The Disciplinarian Ch. 01


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"Isn't there something you want to ask me?" he inquired.

"Yes," I whimpered, "please [sniffle] spank me some more."

He immediately began a rain of spanks on my tender bottom.

Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!

Within seconds I was gasping with each slap.

Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!

After half a minute, I was twisting and bucking.
Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!

After a full minute, my eyes were watering and the sting was exquisite.

Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!

After 90 seconds, I was crying out my own vocal part to go with Mr. Daniels's drum track, just as Angie and Jennie had before me.

"Oh! Arrgh! [gasp] O, God! Owww! Unnnnnhhh! Please! [sob] Ooonnnggg! Ahh, ooo, ...

By the two minute mark, my butt was practically dancing a jig. It bucked forward, twisted one way, then the other. One cheek would clench and unclench, then the other, then both. I began to kick out with my legs. I clutched the bedspread in both hands, uncovering my breasts, thereby giving him an upside down view of them. Even in my pain, I was aware of the show I was putting on for him and new waves of humiliation washed over me.

Within a few more seconds, however, I began to feel something else even stronger than the pain: I was powerfully aroused. I was as horny as I'd ever been in my life. The sounds I was making changed tenor. In between the 'ouch's and 'ow's, were noises that were closer to coos than to moans.

"Ow! ohhh Arrgh! ... ahh [gasp] Owww! mmmmmm, ... yes-huh ...

"Fuck me," I whispered, and then I repeated it a little louder, "please, fuck me."

He stopped, and for a moment I thought his icy reserve might finally have cracked. But then he spoke with his usual voice of bemused self-possession.

"Not a bad, idea, Soo May," he said. "Someday I may take you up on that offer. I think you are a very sexy woman, but tonight has different purposes."

He started up again, but for a few seconds I felt no pain. I was still amazed that he had called me a "sexy woman." Not "cute girl," but "sexy woman!"

Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!

Oo! [gasp] yes, yes, yes Errgh! mmmhhhmmm Owww! oh oh, aaahhh ...

Finally, it ended. It had been less than 3 minutes, but it seemed an eternity. I knelt there, still bottoms up, breathing hard and feeling horny as hell.

"I can see you are in quite a state, Soo May. Go ahead and bring yourself to a climax."

"What? Bring myself?" I said, surprised. "You can't mean ... "

"Oh, yes I can mean," he replied decisively. "I want you to bring yourself off. Do it! Now!"

"But I- I- I don't ... uh ... know how," I lied.

"Don't know how?" he asked incredulously. "How old are you, Soo May?"


"What's the longest time you've gone without a lover in the last four years?"

"Well ... uh ... I guess months, maybe over a year."

"So you're a 22 year-old woman who has gone months at a time without a lover and you expect me to believe you don't know how to masturbate? Do you take me for a fool? Now, stop stalling and get on with it."

I groaned in embarrassment, but I spread my thighs slightly and slipped a hand between my legs to my privates. Still hoping I could pretend I didn't have any experience at self pleasuring, I slipped my middle finger into my vagina and began to slowly saw it in and out.

"Don't try my patience, Soo May," he said evenly but commandingly.

I sighed with defeat, and with a sob of mortification, I pulled the finger out, paired it with my pointing finger, and began to rub them both slowly across my clitoral hood.

I was so aroused already that it didn't take long to work myself up. My finger movement became faster and faster. My breathing became louder and heavier. I began making unconscious mewing and cooing sounds.

"uh, oh, ah, unh, yes, oh, oh, huhuh, mmm, ... "

I spread my knees wide. I knew I was giving Mr. Daniels a close up view of all my nether secrets, but pleasure, for the moment, was overpowering embarrassment. I switched to a small circular movement on the clitoral hood, and with my other hand I began fingering my nipples.

My hips were beginning to twist and buck again, but not in pain this time. As I neared a peak, I knew exactly what I needed to bring me over the top.

"Mr. Daniels," I said, "please spank me some more."

He did, much slower than before, but not a bit softer.




My moans of pleasure became louder.

"Oh, Ah, Unh, Yes, MMM, Yes, Oh, Huhuh, Oh, Uh ... "




Soon I was verbalizing, getting louder and louder as my two fingers became a blur sliding back and forth across my clit.

"oh Yes, spank me. mmm Spank me. ahhh"




I even began to voluntarily use the phrase he had required me to say only a few minutes before.

"unnh More! Another, please. Anuh- nuh- nuhnunnother, please. ahhh Yes!"




As the beginning of my climax began to rush through me, I was practically shouting.

"Yes! Spank my bottom! Spank it! Another, please! Another, please! Spank my little boy butt!"

The most consuming orgasm I'd ever had crashed over me. My hips bucked forward as my upper body rose up curving my back as I bucked repeatedly against my own fingers. It seemed to last forever, but I finally collapsed, spent, onto the bed.

As rational thought slowly returned to me, I realized that Jennie and Angie must have heard my final orgiastic outburst, including "Spank my little boy butt." I took some comfort in the possibility that they might think it was something Mr. Daniels made me say and that they might not realize that I'd been aroused to the point of climaxing.

"Stand up, Soo May," he said, after I'd gotten my breath back, "We're going back to the living room, now. Leave your clothes off."

"But Angie and Jennie weren't naked," I protested while keeping my head bowed submissively.

"Each client is different and I give each what they need. What's best for you right now is to go out there and face your friends naked," he explained. "Now, when we go out there, you are going to tell them that you were thoroughly spanked on the bare. You will then show them your spanked bottom. Finally, you will tell them that the spanking so aroused you that you had to masturbate to orgasm while I gave you an extra spanking at your request.

"I think", he continued, "that it would be too much for you right now to have to tell them that you begged me to fuck you, so I won't require that."

This was the point in the evening when I came closest to using the safe word and ending it. What he was asking was mortifying to the nth degree. But I realized that Jennie and Angie had already overheard enough to suspect pretty much everything he was making me tell them. I also found that I wanted to please him, to not disappoint him; so after a long pause for thought, I slowly nodded my head in acceptance.

"OK," he said, "Let's go. And one more thing, don't forget I told you to look down whenever you are in the same room with me. And, oh yes, don't forget to use complete sentences."

I clamped one hand over my pubis and threw the other arm over my tits. As I reached the door, he opened it for me, since my hands were occupied with modesty duty. With my head hung, I stepped out and walked down the hall to the living room, keeping my eyes on the floor.

I heard both Angie and Jennie burst out with a kind of surprised hoot as soon as they saw me enter naked.

"Alright, Jennie, you can pull up your pants and get up from the sofa, now," he instructed her.

I stood there, stark naked, head hung in shame, facing my two best friends. Given my body type, with my hands covering my breasts and pubis, I might just as well have been a little girl or, for that matter, a little boy.

"Soo May," Mr. Daniels said, "I believe you have something to say to your friends."

"Angie, Jennie," I began, "I have been thoroughly spanked on my bare bottom."

"Show them," Mr. Daniels instructed.

I turned around to give them a good look at my small bottom, which was no doubt as pink as theirs had been.

"Face them again, Soo May, and tell them what else happened," he instructed.

This was the moment of truth. Less than 90 minutes before I had told my friends I would not allow him to arouse me to a climax. Just a couple of weeks ago, I denied to them for the umpteenth time that I ever masturbated. Now I must reveal myself as a submissive, self-pleasuring slut.

"I- I uh- I was, [sob]" my voice dropped to a whisper, "aroused by the spank-"

"Speak up! Soo May," he ordered, "Now start again."

"I was aroused by the spanking," I began, as I saw Angie and Jennie turn red and clamp their mouths shut to suppress giggles, "and I played with myself till I came while Mr. Daniels gave me an extra spanking that I requested."

The girls could not suppress their giggles anymore and they began to titter and smirk at me. Hot tears of shame dripped down my red face.


"That's enough for tonight," said Mr. Daniels, "I'll be going now. I think we accomplished a lot and I'm very proud of you three for seeing it through."

Weirdly, perhaps, we all felt pride in the approval of this man who had so debased us.

"You have my number," he added, smiling his George Clooney smile, "so if any of you want another session, either together or individually, just give me a call."

Angie ran to the bedroom to fetch his bag and the switch he'd used on Jennie without his even asking her to. After dropping the switch into it, he smiled again, and Angie saw him to the door.

I dressed and talked about the evening over wine. At one point, Angie playfully threatened to make "Boy Butt" my new nickname, while Jennie smirkingly proposed "The Diddler."

I did learn how Mr. Daniel had gotten Angie to abandon her resolve not to lower her panties.

"He was spanking me on my underwear over his lap," she explained, "and I was making louder and louder cries of pain. I was embarrassed that you guys might hear me if I got any louder. At the time, I didn't realize you guys could already hear me anyway. I begged Mr. Daniels to let me gag myself with a scarf or something; but he would only allow me to use my own undies. I resisted that idea at first and tried not to be so loud, but embarrassment at being heard overcame my embarrassment at letting him see my bare behind. So I took them off and stuffed them in my mouth."

"That reminds me of something that puzzled me," she continued. "Jennie, why did you let him use the switch on you?"

"It was a trade," she replied. "He was hand-spanking me long and hard as I lay on the end of the bed. I didn't think I could take anymore and he offered to stop if I agreed to take seven switches."

Then, of course, they wanted to know how Mr. Daniels got me to break my resolution that I would not have a climax in his presence.

"Well," I explained, "I was already horny before I went into the bedroom with him just from listening to you two getting punished. Then, after I got in there, he said really nice things to me and about my body. He made me feel so safe. Of course, I didn't realize you guys were going to hear me aroused until I was already past the point of no return."

"He complemented you?" Angie asked in surprise, and then she looked at Jennie with a questioning look as if to say 'He did not compliment me. Did he compliment you?'

Jennie shook her head 'no', and then they both looked at me with new respect.

"Well," Jennie said, not bothering to hide her surprise, "it seems that Mr. Daniels was quite taken with you, Soo May."

We finished our wine and Angie and Jennie said they wanted to think over whether to have another session with Mr. Daniels, and I agreed; but I really didn't need to think it about. My sister was right. My life had changed.

To be continued in The Disciplinarian Ch 02

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Gym52Gym52over 1 year ago

EXCELLENT. A beautifully descriptive story of dominance with three submissives, well executed without being verbose. I hope that you have more characterisation in chapter two.

rmac1rmac1almost 4 years ago
Something we all may need in time

Very well written and very arousing! I knew that the items the women wrote were going to occur that evening, otherwise they would be in control.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Did I miss something?

Excellent spanking, good interaction among the women. Soo is an interesting narrator but why would any of the three friends benefit from a major league spanking? None are irresponsible or selfish.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Wonderfully warm

What a loving service Mr Danials offers. I like what Soo May learned about herself.

A really good story. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I want/need mr daniels phone no!!

great story. I loved it. well done. the progression between the girls was good - a bit predictable that they would do what they said they wouldn't but a good story.

Robin_MaxwellRobin_Maxwellover 11 years ago
excellent buildup

You did an excellent job of building up excitement and arousal. Well done, indeed. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Leaving my comment on this "submission"

As someone who is coming to appreciate his dominant side, may be a bit too late, I am awestuck by this story and the series in general. The writing does everything to build up the tension and I can actually witness myself spanking the three women, taking the role of Mr. Daniels.

Please continue this series.

PS I am so turned on right now. I read this series with my mouth wide open. And now I need to get a glass of water.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Perhaps one of the most erotic stories that I've read in months! What a business concept! I know that I would actually pay to work with someone like Mr. Daniels, and I'd definitely want to marry him.

gspanker051gspanker051over 13 years ago
Good story

Very good Keep writing more

Kibou32Kibou32almost 14 years ago

Hope you write a fourth chapter to this thrilling story... I'd especially read it if you add two things:

1.- Mr. Daniels fucking Soo May and

2.- Having the girls stopped being malicious towards Soo May or that Soo May tells them off for teasing her badly.

jasmineleighjasmineleighabout 14 years ago

Oh My! I loved this, has to be the best thing I have read on this site, I will be reading the next two chapters later this evening!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
one of the best of the best story i ever good as casino plot series !!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Very well done. I wish more writers (though there are a few excellent ones here) could capture the essence of D/s as well as you have.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Good story!

Really liked the story line, very sexy ... looking forward to more. Thank you!

Jess, Australia

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
The Disciplinarian Ch 1

I can only speak for myself, but I found the start of this story very hot and exciting. Ignoring each womans limits and actually making the first pull her panties from her mouth to speak...well that was great. He let them know who was in control. Can't wait for more. Thank you. xoxo. Stefani

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