The Devlin Family


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"This is incredible." You marvel. As you drove you tried to focus extra intently everywhere you looked yet all you could see was the normal world.

"We monsters can make ourselves known if we want to and we can be discovered if we aren't careful. We can't be too obvious with our abilities or anything. But most of us just want to be left alone. We don't want any more witch hunts or crusades or anything. We mostly leave the humans to do their thing while we do ours." She then huffs. "Except the vampires of course. That's a whole thing of it's own but, ugh, I don't follow politics."

You pull up in front of the old brick turn of the century high school just as the bell to come inside is ringing. You'd made it in the knick of time. Turning to your sister you say. "I have so much to learn."

"Luckily you got a whole family of teachers." She says. Leaning over she gives you a smooch to the cheek then unbuckles and opens the door. She pauses and points back at you. "Remember, use it!"

You chuckle as you knew she was referring to her lewd suggestion and her gift. "You said one condition. I drove you to school. Our deal is done."

"What!? JAKE!"

"Go! You're going to be late." You wave her away.

"Jake, that's not fair!" She stamps her foot and gives you a huge power pout. "If you don't use it by lunch time I swear I'm coming home."

"Good luck with that." You quip. "You didn't drive and it's a long walk back. Now GET!"

"Jake!" She protests. "Come on, it's me but it's not actually me. It's your toy. Jake...!" She mewls pathetically. " something with it at least. Even if it isn't naughty. Don't just leave it in a sock drawer to sit there."

"Underwear drawer actually."

This elicits a little giggle from her before she remembers that she was still mad at you.

Just then two of her friends spot her and rush over toward the car. "Trixie! Did you hear about Fatima?"

She gives you a hard glare...which quickly brightens into a beautiful smile. She couldn't stay mad at you and you knew it. "I hate you."

"Love you too Trix." You grin. "Have a good day."

"You too!"

With her friends outside the car in a tizzy to share gossip Trixie steps out to join them, her voice joining the indecipherable teen girl nattering. You are amazed any of them understood a thing the others were saying. You watch her go and join the throng of other students filing into the main doors. Just like you when you attended Grimbley's, all those humans carried on without a clue that two monsters, quite possibly more, shared the halls and classrooms with them.

"Unbelievable." You mutter.

Still tired from your busy night you make a sharp U-turn and head back for your warm comfy bed. It is a drive you'd done hundreds of times, a route you knew by heart, but this time you remain extra attentive. Your eyes now on the lookout for any unexplained little details.


Despite being on the look out your dry tired eyes only make out the mundane things back through town and all along the drive back home. Clearly this was going to take some practice. But that would be for another time. You make the turn and wait for the huge iron gates to open automatically. You glide down the winding driveway, forest looming to either side, and wonder what marvels this patch of land had seen over the years. You pull the car back into the garage, glad to see your abrasive elder brother's truck gone now, and plug it in. Devany's Ferrari was in of course, working nights like she did she'd be sound asleep by...

You stop, look at her car, then face palm.

Working nights indeed. She was a fucking vampire! This was all going to take some getting used to.

You let out a sigh, shake your head, and hurry back upstairs thankful not to encounter anyone from the household. After the fastest shower ever you stumble into your room and slam the door shut behind you. Without bothering with pajamas this time you grab a comfy pair of boxers instead. Your hand brushes your gift and you smile. Pulling it from the drawer you see it is still in the shape of a hammer. As you ponder how to get it back into its neutral form you go to bed and slip under the covers. After a few minutes you just drop it beside you on the bed, you'd figure it out later.

Your room is dark, though with enough sunlight peeking in around the heavy curtains so that you could still see things clearly. You would get blackout curtains as soon as you could. In your mind's eye you can still see your twin's face floating there just beyond the foot of your bed. You could still feel her strange skin sliding through your hand. You remember how her hair tendrils tickled between your fingers.

"Ves?" You whisper. "Can you hear me?"


"I'm thinking about you. I miss you. I love you. We'll be together again soon." You reach out and wave your hand through the air, hoping to feel something, but you are alone. "If I'm sleeping when you return wake me up."

You let out a long breath and let yourself relax. As exhausted as you were you were sure sleep would claim you in no time.

Two hours later you are staring up at your ceiling still wide awake. "Fuck." You were desperately tired but sleep stubbornly refused to come.

The insomnia was a combination of things. Worried thoughts of your twin, thinking about all the stuff you'd learned since last night, and the fact that whenever you'd begin to drift off strange dark visions would threaten to close in at the corners of your mind causing you to start awake each time. You knew this last part was due to your brief exposure to Vespera's realm. Your subconscious was still reeling from the experience and you were terrified to remember more about it or even dream about it.

Despite all of that, the main reason you couldn't were simply horny. Really, really, horny. You recall your father mentioning something about your mother's energy seeping into the house but you didn't feel like this sensation was anything extraordinary. You felt as if you were thinking straight and your mind seemed your own, you were just horny. Not an unusual state of affairs for a healthy young man.

However, as you lie there all hot and bothered, little taboo moments over the previous hours come back to you. Trixie's "humor" had gone from inappropriate to flat out frisky. You kept trying to laugh it off but your cute little sister was seriously coming onto you now. And Ves, she had damn near raped you back in the tower as she tried to mimic the "love" you and Grace shared there. You recall the very erotic feeling that had rushed through your body at just a brush of your mother's lips. You recall Devany's little lick of her teeth and soft sultry voice. You recall Ciara's new tone as she called you Master, had you imagined the innuendo there? Most glaring of all you recall Lucian's burning gaze as he openly desired you with an unearthly lust. Worst of all was the realization that you were actually tempted!

Perhaps things weren't so normal after all. That enchantment had protected you in more ways than one your Dad had said.

You shake your head. Nah! You were just horny, that's all. You just needed to rub one out and all would be well and you could finally get some sleep. Reaching over to your nightstand you grab your phone and make sure the tissues were at the ready. As you start massaging your junk and bring up one of your favorite porn sites, out of the corner of your vision, a splash of magenta lying beside you on the bed catches your eye.


She was a slime, you were a human. Her race probably had a whole different way of copulating, lewd stuff to her was probably more a curiosity than a real sexual urge. It's not like she was actually here, not really. And she did give you the most amazing gift imaginable on the hopes you'd be "naughty" with it.

These are the things you tell yourself as you put down your phone and pick up the hammer. You hadn't decided quite how to use it yet but you thought Trixie deserved a little something extra for such a once in a lifetime gift. A bit of fun just between you and her. But first you had to figure out how to reshape it

You turn the hammer over to look at it from every side. It was just a hammer, or a replica of a hammer though in impressive detail. Tapping it against your palm you feel it had heft to it and the solidity of a dense rubber. Placing a hand on each end you squeeze together but the stiffened jelly holds firm. You try to bend it, twist it, and squash it flat but the shape remains strong. You think back to the first time you'd molded it. It had shaped so easily that time. Was it stuck? Had something in the magic screwed up?

"Ah!" You snap your fingers. "Magic. Keep an open mind Jacob."

Now you remember how you did it. You clear your mind and allow yourself to enter a free flowing mindset of imagination and creativity while also projecting an appreciation that this toy was no mere inanimate object but a living piece of your sister. You once more push the hammer in from top and bottom, this time the jelly shapes easily to your touch. Soon you have it back into its original egg like shape.

"Ha ha." You grin a wicked little grin. "Now, what to do?"

You already knew you wanted to tease your sister without going too far. She might be ready and willing but you weren't cool with crossing too many boundaries with her...just yet. You shake your head to clear it of improper thoughts. No, you'd never cross those boundaries. Not with her or any family member!

"Hmmm." Your evil smile widens as a wonderfully terrible idea strikes you. It was certainly naughty, like she wanted, but probably not what she had in mind.

Holding back a laugh you place the toy on your chest then start to stroke yourself. Normally you'd get some pictures or videos going but today you were so fucking horny those wouldn't be necessary. You lie back and let your own imagination run free as you slowly and gently dry rub your rapidly swelling cock.

The vision that springs instantly to your mind shakes you as much as it excites you. You think...of your twin. Your first instinct is to shut these thoughts down at once, but something keeps you stroking. She was an amalgam of contradictions that fascinated you on far more than an intellectual level. That face, you didn't think one so alien could be so achingly beautiful. How it glowed, how it felt so soft to the touch, six glimmering black eyes with fathomless starry depths within. That skin of hers, strangely frictionless yet capable of an unyielding grip. The more you thought about it the more you craved to feel it again. That power of hers, mysterious and irresistible yet she had a soul that was vulnerable and pure. Though impossible to see directly her shapely torso, at the scale of an 7 foot plus amazon woman, was sexy as hell. You knew she had the abs of a goddess, you knew she had firm perfect breasts from that moment you had touched one, her hips and ass round and voluptuous. Yet the allure ran deeper still. Darkness. Tentacles. Wrapping, writhing, snaking around your feeble mortal body.

You didn't know why this was turning you on but it absolutely was. You open your eyes to see your cock rock hard and standing tall.

You couldn't feel guilt, mentally yes but not truly deep down in your gut. She was your twin yet also a woman you'd just met as an adult for the first time yesterday. You didn't have the lifetime of memories you'd normally have with a family member. There would time for guilt later but right now you just allow yourself to go with the flow, it's not like you'd ever actually act on this inappropriate yet ultimately harmless secret attraction. Thankfully she couldn't spy into your perverted mind.

"Oh!" You remember what you were doing here. Letting go of your manhood you return to the Trixie's gift. The idea you had sprung from her own words. Make an eye, she said, and she could see out of it. Well, you were going to give her an eyeful today.

You shape the thing into a large ball then trace a pupil, an iris, and even eye lids over the spherical shape. Just as with the hammer once the form was close enough...POP! Suddenly you have a large jelly eyeball in your hand blinking and looking around the room. You smile and give your sister a wave. In the dim light you weren't sure how much she could see but you knew it would be enough to drive her crazy.

It takes all you had not to start laughing and your rational mind is telling you to stop now, but your rash penis brain had you fully under it's influence.

Taking the eye from behind you pan it around to give the room a quick sweep, making sure that your erect dick is plainly visible for a good couple seconds before swinging back to your face. You give her a cheeky wink.

With your free hand you grip your shaft and start stroking once more. The lewd, if brief, bit of exhibitionism stoking your already hot fires. About ten seconds pass before your phone chirps to an incoming text message. You stifle a laugh as you already knew who it was. Balancing the eye on your chest, pointed toward your face, you check your screen. Obviously it was Trixie.

"OMG! Yes!" This short message is followed by a slew of heart eyes and drooly faced emojis. "MORE!"

You knew you shouldn't, you really knew you shouldn't. Propping the phone so you could watch the screen you start fapping once more. Again you give her a little glimpse of your goods, this time a bit longer and you don't stop the action. You hold it as long as your nerves could handle before swinging it back to your face as you blush furiously. This is so BAD!

Another onslaught of emojis fill your screen making crystal clear that she liked what she saw before she ends it with. "Jake! I didn't know big brother was so BIG!"

Your blush deepens and you let out a little chuckle. At 7 and a half meaty inches you certainly had nothing to be ashamed of downstairs, but being called big always felt good for a guy. And having yet another thing for your little sister to be impressed by you about was forbidden icing on the taboo cake.

Another message comes. "I'm in math class! How am I supposed to concentrate now?"

You loved imagining your sister sitting there as the teacher droned on yet also watching a home porn movie, of her brother no less, with nobody the wiser. How would she react if you... No, that's too much. This was so terribly reckless already. You knew you'd live to regret this moment and yet you don't stop.

More messages stream in. "Show me more!" A moment later. "NO! Make a mouth, let me taste it. I'll suck you so hard." Another moment later. "NO! A pussy! Let me feel your big fat cock in my tight little pussy! Fuck me Jake, fuck me!"

You had her burning up! Ha! Sitting there stuck in class as you lay here masturbating for her entertainment. You wished you could watch her there squirming and blushing like you knew she was. You make a kiss toward the eye before slowly, agonizingly slowly, you turn it around...then pan really quickly over your schlong.

"TEASE!" Comes the text. "Jake PLLLLLLLEEEAASSSEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

You keep this going for a time. Quick glimpses, teasing glances, close ups too close to make out detail, and arm's length views showing as much of your body as you could but leaving the good stuff just out of sight. All the while a steady stream of texts spring up over and over on your phone's screen.

"OMG!" "Holy fuck I'm so horny!" "Oh God you look so fucking sexy!" "More! Show me more!" "I love your big beautiful cock!" and everything else a sister ought not to say to her big brother. She begs, BEGS, for you to make a pussy out of her gift to fuck. You are sorely tempted but you hold the line. "Fuck me! Fuck me! FUCK ME!"

This was so fucking FUN! Nasty, forbidden, twisted FUN! Performing for your sister, as you also secretly dreamed of your twin, was better than most of the actual sex you'd ever had. Before too long the end is swiftly approaching.

You are fapping fast with an orgasm bearing down. You hold out as long as you can, mouthing clearly and distinctly toward the eye "I'm gonna cum!". Your phone blows up with messages but you ignore them. You hadn't planned on still playing with the eye at this point, thinking fast you decide to tuck the eye under a pillow but you grip too hard and the sphere, slick from your sweaty grip, slips from your hand to land on your body. It rolls a moment before coming to rest on your tight tummy staring straight up at your locked and loaded flexing dick. Beatrix got the full view this time, not on purpose but the wide staring eye lands just perfectly to see your thick veiny penis let loose in exquisite up close detail.

"FUCK!" You grunt as your climax hits you like a ton of bricks. The first thick rope of jizz blasts across the eye and streaks down your flexing stomach, followed by another and another and another. "JEEEEZ!" You are powerless as you buck and moan loudly and milk your throbbing cock through a mother fucking A-bomb of a nut with your cute little sister watching on as if she were right here. "OHHHHH FUUUUCK!"

"FACIAL! OMG I love it! Yes! Give it to me!" Your sister's excited text comes through instantly, she had no clue this wasn't a part of what you'd planned. "YESSSS!!!!!! Give me your cum baby! Yeah, all over me! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!"

"MMMMRRRRRMMMM!" You growl as you empty your hard pumping wad to an adoring audience of one. The instant, the very fucking instant, it is over you are flooded with guilt and regret. Boner brain gone your sober mind gains control once more. You let go of your dick as if it were hot lava and scoop up the eye to turn it away.

Jesus Christ, what had you done? God damn it! Not Trixie. You didn't mean to get that nasty with her. You thought you'd tease her, give her a few glimpses, then finish on your own. After such an amazing gift you thought a little treat would make her happy. Instead she got the full Monty, money shot and all.

You feel like absolute dog shit as you watch the shameful texts and emojis continue to stream in. "Make a mouth, let me suck it up." "I wanna taste you Jake!" "God I'm so horny for you!" Worst of all... "Look how wet I am for you." Which included a blurry shot of what you assumed were her pink panties under her skirt as she sat in class. She had loved it! She might be all grown up now but you were her big brother. Her protector. Her guide. You knew better than this.

Reaching down you grab the eye, smearing your fingers with your still warm oozing cum, and reshape it back into its base form. You try to ignore the texts as you clean yourself and the gift up with the tissues as the texts keep coming. Most of them say things you never wished to hear from your sweetheart baby sister, the others were expressions of love and admiration. "I love you Jake! Thank youuuuuu! You're the best big brother EVER!!!"

Eventually, hesitantly, you reach down and simply reply. "I'm so sorry."

Melting back into the bed you felt lower than a snake belly. Disgusting, revolting, just plain icky. But holy fuck...what an orgasm!


"So much for sleep." You grumble.

You turn off your phone completely and tuck it away in your nightstand, as if that might somehow help you escape your shame. Getting up you return Trixie's gift to the drawer then grab the T shirt and sweats from earlier. After another shower, this one long and hot as you tried to scrub both your body and mind clean from what you had done, you head down stairs.

You jump as you hit the bottom of the stairs and see some massive insect flying your direction. Turning you are relieved to see it was just Ciara. She zips up and hovers in front of you.

"Hello Master." She says in that vaguely French-German accent of hers with a curtsy. You wonder briefly if that maid outfit was from off a doll or if their were stores that carried clothes for pixies. "Do you need anything Sir? Crepes perhaps? An omelet?"
