The Dorms Ch. 04

Story Info
Aaron and Juan throw a party.
5.6k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/22/2020
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Lauren woke up to the sun peeking through her blinds. It was early. The apartment complex was quiet. She rolled over to check the time on her phone. 7:36 AM. She rolled back over. Unable to sleep, she started to scroll on her phone. It had been five days since what she was now calling 'the incident' to herself.

Andrea's new love interest had received a handjob in Lauren's kitchen. She witnessed the whole thing. She even held his penis briefly. He ended up coming on her. Lauren felt an incredible amount of guilt and embarrassment after the incident. She felt as if she had cheated on her boyfriend, Mark. Another man ejaculated on her. She didn't make any attempt to stop him.

The truth was that Lauren secretly enjoyed every moment of it. In the days following, she felt like she was masturbating constantly. She simply could not get the image of his sperm all over her chest out of her mind. She couldn't forget the taste of him on her fingers. More than anything, she couldn't stop thinking about his nine inch penis.

Like clockwork, Lauren put her phone down and slipped her right hand under the covers and in her underwear. She was going to get off again to Aaron. Lauren closed her eyes and stretched out in her bed. Her other hand wandered under her t-shirt over her erect nipples. Her right hand went to work, massaging her clit in rhythmic motions. Occasionally, she slipped her fingers inside, feeling her substantial wetness.

She pictured Aaron's cock in the kitchen. How he casually held it up for everyone to see. She pictured Andrea stroking with both hands, smiling as she eagerly awaited what was to come. She remembered vividly how Aaron's penis spasmed continuously; spraying endless ropes across the kitchen. She could still hear his caveman-like grunts as he erupted.

Lauren increased her pace. She was now in a rhythm and was nearing orgasm. She continued to caress her clitoris while plunging two, sometimes three fingers inside. She spread her legs as wide as they would go and leaned her head back deep into her pile of pillows. Her breathing had increased significantly as she came close to climax.

She then imagined Aaron slowly pushing his cock into her; inch by glorious inch. He was careful not to go too fast. Once fully inside her, he would slowly pull out, and back in again until they reached a comfortable stride. Lauren imagined what it might feel like to be entirely stretched out by such a thick cock.

As her fantasy continued, she feverishly jerked off now. Her vagina, completely soaked, felt amazing with every touch. Eyes closed, fully immersed in her mind, she was nearing her powerful orgasm.

Lauren stopped suddenly, arching back and holding her breath. She came.

"Ahhhhh... Unhhhhhhh," she tried her best to muffle her voice knowing Andrea was right next door. Lauren continued to finger herself. The orgasm was particularly powerful lasting at least thirty seconds.

After it was over, she relaxed taking a deep breath. She rested her hands by her side and looked down at her pussy before resting her head back down on the pillows.

Her fantasy of having sex with Aaron left her with an enormous feeling of guilt. 'What am I doing?' she thought to herself. Her lustful thoughts were unmistakable. She wanted Aaron again. But at the same time she thought she loved Mark.

Her guilty conscience then took over. Lauren decided she needed to talk to Mark.


Juan didn't return to the dorm until the next morning. Aaron had spent several hours after he got caught cleaning up the room. He removed all the furniture, bleached the floor, cleaned the desks, chairs, bunks, and closets. He thought maybe he went a little overboard, but felt terrible about what happened. It was an uncomfortable situation and he desperately wanted to show he was sorry.

Juan was greeted immediately by the smell of bleach and cleaning products. The windows were open to get a draft in the room. He found Aaron sitting on the couch playing Madden on the XBox.

"Dude" Aaron started before Juan could say anything. "I am so sorry, man. I totally fucked up."

Juan plopped himself down on the chair opposite the couch. He put up his hand "Stop, dude. It's cool. You were doing your thing, man." Aaron looked down feeling embarrassed.

"The timing could have been better," Juan joked. "But it's all good. Thanks for cleaning up too."

"The least I can do, man. I'm serious, I feel bad for putting you and Maria through that."

"Shit, dude. You kidding? Maria fucking loved it!" Juan responded. "She was all excited last night at her place."

"Really?" asked Aaron, surprised.

"Oh my god yeah. We banged three times," Juan remarked as he held up three fingers. "I think seeing you guys got her all hot and bothered to be honest."

"Nice dude! Good for you," Aaron said as he looked back at his video game.

After a brief silence, Juan turned to Aaron "And Jesus, dude... You got a big ass fucking dick, huh?"

Both of them burst out laughing. "Yeah," said Aaron. "I guess it is."

"You guess??" asked Juan. "Dude that things a horse dick. You had both those girls all over you, huh?"

"Well, Jessica certainly was. I can't get a read on Kristen." Aaron then paused his game. "I jerked off in their room last weekend. They watched me do it."

Juan just stared in disbelief. "You what?? They watched you masturbate?!"

Aaron smiled and nodded. "Yup. They were, like, all interested in my cock. So I was like 'ok, whatever."

Juan just shook his head smiling. "That is wild... Unreal."

"Look man," Juan continued. "If you got something going with these girls and you want to make it a party, you gotta let me know. Know what I'm sayin?"

"Like you want to join us?" asked Aaron, surprised.

"Yeah... but like, Maria too, ya know?." Jaun responded. Aaron was slightly taken aback at the offer.

"Look.. If her seeing you again gets me laid like that last night? Shit. I am all for it, bro." Jaun cracked up laughing.

Aaron just smiled. "Well, after last night. I think I owe you one, don't I?"

The two shook hands. Aaron returned to his game while Juan sat at his desk. A calm excitement filled the air.


"Kris." Jessica said sternly. The two girls were getting lunch at the dining hall. Kristen munched on a spinach salad while Jessica opted for some pizza.

"What... In... the holy hell happened last night?" Jessica continued. "What the hell did we do?"

"We?!" retorted Kristen. "I think it's what did YOU do?"

Jessica didn't respond and instead took a bite and looked off in deep thought as she chewed.

"Jess," Kristen started. "You..." she paused; leaned in lowered her voice. "You jerked off Aaron and then gave him a boobjob," Kristen laughed softly. "Did you see the look on Juan's girlfriend's face? She was like, mortified."

Jessica shook her head. "No, no way. I mean, yes I saw her, but she was not mortified. No chance. She loved what she saw." Jessica paused, swallowing. "Trust me, I could tell."

Kristen, now leaning back, collected her next bite of salad on her fork. "Well..." she said as she looked down at her plate, "Who the hell wouldn't?" she asked mischievously.

Jessica just smiled. "That was so much fun... Embarrassing? Sure, but, like, soo much fun."

Kristen nodded while taking her bite. "Yup. It was."

Jessica's phone buzzed. She picked it up to see a text from Aaron.

'So sorry about last night. I am an idiot,' he texted her. Kristen looked on waiting to hear from Jessica who it was. She looked over at her. "Aaron," she stated as she started typing back.

'Don't apologize. We were both caught up in the moment lol' she responded.

'You could say that again,' Aaron quickly wrote back.

Jessica turned to Kristen. "He apologized." Kristen shrugged.

'What's up for tonight? Maybe you guys come over again and Juan and Maria come. We can smooth the air so it's not super awkward.' Aaon asked.

"He wants to hang tonight," Jessica paused, putting her phone down. "And invite Juan's girlfriend. Maria."

Kristen just laughed. She lowered her voice again. "Oh yeah sure. 'Hey Jaun's girlfriend, I'm Jess. You know, the one with cum all over me last night?'" Both girls cracked up laughing, uncontrollably. The table next to them took notice.

"Honestly, fuck it. Let's do it. I don't want it to be weird cause we're definitely going to see those two again," Jessica proposed.

"Hey," Kristen said while holding up both hands. "This is your call. I'm not the one who got caught titty-fucking a nine inch penis." Jessica burst out laughing again and picked up her phone, typing.

'Sure! See you around 8.'


Aaron and Jaun sat on the couch watching Sportscenter. Maria was positioned in the chair, playing on her phone. Maria had jet black hair. When it was down, it almost reached her waist. Tonight she had it in a neat bun. She was wearing a black shirt and tight white pants. Maria was not as fit as Kristen and Jessica, but no one would ever call her fat. She was fuller bodied and voluptuous. She was shorter at 5'3" with very large and natural breasts. Aaron always found her to be very attractive.

Aaron and Maria had already cleared the air, but the tension was still very much present. Little conversation took place as the three of them waited for Jessica and Kristen to arrive.

Aaron was sitting slouched, wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Maria glanced over at him as she eyed his crotch. She swore she could make out the outline of a bulge in his jeans.

Since last night, she couldn't get the image of his hard cock spraying loads of cum onto Jessica out of her head. It was as if she was watching a porn in real life. Maria practically jumped Juan all night to help relieve her sexual tension.

Aaron made eye contact a couple of times as he was almost positive Maria was eyeing his bulge. Knowing she was turned on by him last night, Aaron made sure not to conceal it too much. He was getting aroused thinking about it.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. They were here. "Doors open!" shouted Juan. In walked Jessica and Kristen. Since the group would likely go out later, they were both dressed in skin tight jeans and heels. Jessica was wearing a red blouse, her hair down shoulder length. Kristen was sporting a white, v-next sweater showcasing her bust line. They looked great, thought Aaron.

"Hey guys!" Jessica greeted everyone with her usual bubbly personality. Their perfume filled the small room with its scent. "Hi, I'm Jessica." as she held her hand out to Maria.

"Maria," she smiled as she shook her hand.

"Have we met before?" asked Jessica. The room erupted in laughter. Jessica carefully planned the line knowing she was walking into an incredibly awkward situation.

"Nice to see you again," said Maria as she still laughed. "You clean up nice."

More laughter. Aaron was relieved this situation was no longer awkward and the five of them could have a nice night together.

The group hung out in Aaron and Juan's dorm room for the next hour drinking, playing music, and card games. Everyone started to get a nice buzz going. Maria was growing bolder and bolder as she checked out Aaron's bulge. His unmistakable flaccid penis was visible due to the way he was sitting on the couch; leaning forward playing the card game.

"Can I ask a question?" Maria blurted out. "How on Earth did last night start?" she asked as she looked around the room at everyone.

Jessica glanced at Kristen. They both cracked up laughing.

"What? You mean you don't give Juan boobjobs in front of your best friend?" Jessica joked. "I am shocked!"

Maria just laughed. "Maybe we should try that," she said sarcastically.

Jessica took a sip of her beer. "Honestly I don't even know. The other day we discovered a little secret about Aaron here, and I don't know... I guess we just like to have fun together."

"Little?" asked Maria. Juan shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Interesting choice of words, there," she added.

Jessica just nodded "Mmm-hmmm. Yeah.. maybe not an accurate portrayal."

"Maria, Jessica gets carried away, could you tell?" interjected Kristen. "But it's all in good fun."

Maria just smiled and nodded, taking a sip of her drink. She glanced in Aaron's direction and briefly down to his crotch again. Juan caught her this time. He began to have regrets about getting this group together.

"You guys want to head out now? I think there's a party on Summer St." he asked. Hoping this conversation would end.

Maria continued, ignoring Juan. "So you two aren't... a couple?"

Jessica waved her hand dismissively "Oh God, no. Nothing like that. We're all close friends. Close friends that... umm, play with one another?"

Aaron was sitting quietly, drinking his beer. He really liked where things were going, but was worried Juan didn't feel as comfortable. "Whose turn is it?" he asked, referring to the card game.

"I think it's Jaun's" announced Kristen.

Juan looked down at the table, forgetting entirely about the game. He was noticeably nervous.

While waiting for Juan, Maria continued. "Well, I just think that's great. Good for you guys to be so open with one another," she warmly said. Turning to Aaron she smiled "And Aaron, you are far from 'little'" she observed. "Quite the opposite actually."

"Well, thanks Maria." said Aaron. He was starting to feel bad for Juan but didn't know what to do.

"How big is it?" asked Maria casually as she put her cards on the table. The room fell silent. Both Aaron and Juan were noticeably uncomfortable.

"Nine inches," Kristen finally blurted out. "Jessica measured it last night."

"What?!" shouted Maria. "No way. How is that possible?!" She looked directly at Aaron.

Aaron just shrugged. He was trying not to encourage the situation any further.

"That's so big! Juan, what are you?" Maria asked.

Juan pretended to be focusing on the card game. "What?" he faked.

"How big is your dick? If I had to guess, I would say you're, like... five?" she asked.

Juan was painfully embarrassed. He knew his exact measurements. His penis was just a little over four inches. She was being generous. He figured he was less than half the size of his roommate and he was well aware of that now. He just looked over at Maria and nodded. "Something like that, yeah."

"Damn," said Maria as she shook her head. "Aaron is packing!"

The three girls shared a laugh. Jessica then got an idea. "Ladies.. I think we should do a comparison."

Kristen was the first to respond . "You and your ideas.." as she shook her head.

"What, like hold them up next to each other?" Maria asked clearly referring to the boy's dicks as 'them.'

Jessica nodded as she took another swig. "Why not? I want to see how they measure up!"

Maria turned to Juan. "What do you guys think? Should we do a little size competition?"

Juan was incredibly conflicted. Everyone knew Aaron was significantly bigger. They had just declared their sizes out loud. He was embarrassed and felt like less of a man around Aaron now. But on the flip side, he loved seeing how much Maria wanted this. Her arousal was very apparent last night as well as how outspoken she was that evening in the room. He wanted to run away on one hand, but on the other hand see where this was headed. Juan didn't answer. He turned to Aaron. "What do you think, we doing this, dude?"

Aaron just laughed and put his hands on his head. Here he was again. Getting naked in front of girls was becoming routine for him. He was eagerly awaiting what was to come, but knowing that Juan stood the most embarrassment, he wanted to leave it up to his friend. "I'm cool with it man. But, like, it's definitely your call, ya know?"

Juan looked back at Maria. She had a sense of eagerness in her eyes he had never seen before. She wanted to see Aaron naked again, that was a certainty. Juan decided he would go through with it for Maria. He didn't want to let her down.

"Fuck it," he said. "Let's have a dick-off!" The room erupted with applause from all the girls. Jessica stood up and hugged Juan. Juan went to lock the door. As he walked back he announced, "No idea why you want to do this. You guys know who's gonna win."

Jessica smirked. "Ya never know, maybe you'll sprout a couple extra inches!" The room had a good laugh on that one, including Juan.

Aaron noticed how Juan was being a great sport about this. The inevitable comparison would no doubt leave Aaron the winner, but Juan didn't want to be the poor sport before it even started. Maria jumped up to her feet "OK guys, jeans, off. Both of you stand over there."

Obediently, Aaron and Juan both undid their pants and took them off. Kristen and Jessica took their seats while Maria remained standing. The boys now stood side by side on one end of the room as Maria stood next to them. They also took their shirts off so they were only wearing underwear.

Juan in loose-fitting boxers had no noticeable bulge. Aaron, on the other hand was wearing tight, white boxer briefs, leaving literally nothing to the imagination. His penis blatantly snuck down his right thigh, with the head clearly pronounced close to the end of the briefs. Maria simply stared at it along with the other two girls. Kristen looked at Jessica and nodded in Maria's direction as if to say 'Look at her face.'

Maria, a bit flustered now, tried to maintain her composure. "OK guys, let's get the underwear off please." Aaron and Juan looked at each other. Juan took a deep breath before turning straight ahead again. Almost in unison, both boys pulled their underwear down and kicked them off.

Maria, not even looking at Juan's penis which she had seen hundreds of times, was fixated on Aaron's massive soft appendage. She held her hand up to her mouth as she looked on, like a deer in headlights. Aaron intently watched Maria. Juan remained looking straight ahead. The silence was killing him.

Juan's penis was about two and a half inches when flaccid. Dangling softly on the top of his ball sack. He reached down and gently pulled it to try and get more length. Jessica and Kristen both watched from their seats, sipping their drinks. Meanwhile, Aaron's cock was hanging leisurely well past his balls. He held it up with his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze while glancing over at Jessica and Kristen. He then looked over at Juan who was still staring straight ahead. Aaron peeked at his roommate's penis, noticing that it was substantially smaller. Even smaller than Aaron had expected. Aaron felt bad, but knew there was no turning back now.

"Well... Umm... ok. Wow..." Maria stammered. "I umm... I suppose we need you guys to be... Uhh... hard, right?"

"Yes. Boner time guys, let's go." said Jessica clapping her hands, somewhat impatiently.

Juan was relieved he could at least start to get himself a bit more presentable, albeit not much. He began to feverishly shake, squeeze, and stroke his soft dick. Anything to help him get an erection quickly. Aaron, on the other hand simply put his hands on his hips and looked down at his dormant cock. In a matter of seconds, it began to grow before his and Maria's eyes. Maria stared down at him as if in a trance. She watched it inch outwards longer and fatter than she even knew possible. Aaron watched her as she stared. He was certain he noticed her teeth delicately bite her lower lip.

"Wow." Maria finally spoke. "Holy shit." she added.

Hearing her comment, Juan looked down at Aaron's cock. "Jesus Christ, dude." he said to his roommate. "Are you kidding me with that?" Aaron just smiled. He was proud of the reaction he was getting.

Juan was still busy trying to get hard. He had grown to maybe three and a half inches now, but still had some work to do. Maria finally looked at her boyfriend. "Almost there?" she asked sweetly.