The Duck

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A college cheerleader has special plans for her first time.
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The sun was just coming up as Kate walked out of her dorm to head to cheer practice. It was the first week of her sophomore year at university and it was already off to a rough start. She had been so excited to be back on campus only to have a huge fight with Tom the first time she had seen him in two months.

She sighed, thinking back on everything that had happened as she started her walk across the campus. It was still quiet, letting her focus on how pretty the campus was. The air was cool as it almost always was in the Pacific Northwest. This campus was where she had met him. She had started dating Tom last year when he was a Junior and had gotten pretty serious before they had both gone back to their hometowns for the summer. That separation had strained their relationship for the first time. She had always thought that people exaggerated the difficulties with long distance relationships but not anymore.

They had talked on the phone regularly and texted each other constantly over the summer, but the physical distance was hard. Her hometown was in southern Cal and his family was from Michigan, so it was too far to visit as neither of them really had the money to pay for a flight. Not seeing him had been hard, but Tom had also started pushing her to send him pictures while they were separated.

She watched a squirrel run across the sidewalk in front of her and she took a deep breath, trying to clear her mind before she made it to practice.

Tom was very attractive, with dark hair, an olive complexion and a jaw that made him look like like he should be starring in movies rather than on campus. He also had an athletic 6-foot build with wiry, defined muscles. On top of that, he was a sweet and genuine guy who immediately swept her off her feet and charmed her parents. She had never been able to picture what her future husband would be like but if she didn't marry Tom, she was afraid he had set the bar too high for any other guys ever to measure up. After the first time her mom had met him, she joked that he must be a cousin to the Kennedys to be that handsome and well-mannered. It was true. He looked like he had walked straight out of a magazine and into her life.

Kate was also confident in her own looks though. That wasn't the issue. She had been blessed with her mom's looks and could have passed for her twin if not for the age difference. In high school, she had the unenvious position of being the kid that had the "hot" mom that every guy was obsessed with. She understood though. Her mom had naturally blonde, wavy hair and piercing light blue eyes framed by high cheekbones. She also had an amazing body, though Kate knew her mom had had a boob job when Kate was little. Being the spitting image of her mom meant that she got a lot of attention from guys too, even if she was a little self-conscious of her small B-cup breasts. They hadn't seemed to care since Kate had the same sun-kissed skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, flat stomach, and though it was embarrassing to admit, shapely butt. She had also been doing cheer and dance since she was little and had kept her petite 5'1 body lean while her legs were muscular and strong.

So, she was confident in her appearance. The issue was that Kate was very inexperienced... sexually and had been very nervous to take the next steps even as much as she liked Tom. It wasn't that she didn't want to be with him, it was just a huge step. She had always made sure to put an end to it before things got too far. Not that she was a prude either. It was just something that she felt was too special to share with just anyone. Tom wasn't just anyone though, was he?

She had played along over the summer to a degree but had stopped things before they could advance to where Tom had wanted them to go. She had sent pictures of her in workout attire and an occasional pic of her in a modest swimsuit, but had always held off on any pics of her in her underwear and had completely shot down his one request for nudes. He had not been happy about that and had pouted for a day or so before accepting it.

She had been so excited to see him last night and then everything went wrong. The second he kissed her, she melted into his embrace, kissing him back like they had been separated for years. He had wanted more though. His hands had started exploring her right away and finding their way to her skin beneath the edges of her clothes.

Her reflex to push him away to slow things down had led to a predictable reaction from Tom as it brought back all of of his frustrations from the summer. She felt bad about it immediately but that didn't stop them from fighting about it for twenty minutes before they decided to table it for the night. They hadn't spoken since he left her dorm the night before.


Kate walked into the indoor practice area where a few of the girls were already talking and stretching to get ready.

"Hey!" Daria said to her as she ran up to Kate. Daria was a Junior on the cheer squad. She had some Native American in her, which gave her an exotic look with her naturally tan skin, raven hair, and a slender body. Kate and Daria had been fast friends last year as Daria had a wicked sense of humor and they shared a lot of interests outside of cheer. She was even the one who had helped set Kate up with Tom in the first place.

Daria wrapped her arms around her and hugged her, "Kate! It's so good to see you," she said while embracing Kate tightly. "Did you miss me?" she asked.

"More than you know," Kate answered. It was true. Daria had been like a big sister to her on campus last year and they had ended up being nearly inseparable by the end of the year. They already spent tons of time together with cheer practice, but they also hung out after class most nights where they would watch movies or binge their favorite TV shows. The weekends they would lounge by the pool at Daria's or go out to the local bars in the evenings. By far the most fun however were Saturdays during football season. It was a crazy experience helping lead cheers with fifty thousand screaming fans and it was that much better doing it with her best friend.

It didn't take long though to find out that Daria was a lot more adventurous than she was when it came to guys. Her friend practically had guys fighting over her on a regular basis and seemed to be turning down suitors left and right. No doubt Daria was hot, she had thought, but it was still just too crazy.

Kate had asked her about it when curiosity finally got the best of her. Daria had casually admitted that after she hooked up with the star running back her freshman year, it had apparently gotten around the football team that she gave the best blowjob on campus. Kate was shocked and terribly embarrassed as Daria explained with admittedly too many details. She had apologized profusely for asking, but Daria didn't seem to mind at all.

"As if being bad at blowjobs is something to be proud of," Daria had joked. "My dad always told me if I was going to do something, to do it right." Kate had found that so funny that it became an inside joke between them. If one of them had to do something, it was inevitable the other would say, "Well, my dad always told me..."

Kate smiled at the memory that was distracting her from her current dilemma. Her smile faded when she thought about Tom again.

Daria noted the expression on her face, "What's wrong, babe?" she asked.

"Tom and I had a fight last night," she admitted. She didn't really want to talk about it with anyone, but Daria especially was the last person who would understand why she was making such a big deal about this.

She watched one of the other girls walk by and waited for her to be out of earshot before she continued. "It's a little embarrassing," Kate whispered.

"Babe," Daria said. She loved to call Kate that and she said it in such an affectionate way that Kate had grown fond of it too. "You can tell me anything," she said, leading Kate to the side, further away from the growing group of girls.

Kate sighed. She had to talk to someone about it and obviously she couldn't talk to Tom. "He's just been wanting to do more, like physically," she said with extra emphasis on physically. "And... well... I'm", she paused.

"A virgin," Daria finished for her immediately. Kate blushed.

"That obvious?" she asked.

"Babe, every time we talk about sex, you turn the color of a stop sign," she laughed, "I figured."

"Well, that's even more embarrassing," Kate said as she dropped her face into her hands.

"It's not embarrassing," Daria said, putting her hand on her arm. "It's sweet. Besides, I'm not sure the world would continue to function if everyone was as much of a slut as me," she said, poking fun at herself. "Men wouldn't get anything done."

Kate couldn't help but laugh at that. "Well, I'm sure Tom wishes I was."

A whistle blew from across the gym where one of the assistant coaches was starting to gather everyone up.

"Let's meet up at my place and talk about this later, yeah?" Daria said sincerely. Kate nodded and Daria grabbed her hand, giving her an empathetic look before they hustled over to join the rest of the girls.


"If you're really serious about it, I can give you tips. There are definitely some things you can do to drive him wild," Daria said, sipping her wine and relaxing in the lounge chair. The weather had warmed up by the afternoon and they had decided to get a little sun after class. The pool at Daria's apartment complex was really nice and they had made a habit of spending hours there when the weather was nice enough.

"You don't think that's too much for my first time?" Kate asked nervously, the color in her cheeks rising already. She was glad that Daria had broken out the wine already because it would definitely be necessary for her to talk about sex this openly, even with one of her closest friends. Daria's eyes were covered by her designer sunglasses and she was wearing a skimpy red bikini top with a pair of cut-off jean shorts over her matching bikini bottom. Kate had to admit that she looked hot. Kate, by comparison, had on a burnt orange string bikini while she laid on her stomach, trying to tan her back.

"No, we'll aim for just the right amount," She said, "Somewhere between 'he still jerks off thinking about it in a decade when he's married and his wife won't put out' and perhaps below him telling the entire football team that you 'make porn stars seem like they don't know their way around a cock'," she laughed, referencing her own experience from the year prior.

"You have such a way with words," Kate laughed, "I'm not sure I want him jerking off to me ten years from now. Maybe we should aim a little lower," Kate said, smiling while she took a sip of her own wine.

A muscular guy that Kate didn't know walked by, "What's up Daria, you going to the party on Friday?"

Daria looked over at him casually. "Yeah, trying to convince my friend Kate to come too," she told him.

The guy checked out Kate while she lay in the sun. "Oh hey, I'm Derek!" he introduced himself to Kate. Well, I'll keep an eye out for both of you," he said, excited about the prospect of seeing Daria there. After a little small talk, he said goodbye and they had some privacy to keep talking.

"I'd give him a C- in bed even though his cock is a solid B," Daria said as casually as if she were recommending a restaurant on Yelp.

"Daria!" Kate giggled. "You're barely passing the poor boy?"

"It takes more than just thrusting as fast as you can for a minute and a half to make a girl cum," Daria said as she looked over at Kate. "Some guys don't get that though."

"Do you think that Tom will, you know, be good at it?" Kate asked her friend as she tried to hide her obvious discomfort asking the question.

"I'm sure it will be great because it's going to be special," Daria reassured her.

"So, like, what do I need to know?" Kate asked as her cheeks turned a bright red.

"Alright, he's a guy, so you being fucking smoking hot is a great start, but there are two problems with that. Most guys aren't going to last long their first time with a girl that looks like you, so we need to make sure that he doesn't shoot his load as soon as you get started," Daria explained, "If that happens, he'll be embarrassed and it'll be awkward. Second, a lot of the time, the hotter girls are, the less they feel like they have to do. You can't coast on your looks and just lay there. It's boring for both of you. This is where a lot of girls go wrong."

"A good blowjob is the key here because it helps with both problems," she smiled mischievously.

"I mean, my dad always told me..." Kate started and Daria burst out laughing at the reference.

"You gotta do it right!" Daria emphasized, "but it's also important because you can really control whether he's going to cum or not. If he's going to last just 60 seconds once he puts it in, then you can blow him for 10 minutes and really make it last. Guys like it when you tease them."

Kate tilted her wine glass back and took a large sip. "I'm all ears," she said, her full attention on what Daria was explaining to her.

"Well, hopefully some mouth as well," she joked. "So, here's the thing. Being enthusiastic is 90% of a good blowjob. The other 10% is technique. Guys go crazy when a girl seems to enjoy sucking their cock. It's a psychological thing. They've always been obsessed with their cock so they love it when they think you are too," she continued, "You just need to be sure that you look like you're enjoying yourself. You don't have to be a pornstar and try to fit the whole thing in your mouth to seem like you enjoy it. I mean, guys love it, but for me to really put in that much effort, I either have to really like the guy or he has to have like a really nice cock. I wouldn't recommend it for the first time. A few simple things go a long way." Daria took a sip of her own wine.

"Really?" Kate asked, stunned.

"Hell yeah. You're stroking their ego as much as you are their cock. When you're blowing him, moan like it's turning you on. It doesn't matter if it is. It'll instantly boost it for him. Oh, and stop every once and a while and say something like 'It's so big!' or 'I can barely wrap my hand around it' in your sexiest voice. They're all obsessed with size and love that kind of talk."

Kate almost spit out her drink as she laughed, "Oh my God! Something that corny works that well?"

"Oh," Daria said, "I had a guy cum in his pants once just by me talking to him about that. I barely even had to touch him." she shrugged, clearly pleased with herself. While most of the time Kate would consider this to be a clearly exaggerated story, Daria wasn't the type to exaggerate her sexual prowess and didn't need to. She had heard about her reputation from a number of people and they all said the same thing. The girl had skills in the bedroom.

"Oh my God, really? Who was it? What did you say?" Kate asked, fascinated by Daria's power over men.

"He was a nerdy grad student that was a TA for my physics class. I ran into him at a party and flirted with him because he was cute and you know, I needed a better grade because physics. So, I made a few suggestive remarks about how I might need some special tutoring and that kind of thing. We eventually ended up in a bedroom. We kissed a little and I was feeling frisky, so I squeezed his cock through his pants. I figured what the hell, so I leaned in and whispered something in his ear along the line of 'Fuckkk that cock is so big. I need that monster cock in my tight little pussy tonight' and he came," Daria finished. "Unfortunately, he was so embarrassed he ran out of the party and couldn't look me in the eye when he saw me in class for the rest of the semester. But my test grades went up anyway."

"My gosh, Daria, I don't know how you even say things like that out loud. You could definitely write for pornos," Kate laughed again.

"Let's focus on you. So the basic technique to know. Watch your teeth. Rookie mistake. You can wrap your lips over them like this," she demonstrated for her, "and focus on the head. It's super sensitive and you don't have to deepthroat him for it to feel amazing. Don't go too deep if it's going to make you gag. Some guys are into that, but you vomiting is a mood killer. You want to use one, or both hands, depending on his size, to work the base."

Kate continued to drink her wine as she listened. She could feel a slight effect, but she was also getting a little turned on listening to her friend's graphic descriptions. It was hard for her to believe that Daria did this kind of thing on a regular basis.

"Umm, what else... oh, a lot of girls don't use their tongue enough. You can do a lot with your tongue that doesn't involve limiting your ability to breathe. A great move is starting at the base of his cock and licking from there all the way to the tip. Another is swirling your tongue around the head in a circular motion. Focus on using your tongue if you need a second to catch your breath. Extra points to every move if you can maintain eye contact while you do it. Just cycle between them every once in a while," Daria explained casually. "And some guys love it when you focus on the balls, but others aren't really into it. I would probably stick to the shaft for your first time."

"Wow, that was a lot more detailed than I expected," Kate joked, "I'm not sure I'm going to remember it all."

"I'll text you a summary later, but you're going to have to practice," Daria added.

Kate laughed, but Daria had a serious look.

"I'm serious! You need to get a banana and practice. Find out how deep you can go comfortably and give that tongue a workout! I mean, my dad always told me..."

Kate blushed again as she laughed, "Okay, okay. I'll go to the grocery tomorrow. I'll make you proud. Tell me more about... you know... sex."

Kate noted that Daria's dark brown eyes seemed hungry. Kate realized she might also be getting worked up talking about this.

Daria continued, "You'll have him sitting or lying while you blow him, so it lends itself naturally to you climbing on top -- cowgirl, I mean. Being on top will let you control how deep he gets, but it also lets you be really active and won't let you just lie there. Again, basic technique and a few tips to ramp it up for him. When you ride him, make sure your legs are stable so you can control how fast and deep you go. I usually cycle between a few main ways I ride. I either lean forward toward him and bounce my ass up and down or I sit upright and drive my whole body up and down. The second position also lets you mix it up and really grind into him, which can feel amazing for you," she smirked. "My bonus tips, make sure he puts his hands on you. Cowgirl is great for letting him feel your ass or slap it, if you're into that, but also lets him have great access to your tits. To really ramp it up for him, you can raise your arms up like this", Daria put her slender arms in the air, her hands in her raven hair as she made a seductive face, "and it'll really bring attention to your chest, guys love when you do that."

Kate was floored, trying to take all of it in. She looked at Daria's slender, firm body. She wasn't very tall, maybe 5'4, and couldn't have weighed much more than a hundred and five pounds. She imagined her riding the star running back the way she was describing. He was probably twice her size and very muscular. Even in her imagination, it was incredibly erotic.

"Last thing, you want to make it memorable. We need to choose your spot. Your dorm room? Boring. Every basic college girl has sex in their dorm room. You want somewhere a little more adventurous so it stands out to him forever," Daria said, thinking out loud, "Risk of getting caught adds a whole degree to how hot it is. Guys love that shit too," she added.