The Corruption of Leslie Ch. 01

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Hotwife forced to sexually please drug dealer and his crew.
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Author's Note: This is a spin-off of my bully story which features hotwife Leslie who gets into hot water with a local Irish Coke dealer named Scotty and has to "repay" him with sexual favors. Enjoy!


How did it get like this? Leslie asked herself that question every day. She lived a relatively normal life before the events that had happened over the past few weeks began. She had a happy life, a satisfied wife, and a handsome son named Eric that was her world. She worked at a distinguished hospital as a gynecologist and adored her job.

However, her work could be stressful just like any choice of occupation was. So, to relieve some tension, she had contacted a local dealer for some marijuana. Her coworker promised that if she got selected for a random drug test she would help her out so she would pass the test with flying colors despite having weed in her system.

It started with marijuana. A bag of it lasted her at least a month. But as work continued to cause distress, she decided to toke up more. Which meant more cash was spent on weed to keep her relaxed and chill on weeknights and weekends. Between her and her spouse, Emma, they made more than enough riches to have the money for her extracurricular activities. Sometimes she and Emma had an occasional blunt together before having fantastic sex.

Her sweet, diligent companion hardly cared about her drug usages, so long as they never escalated beyond pot.

But things took a disastrous turn one night when she was out with her girlfriend's at a local club that was a front for a cocaine operation that was done behind closed doors in the back of the building.

It was a night like no other. The newish club seemed a hotbed for entertainment lately. As her son Eric declared, it's "all the rage" these days. Since the housewives had grown bored going to their usual niches, they agreed to check out the new place to find out what all the fuss was about and they persuaded Leslie to tag along with them.

She should have recognized it was a bad idea. But she yearned to have some fun with her pals. She had good ambitions at heart and so did her buddies. She didn't condemn any of them for the events that happened that evening and thereafter.

The club was packed, as expected. It was Friday and the night was still very fresh. Leslie looked seductive as hell in a light blue crop top that showed off her bright blue eyes. Her long blonde hair was let loose around her shoulders. Skinny jeans hugged and accentuated her curves for all to see. She was the definition of a hotwife in every way.

Naturally, this got the interest of the club owner, Jackson, who then notified Scotty, an Irish drug dealer, about the group of hot females that just arrived. All he had to hear were the words "hot" and "blonde" and he was already forming schemes in his nasty mind to violate our dear, sweet Leslie, as he found her to be the hottest out of the entire group. Her sexual orientation was irrelevant to him.

A call to his informant, Brad Thomspon, told him all he required to know about Leslie. She was married to a woman named Emma. More importantly, she had recently started buying a ton of marijuana from one of the local dealers on Brad's radar.

Well, that was perfect for him. Conceivably he could find a way to coax her into doing a more intense substance that he sold for a living. Yes, he had a lot of plans for this sexy blonde lesbian housewife, ones that included her servicing his cock on the regular.

An hour of fun, dancing, and drinking left Leslie feeling buzzed and ready to get her high on. But where could she do it without getting busted? The bathroom? No, too obvious.

As she was about to get up and head to the restroom to take a piss, a very tall man with broad shoulders and a toothy smile approached her. Or at least she thought he was moving toward her. He was heading right at her with a grin on his mug that made it look as if he was a dear friend that was coming over to catch up on all the gossip he missed out on since they last spoke.

Leslie froze and offered a skeptical smile in return. She didn't get a creepy vibe off of the man per se but it was quite curious that he was showing interest in her.

The man spoke with a tone that was so deep his voice reminded her of that of James Earl Jones. "Hello, there. I am Jackson, the owner of this fine establishment. I wanted to make sure that you and your friends have a satisfying experience since this is your first time in the club. If you'd like to come with me, my associate Scotty would like to have a few words with you in a more private setting, as we have something to offer you that we think you would like."

Leslie looked doubtful but when she turned to face her friends, they gave her their thumbs up of approval.

Deciding to throw caution to the wind, Leslie nodded her agreement. "Oh, what the hell. Okay, lead the way."

She followed the impressively burly black man wearing an impeccable suit to the back of the club through a long, narrow hall. He opened up a door once they reached the end and motioned Leslie inside.

She was suspicious of walking into the unfamiliar room in front of the man but she did anyway. If she went missing for too long, her friends would probably find her and scream bloody murder if anything terrible was happening to her.

A handsome man with bright red hair and emerald green eyes dressed in a jumpsuit was seated behind a large desk. The room appeared to be a small office and contained a few file cabinets and a computer on the desk the foreigner sat behind.

"Good evenin', lass," the man's accent was thick and Irish. "Why don't you have a seat?"

Leslie fidgeted nervously with her hands in her lap as she sat down in front of the desk. "Is there something I can help you with?"

The man smiled. "The name's Scotty. We confiscated this from your purse when it was being searched at the front door."

Leslie's eyes went wide as she saw him holding up a joint. "Oh, I-"

He held up his hand with a smile. "Believe me, lass, you're not in trouble. Quite the opposite. You see, I run a very tight ship around here, and I have somethin' I think might be of interest to a young lass such as yourself."

Okay, now she was captivated. "Oh? What is it?"

Scotty smiled and opened a drawer in the desk. From it, he produced a small mirror. He then dug a baggie out of his pocket that contained a white substance inside. Was that... cocaine?

Leslie blinked. "Oh, wow." She had never seen the drug up close and personal like this before.

Her response was exactly as Scotty had expected it would be. "Yes. Very powerful stuff, this is. And I'd like to offer you a free sample. You interested?" He waved the baggie suggestively.

Leslie licked her suddenly dry lips. It was so tempting. But cocaine was on a whole another level than weed was. If Emma found out, she just might be sleeping on the couch for a day or two until she calmed down enough to forgive her.

"If I like it, how much would it cost?" She asked, more out of curiosity than anything.

"Oh, lass, a bag like this goes for a very high price. But I'd be willing to work out a deal just for you if you are interested in payin' me and the lads in other ways."

Other ways? What on Earth could he mean by that? She was so uncertain. But, despite everything, shouldn't she try it at the very least one time? You only live once, right? That's what all the kids were saying these days!

"Okay. I'd be open to that," she said, with a nod. "So, I get to try it? Free of charge?"

Scotty was already opening up the bag and making a line on the mirror. He even used a razor to get it positioned perfectly on the surface of the glass and he slid it over to Leslie. "Free of charge, lass. You have my word."

Leslie gulped as she stared down at the mirror. Was she doing this? Guess so. She took the rolled-up dollar from Scotty with an apprehensive smile. Before she could stop herself she leaned down and sniffed up all of the white substance on the mirror.

A lot of things happened at once. It was a rush that was unexplainable. Immediately, she felt jubilant and queasy at the same time. She wasn't sure if she was going to get sick or if she was going to sail through the roof. So many emotions to process at one moment left her feeling as if she was floating or having an out-of-body occurrence.

"How do you feel?" Scotty asked, tilting his head to the side with a smile. The door had opened and four more large athletic looking men had come into the room to join them. Leslie hardly even blinked or seemed to comprehend that they were no longer alone together.

"Like I'm floating," Leslie murmured, barely able to recognize her own voice. She was pretty out of her mind at the moment.

"Sounds about right. That's some good stuff you just got for free."

"Hmm," was all Leslie could manage to say. The feelings of intense tingling and sickness were growing more and more severe as time went on.

"She's high as a fookin' kite," murmured Scotty, with an amused expression on his face. "It is her first time, though."

The other men in the office chortled at his observation. She had to assume they were just his cohorts and would nod and smile to whatever the fuck he said. Right now she probably would too.

Scotty got up from the chair and came around to her side of the desk. He leaned against it with his arms folded over his chest. "Alright, lass. I said there were going to be some terms and conditions. Do you remember?"

Leslie nodded her head, wetting her lips. "Mmhmm."

Scotty smiled. "Good lass. My lads have needs. Lots of them. Sexual needs. We are red-blooded lads after all."

Leslie was having trouble thinking. What was Scotty saying? Her entire body was throbbing.

"The first thing I am gonna need you to do is suck our cocks."

Huh? Did she hear that right? She blinked a few times and glanced around the room. The five men had all freed their penises, all of various lengths and thickness, from the confines of their clothes. Was this for real? Did she truly agree to this? She was too uncertain and high at this point to remember or care.

"Okay," she said, having no other choice but to concede. She felt too perplexed to have any reason to object to what the repulsing man was saying.

"Good. You can start with mine," Scotty said, moving closer to her, the bulbous tip of his member mere inches from her red, succulent lips.

Leslie saw the precum that had formed at the tip. Normally, she would be revolted by the sight. But because the drug was sending mixed signals to her brain, it looked succulent, and she was suddenly starving. Every instinct in her was crying out at her to swallow that dick whole and do everything in her power to make this man cum so her sudden thirst could be quenched.

She leaned forward and wrapped her lips around the spongy tip. Her tongue moved in slow circles around him as she moaned at the salty-sweet taste that invaded her mouth. It tasted reasonable and she instantly wanted more. Was she going to regret this later? Probably. But right now she did not give one single fuck.

"She's a natural."

The other men were salivating at the bit as they watched the attractive and sexy hotwife suck feverishly on Scotty's turgid trunk. Her mouth bobbed up and down the expanse of him, and she let the crown of his cock rest in the back of her throat. A low slutty whine came out of her, the tremors from it teasing Scotty as she fucked him rapidly with her maw.

The boys looked highly impressed with her cock sucking talents. This left them asking themselves was this bitch really a dyke? Not when she was coked up out of her mind, that's for fucking sure! Seems the narcotic took the gay right out of her and made her voracious for some dick. It wasn't surprising, as the substance was known for heightening senses and provoking unusual feelings.

Scotty felt his knees going weak. He had not expected this reaction. Did the woman have no shame? She was sucking him like she had been blowing cock her whole life! He wasn't going to last long at this rate. He forced himself to push her face off of him, his dick popping out of her jaws with a loud noise.

The other guys took it as their cue to get in on the action. They surrounded her, their cocks standing to attention like flagpoles. What dicks she wasn't sucking, she was stroking hastily with her agile hands, much to the enjoyment of the boys. It was quite the picture, and what Leslie didn't know at this moment is that Scotty had begun filming the titillating exchange. He was going to need it for later to get the bitch compliant with what he had in store in the future for her. And he now had a lot of plans for her.

"You're one hot bitch," one of the men mumbled, as he lunged in and out of her mouth.

Leslie moaned loudly in acknowledgment, and Scotty got a good shot of her diddling herself through her jeans as she sucked on the current shaft housed deep in her throat. This raunchy bitch was enjoying every second of this!

It didn't take long for all the pent-up sexual frustration in the room to come to an eruption. Leslie was rapidly sucking each schlong that was presented to her with growing eagerness. Each cock was soon erupting either in her mouth or on her face. Her cheeks and mouth were soon drenched with the seed of the men she was servicing as each one either came on her skin or directly into her open maw.

She didn't waste a single drop, quickly snatching up any of the lingering love juices onto her fingers to suck the delicious sap collected off of them.

The men were enamored, Scotty in particular. Was this the inception of a beautiful partnership? Hell yeah, it was!

Scotty groaned as Leslie abruptly began to fellate him once more, to draw his cum out. "Ohhh, fuuuuuck!"

He clutched her skull and began to fuck her throat wildly, feeling his release building. The whore just moaned like the true slut she was and let him do it. All she wished for was to be fed more spunk and she was going to get it alright.

"I'm cummin'!" Scotty proclaimed, his flesh throbbing and pulsating within Leslie's throat.

Leslie's fingers dug into his hips as she eagerly accepted his thick, meaty flesh deep into her mouth. She brought her lips back to the purple head so she could taste the seed that came out in heavy spurts onto her wanton tongue. She drank up every single drop and then opened her mouth to show that it was empty.

Scotty was wheezing hard, the camera still focused on Leslie's beaming expression. "What a good lass you are drinking down all that cum. You can go now. I'll be in touch." He looked at one of the men in the room. "Richard, be a lad and drive 'er home."

Richard carefully lifted her off of the floor with a nod to Scotty. "You got it, Boss."

Leslie stared at the man that had come to her side, seemingly in a trance. "You have gorgeous green eyes."

Richard laughed. "Still high as a kite. I might take advantage of that."

Scotty shrugged. "Do whatever the fook you want with her for all I care, lad."

Richard sneered and steered Leslie out of an exit in the back of the club. She didn't complain as he unlocked his car. Rather she got right in and seated herself comfortably in the passenger seat. Soon the vehicle started and they vacated the safety of the club. Leslie's mind was too foggy to realize he hadn't asked for her address.

They drove to a secluded back parking lot behind a building in a shady place of the city she didn't recognize.

Richard parked the car and then produced a similar-looking plastic baggy out of his pocket filled with what one could only assume was the same cocaine she had inhaled hours earlier.

He wiggled the bag enticingly. "You want some more, bitch?"

Leslie nodded her head instantly. "Oh, yes! Please!" Her high was wearing off and she wanted to experience that gleeful euphoria again already.

"I knew you were a coke-hungry little cunt," he said, taking a mirror out of the glove compartment and putting it on the middle console between them. "Gonna be hungry for something else after you get a dose of this."

Despite knowing what she had done earlier to the group of men, Leslie didn't care. She would do it again to have that epic joy the drug had given her. At the moment she had little regret and she just craved more. She would do anything to possess it. Including sucking Richard's dick like before. She had done it already, it wasn't going to hurt her to do it again. Any realistic thoughts she had were going right out the window and they weren't making a comeback any time soon.

Richard passed her the rolled-up dollar bill and in mere seconds she was inhaling that lovely snowy substance deep up into her snout and straight to her brain.

"Fuck, yeah!" Richard encouraged, reaching out with one of his beefy hands to feel one of her big tits. He loved a set of massive titties and these were quite a set.

The gay bitch mewled as he pinched and tugged on her nipple, squirming in her seat. His hands instantly moved under her shirt and began to crush and fondle her bare globes. The more he did it the more she moaned as if requesting more. And he was happy to commit.

He hoisted her shirt up and she sighed with delight as he fastened his lips around one of her hard nipples, sucking and slurping. Her fingers twisted into his dark hair and her whimpers got louder as he feasted on her big tits until they were puckered and swollen from his harsh sucks.

She let out no protest as he unfastened her skimpy pants and pulled them down with her undies off of her long legs. He licked his lips as he observed her cunt was perfectly trimmed, not a single hair on it.

"You look good enough to eat, baby," Richard announced, reaching around her with a lengthy arm so that the back of the seat fell as far down as it could go. He then used the lever at the bottom to push it back all the way to give him room to get down on his knees in front of it.

He positioned her higher on the seat with those lanky limbs spread wide. She was so coked out of her mind she barely grasped what was going on. All she could think about was the intense pleasure whoever this was was bringing her. Did she know his name right now? Nope. She just knew that whatever he was doing was fabulous and she wanted it to keep going.

"Eat my fucking cunt," she commanded, swiveling those shapely hips enticingly.

And he did. God, he did. His tongue scoured her juicy crevice and soon dropped to her hole and began to poke in and out like a spear. Her hips were rolling to the beat of his strong muscle bringing her pleasure beyond her wildest imagination. She was wailing loudly for no one to hear, clutching the back of Richard's head and riding his face like a bucking bronco until she was struck by a tremendous orgasm.

Her juices soaked the man's bearded face as he proceeded to suck and lick at her sensitive clit, lengthening her release. It felt so different than being eaten out by a woman, better she dare say. His lips were rougher and his facial hair was tickling her delicate folds and the sensation felt really good, adding to the delirious ecstasy he brought her. She had cum so hard that she was shivering. Her body abruptly went lax as she came down from her divine high.

Richard cleaned her juices off of his face with his tongue and shirt before flipping her over on the seat so that she was on her belly. She was barely conscious at this point, so it didn't compute that he was hastily freeing his thick meaty cock from the confines of his trousers to prepare to fuck her.

What felt like a long, fleshy tube was rubbing along the hypersensitive folds of her pussy. She bit her lip at the feeling, letting out a low cry. Her brain was in a pleasure-filled haze from the second line of cocaine she had inhaled. She once again felt like she was floating and was barely conscious of her surroundings.