The Dark Horde Pt. 07

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Val and her friends meet the Wild Ones.
4.5k words

Part 7 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/09/2019
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Part 7

It took three more days to reach the village of the Wild Ones. They had marched cautiously but quickly, eyes alert to any sighting of orcs. Val stood on Bear's back most of the time, her hands on his shoulders, peering through the dark underbrush. Gracius followed, leading the minotaur by holding on to his huge gnarled elbow with a slim hand. The minotaur seemed happy with the arrangement, alternatively turning his wet bovine eyes from Gracius to Valentine's ass as it jiggled sightly with every one of Bear's step.

The minotaur had turned remarkably docile, happy to go where he was told, behaving like a giant, hugely muscled and terrifying puppy. Bear kept an eye on him, never trusting that this mellow mood would last.

There was only one night where Bear's trepidation might have been warranted. On the second day, as they were getting ready for the night, the minotaur had started to snort. He was sitting on his haunches, staring at Val as she gathered wood for the small fire. He was massaging a growing erection with a large and calloused hand, watching as Val bent over to reveal the dark peach of her pussy.

Bear made clicking noises to attract Val's attention. She turned and saw the minotaur. Her chest tightened at the sight, suddenly made nervous by the burning gaze of these black eyes. But a warmth rose from her belly. There was no danger there, just a rising maleness, a virile potency she knew how to deal with. She dropped the bits of wood she had gathered and walked over to the Minotaur.

The Minotaur kept his eyes fixed on her, on her bare breasts tipped by the small pink nipples, swaying with her walk. As she approached his gazed dropped to the small triangle of black hair that sat at the junction of her thighs and the rising curve of her belly. His tongue, flat and thick, pushed past his teeth, the taste of her pussy still fresh in his small mind. His cock grew thicker.

He reached out to her, as if to pull her closer. But Val caught his hand with both of hers and closed his fingers into his palm. She held his fist close to her chest, making soft cooing noises.

"Hi big boy," she murmured, "are you feeling frisky? I bet, with those big balls of you need some relief?" She continued to talk softly to him, stroking his large hand.

The minotaur snorted. Behind Val, Bear was slowly reaching for his bow. Gracius motioned to Bear to hold still, to relax.

Val moved closer to the minotaur, until she could put one hand on one of the large horns that sprouted from his head.

"Lie back, big boy..." she told him softly, pushing gently on his broad nose with her other hand.

The minotaur got the hint and fell back onto his elbows, looking up at Val, his cock like a fat lazy snake on his belly. He wasn't fully hard yet and already larger than Val could ever hope to take. Val stood between his legs, her knees brushing against his heavy balls. She ran her fingers along the length of his cock, watching as it stirred and grew under her touch.

She shuffled forward, straddling the root of his cock, his balls firm and warm under her ass. She continued to softly move her fingers up and down the shaft of his cock, having to reach forward to touch the tip of it. She kept cooing and murmuring soft words as she moved her hands, never fully grasping the shaft, just trailing her fingers.

She could feel the huge man-beast tremble and shake underneath her. She was becoming aware of the heat in her pussy, of the moisture that was gathering where the lips of her sex were pushed against the soft skin of his erection. She moved her hips slightly, pressing her clit against the warmth of his cock.

Val shifted, one hand teasing the bulb of his cock, the other reaching back to brush again the heavy balls. She teased and cooed, her fingers tickling the ridge between shaft and head, her other hand stroking and hefting the over-filled testicles.

In a surprisingly short amount of time, the minotaur grunted, fell onto his back, and let a jet of white cum fly. Val squealed in delight at the sight, pleased with herself. She grinned at the sight of the huge man-beast, splayed on the ground like a felled tree, his chest heaving and covered with his own sperm.

Val unmounted his slowly softening cock and walked back to pick up the bundle of sticks she had been gathering. She grinned at Bear as she walked by, acting as if nothing unusual had happened. Gracius laughed softly as the big centaur tried to decide what he felt about this, his face a mask of confused emotions. Val continued to smile to herself as she picked up wood, a pleasant warmth radiating from her pussy.

A day and a night later, they found the village of the Wild Ones. It was nestled in a small valley with forests on two sides. A sheer cliff to the North marked the beginning of the Broken Teeth, the name the Wild Ones had given to the mountain range that rose in the distance, Gracius had explained. To the South was a rolling plain of grasses and broken rock. On the other side of that plain the armies of the Lizard Kings gathered.

The village itself was a collection of stockades surrounding three long houses, each house a large rectangle of rough hewed logs and steeply pitched thatched roof. The stockades held a dozen or so horses, shaggy and small, useful for hunting in the margins of the forested hills. The four companions walked openly towards the long houses. They were expected, and no point in sneaking up on them anyway. Valentine rode on Bear, her arms around his waist, peering around his chest to stare as they approached the Wild Ones.

She spotted a few women and children moving between the long houses. They were tall and hardy looking, pale and blond, dressed in rough-cut leather and fur. The women stopped and stared as a centaur, a minotaur, a satyr and a naked woman walked into their village. The children hid.

Valentine noticed that the women were dressed for cold weather. Was it cold? Despite her nudity, she felt warm enough. Cool, perhaps, but nothing that Bear's body heat couldn't remedy.

They kept approaching slowly, Gracius leading the way now, heading towards the central long house.

They were called long houses because, well, they were long, Gracius had said earlier that morning. The whole tribe lived within the three houses, sharing food and shelter. The Wild Ones seemed few in numbers, but long houses were scattered across the roots of the mountain, creating a chain of settlements that housed several thousand Wild Ones. If they could convince the leader of this house, the rest of the houses would surely follow.

Valentine dismounted, looking around for a way into the house. The logs that made its walls were cleverly cut to fit tightly against one another. The ends of each log was carved in the shape of a face, or an animal, with smaller carvings scattered across the face of the house, incomprehensible squiggles of lines and curves. But there were no doors or windows.

"This way," said Gracius, leading the Minotaur around the corner of the house.

He ducked behind a corner post, revealing that the whole house was raised on a dozen or so wooden pillars, about chest high, the whole underside ringed by thin walls to create a dark but protected area, opened only at one corner. The space under the house held lines of drying leather and piles of hay. A dozen dogs lifted their heads from their hay nests, puzzled by the appearance of the satyr in their gloomy den. A few started growling.

Gracius murmured a few words, almost whistles, and the dogs calmed down immediately. A few started wagging their tails.

"This way," said Gracius, pointing at a short staircase that led up through the floor of the house into the chambers above. Valentine headed up the stairs, cautiously making her way up. Bear struggled to bend low enough to make it under; he practically had to crawl on his horse legs. But he finally made it up. Gracius stopped the Minotaur, gently guiding him to take a seat at the entrance of the long house. The Minotaur sat heavily, snorting mournfully at being left behind. Gracius patted the giant's arm reassuringly one more time before heading up as well.

Valentine walked up the stairs and emerged into the fire-lit warmth of the long house. She stood at the top of the stairs, naked, letting her eyes adjust to the gloom. The center of the long house was a long stone-lined fire pit, filled with glowing coals and small piles of wood which sent flames and smoke up towards the distant rafters. A balcony of sort, or maybe an extended bunk bed, ringed the space at head height. Curtains of woven grass hung from it, creating little rooms and cubicles in which Valentine could see piles of food and furs.

Two dozen Wild Ones were sitting and lounging, either on the piles of fur or up above on the long second level. And all of them were staring at her, with surprise and shock on their faces.

Valentine had a brief wave of anxiety. They were expecting a visit, weren't they? Had she somehow broken a protocol, a taboo? The fact that she was naked did not cross her mind, she had become too used to that by now.

And then Bear made his shuffling appearance, unfolding his enormous body as he made his way up the stairs. He stood behind Valentine and looked up.

There was an audible gasp. Somewhere in the back a child started to cry, but was quickly hushed. The Wild Ones stared at him, jaws literally dropping at the sight of the enormous half-man, half horse that had just emerged from below.

Bear leaned down a bit too loudly whisper to Val; "They knew we were coming, right?"

There was grunting and shuffling and then Gracius finally appeared, shoving Bear's equine ass out of the way. He took in the sight of the amazed Wild Ones and stepped forward.

"I bring greetings from Rom, guardian of the forest and friend to your people!" He exclaimed loudly. "We seek the wisdom of your council of elders."

A stunned silence followed his words.

"You did know we were coming, right?" He asked the silent Wild Ones.

It turns out they were in the wrong long house. It took a few minutes a some awkward shuffling around, but they were soon seated at the far end of the other long house, the one that held the council of elders and the majority of the tribe who had come to watch the exotic new arrivals.

They had been led to the proper place by the shaman of the tribe, a shaggy fellow dressed in a long colorful cloak of feathers and berry-stained leather strips, giving him the look of a walking bush.

The council was a half-dozen of the oldest Wild Ones, both male and female, seated in a half circle at the very back of the house. Valentine, Bear and Gracius were seated in front of them, their back to the long fire pit. Behind them and on all sides were the rest of the tribe, listening intently as Gracius spoke to the elders about the coming threat of the Lizard Kings and their army.

Val had little to say, so she let herself lean against Bear's flanks and gaze about at the rest of the Wild Ones. They were rough around the edges, but she had to admit they were an impressive bunch. In the heat of the long house, they had discarded their furs, revealing strong and lean bodies. They were pale, blond and red haired, many with tattoos of black ink across their shoulders and backs. The men were mostly bearded, beads and small bones threaded in the pale hair. They wore leather leggings and loincloths, their muscled chests bare. The women were tattooed like the men, dressed in loose leather dresses that were decorated with patterns and beads. Here and there a few of them were bare-breasted, holding a child to a breast or simply lounging comfortably in their near nudity.

Val caught the eye of one of the men. He was leaning against a thick pillar, talking in a low voice to a group of young men seated around him. Warriors, thought Val. They wore their scars proudly, she saw. They had the dangerous ease of men who knew they were the toughest in the room. The predators. And the man who held her gaze was their leader. He smiled, not unkindly, but his eyes told Val what he wanted.

A warm and familiar feeling grew in her belly. Val looked round. Gracius was talking to the old people. Bear was distracted by a gaggle of giggling girls who were openly staring at his large penis hanging at the front of his human torso. They were cooing and talking excitedly to each other while sending Bear lascivious glances.

Valentine felt the room. Felt the heat of the place, the space of this wooden cavern. It was cold out, and the army threatening this warm womb was colder, and harsher still. They needed to fight, they needed to help, or this place would cease to exist. But it wasn't the old ones in the Council that needed to be convinced.

Val stood up and walked over to the small group of men. They all broke into large grins, cocky and sure of themselves as this naked, slim woman approached them. Their leader pushed off of the pillar that had supported his broad shoulders, his eyes fixed in hers.

Val placed her fists on her hips. Chin out, her breasts out and proud, she looked from man to man, catching their eyes, feeling the heat of their gaze. "Anyone here going to offer a girl a drink?" she asked, brazen. She could feel the Hungry Woman, somewhere in the back of her skull, rolling her eyes at the corny line. Hey, she was improvising. No time for clever chit-chat. And these guys were not exactly a refined audience.

There was a brief scuffle before a water-skin was suddenly offered. "And this is...?" Enquired Val. She sniffed the wobbly bag of smelled of berries and wood, maybe a hint of cheese. "On second thought, don't tell me." She took a sip, drawing a thick drop of liquid onto her tongue. It was sweet at first but with a bitter aftertaste. But there was alcohol in there. She drank a bit more before tossing the water-skin back to one of the seated men.

Val approached the leader of the pack, casually looking around as if examining the architecture. Behind him was an alcove created by two woven mats hung under the second level, filed with furs. It looks warm and cozy in there.

"And what is your name?" She asked, turning her head slightly to catch the eye of the standing leader. He folded his arms across his broad chest, leaning against the pillar again, trying to act in control. He was young, thought Val, his dark blond beard masking the smoothness of his skin. His bright blue eyes shone in the low light of the fire pit, his lips pale but thick. Pretty. And tough. But a man.

"They call me Horse Breaker," he replied in a deep and gravely voice.

"I don't think my friend over there will appreciate that name," said Val, motioning to Bear with her head. "Unless they call you Horse for a different reason..." she continued, trailing her fingers across the front of the man's loin-cloth.

Valentine turned and let herself fall backwards into the pile of furs under the alcove. She stretched her arms over her head, pulling her breasts up into perfect rose-tipped globes high upon her chest. Her legs scissored back and forth. Yep, that heat was there all right, that hunger deep in her belly. In her warm swamp the Hungry Woman licked her black lips.

Horse Breaker shoved himself off of the pillar he was leaning against and turned towards her, standing at her feet. His friends crowded behind him, looking over his shoulder at this naked woman offering herself to him.

For a moment Valentine worried that he might be too worried about the public setting of what they were about to do. But no worries, sharing a long house meant that everyone was used to doing everything in front of each other. Like pushing her feet apart with his foot, revealing the pale pink folds of her pussy, hiding in the dark bush crowning her sex.

He took hold of his loin cloth and pulled it off, revealing his growing erection in its bed of dark blond curls.

Val held back a laugh. She had grown so used to Bear and his Centaur friends that Horse Breaker's cock seemed small and cute. But still, erect, masculine, with its own beauty.

Val reached out with her foot, placing the flat of it against his cock, and smiled. Horse Breaker took hold of her foot and pushed it away, bending her leg further back, exposing her more to his hungry gaze. He fell to his knees between her legs, grabbed her hips and flipped her over, pulling her to her knees. Ass up, legs apart, her pussy offered, Val looked over her shoulder just as Horse Breaker placed the tip of his cock against the entrance of her sex, and pushed.

He slid in all at once, knocking the breath out of her. He was big enough all right. She hung her head down, taking in the rough pulsing cock that pumped in and out of her already wet pussy. It was a savage pounding, the kind the Hungry Woman liked, the kind that demanded her surrender. Val let herself be taken, his hands rough on her hips as he pulled her to him with each stroke, grunting as he shoved his cock deep into her soft pussy, her breast swaying beneath her.

But...the Hungry Woman was not the only one who needed satisfaction. Who had a mission. Val pulled back, slipping off of his hard cock. She spun around, pulling him down and on his back. Before he could react Val was on top of him, her hand guiding his cock back into the wet warmth of her pussy. She sat on top of him, his cock in to the hilt. Val braced herself with her hands on his chiseled chest, grinding and pumping her hips. She noticed how pale he looked compared to her, how her skin had become nut brown compared to his pale pink. She had become the color of bark, of moist earth.

She sat up and reached out, looking back towards the men that stood at the entrance of the alcove. She found a hard cock, freed it from the cloth that held it back, pulled it to her mouth. She found another warm body with her other hand, held on as, eyes closed, she let her mouth sink onto the hard cock she held. She felt it fill her mouth, just as the other filled her cunt.

She heard murmurs, felt heat, as the men started to surround her. Hands reached out to touch her, brush against her breasts, her shoulders, her back. She kept her eyes closed for now, focussed on the feeling of the cock in her mouth, that surprising soft skin against her tongue. She felt the Hungry Woman move in her, coil around the cock nestled in her pussy. It felt so different to Bear's massive cock. She was not being filled, or taken. She was taking it in, swallowing it with her pussy. Mouth and pussy, throat and cunt, two sleeves of flesh made to receive, to absorb. She was hungry all right, ready to receive her due. She wanted them all.

She opened her eyes, catching the eyes of the men surrounding her. She fixed them with her stare as she pumped her mouth around the cock that throbbed against her tongue. She dug her nails into Horse Breaker's chest as she pushed again this cock, wanting more of him her cunt.

Horse Breaker bucked and pushed beneath her, shoving his cock hard and fast between the wet lips of her sex. He wasn't going to last long at this pace. Fine, Val wanted his spunk. Plenty of other men around.

Val started to grind her pussy against Horse Breaker, drawing him deeper into her wet folds. She looked up at he men around her, at the cocks now being offered to her mouth. She still held two of them in her hands, pulling gently on their shafts, enjoying the soft skin of their hard erection.

Horse Breaker grunted, shaking under her thighs. A wet heat splashed in Val's pussy. She smiled and lifted herself up a bit, freeing his softening cock from her sex. She smiled at Horse Breaker, and then at his men. She licked her lips, the hunger red hot now. This was going to be fun.

She slid to the ground, making Horse Breaker move out of the way. She kept her hands on those hard cocks, pulling the two men to the ground with her. Horse Breaker scrambled out of the way, surprised.