All Comments on 'The Diary'

by LJA644

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  • 156 Comments (Page 2)
AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

kudos,good human story. Anyone suggesting the kids were wrong are out to lunch. I was one of those kids. It affected my childhood negatively.I Never forgave my mother,I accepted she was my birth parent but never allowed a relationship to form when she tracked me down 25 years later.

DrgwngDrgwngabout 1 year ago

It is impossible for women to do bad things, unfeeling things, be selfish. There is always a valid excuse, as in this story. She is able to be a functional member of society, hold down a legal type job, but cannot refuse such another man. Sure. A completely valid excuse, substitution, psycho jumbo jumbo. Why do we not get a few paragraphs asking what hubby did to cause her to stray. Equally valid approach , right?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good story, needs a proof reader badly and the "pink bodies" thing was weird. Are all soldiers white or something?

lujon2019lujon2019about 1 year ago

I never understand the woman who hears "hey pretty lady I divorced my wife for being a cheating slut, becuase cheating sluts are contemptable and untrustworthy, do YOU want to be a cheating slut with me?"

Geezer83Geezer83about 1 year ago

Well done. It hurts.

vanyevanyeabout 1 year ago

I get the feeling that the psychiatrist was full of shit. It seems more likely that the partner slipped or something. She's having dinner and the next thing she knows she's waking up in his bed? That's drugs.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

That's dirty pool, the end of that last scene

So, yeah, pretty good, different story

Five for you

AllNigherAllNigherabout 1 year ago

What vanye said. Otherwise she really just cheated... Which is doubtful the way the story is written... Especially with her writing immediately. Nah.... Psychiatrist in this story is a quack... Woman was drugged and violated... And then violated again by her family.... Sad all around.... Never understood the stories where they get divorced never speaking a word to each other.

6King6Kingabout 1 year ago


sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 1 year ago

"Sorry, Mum, It's taken us a while to find you." - Why? Their father's only been dead for seven months, I guess she was already in the memory unit, but he surely could have told them.


I wouldn't be surprised that she was drugged either or both times. The only thing I'd really fault her for is going with the creep the second time.

COYSCOYSabout 1 year ago

Loved it

Very rarely do you find a story as touching on this site. Hard to write an emotional story like this. Great job and thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Damn guy, why do you write this stuff, I'm a man, I'm not suppose to have tears in my eyes. Five stars at least.

Opinionated1Opinionated1about 1 year ago

Sadly she feels so guilty she never engages to circumstances of the meetings where she failed her

'old man'. although not exonerating, the truth would paint her mistakes in a different light. Also no

recrimination on the seducer who obviously drugged her twice?

very nice story. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Wow, what can I say? Thankyou.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

From him to his kids: "I know what your mom did was wrong and hurt all of us. But do me a favor. Make sure you never ever find yourself in her shoes because I'd hate to have to explain to your kids that the reason they don't know their grandmother is because you don't believe in forgiveness so they should consider if they should apply that to you."

LJA644LJA64412 months agoAuthor

From Anon. "From him to his kids: "I know what your mom (mum) did was wrong and hurt all of us. But do me a favor. (favour)

Like that, might use that in the future.


AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

To all those who say “But she was drugged!”, I say, why did she drink with a man other than her husband?!?


AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I would not have taken her back at all. Kids had it right all along.

nestorb30nestorb3011 months ago

Good story, but jeez she screwed up twice and is branded, tarred and feathered. It happened so long ago, nobody spoke to her about it or bothered to actually find out what happened. The husband was going to kill himself over this, really?

The children continued to punish her after she and the husband reconciled? Pretty harsh and unforgiving on their part. But hey showing up as she is dying makes it all better, right?

The writing is above average and reads like a narrative.

Thank you for writing

pummel187pummel18710 months ago

Yeah. .... ah. ..... NO

PrincessNutNutPrincessNutNut10 months ago

I would be enthralled about a bigger chance of infidelity post being in the services, that sounds odd. The psychiatrist sounded well dodgy with her remote analysis of the wife. Would he have seen a psychiatrist or a psychologist?

Some bugger must have given me a sex change without me knowing it. I've gone all girly, the stories I like the best are the ones that make me cry.

A_BierceA_Bierce10 months ago

How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child. Make that thankless children.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Forgiveness is the greatest gift of all! 5

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Oh lord, the waterworks just wont stop. Coming in waves with each paragraph.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Wonderful story. Of course I didn't like the betrayal, but I felt her sincere love, pain, and repentance. Thanks for sharing.

IrishLaddy59IrishLaddy599 months ago

Absolutely beautiful. Your best story as far as Iam concerned.

Excellent work.

All the best,


AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

One of the best tales I have ever read on this site. I had a tear or two at the end.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShit8 months ago

Very good story. It’s sad they couldn’t forgive before Debbie lay on her deathbed. When they reconnected, Debbie was at the age where many women can’t see reason beyond their emotions. Reading the diary wouldn’t have dented her anger. Old Man could have sat Jack down, explained himself, and asked him to read it. If Jack understood earlier, he might have convinced Debbie to forgive before 30 years passed.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Wow sad story. First of all she woke up in the middle of the night the first time completely fuzzy and hard to process her surroundings. And earlier she thought it was her husband. That isn't just alcohol. But since she never got tested, it is not clear for certain if she was drugged. She absolutely wanted secrecy until she could confess to her husband.

Then the predator struck again. This time she drank coffee and then that one damn glass of Riesling. Suspect that time she got drugged but with lower dose. She snapped out of it at 11 pm, terrified. Again no testing. That was not alcohol. She made a big mistake going with the predator out to dinner that Wednesday evening. But she had zero intent to cheat.

First time is dicier because she got into the dancing and drinking and thought it was her husband at first. Neither time did she really remember the sex. The first time thinking it was her husband at the start. The second time, she had zero memory of it. Period.

The second time, she should have never been with the predator but he was soft selling that they needed discuss what happened and a strong rebuff would have meant blackmail attempt (possibly though speculative, but she couldn't know that). Regardless she made a mistake the second time and was clearly drugged the second time. Then she quite and threatened the asshole so he agreed to give her a good reference. Now with two times, she felt she could not confess. Probably still not the right way to go but knowing her husband not maybe the dumbest thing to do. Sounds like confession of two was a 50/50 proposition.

Thankfully after a period of time post divorce, he read the entire diary. Probably including the days after and in between, of why she first felt she had to confess then why she lied by omission, and that helps frame the actual incidents. He never spoke to her and they both assumed wrong, as she stepped aside.unwilling to hurt him further or her kids, and he assumed that she didn't want him anymore. Thankfully he saw a psychiatrist and ready the entire diary.

Though not discussed, reading her accounts with a rational mind would show she was drugged at least once (the 2nd time, lower dose so earlier waking up at 11 pm) and if not once then why not both times? In today's day and age, a wife who cannot remember the sex and the night's later events (dancing after dinner to waking up at 11 pm on one glass of wine? Please. She was drugged.), she would go get tested and then press charges. May not stick in court but can damage a partner big time. Again sounds like she got a bigger dose the first time and was blacked out for a much longer time span. Sick asshole.

Anyways they worked on it and made it happen. Perosnally, looking at it with a clear head, forgiveness of the second time, while painful, is probably easier than the first time because the drugging is so freaking obvious. Date rape of a married woman and then rape is a lot harder to get away with nowadays. Many of the drugs can be detected 5 to 7 days as urine metabolites. Some like X are like 4 to 5 days depending on their CYP metabolism. This is not the 1980s anymore. Plus the "me too" movement meant she had a whopper of a sexual harassment case if she went and had her panties analyzed for semen and DNA. But that wasn't the point of the story.

However, what I had a huge problem with was the kids. I get the initial rejection and anger, especially worried when father broke down. But when he reconciles and especially they remarry, they ghost her for three decades? Screw that. They might be upset to.hear they are trying again, but when they hid in the bushes at the wedding and otherwise cut their mother out of their lives when then father had forgiven her and remarried her, well f$ck that. They don't have to like her. But to feigidly ghost her? That is just evil. As the father I woukd nit have gone to my kids' wedding if they didn't invite their mother and we were reconciled and remarried. Seriously disappointing with the kids. And they only show up after father has passed and she is dying in the hospital? That is a sin of pride and wrath. Just so wrong.

The kids bothered much, can only give 4 stars.

rbloch66rbloch668 months ago

I think it’s the easy way out to cut someone out of your life completely (referring to the children.) I think when we’re in a lot of pain, taking the easy way is all we’re strong enough to manage. It can be very hard to forgive, and seemingly, impossible to forget. Maybe it has to start with acceptance of what is. The alternate to acceptance is constant anger and misery. Too easy to hide behind a self-righteous anger. Perhaps acceptance is the way forward to forgiveness, not for their sake, but for your own. The pain slowly diminishes even though it might never fully disappear.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I'm a 69 yr. old man with dementia (2 yrs in). I'm married 49 yrs. It almost never happened. After dating 1 year (I was 19, she 22) she said when I came to pick her up for a date that she was going to go out with another man and consider us done. She gave me no reason but later she was scared. I hadn't finished H.S. and she was afraid of our future. I promised I would fix that. We married and I graduated Clemson University (1981) after 4 years. We set goals and never failed to reach our future. True Love finds away. I made my promise she would allways be happy with me. I never failed on that promise.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

A lovely story but I'm with the anon further down who felt that it was wrong of the son and daughter to continue holding a grudge against their mother once the Old Man had reconciled with her. That was just plain wrong.

While reading her account of the two encounters with the predator it seemed obvious to me that she had been drugged and was culpable only for putting herself in a position where he was able to do it a second time. She missed a golden opportunity to take down a foul beast not only at the cost of her marriage but also leaving this evil monster at liberty to attack more women.

rbloch66rbloch667 months ago

The kids cruelly punished the mother, depriving her of her grandkids. It also deprived the grandkids of their grandmother. If the husband had truly forgiven his wife, then he should have stood by her at the times when the children refused to include her in life events. In effect, he was condoning their behaviour towards their mother. It would have been kinder to just stay divorced instead of being exposing her to constant rejection.

I’m said for her, but more sad for the grandkids. I know it’s fiction, but it still pisses me off. I voted 5 stars for the level of emotion that the writing evoked.

DadieODadieO7 months ago

Wow...Got a little sand on my eye at the.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

She was clearly drugged and raped the second time (even without the blackmail which is rape). Sorry but the partner had more to lose with trying blackmail for sex (which is again rape) than she did. Even a whiff of the counter accusation sticking would ruin his cushy career. Heck if she was smart enough to get tested for date rape drugs, he would be in a bad way, criminal or otherwise. What I don't understand is what she wrote about the two incidents in the diary. Both times she blacked out. She was probably drugged the first time also but more alcohol was involved and she had a lot of guilt. She was going to tell her husband but he got delayed at work and she wanted to do it in person. But then the asshoke made his blackmail play. Why didn't she tell him to go stuff himself? Say she was telling her husband anyways? It wasn't like he would get to the husband to communicate first unless he knew his work or personal email address. Seems highly unlikely. Even then she clearly had zero intent to do anything when she agreed to dinner. Drank coffee, had a bit of wine, and bam wakes up 4 hours later with the predator a second time. I can understand that the husband is upset and wants a divorce. But when he calms down, he should be able to see a bit more clearly that she was raped. She must have written very poorly about what happened those two incidents. I can understand counseling and maybe separation and being upset she didn't want to hurt him and kill her marriage because she thought twice was a bridge too far (she was right, they got divorced), but really? He couldn't pick out that the absolutely the second time she was raped? Again only possible if she left out a ton of pertinent information in her diary, which is possible, but seems unlikely. When she learned that he wanted to die, she didn't fight a divorce, which he misinterpreted as her not wanting him. Smdh. Only gets resolved when he reads the rest of her diary. But the part that is just surreal is the kids. They don't reconcile with her for 25 years until she is in the hospital. As a husband/ father, if I reconciled with the wife because we eventually realized it was a tragic Mesa and while she was partly to blame, it was primarily the predator who raped her, and my kids ghosted her and refused to speak with her, with no contact or communication for more than two decades, somewhere around year three, I would tell them to fuck off and not bother to communicate with me either. Their actions were malicious and vile.

Dnvrdave58Dnvrdave587 months ago

Wow! Just wow! 5 stars. A truly great story.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

What a sad but beautiful love story. Thank you,


danoctoberdanoctober6 months ago

Bittersweet ending. That's how life rolls sometimes. 5 stars.

inka2222inka22226 months ago

I'm not sure how I feel about this story. It made both events sounds AT THE SAME TIME to be date rape AND at the same time to be just bad decision on her part. And after reading it all, I still can't understand which one it was. And the answer is absolutely critical - in the former case, she was a victim and not a cheater, reconciliation was fully warranted and the kids were in the wrong. In the second case, the kids were 100% justified, and I would have disagreed with reconciliation.

I'll give it 4 stars, for writing quality overall and for kind of splitting the difference this way (either the kids were wrong or the husband, BUT at the same time, at least one of them was right); as well as the fact that the author went to the great effort to paint her as fully repentant and not a typical "LW wife". I would deeply appreciate if the author clarifies the uncertainty, in an edit or in comments.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I agree with the last commenter. There was alot to process in this story. That being said, I do not believe her daughters would have been harder on her, than the husband. And I really think the Literotica trope of them getting real- married, is totally unrealistic. It seems to be replacing the cuck stories where the husband is forced to accept it, but is every bit as unreal. And IF wifey was drugged and date raped, she would have reported it to the police, the next day. I judge stories on whether the characters do what’s in their best interest.

Hubby- Got divorced, then remarried to her- No

Wifey- Possibly got drugged and date raped twice, and didn’t report it- No

His kids- Totalky cut off all communication with their mother, even after hubby had remarried her- No

Deathbed- Same kids now decide they want to forgive her, after 30 years no contact- No.

I believe the story could have been made to be believable, but only if the players had been allowed to act in their best interests.

BSreaderBSreader5 months ago

But sad story at the end. It was nice however.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Heart warming 💓

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

She was clearly drugged the second time. First time was combination of drugs and drinking. We know from her own memories that she has no recollection of what happened beyond the dancing the first time and then feel off, then blacking out and throwing up, and the second time, he wanted to discuss his blackmail play (which she coukd have blown up) at dinner, she had minimal alcohol and woke up four hours later after again blacking out. And the btb crowd says "well she didn't get tested, so it must have been consensual". To those assholes: fuck off! Not everyone knows how to deal with the aftermath of such an encounter. Some feel ashamed and just what it to go away. My wife was raped a year before I met her in Baltimore, while single. She wasn't drugged but was physically forced. She felt guilty, ashamed, as if she was somehow to blame. All bullshit! She locked up like a deer in the headlights and tried to survive mentally and physically. Fortunately the rapist only bruised her. And oh yeah he took her virginity and she bled a lot, hence the guy stopped after first time. But she wasn't thinking about going to the cops. She didn't tell her best friend until 5 years later. She didn't tell her parents for over a decade. She told me about five months into dating, about 18 months afterwards. I did everything possible yo make it clear it was NOT her fault. Yes the MC here was dumb to go back for dinner a second time. And she should have gotten help from the police but she wanted to cover it up after twice. And the rapist got away with it! What puzzles me is why in ehr diary she didn't right what happened to her with blacking out, etc. Society does a sh$t job of supporting raped women. Oh look how she dressed! She must be a slut! Look how she danced with some guy. She wanted it bad! Well who cares if she cannot remember, she must have wanted it. To all thw asshole who perpetuate that crap and thus cause other women to NOT come forward when they are raped: a resounding fuck off!

WetheNorthWetheNorth4 months ago

Is it a Brit thing to go looking in the bottom of a bottle of alcohol when they run into a problem?

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos3 months ago

The whole "Was it date rape or just a bad decision" argument is kind of silly. I mean, it could definitely be both. Like a lot of people, she thought she was in control of a situation where she was not. Smart people learn when they get burned, stubborn people learn eventually, real idiots let themselves get torched to a crisp. That's just how life is, we see it all around us. I do think that the second time for certain he probably used GHB on her but she was certainly an idiot for going to dinner with him, hell for even meeting him for lunch and coffee. She thought she was in control of the situation, until she wasn't.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Fuck all happened to the partner 2*

CindyTVCindyTV3 months ago

10 Stars! I loved this story and it was so well written, with a perfect ending. Thanks for sharing - CindyTV

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A great story about real life..5 stars..I have read many of your stories and in the process of reading them all.One thing that stands out as common with your husbands is attacking the bottle and throwing up when presented with a cheating wife.Very contradictory to my lifes observations and experiences, slightly unbelievable which hurts the story.This tale is not just good,but also well written and presented...

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

One star off for 2 reasons:

1. She kept calling it a MISTAKE

2. He remarried her

Should have just lived together so he could walk away next time she made a


AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

Oh the pain and anguish we cause for ourselves in this life. Well done

AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

No way could I forgive my children for 25 years of absence from my life. Denying me access to my grandchildren and their lives. Even on my death bed. They were only there to salve their own consciences not their mothers. Too little too late.

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

WTF... there is no reputable psychiatrist that would go out to a bar to have a drink with one of their patients... she would lose her licence.

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