of the room. "How can I help?"

"But you have to be honest," my wife piped up. "You can't pick me just because I'm your wife. You have to tell the truth, ok?"

I didn't know where this was going, but I had a hunch it was going to be fun … wherever it ended up. "I can do that," I replied.

"Okay." Julia said, grabbing for the fourth bottle of wine. "You start, Terri."

"Who's prettiest?" Terri asked. My wife was still fumbling with the corkscrew, so I took it from her nonchalantly and – trying to be cool and calm – worked the corkscrew into the bottle as a cast my gaze over each of the lovely creatures before me.

"Tough one. You want me to be honest, right?"

"Yes." It was Julia, again, who piped up. I think she was afraid that – since she was my wife – I'd pick her. The problem was, wife or not, she was the hottest.

"The thing is," I topped off each of the four glasses, "I am being honest. It's Julia. And not just because she's my wife. It's that hair, hanging in her face. It drives me wild. And her skin is so, so smooth. Don't get me wrong. I think you're three of the hottest ladies I know. But if I could only have one of you, I'd pick Julia."

"That's not fair!" Julia piped in. "It's not about which one of us you want. Just which one of us is the prettiest."

"Well, my dear, believe it or not, I still say you." I took a swig of wine.

"My turn," Julia piped up. "Who's got the nicest tits?"

"Oh my." I pretended to be embarrassed, and the three giggled like schoolgirls. "You'll have to forgive me if I stare for a moment," I smiled. My wife's breasts I knew quite well, so I focused first on Terri's. Her loose-fitting t-shirt was making it virtually impossible for me to size her up. "Terri, I can't really judge yours since your—"

Before I could finish the sentence, she lifted her shirt over her head. No bra. Just two absolutely beautiful c-cup breasts dangling before me. She tanned in the nude. Clearly. No bra straps. Wow. Such a stark contrast from my wife's pale skin.

"No fair!" Jenny called. She was busy unbuttoning her blouse. I looked to my wife. I know she like to play games, but I was unsure how far she wanted to take this one. She was busy removing her own bra, having already tossed her shirt to the floor.

My wife's breasts were slightly larger than Terri's, but Jenny's were the biggest. Jenny's – honestly – were a bit too big for my tastes – not that I wouldn't have loved to leap across the coffee table and take her nipples in my mouth at that exact moment, just that this was a contest, and I was trying to be fair. My wife's tits are lovely. And her nipples are the most perfectly suckable buds in the world, but there was something about Terri's beautiful, perfectly tanned c-cup breasts that I just couldn't take my eyes away from for long.

"It's a tough call," I started, "But Terri takes this one." I smiled.

Terri winked at me as Julia explained to Jenny, "He's not a big tit man, sweetie. It's not you. I think your breasts are beautiful." She ran her hand gently across Jenny's mountainous orbs.

Jenny turned to me and smiled. "Let's get down to business," she said, taking a drink from her wine glass. "Are you ready, Max?"


"My Mother told me when I was 18 years old that I man can get lost in red hair. She said there's nothing sweeter in the world than the—"

"Oh my gosh!" It was Terri. She was clutching Julia's arm. "Julia? Are you okay with this? I didn't think we were going to take it this far."

Julia smiled. "I'm okay with it Terr. Are you?"

They were oblivious of me. "Oh God, yes. I'm so hot, Julia." She ran her hand absently over the crotch of her shorts.

"Well, clearly Jenny's okay with it. The only one we need to worry about is Max" My wife looked me in the eyes. "I think what we're hoping you can determine for us, Max, is who has the sweetest pussy."

I tried to maintain as much of my cool as I could, but it was hard. My erection was pushing against my khaki pants, and it was growing by the second. "You're serious?" I asked.

"Well, you know. Blonde. Brunette. Redhead. We want to know if they taste different. We want to know who tastes the best. It's for science, Max."

"I'm game if you are," was my reply.

How quickly things progress. The next thing I know, I am sitting in an easy chair with a blindfold on, and the girls are whispering in the background, trying to figure out how they're going to ensure that they keep their identities hidden from me.

"Okay, Max," it was Julia's voice. "Here comes girl number one."

There was a slight pause, and then I left someone pulling themselves up onto the chair. A moment later, a silky-smooth leg was on either side of my head. I took a deep breath, and could smell the delicious aroma that only a woman can make. It was incredible. I didn't know whose pussy it was, but the affect was instantaneous. I had to have it. I leaned my head forward, and my tongue instantly found her slit.

"Ah!" A gasp escaped her lips, as my tongue traced the length of her slit. She was delicious. I knew this wasn't my wife, but I was trying not to figure out who they were. I was trying to play fair. My wife's pussy is incredible, but like wine, there's a subtle difference from one to the next; and I could have picked my wife's pussy out from any taste line-up. This wasn't her.

Which made it all the more exciting. I found her clit with my tongue and gently circled my lips around it.

"Oh, God!" I felt a hand on my head, and recognized Terri's voice instantly.

"Okay. That's enough." My wife's voice, and then a gentle easing of pressure as Terri climbed off of me. "Got that one in your head, Max? Here come #2."

It was my wife. Don't ask how I know, because I don't know, really. But I could tell. I know the way she smells. I know the way her skin feels. I know how her thighs feel against my head. I found her pussy naturally. And it tasted like home. It's funny, but the familiar smell of my wife was more arousing than Terri's pussy had been. My erection was straining against my trousers, and I thought I was going to explode. I reached out to gently lick my wife's swollen lips, but the moment I made contact, she was already sliding off.

"Good enough for #2." Julia said.

As I felt someone's thigh on my chest, I heard Terri in the background. "God, Julia. You're so mean! He was just getting warmed up," she said. I was absolutely certain that it was Jenny who was now sliding her thighs to either side of my head.

The smell was intoxicating. It smelled like lilacs. It smelled like – I don't know what. But the smell was incredible. I found myself leaning in to get a better whiff, and it was my nose which first made contact with Jenny's pussy. She was sopping.

I lifted my chin and gently ran in along the length of her slit. Wow. Her pussy was the sweetest thing I've ever tasted. I darted my tongue into her slit.

"Ahhh!" Jenny exclaimed. "Easy there, Tiger."

"Jenny! You're supposed to keep quite. It's a blind taste test, remember?" At that moment, I found Jenny's clit with my tongue, and gently wrapped my lips around it, sliding my tongue downward, tickling the entrance of her slit and gently rubbing the underside of her clit.

Jenny took a deep breath of air. "Oh my." She whispered. I darted my tongue quickly into her opening. Another quick intake of air. "Oh." She gasped.

I didn't want to stop. I was so turned on that I didn't want to stop. But I knew my wife was going to call the game over in a moment. I pushed my head upwards into her, and realized she was spreading her thighs, trying to re-position the pillow behind my head. I buried my tongue deep within her, pushing my nose gently against her clit, and she grabbed a hold of my head.

"Oh Jesus," she said. "Please Julia. Don't make him stop. Oh God. Right there."

I was working my tongue in and out of her pussy, passing it slowly and gently over her clit on every third stroke or so. And then something wonderful happened. I felt the pressure of my trousers against my penis suddenly melt away. Someone was pulling my pants off.

I tried not to think about it. Choosing instead to focus on the delicious pussy that was just inches from orgasm. I gave Jenny all I could muster. I even managed to work one of my hands up to her pussy, using my index finger to massage the skin between her pussy and her butt hole while I continued to work my tongue in and around her pussy.

She was beginning to moan now. Repeatedly. Pushing her pussy into me with each trust of my tongue. She was fucking my tongue, I suddenly realized. And I was loving every minute of it.

I felt a pair of lips slowly ease around my already erect penis, and instantly knew they were not my wife's lips. This engorged me even more. I thought I was going to come right there. I slowly slipped the tip of my index finger into Jenny's ass crack as Terri buried her mouth over my penis.

Jenny screamed in pleasure, and as her pussy began to contract against my finger, I knew she was coming. Jenny sucked in quick bursts of air, pushing her clit against my nose, pulling my head closer and closer to her, moaning loudly. Her orgasm lasted for a minute. Maybe two. The whole time, she shook and rocked and moaned like she was going to die at any moment.

"Ah fuck me. OhmyGod. Ah shit. Ah shit." And then, it was over. She slipped her thigh from one side of my head and rolled off of the easy chair into the couch.

"Jesus, Max. You're incredible." She said.

I sat up, and slipped my blindfold from my eyes. Terri was working my penis and doing a fine job, but I was suddenly worried that I'd not heard a peep from my wife during the whole of the Jenny taste-testing. I looked down, and was only a little surprised to see my wife was busy licking Terri's pussy as Terri worked my pole.

It was too much. I had an incredibly sexy redhead lying next to me with her legs apart and her delicious juices still dripping from her pussy. I had a raven-haired beauty working my penis like a pro. I had a long-legged, blonde-haired beauty flat on her back, licking and sucking the pussy of her friend while her friend worked my pole. I was in sexual overdrive.

Terri began moaning into my prick. Apparently my wife was doing a fine job on her, because I could see that her face was beginning to flush crimson. I knew her orgasm was coming at any moment. She was a champ, though. She used her own growing sexual desire to fuel her work on my dick. She grabbed it with one hand and began to work the head with her tongue. I was in heaven. I knew I wasn't going to make it much longer. As I felt my muscles tighten, signaling the beginning of my own orgasm, Terri pushed herself up to ride my wife's face, all the time calling, "Please, oh please, oh please, Julia. Oh God, oh God, oh God."

Jenny found her second wind, and had been propped up sideways on the couch. Seeing me so close, she instantly slid from the couch, and my penis was in her mouth as soon as Terri let go of it. Perhaps it was Jenny's talented mouth, or perhaps it was watching Terri reach orgasm while riding my wife's face; I don't know which, but my body began to shake.

I closed my eyes as wave after wave of numbness passed over my body and I exploded deep into Jenny's waiting mouth. She continued to put pressure on my head and on the underside of my penis, sucking every bit of come from me. My whole body was numb. It was the most incredible orgasm of my life.

As a came to my senses and sat up on the ottoman, Julia sat at the foot of the ottoman gently encircling one of my legs in her arms. "Okay," Julia said. "Max sampled both of you, and I think he picked a winner. Now it's my turn." She pushed Jenny down on the couch and was between her legs in a matter of seconds. And, if Jenny was going to protest, she didn't do it quickly enough. As soon as my wife's tongue touched her lips, she was moaning again.

Terri looked over at me and smiled shyly. She slowly slid herself up from the floor, pulling herself onto me. She kissed me first on the chin, and then on the lips, slowly sliding herself into position. I looked over at my wife, who glanced up from Jenny's pussy only long enough to wink at me and smile. Terry pushed my head back onto the chair as she slid her tight pussy around my growing shaft.

Some contest, I thought. I think everybody won.

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Regguy69Regguy69over 1 year ago

Fun! I assume the girlfriends were single, otherwise Max may have to let the other husbands have their own contest with the ladies.

imhaplessimhaplessalmost 2 years ago

Ah, if only -- any hetero man's dream. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What did I think of this story you ask ? Well let me put it to you like this , I’ll be the judge of that ! You hit gold with this Olympic event Max

amyyumamyyumabout 5 years ago
Totally ridiculous...

So why did I like it so much? 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Rule of Thumb...

If it smells like cologne,leave it alone! ~ If it smells like fish,it's a dish!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Next is ANNOUNCEMENT of best tasting pussy.

Next is best ass.

Next is best legs.

Next who is best cocksucker.

Next is best fucking.

Next is.....No , I do not like anal.

But could have best fucking in categories - missionary, cowgirl, doggie.

Clearly this could go on for days.

Clearly, writer is nowhere near half done.

Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Damn! Don't You Just Hate It When This Happens?

Twentieth time this month I've come home from a ten-hour day and two hours (round trip) commute, and find my wife and another two of her friends wanting another "beauty" contest! So far, I've sampled a dozen of her friends, and it's getting pretty tiring!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Oh What a Lucky Man He Was!

What guy wouldn't want to sample a beautiful blonde's,brunette's,and redhead's pussy,all with his wife's encouragement?! Well Max does just that as he walks in on his wife and her two friends,all quite tipsy,horny,and interested in having Max judge a sexy contest.

Sucking,fucking,dining at the Y,husband AND wife,make this one HOT story!

LikesGoodWritingLikesGoodWritingover 11 years ago
My dream come true

if anyone can deliver this to me me, please do :) !!!

DunaDunaover 11 years ago
Is it true?

Was good erotic story from 2001 on LW?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
But who was the winner?

Personally, I find that you can't really tell until they have gushed all over your face.

(That is, unless she smokes. Then she'll taste bitter.)

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 11 years ago
Great way to master Science!

Make Science the most popular subject in school! Eat a red-head! Then a blonde, then a brunette! Repeat as needed!

Bonus: it is low-calorie, and low cholesterol, and sugar-free, and low sodium (except for accidental Golden Showers!)

5* favorite!

tazz317tazz317over 11 years ago

but a win/win is not much of a contest, TK U MLJ LV NV

jkthekatjkthekatover 11 years ago
Absolutely Beautiful !!

one of the best I've every read !

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