The Descent Ch. 17

Story Info
Jim revisits an old friend.
5.6k words

Part 18 of the 20 part series

Updated 11/16/2023
Created 08/11/2019
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Jim was almost a little bit embarrassed that he wasn't even able to make it past 10pm before he had decided to turn in for the night. He intended on doing his best to chaperone the party and oversee the madness that his life, his family, and his home had devolved into, but when the time had come, he had felt so utterly helpless and overwhelmed by it all he simply skulked off to the back patio to drown his anxieties in expensive whiskey.

He didn't so much as toured the bedlam that he could hear in the main area of the house, and despite the incredible and unexpected delight that was Jasmine in the early stages of the party, he had barely paid any attention to the goings-on of the party at all. As he headed back to his bedroom with the music still pounding and the sounds of young people partying, he thanked the numbing properties of the alcohol flowing through his bloodstream that would no doubt assist in drowning everything out so he could fall asleep.

It was precisely what happened, as well, as Jim seemed to lay down on the bed and close his eyes one minute and be awoken by the stirring of someone joining him in the bed the next. Looking at his phone upon waking he saw that it was past 1am, despite it feeling like he had merely blinked away several hours. Squinting in the darkness he tried to make out who was in the room with him, but there was little doubt in his mind that it was Amanda.

"You awake?" came his daughter's hoarse whisper.

Jim yawned and inhaled deeply, trying to infuse himself with the energy needed to answer her.

"I am now," he replied with a little bit of an edge making its way into his tone.

He truly just wanted to sleep this night away. His life was crazy enough without a hundred people there to contribute and ultimately bear witness to it.

"I have a surprise," came her lilting response.

It was clear to Jim that she was blasted as the smell of liquor was positively radiating off her. He couldn't have said he'd minded it, but he knew that her being trashed would probably mean she intended on shaking him down for a late-night horizontal mambo. Jim was in two minds on that, of course. He always enjoyed plumbing the depths of his daughter's pussy, but he was dead tired and admittedly a little bit grumpy. Being an older man had really impacted his ability to compromise his sleep for late-night adventure.

"What surprise?" he grunted, not sure if he even wanted to know.

The lamp on the opposite side to Jim flicked on and bathed the room in soft yellow light, enough to illuminate his surroundings without blinding him. After blinking a few times to get used to it, he scanned around until his eyes landed on Amanda sitting on her knees next to him on the bed. She was smiling broadly, almost manically, baring her teeth, and looking like she had just been awarded a prize. Jim might consider it cute if it weren't for the rest of her.

She was absolutely plastered with cum, in a way that actually made him blush. What in the Holy Hell had been happening at this party? Her normally silky auburn hair was wet and sticky and plastered to her scalp in some places with streaks of white untouched in others. Her face was positively glazed, like a donut that had gotten a double dip of sugar. Her skin was shiny and streaked and globs and dribbles of fresh semen that marked her eyebrows, cheeks, temples, chin, and forehead. The only area that wasn't were her lips, as she'd likely licked those clean already.

Her neck, clothes, and bare tits looked like they had gotten sprayed with a hose. There was a large deposit of ejaculate accumulated between her thick cleavage and it looked like someone had shot their entire load there.

"What the Hell happened?" Jim gasped.

Amanda just continued smiling, looking at him like she could not have been prouder of herself.

"Well?" he pressed.

"Well, I blew half the guys at the party in front of everyone then I finished by letting Foster stick his dick between my tits," she explained without even a hint of shame.

Jim's jaw felt broken. He simply could not close it as it hung agape and unwilling to move.

"What?" she asked, her smile faltering slightly for the first time.

"What do you mean, what? You heard what you just said, what were you thinking?" Jim whispered fitfully.

Amanda rolled her eyes, groaning at her father's reaction.

"Why would you do that? Don't you think we have plenty to deal with without people hearing about the orgy at the Weaver place?" Jim continued, exasperated at his daughter's recklessness and blasé attitude.

Amanda considered his concern for a moment before brushing it aside.

"Who cares? What are they gonna do? Arrest us? It's not illegal to give a blow job in your home, dad," she shot back.

"Sure, because that's definitely an accurate description of what you said just happened and was witnessed by probably a hundred people that we have to live with in this community," Jim growled.

"Really? You're still trying to maintain this perfect Weaver image after everything that has happened? Let's just drop the act dad, we are who we are so why do you want to keep pretending that we're some Leave it to Beaver family when we're not? It's getting really old," Amanda replied sharply.

Jim inhaled and prepared to offer a retort but halfway through lost his motivation. Who was he kidding? If it wasn't tonight, it might have been tomorrow or next week. The reputation that his family used to enjoy was tarnished and if he were going to try to pretend otherwise it was always going to be an exercise in futility. The delusion that he had been holding onto that any shred of normalcy and respectability could be salvaged or rebuilt was just making everything harder.

He sighed in defeat, knowing that there was nothing he could say that would change what had happened and what it would mean going forward.

"Fine, you win. I'm going to bed," he said, turning away from his cum-stained daughter and laying on his side.

Jim closed his eyes and tried to ignore the heavy silence that filled the space between them as Amanda sat on the bed no doubt staring at the back of his head. He felt her shift her weight and move closer to him, eventually feeling her breath on the back of his neck. He cursed himself when the sensation of her warm breath on his skin and closeness of her body caused blood to swell in his crotch.

It would only get worse for him as his incorrigible daughter leaned down and started kissing the back of his neck and making her way around his face. As her thick, wet lips smacked against the skin of his neck, then cheeks and then finally his mouth he lost the battle he was having with his will and kissed her back. Her lips were sticky and when she began flitting her tongue into his mouth, he noticed it was clearly still covered in a film of semen.

He wrestled with how strange it was that the knowledge that he was tasting the cum of other men on his daughter's lips and mouth didn't repulse him. He wasn't interested in men in the least, and if offered these same bounties from the source directly he would be the first to admit it wasn't his bag, but the sluttiness of his daughter had been incredibly alluring to him from the very beginning of their torrid, incestuous affair.

"I've been bad, daddy. Please punish your bad little girl," she whispered in-between soft, wet kisses.

Jim's cock surged and he turned to face his daughter, wrapping her in his embrace as their kisses intensified. He hungrily kissed her and licked the skin around her bee-stung lips, cleaning her a little as he enjoyed her sumptuous mouth and tongue. He remembered the sight of her plastered tits and grabbed at them, scooping them up and bringing them up to his mouth. He enveloped as much of her breast as he could with his mouth, suckling and squeezing it before turning his attention to the other. He devoured Amanda's massive tits, heaving mouthfuls of her soft flesh into his mouth over and over and sucking so intensely on her nipples that she yelped in pleasure.

"I knew you liked it," Amanda panted.

The truth was that Jim did like it. His daughter's slutty behavior drove him absolutely wild. While he would have preferred if it was slightly less public, he could not deny that it turned him on. It was perhaps a little bit dangerous that his daughter had such a clear understanding of that fact, however, and had tremendous skill in wielding its power to manipulate him. Jim had truly been pissed off and wanted nothing more than to turn a cold shoulder to her in order to both punish her and make it known that he did not approve of her actions.

Instead, what had happened was that she flipped his demeanor with nothing more than a kiss and a sultry tone asking for a different kind of punishment. He tried to latch onto those thoughts and emotions as he cradled Amanda's cum-splattered face in his hands and kissed her madly, but it was futile. He was fully enraptured by the young harlot and her whoring around at the expense of his family's dwindling reputation.

Perhaps tomorrow would offer an opportunity to speak about his concerns with more seriousness, but in this moment, they were just getting in the way.

"No one had my pussy tonight, I saved it all for you," Amanda purred.

No sooner than she had said it than Jim felt her velvety soft hand slip between his legs and grip his cock between the slit in his boxers. He was hard in her hand and Jim thrusted his hips towards her in anticipation of what would come next.

"I swallowed so much cum tonight daddy; my belly is full of it. I let anyone who wanted to shoot it right here," Amanda continued, opening her mouth wide and sticking out her tongue.

She was driving Jim wild now, and he almost wished he had been able to witness the events that she was describing to him.

"How many?" He panted as she continued stroking him.

"Honestly, I lost count. It was just one after another, I bet it was close to ten. I wanted more but some of the boys were too shy," she detailed.

"You're such a little slut, aren't you embarrassed about what everyone thinks of you now?" Jim teased.

Amanda laughed softly before answering.

"Of course not, I want them to know I'm a slut. I hope they know that wherever I am and whenever they see me, they can shove their cocks in me. I want to be used. I want to be taken advantage of whenever someone needs a place to dump their load," she went on.

Jim didn't know if it were true, but the things she was describing were turning him on like crazy.

"What about when you're at work?" He offered, hoping she'd keep it going and wanting to know what else she could come up with.

"I want a man to just walk in and shove me to the floor and stuff his cock in my mouth in front of everyone. Families, kids, anyone. I want to gag and get my face fucked right there while everyone stares at me," she explained.

Jim wanted to fuck her so badly, but he knew he would last only seconds and he needed to hear more of her incredible dirty talk.

"When you're asleep?" he asked.

"I want to be woken up by a cock being shoved in my mouth or my pussy or even my ass. I don't even want to know who it is; I just want to be raped in my bed and filled with cum and then left like the worthless whore that I am," she described, now sounding like she was getting off just as much as Jim.

It was at that point that Jim lost control and could no longer restrain himself. He grabbed her throat and pressed her onto her back as he climbed on top and mounted her. He slipped the fabric of her shorts to the side of her labia and sunk his cock into her tight hole forcefully. Amanda gasped in delight as he filled her with his cock, thrusting hard enough against her to elicit a small yelp in response.

He peered down at his little girl as he tightened his grip on her throat and began pounding her. Her semen-soaked face looked up at him in ecstasy and he increased his force even more, ramming his cock into her so hard that it actually hurt his own groin a little bit. He continued, however, and did not let up in the least.

"You better not be lying to me," Jim said through gritted teeth.

"I'm not daddy, I promise. I'll be bad, so bad if you just keep fucking my pussy like this," she moaned.

Jim imagined a series of scenarios play out in his mind of his once pure teen daughter being raped and gangbanged and abused in darker and darker scenes of sexual brutality. As each fantasy flashed through his mind, he felt himself reach closer and closer to his climax.

"What if you get pregnant?" he asked, hoping for one more debauchery to push him into an explosive orgasm.

"It won't change anything, I'll still be the same worthless slut," she cried on the verge of her own crescendo.

A final thought of his pregnant daughter on her knees in an alley being spitroasted by two homeless men raced through Jim's consciousness before he lost himself to the release. He tensed and blew his load inside of his daughter's pussy through a series of ejaculations that brought tears to his eyes. It had built so beautifully that it felt like his entire body was feeling this orgasm and every muscle fiber and cell of skin tingled with electricity as he emptied his balls into the quivering cunt of his 18-year-old offspring.

"Thank you for using my pussy, daddy," Amanda squealed as she worked to bring herself to an orgasm.

Jim watched, panting, as she rubbed her clit furiously and writhed beneath him on the path to bringing herself to climax. She bit her lip and broke out in a sweat, moaning and grunting like the whore she was as the incredible sensations rushed through her.

"You are forbidden from wearing panties and you can only wear short skirts that allow for easy access whenever leaving the house," he demanded, hoping to return the favor of her earlier dirty talk.

She moaned in delight as she continued playing with herself, clearly pleased by his words.

"What else?" she begged.

"You will walk through dangerous places and around men who will want to take advantage of you, and you will submit to them and even encourage their advances. I want you to be forcefully fucked by strangers and even raped on a regular basis or it will be clear that you're not trying hard enough," Jim demanded further.

"Oh fuck, that's so hot daddy. Tell me more, I'm so close," she panted.

"You will refuse any and all protection, milking the cum into your pussy or down your throat without exception," Jim concluded.

"Oh fuuuuccckkkkk," Amanda shrieked as her orgasm ripped through her violently.

She bucked her hips up off the bed as she looked like she was riding an invisible bull or being possessed by a demon. Jim's cock slipped from her oozing hole with the motion and as she surrendered to a powerful series of convulsions he watched as his thick load bubbled out of her orgasming slit in a flourish of milky white excretions. It was nearly enough to want to pop a little blue pill and go again, but it was a short-lived idea as the exhaustion that was being held at bay by his libido crashed over him.

Jim rolled over onto his back as the final throes of Amanda's orgasm subsided and she sidled up against him. She draped her arm over his chest and drew her leg over his midsection as she nuzzled against him and settled her head on his shoulder near the crook of his neck. Jim angled his head, so his cheek rested on her forehead as he enjoyed the closeness of their bodies and the soft warmth of her skin. He focused in on her breath cascading over his chest and allowed a deep sigh to bring his heartrate down and soften his gaze.

"Was all that just 'in the moment' or were you serious about any of it?" Jim whispered softly.

"Both. I definitely love being a slut and being bad for you clearly works for both of us. I did what I did tonight to fuck with Cam, but now that it's over I realize that the most satisfaction I got was from this," she replied.

Jim remained silent for a few moments to process things before Amanda followed up.

"Why? Do you want it to be serious?" she asked.

Jim thought about it for a moment, already knowing the answer but wanting it to appear as if he were weighing the pros and cons if Amanda was having doubts.

"Yes. I was serious about everything I said, but only if you were being serious to begin with," he replied.

Amanda chuckled softly.

"Dad, I've been a pretty big whore for a while now and you weren't even aware. Having you onboard is only going to make it even more fun. Trust me when I say, doing more of the same and being rewarded for it with your cock sounds like a dream come true," she explained.

Jim chuckled himself, leaning his cheek a little more against Amanda's forehead and nuzzling her.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too, daddy."

The next day was a bit of whirlwind as Cam went back to school and the rest of the family was left with a tremendous disaster in his wake. Nearly every room was filled with beer bottles and cans, cigarette butts, used condoms, vomit, and even piss. Apparently once Amanda and Cam had cut loose it was open season for everyone else to do the same. It made a lot of sense that if the people who lived in the home weren't showing any respect for themselves or their home, no one else would either.

It meant that the mess was legendary, however, and Jim decided to hire an emergency cleaning company to come in and take care of it. That meant that the best course of action would be for them all to go out for a few hours while the cleaners did their thing, but the relationships of the household were not exactly conducive to a 'family day out' at the moment. Sharon was going to go out to the bar with Barb and Amanda had to work, which left Jim with nothing to do.

Rich was out of town with some old college buddies and Jim didn't really have a lot of other friends that he felt comfortable calling up out of the blue these days. He had one stray thought, however, that he kept coming back to and couldn't ignore. Morgan. She had been the one to start it all for him. The first woman he had been with other than Sharon since they'd gotten married. The woman who had ignited in him a fetish for slutty women and 'daddy' talk and punishment. Amanda was his darling, but Morgan was his muse. He grabbed her number the last time they'd fucked on the balcony of the swinger's party but didn't have the balls to contact her. Until now.

He decided texting would be a much less anxiety-provoking method of communication and carefully typed out something that he felt would be clear without being desperate.

"Been thinking about you. What are you up to?"

His heart was racing as he sat at the kitchen table alone, staring at his phone and hoping that she wasn't at work or something and unable to check her phone for an extended period of time. He was pleasantly surprised when he received a reply almost instantly.

"Who is this?"

Oh shit, Jim thought, he didn't even tell her who he was, and his number hadn't been saved in her phone. He thanked his lucky stars that she hadn't just blocked him outright and scrambled to respond.

"Shit! This is Jim, we've met a couple of times at the swinger's events. Old guy, remember?"

He hoped his self-deprecation would smooth over any tension or awkwardness that came about from his out-of-the-blue communication. He almost dropped the phone when it started ringing, scaring the shit out of him in surprise. He immediately answered it and was thrilled with who was on the other line.

"Hey daddy, you've been thinking about your bad little girl, huh?" she purred, almost instantly rekindling the chemistry they'd developed weeks ago at the hotel.

"Of course, I've been wondering about all the naughty things you must have been doing and thinking it might be time for some more punishment," he replied, slipping into his role like it was an old sweater.