The Doctor's Casebook Pt. 04 Ch. 01


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"Oh, yes; we are."

She nodded, deep in thought. "And ... in every romantic pair, there's almost always a dominant lover. That's what you said, right? I'm assuming he's it in yours."

I smiled and linked my arm in hers. "Yes, he is. However, he has never lied to me. Not once. Not ever. You do not have to take his advice ... or mine. But, if I can stress anything at all about him, it's this: He'll tell you the truth." She walked along with me until we arrived at the apartment building that contained our offices. "Do you want to come in and talk to him?"

She considered this. "Will you be there?"

"If you want."


I led her up the steps, inside, and through the reception area. I knocked softly on the doctor's office door and led her in. Thank goodness Chumbley was gone. "What did you decide, Evelyn?" the doctor asked, giving her his most disarming smile.

"Loretta told me that you can help me with my assertiveness," she responded, refusing the chair he gestured to.

His smile changed to one that was a bit more professional. "Oh, that's an easy one."

"How?" she asked seriously.


She let the word hang in the atmosphere, and I could tell that it portended all sorts of things in her mind. "If I let you do that ... then you would influence me in my ... decision about Donny."

"No, Evelyn. I could. But, I would not. You have my word."

Without looking at me, she pointed my way. "I have HER word, as well." She let that sink in. "I have the word of a friend."

He nodded. "I hope that I can become your friend, as well."

She took a deep breath. "Can you do it now? Can you do it right now?"

He stood and moved his chair over toward the computer that was sitting on a small table at one side of the desk. "Loretta, can you bring that chair over here, please?"

I took the spare office chair that I had occupied during our first little conversation in this room over and parked it in front of the computer. I motioned to Evelyn, and she sat in it, facing the monitor, then I put my hand on her shoulder. "I'm going to leave for a few minutes, but I'll be back. I'm ... um ... very susceptible to his hypnotic inductions. But I'll be back, okay?"

She looked up at me and nodded. I could tell she was very nervous, and I gave her shoulder a little squeeze. Then I went out to the reception room and began updating the doctor's schedule on my computer. I only stayed a minute. I had left the office door open a crack, and I got up and looked through. The computer Evelyn was staring at showed four different hypnotic spirals, and I watched as she pointed toward one of them. I smiled at that. She was picking the same type of spiral that I had chosen for my own trance inducer. As different as we were physically, we were a lot alike in other ways. I went back to my desk and puttered around for another five minutes before once again rising and going to the office door.

Evelyn was sound asleep, slumped in her chair, her chin resting on her prodigious bust, her arms hanging limply at her sides.

And so, it begins, I thought.




Just give me a second. This is a new recording program. There. It's going, I think.

Donny, can you hear me? Please tell me how you feel.


Yes, Loretta. I hear you. And I feel wonderful, thank you.


Please tell me where you are, how you came to be in this situation, what is happening to you, and what you think about it.


I am hypnotized. You did this to me. You told me that if I watched your breasts, and if I listened to you and did what you said, that I would fall asleep. And that's exactly what happened. I really, really like having this happen to me. It has happened to me before, I think. I believe that I always fall asleep during our appointments.


What will you do while you are in this hypnotized state?


Anything you tell me. I am very open and honest, and I know that you will be honest with me, too. I couldn't seem to help myself, looking at your breasts; and so now, I am paying the price for that by being very obedient to you. It is the least I can do.


Tell me about Mindy, please. But first, I want you to tell me about the first time you came here ... what happened to you and what you thought of it. I would also like you to tell me about Evelyn ... about how you have always felt toward her, and how those feelings have changed recently. They have changed, haven't they?


I ... I don't know. I mean, yes. They've changed a great deal. That is, they've intensified dramatically. But ... I think that I've always been attracted to Evelyn somewhat. I just never realized how much I depend on her for ... well, for everything! But you wanted to know about coming here and seeing you. I should talk about that first, since that question came earlier. I want to do it right. I want to please you. It's very important to me.

I first came here about a week ago. Mindy wanted to consult a professional about our marriage. She told me that she wasn't happy. I knew that, of course. I've always wanted to please Mindy ... to provide for her ... to make her feel secure and wanted. That's just what husbands are supposed to do. That's the way all husbands want their wives to feel, isn't it? But ... that hasn't happened to us, I know.

So anyway, Dr. Herringwick told us that we should undergo some testing to make sure that Mindy and I were really compatible. I mean, obviously, we aren't. I think the testing was to figure out if we were really meant for each other ... if we could be made to undergo subtle changes that would make it easier to have a happy marriage. Does that make sense? He said that to do that, he would need to split us up, and I needed to go with you, Loretta.

I wasn't sure what to expect. You told me that you had become quite adept at hypnosis, and you had me sit in a comfortable chair in a living room; I supposed that it was your apartment that is somehow attached to these offices. I'm there now. Asleep in that same chair. It's sort of become second nature to me now. You told me that in order to hypnotize me, I had to focus on something that I found to be interesting; and then you told me that your breasts seemed to be that thing, because I had been staring at them ever since we had arrived. I blushed, I'm sure ... I'm also sure that I blushed even more when you unbuttoned the buttons of your uniform and moved the top of it to either side of your breasts. Your bra is white, and it pushes your breasts up and together. Or, maybe they're like that naturally. I don't know. I think about it sometimes.

And you wear a necklace that is a crystal attached to a thin silver chain that nestles between the globes of your chest. And you stood over me and leaned forward toward me, so that I had to look up to see the tops of your breasts. And when you did that, the crystal swung free, toward me ... and it seemed to hover there for an instant, and it swung back again and bounced in the valley of flesh that had trapped my gaze; and then it swung forward again; and again. You were speaking softly to me, telling me to relax. You told me that all men seemed to like looking at breasts, and so now, you were showing me yours so that I would follow your instructions, and you could put me to sleep. You said that you knew that I was just like all those other men because you could see that I was hard. And, of course, I was. It was all so embarrassing and mesmerizing and true. I can't remember exactly when I fell asleep. But when you woke me up, you had buttoned up your uniform again. I tried not to stare after that. But I can't help myself sometimes.

What else did you want me to tell you about? Oh, yes. Mindy. Ever since I met her, at some fraternity party that we were both invited to ... I've always been in awe of her. She's really beautiful ... and petite and shy ... just gorgeous in every way. Her date abandoned her. She'd had a lot to drink, and I offered to drive her home. I parked in front of her house, and we talked for awhile; and I had this overwhelming urge to kiss her, and when I did, she didn't seem to protest at all. And so ... I went further ... touching her and petting her. And she never protested, and so, before I even knew what was happening, we were in the back seat doing it. I ... I kept petting her ... between her legs, I mean. Believe it or not, I'd never done that with a girl before, and I didn't know what to do. And I asked her if she wanted to touch me, too; and as soon as I said it, she was touching and stroking me. And ... I told her that I was getting close ... and that I wanted to put it in her. And she just lay back on the seat and spread her legs for me. And I pulled her panties off and I got between her knees, and I asked her if she would guide me into her ... and just like that, she did. I think I lasted about fifteen seconds before I came ... and I felt horrible that I hadn't pleased her yet, but she gave me a little kiss and told me that it was okay. And I walked her to the door.

And that's the last I saw of her for about a month, even though I called her a couple times. But she didn't want to go out with me again. Then, one day, she called me and said that she wanted to talk to me. I jumped at the chance, of course. Well ... she was pregnant. I asked if she was sure it was mine, but she cried and told me that she had only been with me ... that I was the only one who had done it to her for more than a year. And so ... I asked her to marry me ... right on the spot. She told me no ... but she agreed to see me again. And ... the more we talked, the more she seemed open to the idea that being married might be the best solution. She miscarried ... but I still wanted to marry her. And she never protested. She never protests about anything. I feel guilty about that. I always feel guilty when I'm with Mindy. The guilt has become part of my life.

What did you want to know about next? Oh. Evelyn. I knew Evelyn, of course. When I came home from college, she was always there ... whenever I visited Dad's office. And when Dad had his medical problem, he called me home, and Evelyn and I would work together all weekend, trying to make sure all the decisions had been made for the next week or two until I could get back again. Evelyn was practically running the business on her own ... at a secretary's salary! After the reorganization, there was no question that she would remain on as my secretary. I can't even begin to explain how much I count on her.

The changes in our relationship have been gradual, for the most part. Evelyn has been doing ... everything! She was even called out to do something for Harry Chumbley a couple weeks ago. It was shortly after that that she began calling me by my first name when we were alone. It seemed so natural that I'm not even sure how long it had been going on before I noticed. I didn't comment on it, of course. The last thing I wanted to do was upset Evelyn. But suddenly, I was aware that we'd become more intimate. When we discussed meetings, schedules, letters, anything ... she would sit close to me ... next to me ... on my side of the desk, so that she could show me things while she explained them. More and more often, she would touch me for emphasis; and she was starting to leave her hand on my arm for longer periods of time. Somehow, she seemed to sense when that made me nervous, because just as soon as I started to feel uncomfortable, she would move her hand away. But then, slowly, I found that I liked it. I don't know exactly when that realization came ... after I started coming here and talking to you, I think. But after that, she seemed to be touching me almost constantly. When we were alone, I mean.

About a week ago, Evelyn began suggesting that we sit on the couch to talk about things. It never even dawned on me to refuse. After that, the touches began to be more intimate ... my knee or my thigh. She sits very close to me when we're on the couch, so that her body is always touching mine. She's also started wearing blouses that ... well, they tend to show the tops of her breasts. Like yours do, Loretta. And ... her breasts are really very large. Like yours. Quite often, I lose the train of our discussions. I try SO hard not to stare at them; but ... I mean, of course she notices! That leaves me blushing and stammering, but she simply pauses and smiles patiently, then taps a spot between her eyes with one finger while laying a palm on my thigh for emphasis, and she says quietly, placating: "Up here, Donny." Then she pauses and says: "Now, tell me the last thing you remember me saying." And I tell her, and she just picks up her instructions where she left off.

Anyway, it all came to a head yesterday. We had a huge meeting with our biggest client, and we'd spent days prepping for it. In previous meetings, I always insisted that Evelyn sit in with us; but in the last one we'd done, I evidently kept looking her way ... and always asked her for her opinion. I did it so often that the client finally asked me who was in charge of my company ... me or my secretary? It was very embarrassing, and neither of us wanted a repeat of that sort of question. And so ... we set up a sort of code. I would have her sit beside me, and she'd tap the side of my foot with hers if she thought I should reject an offer ... or put her foot on top of mine if she thought I should immediately stop the conference. There were a dozen different signals to help guide me through a meeting. The more she asked me what I wanted advice and help on, the more I asked her to provide.

Yesterday was the day of the big meeting, and we had an hour to go. We'd been at it all weekend, and we'd been over everything so often I couldn't see straight; and she just kept telling me that everything was going to be fine ... that it was all going to be okay. Finally, she put her hands on my shoulders and looked at me, her face just inches from mine. "Donny," she said, "is everything okay at home?"

"What do you mean?" I responded.

"With Mindy," she explained. "I can't believe how uptight you are today! It isn't just the meeting ... something isn't right with you. Now, please don't get upset with me for asking, but when was the last time the two of you made love?"

I stammered and stuttered a little before finally telling her that today was Monday.

"What does THAT have to do with anything?" she asked.

"We make love on Tuesdays," I told her.

I couldn't quite make out her expression. What I'd just said made sense to me, but it obviously hadn't to her. She studied me for a long minute; and when I started to make a further comment, but she put a finger to my lips and shushed me. She seemed deep in thought. Finally, she took my right hand and put it by my side. Then did the same to the left hand. "Please stay just like that, Donny. Don't move your arms, okay?"

"Um ... what are you going to do?" I asked, uncertain.

And she responded: "Promise me, Donny."

"Uh ... sure," I told her. "Okay. I promise."

I have to admit, I was a little disoriented. I had put myself in her hands so often that I don't think it ever even dawned on me not to follow this command, as well. I left my hands exactly where she had placed them while she fell to her knees, moved my legs apart, and began unfastening my belt.

I was really shocked. "Evelyn, what are you ...?"

"Shhh!" she ordered. "Don't say another word, Donny; not unless I ask you something. Leave your hands right where they are, and don't move; not unless I tell you. Do you understand, Donny?" She paused. "Nod your head if you understand." I nodded while she finished with the belt, undid and unzipped my pants. "Raise your hip, please. Yes, that's it." I moaned loudly as she took my prick in one hand and my testicles in the other. "Just as I thought," she murmured. "Your balls are big and tight! You're so horny that you can't think straight. Now ... slide your butt forward a little. Obey me, Donny! There. That's it."

And in an instant, my cock was in her mouth. Warm. Wet. Sucking. Wonderful. I moaned, though I tried hard to suppress the sound. I felt myself lurch.

She pulled away slightly. "Whoa. You're small when you're soft ... but you grow up fast! God, Donny, you're hard as a rock! And so long!" She sucked me back into her mouth again and stroked my balls, squeezing gently. She pulled away from me again, making a distinct "pop" when we parted. "Just as I thought," she commented. "You're going to cum really soon, aren't you?" I drew breath to answer, but she shushed me again. "Never mind. We'll work on stamina later. Right now, I just want you to obey me and let go, okay? Just stay as quiet as you can, and leave your hands right there, and surrender to me, and let your body do what it has to do. Okay, Donny? Nod your head."

I took a breath and nodded. Her mouth was back at it again, sucking like a vacuum. One of her hands was stroking my shaft, the other kneading my balls with increasing pressure. I was suddenly worried about her dress, which was a dark blue. What if I made a stain? But ... it was too late. I pressed my lips together hard to keep from screaming as my balls contracted and the dam inside my lower body gave way to the deluge that had been kept at bay for so long. Both of her hands tightened on my manhood in an effort to keep my torso from heaving off the front of the couch. I felt a tremendous spurt of fluid leave my body ... followed by another. I didn't remember closing my eyes, but I forced them open in genuine concern for that blue dress. However, all I could see was the top of Evelyn's head, her hair swinging wildly as her face kept undying contact with me.

She finally pulled free of me, but kept her face lowered, and I still couldn't see anything. "That's it, Donny. Give me more, now. You have even more to give. Let go for me." And, as if on cue, I felt my cock lurch once again. Her soft lips had already resumed their place, and I felt yet another liquid blast leave my cock. Again, she spoke, though I couldn't see her. "One more, Donny. You're still hard. Just let your body relax, and give me one more." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. She was stroking and squeezing and sucking, and I felt it ... deep down inside me ... ebbing upward toward the surface ... rising, slowly at first, then with a rushing surge, over which I had no control. No control. Those were the words that flooded my mind as I shuddered my last ounce into her mouth.

Somehow, she was on her knees beside me on the couch, and her arms were around me, the side of my neck nestled between her huge, soft breasts, the lumpiness of her bra providing an odd mixture of feelings. Her lips were next to my ear, and I could smell her breath, which carried the odor of my cum. "Drift for me, Donny. Let go. Totally relaxed. There's nothing to worry about. You have no concerns. Relax. Drift for me." And, seemingly only a second later, she said: "Wake up, Donny. Our guests are here ... in the meeting room. Wait ... I've cleaned you up the best I could, but there's still a little." She dabbed and swiped my cock with a towel. "There. Stand up. Tuck in your shirt." I felt flustered, and I automatically buckled my belt. "Your fly is open," she said, matter-of-factly. "There. Let me take one last look at you. Perfect. Let's go."

I felt very uncertain. "Um ... Evelyn ..."

Unexpectedly, she pushed me back against the wall next to the door. "My breath," she said softly, her lips so close that they were brushing my own. "Can you smell yourself on me?" She waited while I nodded, blushing. "Wait here." She opened the door and I could hear her at her desk as she fumbled with something in her purse. There was the small hissing sound of a spray, and she was back again, her body trapping mine against the wall, just inside the office where she had ordered me to remain. Her lips resumed their place against mine. "How about now?" I took a deep breath and shook my head in answer. She smelled of wintergreen. Her body pressed more into mine. "A kiss for luck," she whispered.