The Donut Man


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I laughed and stuck my tongue out at him. "See you tomorrow Donut Man, sweet dreams."

I watched as he pulled out and went down the road thinking it had been a pretty good day. I wondered how his parents felt about me now, though Wade had made it clear he was happy with how things had gone. He also told me we would soon be meeting with Bruce and Lydia—a sign my efforts had succeeded at least to some extent. If anything, I knew I was dealing with a family that was far different from any other I had ever experienced, still amazed Wade was so different from his parents.

I was now determined to see where our relationship would lead despite our differing backgrounds. Perhaps I was more of a worry-wort than I thought, as now I wondered if his being from a wealthy family was another hurdle to have to contend with. Then I had to laugh at myself—did I really fit in with Tim's family any better? It didn't take a lot of reflection to answer that question. I was beginning to think I was something of an oddball, but how much effort would it take to fit into Wade's family?

I went to bed knowing that tomorrow Wade and I had all day together as it was my Sunday off. The only fly in the ointment was it was supposed to rain all day and we had made tentative plans to go to his apartment and maybe take in a movie. As I lay in bed I knew I was at the point where I wanted more in terms of our physical relationship as we hadn't gotten as far as I had with Tim and my need had been growing over the last weeks for affection.

I woke in the night, my heart beating hard, Wade's smile and eyes firm in my mind, I had been dreaming we had been in bed together, stripped down to our underwear and he was fondling and kissing my breasts. I had reached my hand out to caress him and found the bed empty. It was so real I could feel the heat of his body on the sheet, my breathing slowed as I realized it was a dream. I lay in the dark wishing I was with him so he could touch me as sleep took me again as I heard the first rumble of thunder.

After breakfast, my phone rang and I picked up. "Good morning Wade," I said cheerily.

"Good morning beautiful, ready for me to come and get you?"

My heart rate ticked up. He had never called me beautiful before—wow, something had changed since yesterday. Nevertheless, I was thrilled.

"Yes, anytime you want. You know it's raining hard here? It may slow you down so I won't expect you until a little later."

"Could be. Why don't you look out your front window and tell me what you see?"

That was strange, I already knew how hard it was raining. What good would that do? I walked to the window and looked out—his truck was sitting in the driveway! I grabbed my shoulder bag and rain jacket and shouted out.

"Dad and Mom, Wade is here, I'm leaving. I'll be back sometime tonight," not waiting for a response I dashed out into the rain and into the cab of the truck. I had hardly gotten in when I looked over to see Wade leaning towards me. We shared a wonderful kiss right from the start! I was excited at such a great start to my day.

"I missed you last night," he announced as we pulled out of the driveway and onto the road.

"I missed you too. You were in my dream last night," I admitted.

"I hope it was a good one."

"It was. So, what do you think we should do today? How about some backgammon and maybe a movie."

"Sounds good to me considering what it looks like outside. A TV movie or shall we go out?"

"Let's stay in, it's more private and we can relax."

I watched the windshield wipers go back and forth, the rhythmic sound of the wipers, and rain beating against the windows seemed soothing as we talked, the miles and time slipping away. We arrived and made a dash for the apartment door as the rain pelted us. I had just stepped inside as he closed the door he turned and took me his arms. We kissed long and firm, then I felt his hand move down my side and around to my butt. He patted my ass and then gave it a gentle squeeze. My god! He just grabbed my ass!

I laughed as I pulled his hand away. "Wade! You're getting awfully friendly."

"I can always stop if you don't like it."

My heart was beating hard. I was growing warmer by the second as my level of excitement rose knowing he was finally making a real move on me. I took his hand and placed it back onto my ass, then placed my mouth to his ear.

"I didn't say I didn't like it," I said softly.

We kissed again, then again, the passion growing between us. We slowly moved to the sofa and sat down, my hands exploring him as our lips met, retreated, returning with greater need with each new joining. I had been here before, but this time my desire grew hotter than ever in the past, the warm tingle that had hardly been noticeable now notched upward, spreading as if my body had been injected with something hot—something that told me the pleasure would only grow if I continued.

Our breathing grew deep as we gently wrestled with each other, seeking firm contact of more than our lips. I broke away and looked into his eyes as I eagerly sought the top button of my blouse, then the second, feeling as if I couldn't find them fast enough to satisfy my desire to have my breasts exposed for his hands, for his lips. I watched as he began to remove his shirt, fascinated as his hairy chest emerged, his firm chest muscles beckoned my inspection. I dropped my blouse onto the floor and reached to unclasp my bra, pulling it off my arms, letting it fall away to the floor, my breasts now fully exposed as his eyes roamed, taking in my soft form. He looked up at me as if he had seen something of pure beauty.

"Robyn, you're so beautiful."

I ran my fingers through his chest hair and leaned in for another long passionate kiss, pressing my breasts firmly onto his, my nipples responding with the contact. I reached behind his head and ran my fingers through his thick hair, pulling his head to me as we kissed hard, then soft again. The feel of his bare skin against mine ramped my desire as never before. When his lips came to my neck and started to work their way down onto my chest I closed my eyes and gave myself to him. He gently moved me back onto my back onto the sofa, his lips going to my breast, tracing a trail of coolness as they moved slowly toward my nipple. I was breathing deeply, enjoying the pleasure, my eyes closed, fully relaxed, trusting him completely to treat me gently as he kneeled beside the sofa on the floor. I felt him move up towards my neck, then his mouth near my ear.

"Robyn, would you be more comfortable if we moved onto the bed in the bedroom?"

I opened my eyes and smiled knowing that it would be better for both of us. But I was also concerned because I was as fully aroused as I had ever been in my life. I wasn't sure I would be in full control if we continued—I was almost throbbing, the ache hot and persistent.

"Wade I want to, but I have something important to tell you."

"Are you cold? I can get a blanket if you want to remain on the sofa," I could hear the concern in his voice.

"No. Not that, it's just that I'm not experienced beyond what we have been doing already."

I looked at him and saw the most sensitive expression on his face I had ever seen. Then there was a bright flash of lightning and a loud boom of thunder strong enough to shake the apartment building.

A smile crossed his face. "Guess I should go really slow as I don't want to anger the gods that are looking over you any more than they are right now."

I don't know that he could have said anything better that would have made my admission any easier. I hadn't been sure my admission of being a virgin would be well received while we were... so... well... involved. I laughed a little as some of the tension left me.

"I'm not so important that the gods would be concerned."

"Robyn, you are that important to me. I love you. I will respect whatever you are comfortable with and no more. I'm in this relationship for the long term. Where we go, we go together in total agreement or we don't go at all."

He loved me! If he had only known that just as soon as I heard those words he could have taken me right there on the sofa or floor with my full cooperation. No words had ever sounded more sincere and filled with conviction. I felt him take my hand, my body telling me I was ready. Now, I knew for sure.

I said softly. "I love you too. Let's go lie down in the bedroom. It would be nice to be held closer as we kiss."

I didn't wait for him to take my jeans off, I pulled them down and off from around my feet, then looked at him as he followed by removing his own. I didn't feel the slightest bit embarrassed, or nervous to be standing in front of Wade for the first time only in my panties. When I gazed at his scantily clad body for the first time I almost gasped at how wonderful it looked. How often had I fantasized about a man that looked like this, a man who would hold me close, kiss me, and tell me he wanted me, his hot passion evident as his hands roamed my body, seeking my curves, the secret places I had always hidden from view and from touch.

Wade pulled the bedspread and sheet aside and we lay upon another smooth, soft, cotton sheet that seemed to caress my skin as he pulled me close. I lay in his embrace, his strong arms wrapping around my back, my legs spreading to admit his leg between them. His lips came to mine and we continued where we had left off, this time our naked flesh in firm contact as we slowly wrestled, trying to touch each other for the first time in places withheld in the past.

My eyes closed, his leg left me, as I felt his hand caress my inner thigh, his arm grazing my panty-clad pelvis. My pussy went white-hot, my lips begging for more pressure, for release, for satisfaction. I felt myself drift away into a cloud of passion as his hands sought those soft places for the first time. Then slowly, his hands came to my breasts, cupping them, then his lips, pressing softly, his tongue making cool paths, his hot exhaled breath marking his passion for their soft roundness. Then, his tongue found my nipple, then his mouth took me in and released, my pelvis shouted out the contact as I squirmed my pleasure. Then, I felt myself being covered and held tightly, his head at mine, our breathing heavy. Then softly, a whisper.

"Robyn, you're wonderful, beautiful. Are you alright?"

There was the distant sound of thunder and rain as it pelted the window as I opened my eyes, turning my head to look at him. I could only smile as my reply at first, then the words came to my lips.

"The gods approve donut man."

We shared a kiss, then we shifted positions and I lay against him, my leg over his pelvis, head on his shoulder. I pressed my moist pussy hard against him and felt the pleasure it brought. I was so damned horny I ached—the urge to press onto him strongly, but I knew if we continued my virginity would be lost as I would seek him and take him in.

"I have some lubricant if you would like me to pleasure you by hand."

I nodded with a smile, still not quite believing what was suggested would happen. Less than half an hour later my pelvis lifted from the bed as a surge of pleasure took me as my clitoris sang the praises of his touches. Then I snuggled into him, eyes closed, feeling as I had never felt before in a man's arms—safe, satisfied, and loved.

He had demanded nothing of me in return and now I needed to feel satisfied by pleasuring him. I sent my hand down, slipping my fingers under the elastic of his briefs, grasping him gently within my hand. We pulled his briefs down and off his legs and he handed me one of the towels. Ten minutes later I heard his soft moans and felt his pelvis shudder beneath my hand. We cleaned up and lay together talking softly, making plans for the rest of the day. If anyone had told me this rain-filled day would be filled with this much joy I would have laughed and suggested they should be institutionalized for having such crazy thoughts.

We washed and dressed and left for the cinema to watch the newest Star Wars film—something we both found enjoyable. We ate a late lunch as we watched the rain fall steadily from the low-hanging gray clouds from the restaurant window. The morning had changed us, each glance, each smile, each touch, brought with it the affection and love we felt for each other. I had never felt happier.

We arrived back at his apartment, running through the pouring rain to the door. Once inside we sat down on the sofa and cuddled for a while, sharing kisses. Then I felt it coming on, steady and demanding, deciding I wasn't going to try and fight it off this time as there was no reason to.

I looked at Wade with a smile and asked, "Do you have any condoms here, or do we need to go and get some?"

"I do. Robyn, are you sure you're ready?"

"Yes. But I'm nervous, I don't know what to do...I mean...I know...what happens...but..."

"Honey, just do what feels natural, you know there's no need to rush this, this is our first time together, so I'm a little nervous too."

"You are?" I replied in surprise.

"Of course I am, I want this to be special for us, for you. So we will do the best we can, knowing it will get better each time."

If there was a better way to give me confidence and help me relax I didn't know it would have been. His words made me smile—he was nervous too because he wanted to be good to me, to please me. I watched as he reached over to the nightstand, pulled the drawer open and removed a strip of foil wrapped condoms and handed them to me.

I tore one off, feeling anxious, knowing I was one step closer to having sex for the first time in my life. I handed the rest back to him and looked at the foil packet as he returned the others to the drawer—I could feel the ring of the condom inside as I pressed on the foil wrapper and the memory of what one looked like appeared in my mind from sex ed in high school. I fingered the package tentatively, took a breath, and tore the wrapper open to reveal a cream white condom inside, my fingers touching the slick lubricant. I handed the opened wrapper to him and watched as he applied it while thinking his penis looked big—larger than any tampon I had ever used. My need was still present, my ache hot with anxious expectation.

I lay back on the bed, arranged my long hair behind my head on the pillow, then I cupped my hands beneath my breasts not knowing what else to do with them as Wade picked up a towel. I wasn't sure what it was for until he had me my lift my pelvis off the bed, sliding it under me I understood.

He was smiling as he started to take a position over me, his erect penis within the condom looked almost ominous. He leaned down and we shared a kiss, then another, then instinctively, I opened my legs wide and felt his knees come between them. I looked up into those wonderful smiling blue eyes and released the breath I hadn't known I was holding, wondering what I should do now—I knew I was distracted by the mechanics of what we were doing, but I couldn't help it.

"Robyn, take the tip of my penis and place it at the opening of your vagina, pretend it's a tampon, only with me attached to it, then place your hands on my hips to guide me."

Well, if there was any reason for me to believe he wasn't experienced it left me at that moment. I followed his instructions, reaching down to spread my outer labia with one hand and taking the slick end of his penis, placing it at my opening. I felt pressure as he started down even before my hands had reached his hips. I had to admit I wasn't completely relaxed and that he had more control than I did, but I felt him rise up, push down, then up a little again, then down, each time the sensation telling me he was going deeper into me. When he stopped moving his pelvis lay fully upon mine and an entirely new feeling of being stretched inside filled me. The sensations had subsided from his initial entry—it had been pleasurable. Wade rested on his elbows above me, his weight upon me evident—it felt different, our bare skin in full contact. I moved my hands from his hips and caressed his back, then onto his bared cheeks. I hadn't realized I had closed my eyes and when I opened them I saw his smile and smiled back—it was the strangest feeling I had ever had. He was in me!

I looked at him with a smile, feeling a bit stiff—now what?

"Robyn, you feeling all right?"

"Yes, I can tell you're in me, and it feels good so far," thinking that the magazine articles I had read about having sex were greatly exaggerated. If this was what it was, it was good, but not mind-blowing.

His lips came to mine and I wrapped my arms around him, tasting his sweet lips and smelling his manly aroma, then slowly, he began to move within me, and with each gentle thrust I detected a hint of pleasure. After a few minutes I had started to relax, not feeling so stiff, then I felt him lower himself onto my chest, the pressure gently pushing my breasts aside. Then a soft whisper.

"Am I too heavy?"

I whispered back, "No, I kind of like it."

"Kind of?" as he lifted up again.

I opened my eyes again, seeing his, I laughed just a little. "I like it. But l like the feeling of you inside me too."

"Good, but you're very tight. I'm not sure how long I'm going to be able to last."

He lay back down and started to thrust into me after hitching higher up on my pelvis, when he did I felt my pleasure grow with each passing minute. I shifted my legs a little and when I did I felt as if my clit was waking up. Then his pace picked up, I could tell something had changed, then a minute later I felt him shudder, gave a few small sounds, and then push into me hard, gasping. Less than a minute later he pulled out and lay down next to me as he wrapped a towel around his privates.

I went into his arms. It had felt good, in fact like nothing else I had ever experienced. Good enough that I definitely wanted to do it again even if it didn't seem to match with all the things I had heard about it, though knowing I had pleasured Wade was as more of a reward than I thought it would be. After all, he was my boyfriend. It was then I realized, we were boyfriend and girlfriend, and now lovers in the best sense of the word.

I snuggled into him as he caressed me, his hands playing along my breasts and onto my sides and hips. I sighed, knowing we had passed a milestone together, a big one. I knew now I would have regretted losing my virginity to Tim, I was more than pleased to have done so with Wade as he had proven to be far more worthy of my love.

"Thank you Wade. That was really good, sorry I was so nervous."

I felt his head move, his mouth moving close to my ear. "Don't ever feel sorry for that my love, we all have a first time. Robyn, I promise it will get better. Next time you can relax more knowing what it's like and not feel so hesitant about moving and being involved. Next time move as you need to put me where it feels best for you. Just remember, I love you."

I smiled, then asked softly, "When is next time?"

I didn't have an orgasm the first two times, it took until the third time late that afternoon before I was settled down enough to fully relax to have it happen—being on top was different, but effective. Wade was slow, patient, and always understanding. Sure I was anxious, especially the first time, but each time was enjoyable, only providing a reason to want to do it again. Each time our passion grew, especially mine.

After my first glorious orgasm I had whispered into his ear as he held me close. "You had better stock up on condoms Donut Man, you're going to need a lot of them."

As Wade drove me home in the pouring rain, my head was flooded with so many emotions, I thought it might burst. I had just shared the most intimate part of my body with a man—I'd felt an emotional and physical exhilaration like I'd never known before. It felt wonderful to love and to be loved.