The Dead World Ch. 16

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Dove/Dog bond, only to suffer for it. Slash/Oz make a run.
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Author's Note: I would like to thank MediocreAuthor for her keen eye as my beta-reader, and DeducibleBabeMester for offering her editing expertise. Working with them both has been a pleasure.

The following Chapter, and this Series overall, exists in a dark vein of a Post-Apocalyptic world overshadowed by fragmented morality, violence, survival and psychologically compelling scenes that may be unsuitable for sensitive audiences. This Chapter is mild, and contains elements of romantic sexual encounters and descriptions of sexual servitude. I ask that you please read no further if you are triggered by these topics as described or simply find them unappealing. All scenes depicted are entirely fictional and penned for mature audiences, for the purpose of dark entertainment with erotic horror in mind.

Reader discretion is advised.


Charlotte's eyes fluttered open to pitch black in her room. As consciousness returned to her, she could hear the rolling of the ocean and feel the comforting presence of Daniel resting against her. For the first time that she could remember, she wasn't plagued with fear or anxiety, or frenzied to panic with the knowledge that unwanted, antagonistic company lay in wait to haunt her waking hours. She spent the day prior as she desired; the tension and expectancies of her new purpose were lost to her entirely. She focused her attention in full on the only good thing she knew here. She felt warm. She felt at peace. She felt safe.

A smile touched her full, soft pink lips. Her slender arms encircled the thin body of the taller, younger man, who only pulled her closer as she stirred and held her in his usual way. She buried her face against his neck and breathed the scent of his skin in, and dared herself to embrace the first moment of true happiness she had in a very, very long time.

There was fierce protectiveness in the way Dog held her. She noticed with amusement long ago that she barely had room to breathe when he pulled her close in his sleep. Dog held on to her tightly, fearing in some deeply subconscious state that when he woke, she might be gone. He held her in this very same way long before that nervousness became reality; he held her strongly, tightly, as if he never wanted to let her go. Waking to find Charlotte missing had happened several times now... It was a justified fear.

He only parted from her earlier to return the stolen Firebird keys to Slash's room before the fact that they were missing drew unwanted attention. He gathered anything edible he thought would not be missed from their ration stores before returning to her. They ate, and laughed, and held one another between eager sexually charged sessions without a second thought. When nightfall came, Charlotte slept better than she had in months. It was difficult not to be enthralled by him; impossible not to be enveloped in their displays of affection as they indulged and learned one another so intimately throughout the night...

Charlotte wouldn't have believed Daniel to be inexperienced or unfamiliar with the nature of sex or pleasure if it hadn't been confirmed to her, not the way he seemed to melt effortlessly into the role. He needed very little guidance or direction, and even less instruction on ways to please her. He read her body; every want and need, knowing just where to kiss and how to tease, or the pace she desired. It was exceptional--almost astounding to her--how good he was at it. She was certain the fact that she actually wanted him amplified their long awaited union twenty times over.

The day and evening had been nothing short of magical.

There was lingering disappointment that bordered on sadness now, realizing that their time was bound to come to an end sooner rather than later. It was a new day. She wanted to reason against it and stubbornly remain here with Danny in her room, but her logical thoughts tried their best to inspire her to push forward and see out the contract as she agreed to. She only had a handful of days remaining in this week. If she kept him, then Colton would come down viciously on them both.

Skully teased that her time not in service of the group could be spent however she wanted, with whomever she pleased. Dove wasn't certain how much truth was behind that. The word of their newly declared leader held just as much merit as that of his second-in-command. She trusted snakes more. It was apparent by now that Colton Callaghan would do whatever he pleased, and bend the rules to his favor whenever he liked. She didn't believe anything that man said could be trusted.

He could have just as easily used the thought of small freedoms to bait her into demure submission right before he tightened the grip on her leash and reined her in. But... if he wasn't lying to her... if she could truly have her time when not forced to cater to the carnal whims of the group, what was to stop her from keeping Daniel this near to her every night she could?

Danny was still and calm, looking the image of peace in a way she had never seen before. She'd lost count of how many times they'd rolled around the bed, hopelessly enraptured in passion and long-subdued desires. She swore she had woken at least once to find they'd somehow managed to come together again in their sleep, mid-coitus, spiraling out of control in ways she could only dream of prior to the day. He felt too perfect by her side... sorrowfully so.

She didn't let her mind dwell on or flee back to the ghosts of her past. There was nothing that thinking about Matthew could do for her now aside from break her heart. Some small part of her wanted to think that if he was still here, somewhere, that he would understand her clinging to the only good she had found in this nightmare. If he wasn't, she knew he would want her to be happy. The long years that passed made the harsh reality that he was gone so real, whether he was living or not, was inconsequential. It was painful to think about... so she didn't.

Her fingertips teased the long strands of dark hair away from his youthful face as her eyes studied him in the darkness. His dark brows weren't knit together in restless sleep as they usually were. He didn't jerk awake at her slightest movement like he had so many times before when they rested together.

Dove pressed an amorous, feather-light kiss against his lips, unable to smother the impulse to do so despite not wanting to disturb him. The soft purr that rolled deeply in his throat with that delicate gesture told her she had done just that. She giggled. The dark lashes that lined his rich, expressive eyes fluttered as he stirred and let his gaze fall languidly on her pretty face. Another wordless, murmured sound echoed deeply in his throat, appreciative and content. Dog tightened his grasp around her, if that were possible, and drew her flush against him. Waking with her in his arms was a dream come true.

"I feel like we slept an entire day. I can't remember the last time I rested so well..." Her whispered statement was gentle against his chest.

Danny's long, thin fingers stroked back through the haphazard spirals of her dark brown hair, and he nodded in agreement to her quiet declaration. He couldn't remember a time he had ever felt so rested and relaxed. He hadn't woken with a start on edge with his body tense and coiled, ready to respond to danger. He had barely stirred through the night; only when coaxed back to life by her naked, slender body snuggled against him. There was no resisting her. He couldn't, even if he wanted to.

With her so near--so soft and fragile between his arms--he felt the rising tides of desire and temptation amplifying by the minute. Charlotte was addictive in the best ways possible. Long before now, she had captivated him and commanded him with her presence and unyielding spirit. Dog did not doubt that he would think fondly of her until the day he died.

His eyes shifted to the drawn curtains of the balcony. The door was slightly ajar, filling the room with petrichor and the sweet brine of the ocean waves crashing onto the shore not far off. The rain had not let up and showed no signs of doing that at all. He studied the sky through the glass, trying his best to place the time through the heavy overcast.

It was still very dark, but he could just make out the faint traces of the sky between the clouds and judged by the lightness of the inky splotches there. It was nearing dawn. There would be three or four hours before the sky was illuminated if they were so lucky. Dog felt a certain twinge of annoyance that he would have to leave her soon. His heart throbbed, languishing at the realization, and she had noticed the frown pulling over his lips. He blinked rapidly from his lamenting and forced the lazy grin on his lips, pressing his lips to her forehead.

"... Where'd you go?"

He couldn't speak the words aloud and he had no desire to move away from her to fetch something to write with. Instead, he shook his head dismissively, and was rewarded with another tender kiss as he pushed the early morning watch shift to the back of his thoughts. Ruthless was on overnight watch. As long as he reported at a reasonable hour and was mindful not to cross paths with Skully or Slash, he did not doubt Ruthless would confirm his prompt relief. But he could worry about that later. The only thing he wanted to think of right now was the beauty wrapped in his arms.

She wriggled and pressed against him, pushing him onto his back as she playfully shifted to straddle his lap and drew the thick comforter up over them. Her full breasts were warm against his chest as she cuddled close; his arms looped around her back to cradle her delicately, delighting in the feel of her curled against him this way.

The innocence and vulnerability of Charlotte in this moment elicited a pulse of pride that she finally found him worthy enough of letting down her guard, granting him her trust, and bestowing such tender affection upon him. He couldn't begin to imagine how difficult the last few weeks had been for her. All of that now seemed to be the last thing on her mind. The only thing she cared to focus her attention on was him... How had he gotten so lucky to stumble by an angel in the flesh at the end of the world?

"Stay with me for as long as you can. When you go, try not to worry. I'm a lot tougher than I look, Danny... just knowing that I can trust you, that you're on my side... it makes it not feel so hopeless... if that makes sense?" she mumbled sweetly. The gentle, zealous stroking of his fingertips up and down her spine caused her to shudder and smother down a giggle.

It was embarrassing how ticklish she had become. Dove was certain the last six years of knowing no touch but her own hands contributed graciously to her sensitivity; she could almost feel Dog reveling in her adorable response with a lazy grin pulling his lips as she giggled and squirmed. He cherished her laughter more than ever, with such harrowing, darker forces looming and well at work in disrupting their lives...

She moved carefully, making him all the more aware that she was still nude beneath the heavy comforter. The warmth of her body was intoxicating. The feel of her plush, toned thighs shifting against his own muscular legs as she rose to perch atop him caused a stirring in his loins and tempted his flaccid member to respond. The feel of her lips teasing against his jawline inspired him to close his eyes and take great pleasure in her affection. It didn't matter how many times they'd been this way now. It felt brand new, every time.

Each return to her arms etched away at the nightmare that had come before, replacing the dark memory with something far more loving; something meaningful and lasting. His chest swelled with an unfamiliar weight, helplessly transfixed by the woman above him. She felt like heaven; a living sanctuary among a world gone viciously mad. A thin hand cradled the back of her head as her lips sought his and pressed against them with a tenderness indescribable. She kissed him with a gentleness that stole the breath from him and only intensified the passionate heat growing within his chest, the drumming of his heartbeat increasing at a maddening pace with every move she made.

Dove's slender fingers shifted, smoothing against the sinewy definition of his chest as she perched on his lap, mindful of the elongating member pressing against the tight roundness of her plump buttocks. His fingers teased down her back to rest at the wide curve of her hips, grasping gently as he admired her from the unfamiliar position. She smiled, her teeth tugging gently at her bottom lip, the playful mirth reflective in her warm mocha eyes passing the sensual invitation off toward him. She didn't doubt they were both pleasantly sore by this point... but she couldn't help herself.

"One more time?" she whispered deviously. She hardly needed to ask. She could feel the long, solid length of him twinging in anticipation of feeling her wonderfully tight walls gripping him in carnal fervor once more.

Danny's fingers brushed up along her sides as she leaned forward, cupping her plump, sinfully plush breasts. Her delicate palm closed around the base of his smoothly curved shaft as she reached behind and guided him against the velvet softness of her hairless outer lips. She nuzzled the tip of his glans against her slit, already weeping clear beadlets of precome. She had woken much the same; already wet and wanting--craving to have him inside of her.

Her golden complexion flushed at the realization of that... The lustful, impulsive sensation inspiring such intense desire had reached unprecedented highs. She wasn't fighting against it for once. She wasn't struggling to force down her body's reactions to forceful manipulations. She felt his eyes sweeping her features in her dimly lit suite, marveling at her beauty and sheepishness as she seized control over their delectation in a way she had not yet before.

Through the night, Dog had taken command, while ever mindful of her guidance and desires; he had been the dominant force through it all. To have her above him with the rippled waves of her curly locks framing her beautifully exotic face, her almond eyes intense and focused as she guided his erection inside of her, made it difficult to describe her as anything but mesmeric.

She took him inside, inch by inch, with lascivious determination. The resistance from her swollen walls clenching tightly around him teased her with salacious pleasure blended with faint prickles of pain, and summoned a low, appreciative groan within his throat. Dog's fingers teased the softness of her dainty brown nipples, inspiring sensitive nubs to grow firm beneath his touch. The bliss of the feeling of her sinking down onto his cock was rivaled only by the vision of her doing so.

She set the pace. Her knees braced into the firmness of the mattress beneath them, and she placed her palms flat upon his chest as she guided her svelte body up and down on his lap, grinding her dripping snatch against him with each sensual, repetitive roll of her hips. Prolonging the rapid rise of pleasure through the night became easier for Danny every time. He still had to stop occasionally to regain his composure and let the rush of carnal ecstasy edge its way back down, rather than run the risk of coming almost immediately. God, she was so fucking sexy. Any man who could fight back the urge to spill the moment they penetrated the golden-skinned goddess had to be nothing short of expert.

Every rise and fall caused her beautiful breasts to bounce and coaxed tantalizingly sweet purrs of pleasure from her lips. His arms encircled her waist, closing the space between their bodies as he guided her down against him, stilling her steady pace as he sought her lips greedily. He delighted in her moaning between the heated lip lock as he thrust upwards and into her wanting snatch with lecherous determination.


Her velvety, desperate mewl of his name against his lips as she broke from their kiss inspired him to grin, and thrust upwards again--and again. He pressed to the limits of her tight, dripping cunt with his rock solid erection. He knew well enough by now that Dove enjoyed the raw, intense sensation of him thrusting deeply and burying as much of himself as he could within her body. She couldn't handle it all, but it didn't stop her from trying. He was not lacking in length, and the upward curve to his shaft allowed the head of his cock to grind provocatively into her sweet spot with growing momentum. How she shuddered, and gasped, and clung to him fervently.

She wanted him ravishing every inch of her slick, clinching pleasure cavity with aspirations of bruising her cervix... some part of her had grown to crave the whispers of pain blended seamlessly with the pleasure of it all. It had been almost nightmarish, being coerced to those limits in days prior. She fought viciously against accepting the newfound pleasure that had been forced on her. Now, she reclaimed it as her own, and Dog was more than willing to help her explore the deeper throes of her masochistic desires. She pressed up onto her knees, his delicate fingers curling at her hip as he guided her back down upon him and felt her body quiver again, her walls gripping him with vice-like intensity. "God, nnnngh--Danny!"

He held her tightly and claimed those luscious lips again, savoring the taste of her as her tongue delved hungrily between them. With the same playful deviance applied through the last twenty hours and Charlotte blissfully distracted, he rolled them both over and trapped her beneath him with his cock still deeply inside of her. Her slender legs hooked at his waist, locking around his hips as her little teeth teased his plush bottom lip. She didn't think for a moment to reclaim her position. She surrendered to him without restraint, her beautiful dark eyes in a half-lidded haze of lust. "D-Don't... mmm--don't stop... please... please--"

His mouth shifted to paint delicate kisses along her neck, supporting himself with a single hand as his hips bucked forward and rocked back, the steady pace of his thrusts coaxing swells of mind numbing pleasure between them both. He felt her body arch against him in wanton craving as she sighed blissfully, meeting every deep, penetrating thrust with a rise of her hips to stimulate her sensitive clitoris against his pubic bone.

"Right--mmmnn-r-right... right there!--Oh, God!--fuck!--fuck!--I'mso... so...close!"

He listened to her; breathless, panting, moaning his name so very sweetly as their bodies rocked in beautiful synchronicity. As he forced himself deeply and felt her shudder each time he stimulated her g-spot, assaulting the mass of sensitive nerves with ease from this angle. Dog kissed her collarbones and throat. He nibbled the velvet lobe of a little ear, delighting in the feel of her body clenching around him as he grinded his cock in slow, focused thrusts. His free hand dipped down between them, allowing him to glide his touch deviously against the soaking wetness of her labia.

He massaged his fingers against her hypersensitive clitoris and felt her taut walls spasm almost immediately around him as he forced her over the edge to orgasm. Dove's eyes rolled back, shutting out the world as a euphoric climax swept through her beautifully slender frame. She whispered his name to him again and again as her chest heaved and sweat glistened upon her golden skin. He was only moments behind her. Dog buried a considerable amount of his throbbing erection within her glorious tightness, filling her wanting cunt with his seed with his final, painfully slow grinding thrusts. He panted deep, focused breaths from his efforts, and was still at last. He hovered over the gorgeous woman clinging to him still, her breath in helpless pants as the onslaught of orgasmic bliss refused to subside.