The DayFlirt Dating App Ch. 01-02

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Lucie is hired by Iris to make her dating app better.
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©August 1st, 2023

Re-Edited August 19th, 2023

By Starburst8865

Any and all characters are made up fictional characters even if they are based on real people with permission.

All characters are 18+

Work Text:

The DayFlirt Dating App

By Starburst8865

©July 30th, 2023

Chapter One: Keeping DayFlirt Alive

The ability to compete. It's a skill you need to survive in business when there are other companies out there with a similar service like your own. Iris Deguzman, the creator of "DayFlirt" dating app knew this. Of course when she first started the DayFlirt dating app it was pretty easy. Just create an app that allows people to sign up, create a profile, and let the users search other profiles in their area. Then from there, the users do all the work. They'd just have to look at profiles and if they liked a person's profile, they can put a like on his or her profile, and if they both put a like on each other's profile, they "match" with each other and then can send the person a message.

"Boss, we're reaching the bottom of the pay list in our app. A lot of other dating apps have passed us. Our company is making very little. At this point, we can be losing money by just keeping the app up." Iris's assistant Sam said.

"What about the ads? Aren't we getting money from the ads we make them watch?"

"Sorry to tell you this, boss, but a lot of people have uninstalled our app and moved on to other apps. A lot of people don't click the ads from us anymore since they don't use our app anymore."

"Well our main important product in the app are the girls, right? Without the girls on the app, it's just a worthless profile maker. So what are their complaints? What do they say in the negative reviews?"

"The number one complaint is that they feel overwhelmed getting messages from one thousand guys per day."

"Don't give me exaggerations, Sam. Give me accurate estimated numbers."

"That's not an exaggeration, boss. They literally get a thousand different guys messaging them per day. I even checked the app myself. It really is around a thousand different guys messaging them per day."

"I see. I have an idea, Sam. Let's start charging guys to message girls on our app. Charge $20 a month for guys. We can make money off the guys. Our app consists of mostly men just like all the other dating apps."

"Um.. with all due respect, boss, is that really a good idea?" Sam said. "By charging only guys to message any girl at all will most likely result in them just leaving our app completely." Sam said. Iris thought about Sam's opinion for a bit.

"Yeah, I think you have a good point there, Sam." Iris admitted.

"Sam, starting today after each girl on the app reaches 100 messages, put a paywall on them. We'll call those girls the "popular users." The 100 count will reset after each Sunday. Make anyone who wants to message one of the popular users pay either $2 to message that person or $10 to message up to 100 different girls per month. Oh and to give our app some more spice, let's make a premium service to our site where people can pay $20 a month to send unlimited messages."

"OK, boss. I'm on it."

Two weeks later had passed and Iris asked Sam about the numbers of the app.

"Well, it looks pretty good for now, boss. So.. for now... our app went from the bottom to the middle of our competition." Sam responded.

"The middle? That's it? Not towards the top?" Iris asked frustrated.

"Sorry, boss, but a bunch of other companies had the exact same idea we did."

"Geeze!" Iris said as she face palmed herself. "Wait, what did you mean by 'for now?'" Iris asked suspiciously.

"Well, a lot of the girls felt less overwhelmed with the new messaging limits. The girls are pretty happy with our app."

"So what's the problem then, Sam?"

"The men gave harsher reviews. Even harsher than last time. They are complaining that it feels like they paid money just to TALK to girls and barely any of the girls responded to them. Some didn't even get a response at all. They feel like they are paying for nothing. And they are going to cancel at the end of the month. Then we will be back at the bottom of the dating apps, boss."

"How are the girls happy if all of our paying male members are not getting responses?'

"Well, boss, you put it so that if two people put a 'like' on each other's profile, they "Match," and then they can chat with each other for free. And well, all those girls put a like on the same guys' profiles and they don't pay even a single dime to our app."

"But we have so many happy female members?"

"Well, the first week we got really good reviews from them. But then after the end of the week, they all complained that they were pumped and dumped."

"Pumped and dumped? Say that to me in English, Sam."

"Well, they got a match on our app, they had sex with the guy, and the guy left her the next day and blocked her number. They are complaining about how guys just want sex and fuck them and leave them."

"But, Sam, you said that most of the guys don't even get a response, so how could there be so many women on our app getting pumped and dumped the next day if over 99% of our male members aren't getting so much as a reply from a woman?"

"That's the thing, boss. All the women on our app are all having sex with the same few guys."

"How many is a few?"

"Four, ma'am."

Iris had to pause for a moment because she was in such shock at the numbers her assistant was giving her.

".... FOUR?" she asked in shock. "Just four guys are fucking over one thousand of our members?"

"Yes. Ma'am." Sam said. "These are the male members who are deciding to stay."

"What about our tutorial on how to make a better profile? Do our male members ever read it?"

"Yes. Ma'am. All the male members who do not have responses all have very good lighting in their pictures, plenty of non-selfies, as well as they have been messaging the girls with witty messages with something relating to their profile to prove to them that they have read their profile. Still, it doesn't help, ma'am." Iris then asked Sam to give her about fifteen minutes to think. Sam left the room as Iris thought long and hard about all the possibilities she could do to get money rolling back in her app as well as keep the money going in a consistent basis. After she almost got a big headache from thinking so hard, a good idea finally came to her.

"Sam. I finally thought up a good idea. I'm going to need to increase the price of premium service though. Change the price from $20 a month to $40 a month and offer a 3-month premium membership of $90. That way they will want to pay the higher price from the start to save themselves money." Iris started to say. "My idea requires us to spend money, so I had to raise the price of our membership for this to work. First of all, suspend the accounts of the four guys who have been fucking all the girls on our app."

"Boss, are you sure you want to suspend some of our users? We'll have less users."

"Yes. I'm sure. They already had their fun and they don't get us money anyways. They have been using our site for free while we have to pay just to keep it up. When you suspend their account, have their screen say, "Due to technical issues, this account has been temporarily suspended." Then offer a one month free trial to all the men who have not had a single response. Suspend the accounts of all the good looking men on the app, including the new ones. Offer all new average and ugly men a free 2 week trial."

"Yes, boss. Anything else?"

"Yes, Sam. I'll need you to go undercover posing as one of our male members and go on dates with some of our female members."

"But, ma'am, I --" Sam started to say, but was swiftly interrupted.

"BUT NOTHING!" Iris interrupted coldly. "I tell you to do something and you do it it. That's what I pay you to do. *I* am the boss!"

About 15 minutes later passed and Iris called Lucie into her office.

"You wanted to see me, Iris?" Lucie asked.

"Yes. Have a seat, Lucie."

"Is there a problem, boss?" Lucie asked when she sat down on the seat across from Iris.

"Actually, yes there is." Iris said as Lucie instantly looked worried. "However, I believe we can fix this. After all, I was initially glad I hired you to be a 'secret dater' for our app. I'd hate to lose you."

"What's the problem, boss?" Lucie asked her.

"According to our statistics on you, your online chat activity is high, which is good. However, your average rating score is quite low. And you haven't racked in a lot of virtual gifts from the matches we gave you either. Remember the virtual gifts are purchased gifts from the members of our app through coins they buy from us. The more and better virtual gifts you get, the more your income for the month is."

"I'm sorry, boss."

"I like you, Lucie.... but I have a business to run. And I can't keep paying an employee if she is losing me money. After all, I do give you a little bit of pocket change, so that you can half the bill with your date.... so let me get to the point now."


"Stephanie is my employee of my secret daters program and she is my number one girl right now. She racks in the most virtual gifts AND has the highest rating on the rating system. I did have my tech team create the rating system for a reason. It was a way to measure the happiness of the men on our app. The women were pretty easy to keep happy. With the women, we just had to slow down how many messages they get."

"The point?"

"Oh.. right. Stephanie's match wants to go on a double date with his friend, so of course he needs a date. Stephanie, like the superstar she is, convinced his friend to join our premium version of our dating app, so I will put him as a match for you. And I want you to accept it when he offers the double date. As a premium member he's been given 2,000 free coins, so he'll have enough to give you a virtual gift if he wants to without having to pay for more coins. Now obviously Stephanie is our number one girl, so I want you to pay attention to what she does. Maybe she can give you some ideas on how you can increase your rating."

"What does she do?" Lucie asked.

"I don't know. That's why I want you to go on a double date with her. Obviously whatever she is doing is working. And obviously what you're doing.... is not."

"Stephanie, come to the office please." Iris said into her intercom. Within seconds Stephanie came in.

"Yes, boss. You wanted to see me?" A beautiful girl with long hair asked.

"Stephanie Rebang, meet Lucie Green. Lucie will be going on that double date with you in a few days."

"Hi. Stephanie. I'm Lucie." Lucie said as she stood up and shook her hand.

"Hi Lucie. As you already know, I am Stephanie. And wow... Matt is going to LOVE your height to tit ratio!"

"I'm sorry... what?" said Lucie. Lucie was a short girl with big tits and her short height made her tits look even bigger. She was not used to getting sexual compliments in the work place. And in her society, she was taught.. or programmed... to not like sexual remarks about herself... whether they were good or bad.

"Stephanie..." Iris said to her.

"Yes, Iris?" Stephanie responded.

"You have a great ass." Iris said. Lucie then had a "what the fuck' moment on her face right after that remark.

"Thank you, Iris." Stephanie said with a smile. "That's really nice of you to say."

"Lucie.... For your first lesson. Learn how to take a compliment. This simple easy task is one big step into the big leagues. And the big leagues... that's where Stephanie plays."

"You flatter me, boss."

Chapter Two: The Double Date

"You ready for the double date?" Stephanie asked Lucie as they stood in front of the entrance of the restaurant.

"Ready as I'll ever be I guess." Lucie said.

"Well, you should be ready. This IS our job, you know."

"Stephanie.. um.. any tips?" she asked.

"iris didn't give you the rundown for tonight?"

"No. She told me to do the double date with you and learn from you."

"First of all, you DID message Matt and tell him you were going to meet him here, right?"

"Yes. Of course."

"You're not going to wear that shirt like THAT are you?" Stephanie asked her.

"What's wrong with my shirt?" Lucie asked.

"Unbutton a few of the top buttons! We're going on a date to earn virtual gifts and good ratings! Not applying for a job at Good Will!" Stephanie said as she unbuttoned the first two buttons of Lucie's top. Stephanie's cell phone chimed. "Looks like they're here. They got the table ready for us. Let's go inside."

Lucie saw her date sit next to a guy which she figured was Stephanie's date. Matt waved his hand over and Lucie and Stephanie took the signal for them to sit down there.

"Hi nice to meet you in person, Matt." Lucie said as she shook Matt's hand.

"Simon, good to see you, handsome. Where's my hug?" Stephanie smiled and asked her date who was next to Matt. Simon stood up and gave Stephanie a hug. Lucie remembered she was here today to learn from Stephanie, so she took a mental note on how Stephanie hugged Simon. She hugged him so tight that her tits were pressing into Simon's chest. "And let me say again that you look better in person than you do in your pictures."

"You've said that already. And thanks." Simon responded.

"I said it again because it's still true." Stephanie said.

"You too, Matt. You look better in person than you do in your pictures." Lucie said as she picked up on the hint that Stephanie was giving her.

"Thank you, Lucie. And you are just as nice as you are in your text messages on the app." He said. Matt couldn't resist staring at Lucie's cleavage of her big tits, but quickly looked away in embarrassment when Lucie would catch him staring. The fourth time Lucie caught him, she smiled at him.

"Matt, do you know what you want to order?" Lucie asked.

"Yes. The breast." Matt said. "I mean the chicken breast!" Matt quickly corrected himself. "I mean the chicken!" he said after thinking for a half second and thinking to not want to offend any of the girls.

"Relax. You can say chicken breast." Lucie told him.

Stephanie texted Lucie and suggested she hugs Matt to make him more comfortable as she saw how nervous Matt was getting. Lucie went closer to Matt and hugged him from the side. She giggled. "You're so cute when you're nervous." she said with a smile. While in her arms, she felt Matt loosen his muscles. Matt wiped the sweat from his forehead with his napkin.

"You have such nice lips, Stephanie." Simon told his date.

"Thank you, Simon, but they'd look better touching yours." Stephanie said as she smiled and slowly leaned in for a kiss and Simon accepted the gesture and kissed her lips. Stephanie then remembered it was her job to show Lucie the ropes without making it obvious to the two guys they were on a date with. "Lucie, what's the most fun thing you ever did on a date?" Stephanie asked her as she gave her a look that was basically code for 'Yes, I'm giving you a hint that you should say something witty right now.' Lucie picked up on this.

"Hmm I don't know." Lucie said and then grinned. "But I'm hoping I can have that moment with Matt here."

At the end of the night they decided to go to Simon's house and played scrabble. After they were done with one game Stephanie said she wanted to cuddle with Simon for a bit. After Stephanie closed the door behind her, Matt and Lucie decided to talk to each other for a bit more.

"I forgot to ask you. How long have you been on DayFlirt?" Matt asked Lucie.

"About a month, maybe a bit more than a month."

"How do you like it so far?"

"It's been OK. I'm just a bit disappointed that after a whole month not even one person sent me a small heart virtual gift. Let alone the pretty rose virtual gift that I wanted." Lucie told him trying to get a virtual gift, so that she can show her boss she is doing better and have a better chance at keeping her job. "Hold on, I think I just got a notification from my phone." Lucie said as she checked her phone and her eyes lit up. "Matt! You sent me the virtual rose I wanted! It's so pretty! Thank you!"

"It's no problem. I got free coins when I upgraded to premium membership, so it didn't even cost me anything out of my pocket."

"Still. That's really sweet." Lucie said and then hugged him. Lucie then heard another chime notification from DayFlirt. She checked and this time she saw she got a cute teddy bear virtual gift.

"AND you sent me the super cute teddy bear virtual gift? WOW!" Lucie said with much gratitude. "But... if you sent me the rose virtual gift I wanted... AND the teddy bear gift... that means.. you had to actually pay extra to get enough credits to do that... Awww, Matt. You didn't have to do that."

"It's OK. You're worth it." Matt told her.

Suddenly, Lucie and Matt heard creaking noises. Then they heard Stephanie moaning. Even through the walls, they could hear her moaning and the bed creaking.

"Oh god, it feels so good!" Stephanie said.

"Sshhh. Keep it down, Stephanie. Matt and Lucie might hear you if you moan and talk that loud." Matt said as he continued to pound her. "You don't want them to think you're a whore, do you?" Stephanie moaned a few more times before she responded.

"Would that be so bad? I am YOUR whore. You fucking OWN my pussy!" she replied. "Besides, Lucie told me how much she wanted to suck Matt's dick before we got into your house." she lied figuring that Lucie could hear her through the wall. "She's probably giving him a blowjob right now." Lucie remembered that Iris told her she needs to learn from Stephanie and get higher scores on the dating app.

"Do you think they know how thin those walls are?" Matt asked.

"I don't know, but remember during dinner I said I wanted to have the best time on a date with you?"


"Well, I think I'm ready to have that moment with you." Lucie said as she dropped to her knees and yanked Matt's pants down. She put his cock in her mouth and began to suck. She bopped her head in a small circular motion as she moved her head back and forth on his hard shaft. She occasionally made eye contact with "I'm loving this" eyes while she continued to suck him off. "Does it feel good, Matt?" she asked him right before putting his dick right back in her mouth.

"It feels SO good!" Matt admitted. Lucie continued to give him a sloppy blowjob making sure she spit out more and more saliva to give him the sloppiest blowjob she could.

"I love sucking your cock while we listen to my friend get pounded by your friend."

"Damn. You're so good with your mouth.. and you have such big fucking tits." Matt said as he felt comfortable enough with Lucie to express his real feelings.

"Oh, you like my tits? You like my big fucking tits?" Lucie said with wet lips with lots of her own spit dripping down from it. She then eagerly took off her shirt and her bra. "Is this how you wanted to see me since the first day you saw my pictures on DayFlirt?"

"Y-Yes!" Matt exclaimed.

"Now, you get to see my 36DD's in all their glory." Lucie massaged her tits in front of Matt, but made sure she didn't massage the nipples, so that he could see how beautiful her nipples were. "How about you REALLY enjoy these things, Matt?" she said right before she pressed her big tits together and slid Matt's hard cock in-between her tits. She moved her tits up and down Matt's dick. "Do you want to cum in-between my fun bags?"

"I'd rather cum inside your pussy."

"Um... no. I'm not ready for intercourse. But you can cum on my tits.. or even my face if you want." Lucie told him. After all, she needed to have a reason for him to send her another virtual gift later. Matt then started jerking himself off.

"Lucie, Lucie... Oh Lucie!" he moaned out and then started to stroke himself faster as he continued to moan out her name.