The Cuckold's Conundrum

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Submissive man, dominant fiance and her lover cum together.
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It was a month before our wedding and my fiancé Sylvia and I were talking about an issue that was coming to dominate our relationship.

We had woken after a night of sexual activity that had been more violent and intense than either of us had anticipated. I was still sore and excited. Sylvia appeared to be as excited but more comfortable than I was. And certainly not in any pain.

She sat on the sofa stroking my hair as I lay with my head on her lap feeling vulnerable and perhaps a little needy, seeking her assurance:

"So you really don't mind that I need you to take the lead; be assertive and dominant?

And you still love me?"

She smiled down at me and kissed my upturned face.

"Of course I don't mind my love. And of course I still love you. More than ever."

I squirmed submissively and continued: "So you didn't really mean all those cruel things you said last night about me being a submissive sissy, not being a real man and my dick being little and useless?"

She laughed and kissed me again:

"Steady on cowboy. I seem to recall it turned you on when I said that last night Dave. Anyway, I can't say I didn't mean what I said when we both know it's all true."

She emphasised her point by reaching down between my legs and squeezing my little willy through the silk night dress I was wearing.

I turned on my back. my head between her strong wide thighs to look up at her face. She beamed down at me across her vast bosom and her hand reached down and stroked my small semi erect penis.

I was still looking for her reassurance:

"But you don't mind? You're happy marrying a submissive man. You'll be happy being the dominant wife when we're married?"

Sylvia smiled at me with excitement:

"Oh yes. It's such a change from what I'm used to. I love it. It's brought out a whole aspect of my personality that I hardly suspected was there. I never dreamed I could be so cruel and that being cruel would be so satisfying. It's such a relief. I can be wicked, angry, mean, impatient, contemptuous, nasty and cruel and I don't have to feel guilty about it!"

As she enthused she pushed my head off her lap and sat up:

"I feel like I've been suppressing a big part of the real me all my life and now I can let it out."

She looked at me with a curious mixture of love and arrogance:

"Now I have someone to let it all out on. You. Thank you darling. I'm so glad I met you. So happy to become your wife. You've unleashed the woman I was destined to be. I love you. I get so excited that I completely lose it sometimes. I hope you don't mind - are you still very sore from last night?" She giggled and slapped my bottom just where it was particularly tender.

I winced. "Ow. Yes. Very sore but I don't mind. So didn't you do anything like that with any other men, before me?"

"God no! Never. Before I met you I've only ever been with alpha male types - you know, like Toby - the complete opposite of you: much more assertive than you, more confident than you and a lot bigger than you."

My face went red at that comment because she laughed and gave my little dick a hard slap:

"No David. Naughty boy. Not just their cocks. I mean bigger everywhere...but yeah, bigger there as well" She giggled sweetly and squeezed my dick.

"Anyway, the thing is all my previous lovers have been very dominant and made me take a submissive role with them."

"But you prefer this?"

"I wouldn't say 'prefer'. Don't get me wrong I love being able to dominate you, punish you and make you do whatever I tell you and all of that. But I do miss being properly fucked by a real man. I probably need both really. Oh my god. Does that make me sound awful?"

I felt conflicting waves of jealousy, shame and arousal which made my heart beat quicker and my little dick stiffen.

"No. It doesn't sound awful darling. You need both and you deserve both. I'm just sorry I can't do both. I wish I knew the answer."

This apparent conundrum bedevilled our relationship and appeared insoluble until Sylvia came up with the solution.

I was tempted to say that it might explain why she was still sleeping with her ex-boyfriend: Toby.

But I didn't. I couldn't.

She didn't know that I knew. And I intended to keep it that way. For two reasons:

Firstly, our wedding was only four weeks away and I didn't want to have a row that might cause her to call it off.

The other, and probably the most pressing reason, if I'm honest, was that since I'd caught her and Toby fucking I had been in a state of intense sexual arousal: an intoxicating mix of humiliation, submissiveness and erotic jealousy and I didn't want that to stop. Ever


I don't know how long they'd been at it but it was a month earlier that I'd caught them.

I had a half day holiday and came home in the middle of the afternoon. As I opened the door to our flat I saw Sylvia's coat and bag on the sofa. This was odd as I hadn't expected her to be home at that time.

I was about to call out to her and announce my presence when I noticed a man's sports jacket and a tie on the coffee table. Then I saw one of her dresses, a pair of men's trousers, a shirt, a single argyle sock and Sylvia's black bra scattered across the floor.

It was then that I became aware of the sound of bedsprings creaking and noises coming from the bedroom. I heard Sylvia's voice whimpering, moaning, gasping in either pain or pleasure. As I stood there and listened I realised that this was the sound of my fiancé being fucked. A sound I'd never heard her make before.

I instinctively unzipped my fly and pulled my three inch erection out and stroked it between my finger and thumb. I came before they did. I heard them stop and change positionl his masterful voice telling her what to do and her obedient response. I quietly left the flat and sat outside in my car in a state of excitement.

I returned to our flat an hour later to find Sylvia alone and in a very good mood. We kissed and became so amorous that we actually had sex before dinner. She told me to be gentle because she was a bit tender. I went down on her first, as I always do, then when she had had her orgasm I went on top and poked my dick inside her. She seemed to enjoy it although I felt very lost inside her, I kept slipping out and I came very quickly. I apologised but she just laughed and kissed me on the nose and told me not to worry. She wasn't usually so forgiving.

Later she mentioned that she'd seen her ex-boyfriend; Toby.

I said I thought she didn't like Toby and reminded her that the last time she'd come back from seeing Toby she had sworn never to see him ever again and that he was an arrogant chauvinist sexist bastard.

She said it was complicated. He was all of those things but he could also be charming and very persuasive. Their relationship had been passionate and intense and they had fought a lot. She said it was mainly about sex.

I asked her what she meant and she looked at me and rolled her eyes:

"You know Dave. Sex. S.E.X. We fucked a lot. I mean a lot. We fucked all the time. We fucked everywhere. Even when we split up we ended up fucking each other. It was like a chemistry between us. His cock seemed to have a power over me and I can't get enough of it. I mean I couldn't get enough of it. He could be quite rough. And it could hurt me because he's big... you know...very big, like... massive." She held her hands about a foot apart to indicate the size of his cock

"He wanted to do it more than I could do it and we rowed about that. I even let him fuck other girls. God knows there's more than enough of Toby to go round."

She must have seen the look on my face because she added: "Don't worry Dave, it was just sex. Not like you and me. We talk. You respect me. You're sweet and kind and thoughtful. You look after me and do stuff for me. He just wants to fuck me all the time. Oh what is wrong with me?"

She started crying. I tried to comfort her but she said she was sorry but could I just leave her alone so I went and made dinner.

I decided that it wouldn't be a good time to mention that I'd arrived home earlier and heard her and Toby having sex. The realisation that his cum was still in her pussy when I had gone down on her made me feel sick but also very aroused.

After dinner she went to bed early and I washed the dishes then sat and wanked. I looked at my thin three inch erect dick and rubbed it between my finger and thumb and thought about how it would look next to Toby's. I wondered what it must like to have a big cock like that and be able to hold it and to make women orgasm and make those noise that I'd heard my fiancé make. I felt jealous and angry.


I hadn't caught Sylvia and Toby again since, despite coming home from work early several times on the off chance. But I couldn't stop thinking about them and recalling the noises I'd heard my fiancé make when he fucked her.

She came home late sometimes and I knew from her face and behaviour when she'd been with him. Each time we'd make love as before with me going down on her then on top. I could taste the difference when she had been with him. I could taste him. It stopped making me feel sick. I began to long for that taste. As I did the laundry for both of us I noticed when her knickers were stiff and sticky with Toby's spunk. I didn't wash her cum soiled knickers but kept them in my bedside cabinet and put them on when Sylvia was out.

Sylvia became more dominant and I became more subservient from that point. She seemed to become more beautiful and confident as she became more cruel.

I certainly became a more pleasant and contented man as I accepted my submissiveness and stopped trying to play the part of the macho male.

We settled into our roles and I became accustomed to being spanked by Sylvia. We even bought outfits and equipment: boots and whips for her, a French maid's outfit and some frilly knickers for me.

It was then that we had that conversation addressing the question of how Sylvia's need to express her powerful, dominant side could be compatible with her need to be properly fucked by a dominant man. In the confines of a marriage to me: a small dicked submissive obedient man.

And all this with our wedding day coming soon.


One afternoon Sylvia called to say she was going for a drink with colleagues after work and wouldn't be home until late.

I didn't cook the meal for two that I'd bought on the way home. Instead I started drinking whisky and working myself into a fit of submissive arousal and sexual jealousy, wondering if she was with Toby.

She phoned again at midnight to say they were all going to a nightclub and that I wasn't to wait up for her. By that time I'd masturbated twice, standing in front of the bathroom mirror so I could see how small my dick was compared to Toby's.

I was still awake and drinking when she called at 3 in the morning to tell me she was too drunk to travel and was staying at her girlfriend's house and she'd be back in the morning. By that time I was wearing a pair of Sylvia's soiled cum stained knickers, her black bra and her high heel shoes. I was too drunk and dry to wank or even get hard. But I lay on the bed playing with my soft dick wishing that Sylvia and Toby would come home and laugh at me and fuck in front of me.

I woke up in the morning still dressed like that and still drunk. I looked a mess but decided not to change. I tried to call Sylvia but her phone was dead. Eventually I sobered up, had a shower, put on my usual weekend clothes and went shopping. I thought we'd both need food and wine when she came home.

It was early evening when Sylvia finally came home.

She was a mess. She bit her lip and looked at me with a guilty smile.

I fussed around her and poured her a glass of wine. I was so servile that she actually got cross with me. She let me run her a bath and I took her dirty clothes to wash. They were sticky and sweaty.

Afterwards I asked her about the evening: who had been there, where they went and what club she'd been to.

She started to make something up then shook her head:

"Oh For Fucks Sake I can't do this. Actually Dave. I didn't go out with work. I didn't stay with a mate. I lied. I'm sorry. I went out with Toby. I spent the night with Toby. We fucked all night and we fucked all day today. I didn't intend to stay with him all night but I did. I was very naughty. It's probably just a one off thing before we get married. Just to get it out of my system. Probably."

I asked her what they'd done. She was initially reluctant to tell me but soon became enthusiastic as she described how much he'd made her cum, where he'd fucked her, what positions he'd fucked her in - pointing out that some were only possible with a much bigger dick than mine - and that she'd even let him fuck her arse.

She made me go down on her as she talked about what she and Toby had done. She took a long time to cum. When I went on top and fucked her she fell asleep straight away. I finished off while she snored.

After that Sylvia clearly decided that she and Toby no longer needed to hide their sexual activity from me because the following night I came home to the sound of their loud lovemaking.

The bedroom door was wide open so I stood in the doorway and watched them. I took my little dick out and jerked as they fucked. I held off cumming so I could cum when they did.

Sylvia was on top of Toby, astride him, impaled on his big cock, moving her hips up and down. She was facing the door. Her big round tits were swinging back and forth and up and down. Toby's eyes were closed. She saw me standing in the doorway with my dick in my hand and my trousers round my ankles. She kept her eyes on mine as she had an orgasm. She kept her eyes on mine as he grunted and came inside her. She laughed when I came with a whimper and a dribble of sperm. She smiled at me and then gave Toby a deep powerful kiss.

Eventually Toby opened his eyes and saw me standing there. He looked at my now shrivelled dick and smiled: "Hi Dave. Having fun there?"

Sylvia beckoned me over and let me kiss her while she was still on his dick. I watched as she moved to let his thick cock slide out of her with a loud wet plop.

She lay down on her back on the bed and opened her legs. I went to climb on top of her but she pushed me away.

"No Dave. Don't be silly. There's no point. I won't feel anything now after Adam. No. You lick my pussy. Drink Toby's cum."

I protested and tried to push her legs apart. She slapped my face and told Toby to sort me out. He grabbed me roughly by the hair and forced my face between her thighs and into her sticky cunt oozing with his seed.

I lapped at her pussy eagerly and swallowed Toby's cum. She made me lie on my back and straddled my face so more cum oozed out of her pussy into my mouth. She rubbed herself roughly and came on my face. As her orgasm subsided she squeaked: 'oops' then let out a sigh of relief as she emptied her bladder, pissing in my mouth and over my face.

They told me to clean up the mess while they took a bath together. I changed the bedding and put the wet sheets and clothes in the washing machine.

She called me in to the bathroom and told me to bring them a glass of wine each.

"And, fiancé dear, wear something sexy when you serve us. You know what I want you to wear don't you."

I did know.

She'd bought me a French maid's outfit and made me wear it while she bossed and bullied me. It made me feel very sexy and submissive and she became cruel and dominant. It always ended with her taking out all of her anger and aggression on me. I was still sore from the last time. I enjoyed being her maid but I was nervous and uncertain about dressing like that for both her and Toby.

She sensed my reluctance and became quite aggressive.

"You know what will happen if you won't do what you're told don't you?"

I didn't need her to spell it out.

When I brought their drinks in my silk pinny and lacy petticoats she let me bend down to kiss her. She called me the best fiancé in the whole world.

"Just think. We're getting married in a few days. I can't wait. Soon you'll be the best husband in the whole world."

I blushed and thanked her and did a little curtsy which made her and Toby laugh. I stood there lost for words as they kissed. She noticed I was still there and frowned.

"Go on fiancé. Off you pop. We'll call you when we need you." And she clapped her hands to dismiss me.

It was the morning after that night that Sylvia came up with the solution to our conundrum and sealed my fate.

I kept my maid's outfit on while Sylvia and Toby soaked in the bath. I felt sexy and comfortable and submissive.

They called me from time to time to refill their glasses.

Without being told I cooked a meal for two and set the table with candles and our best table cloth ready for when they got out of the bath.

While they ate Sylvia told me to go to the wine shop for a bottle of brandy that Toby likes after a meal. I was unsure about going out dressed like that but she told me to go as I was so I did. It was a humiliating but exciting experience.

When I got back they had finished dinner and were lying on the sofa. I served them brandy, cleared the table and washed the dishes.

When I returned to the living room Sylvia told me to kneel at her feet and she stroked my hair as I rested my head on her lap. She told me I had been such a good fiancé and a perfect maid and I deserved a reward. I felt as happy then and there as I had ever felt. She and Toby kissed and I felt her thighs move beneath my cheeks and her fingers stroked my hair more vigorously as they became more passionate. Toby stood up and Sylvia took his cock in her mouth. At the same time she opened her legs and guided my face to her pussy. I licked and used my tongue and she seemed to enjoy what I was doing for she grabbed the back of my head and cried out. Toby told her to bend over the sofa and so I moved away. I watched in awe as he grabbed her hips and plunged his huge cock between her thighs and into her cunt. She told me to kneel beside her and kiss her while Toby fucked her. We kissed deeply on the lips, between her gasps of orgasm almost as though I was the one fucking her. She looked me in the eyes and told me that she loved me. I replied that I loved her. We called each other's names and as she came on Toby's cock we kept eye contact and cried out "Yes Dave, I love you" and we kissed as he came inside her.

After Toby had pulled out of her she lay back on the sofa and told me to kneel at her feet again and lay my head on her lap so she could stroke my hair:

"Wow. Dave. That was fantastic. Perfect. Making love to you while being fucked with a cock that I can feel. You were amazing."

She kissed me again then turned round and kissed Toby

"And you. Thank you Toby. You were amazing as well. You were both amazing. We all were. Did we all cum together?"

I admitted that I hadn't cum yet.

"Oh you poor thing. Let's see your poor little dick."

I stood up in front of her and lifted up the skirt and petticoats of my maid's outfit. Sylvia pulled my knickers down to reveal my little erection.

"Poor little thing. Too small for a pussy. What are we going to do with you?"

She looked up at Toby and winked at him:

"We know what will make you cum. Don't we Toby? Remember what we talked about? Well I want you to do it now. You promised."

I'd been waiting for her to put my little dick in her mouth or let me wank over her tits. Instead she slapped it and put it back in the frilly knickers and lay back on the sofa. She opened her legs and told me to lick her pussy clean. I did as I was told. She grabbed my ears and hair and gripped my head in her powerful thighs as Toby's cum oozed from her pussy into my eager mouth.