The Doctor's Casebook Pt. 04 Ch. 04


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"Yes, sir."

I sighed heavily. Finally in control of my tumbling emotions for the first time that day, I said quietly "And you and I need to talk."

Tears slid down her cheeks. "Have ... Have I lost you?" she cried pleadingly. "Oh, Donny ... I'd give it all up ... saving the company ... everything ... if you could just let me love you again!"

"Love ME?" I studied her, letting a smile curve my lips. "It wasn't about ME loving YOU? Isn't that what you contracted Dr. Herringwick to do to me? To do to Mindy?"

She took a tentative step forward, reaching out to me, causing the robe to fall open, baring her right breast. "No!" But then she paused. "I mean ... not really. Chumbley wanted Mindy. HE set up some kind of deal with the doctor! I wanted to save you ... to save your marriage ... to help you! I'd do anything for you, Donny! It's always been that way! But Loretta made it sound like the best thing to do was to be there for you when you needed me. And ... THAT ... well, that sounded like the best fairy tale I'd ever heard! That sounded like ... heaven! To pick you up when you fell. To hold you and comfort you and love you when you needed it most. Even to be strong for you ... if a strong woman was what you needed."

I shrugged. "I'm not sure what I need. What I WANT is you." She gasped and held her breath in anticipation. "I love the way you make me feel," I continued; "the way you hold me, guide me; the way you make my life so simple. I love you, Evelyn. And, I want you desperately. Mindy and I are over ... but, I'm still very concerned about her. I'll go talk to Herringwick tomorrow morning. I want him to see Mindy tomorrow, too. I need to make sure that we're all ..."

"Doing the right thing," she finished, stepping into me and smothering me with her arms and her body. She heaved a sob. "Oh, baby, I was SO afraid I'd lost you!" She kissed me, long and hard.

"Could you ... um ... do that thing you do to me?" I asked tentatively. "My suitcase is in the car. I could stay here tonight ... and we could do it more than once, if you'd like. You know ... before dinner. After dinner. In the middle of the night."

She laughed through her tears. "What thing is that, lover?"

"You know," I answered. "That thing where you put me to sleep, and I wake up strong and hard and needy. And you tell me how that ... if I do it to you ... cum inside you, I mean ... that you you're afraid that you might get pregnant ... but it's obvious that that's EXACTLY what you want. And you yield your body to me ... finally, you give up and order me to explode inside you. And I fill you to overflowing. Can you do THAT to me again, Evelyn?"

She laughed once more. "It appears that you're pretty hard and strong and needy right now, Donny." She reached down and gave my cock a squeeze, and she pulled me toward the bedroom. We did it just the way I wanted. I let her strip me, and lull me, and wake me ... full of desire and strength and force. And I took her hard from behind, stroking and rubbing her with my hands while I pounded into her yielding body, making her cum and cry out. Then I coaxed her onto her back and took her hard yet again while she clutched me in her strong arms until I finally begged her to let me cum, and I filled her. Afterwards, she gathered me into a hug once again and fed me her nipple, and I suck-suck-sucked her as I floated and drifted into sleep. She woke me after awhile, and we ate dinner and spoke of the future ... ours and the company's.

She really is the perfect Chief Operating Officer, Loretta. I wonder if I've made her pregnant yet. I find the concept fascinating. Wouldn't that be something? The CEO and COO of a prominent company raising a family together? We've decided to buy a house. We're going to look at places over in the university district this weekend.


That's very good, Donny. I'm glad you came in today to tell me about this. I have to say, your ... um ... assertiveness greatly surprised me.


I do what's right, Loretta. However, my coming in is rather beside the point. Evelyn and I will be okay. It's Mindy that I'm worried about.


The doctor has assured me that everything will be alright, Donny. It took me awhile to find her; but she will come in and talk to us today. I don't want you to be anxious about that at all. The doctor and I will handle Mindy's wellbeing. Your mind should be free of all worries and cares about her. As you go into your board meeting today, you should feel confident and self-assured. You will be completely uninhibited and at ease around Mr. Chumbley, and everyone else present in your meeting. You are a confident, experienced CEO, Donny. Now ... I will count to three, and you will awaken, fresh and feeling wonderful, with no memory of what we've discussed. One two three.




You are very deep, Mindy. Just as always, you are very calm and detached. You can talk to me about the feelings you've experienced, but without reliving the emotions. You can be dispassionate and accurate. Do you understand?


Yes, doctor. Thank you.


Tell me about your day yesterday.


Harry called me early ... about ten o'clock, shortly after I'd gotten home from his house. He said that he'd changed his mind and wanted to spend the day with me. Normally, I would cancel all my plans ... I would make excuses. But I had already done that too many times. I tried to explain that to him. I asked him to please, please let me wait until that afternoon ... after my second meeting.

"Meeting?" he asked. I could hear the incredulity in his speech. "What kind of meeting?"

"My work," I explained. "I've put it off three times now. Even if you want me to stop ... to just quit working altogether ... I still have to fulfill this contract. A lot of people are counting on it!"

He paused a long time, considering. "I ... I didn't even know you worked at all," he said.

"Well, of course I work. Everybody works. I never mentioned it because you never asked me." I wished we were together so that I could explain it properly.

"What ... What do you do?" he asked.

"I write music," I said.

He seemed flabbergasted. "You're a musician?"

"Oh, I'm not a musician. I'm a composer." There was a long pause. "Um ... that's a little joke." There was another pause. "A music joke."

"What do you play?" he asked.

"Keyboard. And guitar. Six-string. And twelve-string." There was another pause. "Um ... and mandolin. And cello, a little." He didn't say anything. "I ... uh ...I'm not very good with the bow instruments. But mandolin was my first instrument. My favorite."

I heard him take a deep breath. "What do you write?"

"Position music, mostly." There was another pause. I was getting very uncomfortable. "Trailer music." Still nothing. "For coming attractions." Another pause. "For movies." There was still only silence. "You know," I continued, "dramatic effect music."

Finally, he said something. "And you have two meetings?"

"Conference calls. One at ten thirty, the other at three. The last one is for a video game company. Please, sir ..."

"Come to me at four o'clock. No ... scratch that. Come to me when you've finished your second call. Bring ... um ... bring the mandolin." He hung up.

The first conference call went okay. They wanted more, of course. The orchestration crew is ALWAYS ready for more. Production was impatient, too. And then ... Donny showed up."


You don't have to discuss your conversation with Donny. Tell me what happened after the second conference call.


I had a very, very unpleasant feeling. Somehow, I had withheld something important from Harry, and I had no idea how he would react. So, I removed my bra and I put on a silk blouse. I think that maybe I did that because I somehow thought that if I was more embarrassed, it would atone for my shortcomings. Anyway, I rushed as quickly as possible to his house, my breasts bouncing and jiggling with every step I took. In the foyer, I stripped as quickly as I could, and I took the mandolin out of its case and carried it into the kitchen, where he was consuming a martini. I soon came to realize that it wasn't his first.

He ordered me to play something. That's such a cliché. Play something. Play what? I sat in one of the chairs and began that same Kershel 331 that we heard the night before. That's twice in twenty-four hours from instruments that Mozart hadn't written it for. I've played the mandolin since I was eleven, but this was the first time I'd ever done it nude. The fingering is complicated enough for keyboard, and it took a lot of concentration to play it on this; but the soundboard caused vibrations in the body of the thing that tickled my clit. How odd.

He came to sit beside me, his eyes misty. When he took a sip of his drink, he dribbled a little down his chin, and that's the first time I realized he was pretty drunk. I finished and awaited my next command.

"Were your phone calls successful?" he asked, slurring the words.

"Yes sir." I paused while he nodded. "Uh ... sir?"

He seemed very distracted. "Yes?"

I took a deep breath. "I should tell you. Um ... Donny talked to me today. He ... uh ... he's having an affair with his secretary."

"What?" He seemed genuinely flustered ... and more than slightly irritated, for some reason.

"And ... I told him about us," I continued. "He has some reason to suspect Dr. Herringwick of ... well ... manipulating both of us."

He was standing now, his arms at his sides, his hands in fists. His expression was grim and ... something else. Looking up at him from the chair, I realized that it might be anger. I had never really seen him angry. I had read about this, though. I even knew a girl once who it had happened to: a lover whose personality changed when he got drunk ... a gentle man, who, when drunk, liked nothing better than to beat a girl to within an inch of her life. I swallowed and gently set my instrument down on the floor, as far away from me as I could reach in hopes that it wouldn't be damaged. Then, I sat back up and looked at him. "Are you going to hit me, sir?" I asked.

He blinked down at me. "What?" He paused, shifting his weight a little and narrowing his eyes. "Hit you?" He stared at me for a long minute. Finally, he lifted his left hand to about shoulder-level and gradually, willfully straightened his fingers from the shaking fist they had once formed. Then, he gave me his attention again. "Why did you do that? Why did you tell your husband about us?"

"He asked me," I told him.

"He asked you," he repeated dully. "And ... he found out about Herringwick. And now, YOU know."

I blinked and regarded him questioningly, wondering what he wanted me to say. "He seemed to think it was significant," I told him dumbly. "But ... I didn't."

"Significant," he parroted. I couldn't read his expression at all now. He allowed himself a sigh. "Listen, Mindy ... I ... um ... need to think about this. Everything's falling apart. The company just called an emergency meeting of the board of directors for tomorrow. Your husband knows. You know. And now, I find out that you aren't just everything I hoped you would be ... you're MORE."

A feeling of absolute panic was beginning to blossom in my chest. "Wh ... What do you mean?"

"You can never belong just to me. Others will always need you. The WORLD needs you ... needs your talent ... your art. God, Mindy, the way you play music is ..." He seemingly couldn't find the words he wanted, and he gave up, then changed topics. "I've been a selfish man my whole life. I've never shared anything with anyone. I'm a loner ... and I've always been content to be one. But now ... just when I discover something I want most in life, I find that I can't possess it without sharing it." He raised his hands, which were clenched again, and studied them morosely. He heaved a heartbreaking sigh. "Why don't you go home? I'll call you later."

He started to turn away from me, but I reached out and snatched his hand. "I can't go home! I came here because you're blackmailing me! You have that ... um ... video of me. That ... evidence. I'd just die if you released that!"

He narrowed his eyes in thought, then reached out and snatched his phone from the countertop. He stabbed at it for several seconds, then turned the face of the device toward me. "There," he said solemnly. "Gone. Now, go home, Mindy."

"NOOO!" I screeched, standing abruptly and snatching the phone. "Put it back!" I went to the "Settings" screen and tried to figure out how to undelete something, but I couldn't. I looked back up at him, pleadingly. "That's all you had! You've got to take more! Here! I know!"

I set the phone on the tabletop, sat back in the chair and looked down at my shaved pussy, using the fingertips of both hands to spread my lower lips. It was difficult because I was sort of oily down there. Finally, I looked pleadingly back up at him. "Okay, take my picture now, sir! My cave of a cunt. Take it now!"

He looked at me like I was insane. Realizing that he wasn't going to take a new picture, I stood again and started clawing at his arms with my fingertips. "Please, sir! Oh, please! You can't just send me away! You have to blackmail me! Please!" His eyes seemed to widen in shock for some reason. Suddenly understanding that he wasn't going to comment, I had an abrupt thought. "I know!" I yelled, picking up the phone again and launching the web browser. "The Right Rev!" I tapped feverishly.

"The ... what?" he stammered.

"I found it!" I declared triumphantly. "My mother's boss! The priest ... the bishop at our diocese! The newspaper always called him: "The Right Reverend Jason Smithers!" I lowered the tone of my voice to make it sound official. Then I tried to explain excitedly. "In parochial school, all us girls called him 'The Right Rev.' As if there could be a 'Wrong Rev,' you know?"

Harry's mouth had fallen open in some sort of awed stupor, so I dutifully increased the pitch of my pleading. "You can take a picture of me ... ANY picture!" I held my arms out to my sides and swiveled my nude hips back and forth so he could see me from different angles. "If you sent it to the Right Rev, Mommy would lose her job! She'd be disgraced! She'd never be able to show her face in the community again! You could blackmail me! I'd come back to you then, sir. I'd do ANYTHING for you then!"

"Mindy, my God!" he she said earnestly. He grasped me by the shoulders.

For some reason, I couldn't see him properly. It was like looking at him underwater. "You have to do that, sir! Please! If you did that, then you could take me again! You could tie me up, and you could handcuff me, and you could make me get on top of you with your cock so far up inside me it would be difficult to breathe! And ... and you could make me suck you! You could make me swallow your cum! And you could put your cock in my ass, sir! Way, way deep inside my ass! And I can REALLY feel you cum when you're in there! You could make me ... make me ..."

I was frantic. He didn't look as if he was going to do it. He still hadn't picked up the phone, so I continued. "OH! I know, sir! You could make me bring you something else next time! You could ... like ... give me an assignment! I'd have to think of a new way to blackmail me each time! Or a new person that you could contact if I didn't come back! So that each time I could ..."

He threw his arms around me, clutching me so hard that my feet left the floor. "Shh!" he hissed in my ear. "Calm down now, Mindy! Stop this!"

I couldn't seem to speak properly, all of a sudden. The shoulder of his shirt was soaked with my tears. "B ... B ... But S ... S ... Sir!"

He was stroking my hair ... the back of my head. "It's alright, Mindy," he whispered. "Everything's going to be okay."

He picked me up in his strong arms, supporting me under my back and buttocks. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tried to control my sobbing. "P ... P ... Please, sir!"

He was carrying me toward the bedroom. "When do you have to be home tonight?" he asked.

"I ... I ... d ... don't, sir. D ... Donny has gone to live with Ev ... Evelyn! I'm all a ... a ... alone!"

He grunted a little sound that might have been a laugh. "You are not alone, Mindy. You will never be alone." He deposited me in the middle of his bed, then moved atop me, trapping me with his big body. I worked hard and finally freed my arms enough to start unbuttoning his shirt.

"What do you want?" he asked calmly.

I was frantic. "You, sir! I want you! I want you inside me! I want to please you!"

"Why?" he asked calmly.

"Because ... if I don't, you'll blackmail m ..."

"Wrong answer, Mindy!" he interrupted. "I have never lied to you. Never. So, tell me the truth. Why?"

I stopped struggling with the buttons and I looked into his eyes. I suddenly felt peaceful and content and whole. My tears were gone. "Because I love you, sir," I told him truthfully. In fact, it was the truest thing I'd ever said.

"Will you grant me a request?" he asked in the same tone.

"Anything, sir!" I promised.

"There are two groups of people that must never, ever hear you call me 'sir.' Will you conform to that request?" I nodded, wide-eyed, and he continued. "The first is anyone outside of this house. Can you do that?"

"Yes, sir." He smiled down on me, and I couldn't contain a smile of my own. "That's an awfully large segment of the general population, sir. Who is the second group?"

"Our children," he said simply. And suddenly, I was crying again, holding him in an embrace that I intended to go on forever.



I lay on my back, panting, my head nestled into the crook of his shoulder. "Oh, doctor!" I crooned, and I let myself drift lazily in sexual afterglow. He was breathing just as hard as I was, but he seemed to possess the strength to move his right hand to my breast and give it a few squeezes.

"Never let it be said that I don't adequately reward my dedicated employees for a job well done," he said.

"WHAT job?" I asked incredulously.

"Why, Donny and Mindy, of course. The four of them should be back from their combination quickie-divorce-slash- marriages-slash-honeymoons in Las Vegas on Monday. Happy endings all around." He rolled a little toward me and tapped me on the tip of my nose. "And we, my dear, are partial owners of a company! I've done a little research, and I think I could sell our stake for more than a million bucks."

"You would be a fool to sell, oh doctor my doctor," I said, rolling toward him and throwing my right leg over him to get contact with more of his body. His fluids were dripping out of me and onto his thigh, but he either didn't notice or didn't care. I continued: "Have you read the report that Evelyn gave us? Or the specs on the new prototype that Donny developed?"

"As a member of the board of directors, I considered it an obligation," he replied flippantly.

"Well, I'd be surprised if our shares didn't double in value within a year!"

"Very well, then. I'll add 'financial consultant' to your job description," he replied, "and we'll hold onto our investment."

"But I'm deeply disappointed, doctor."


"Yes. We didn't DO anything to earn our enormous salary! Everybody THINKS we did! They all believe we influenced those two somehow. They even think we CAUSED them to fall in love! But ... all we had to do was listen!"

He stretched and laughed. "Ah, my darling nurse, you've just learned the first law of psychoanalysis."


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