The Effect of Rain


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"What sort of feelings?"

I was turning red. "That I'd like to kiss you, a lot."

"Anything else? I need honesty."

Honesty was required but could I utter the words that I wanted to, what would she say, feel, do? "I want to kiss you, more than your lips, all over and I want to feel you doing it to me."

I could see that she was thinking. "Okay, let me get this right to be sure. You want to have sex with me, make love to me, kiss me all over is that it?" I nodded my head. "Good because I want to fuck you so badly. I've dreamt about you every night for at least two weeks now and most of them have been good, or bad depends on how you see things."

"Thank you for your honesty. I'm struggling a little; I think that I'm in love with you. I thought that I was bonkers, but I do and I want to see where this goes. There's no rush is there?"

"There is a need to rush, to the bedroom right now. I want you so badly, my knickers are damp and they may have soaked through onto the sofa."

I laughed and took Anna's hand. We walked upstairs and into my room.

We stood at the end of my bed and looked at each other. "Are you sure about this Sarah, we haven't known each for long?"

"Yes, I want to see where this goes. You make me feel things that I haven't felt for a very long time and I want to kiss you very badly. No, I want to kiss you very well and I want you to kiss me, a lot, please."

Our lips met for the first time and within a few seconds, I knew that this was going to be good. They met softly, gently and we moved to make it work, then they moved with more purpose, more urgency and I could feel a warmth moving through my body. This was heaven. By the time we finished that first round of kisses my knickers were well and truly damp, my pussy lips were swollen, my nipples on fire and my belly was tense with anticipation. I pulled my head back.

"That feels so good."

"I don't know how many people you've kissed before but they must have been insane to have let you getaway. I could do this all night."

"I'd let you but there's a fire down below, all over actually and it needs to be dealt with and we're wearing way too many clothes. I want to see what you look like naked. I've thought about it and tried to tell myself that I'm mad but maybe I'm not."

I stepped back and turned so that Anna could unzip me, I tugged at the clasps on her clothes and moments later our dresses were pooled on the floor, more patience might have made that go quicker, but it was done now. Her underwear was decorated with little pink roses and for the first time, I realised that her breasts were substantial and her nipples were trying to poke holes in the bra. She reached behind me and released the clasp on mine. As she pulled the straps down my arms my breasts were free and she gasped as she dropped the bra and took their weight in her hands. They weren't as big as hers but right now the very touch of her was sending shock waves through them and the rest of me.

Anna uttered "Oh my," so softly I almost didn't hear her. She sat on the edge of the bed and took my left nipple between her lips whilst holding the right one in her hand. My knees were failing and I had to sit beside her so she moved to accommodate me. Anna used her free hand to pull down my panties and slid her fingers along the crease between my legs. I let out a sigh that the neighbours might have heard. I didn't know that one simple, light touch could induce feelings that made me think there was an earthquake coming.

"That is so wonderful, so ..." The rest of the words I was about to utter got stuck because she shoved her tongue down my throat and it suddenly felt if is it was going to reach my tonsils, it was so erotic and the kisses that we exchanged were magical. During one of those kisses, I realised that I really was in love with this girl and it shook me, but only for a moment because she'd moved her hand and that shook something else as she touched my clit.

She moved her finger very slowly along my lips. Her touch was soft but I'd been too passive and unclipped her bra. I managed to look down at those magnificent breasts, they were perfect and fit into my hand so well, the nipples were hard, not large but they twitched as soon as I came into contact with them. The left one seemed to be magnetic because it drew my mouth downward until they made contact which set off some serious shuddering from Anna. She tried to speak and some things sounded like words but none that I recognised. I pinched the other nipple and she jumped, then sighed and grabbed the back of my hair. Her voice was hoarse as she muttered, "If you're just teasing me I'm going to die and if not keep that up because ..." I have no idea what the end of that sentence would have been because she was making more strange noises but I got the impression she was enjoying what I was doing.

I slid my hand down and tugged at her panties, they disappeared quickly because Anna seemed to want to get them off even quicker than I did. That left me the chance to slide a finger up the inside of her thigh until I touched her slit. She jumped again. "Shove it in, shove it in, please shove it in now. Oh my ..." I did as she asked and we both fell backwards lying alongside each other. We were kissing face to face and both had fingers buried inside each other. We came together in a burst of noise and violence.

It took a few minutes before we were both able to move again, at least intentionally. I kissed her and she muttered, "Thank you." I buried my head into her shoulder and inhaled a wonderful floral aroma. My mind was racing; it had been like this a long time ago, with Georgia. I saw Anna looking at me with a little concern.

"Sarah, are you okay, you look, I don't know..?"

"That was incredible. I had a flashback; it was a bit like that with Georgia, never with Rick. It was better than it ever was before with anyone. I didn't know ..." Not finishing sentences was becoming a habit for us both.

"I know what you mean. It was good with Hazel but not like that, never like that and we haven't done anything very much. I want to eat you, I want to put my tongue inside you, I want to taste you and make you come, again and again. I'm turned on just thinking about it."

"But what about you?"

"Not now, I don't care about me but if you don't let me do this now I'm going to cry, please Sarah I want to do this so badly, please."

It was such a wonderful request that I could hardly refuse and given that I was desperate for her to touch me again I just sighed. Anna kissed my legs from the ankles upwards and I hoped that she wouldn't stop, but she started to work her way back down the other leg. By the time she stroked the inside of my thighs with her fingers, I was already high and still climbing. A finger touched my slit almost by accident and every nerve ending came even more alive. Just then something else touched my lips and it had to be her tongue.

I have never felt anything so soft and lovely, I was on cloud nine but when she probed between my lips with that tongue I came, I came hard, loudly and I swear that my body lifted above the surface of the bed. But she never slowed, never paused, she kept going and the orgasm rolled along gathering pace as it went. I felt so incredibly wet and my mind blanked out on me. I have no real recollection of the next few minutes except a feeling of such joy and happiness. I didn't realise that Anna had stopped and was laying along-side me, kissing my shoulder.

"That seemed like a good one." She smiled, those damn eyes were going to be a problem for me, one look and I'd give her my world.

"I've never felt anything even close to that. I thought that I'd lost my mind. Thank you."

We were quiet for a few minutes. "I was right; I am in love with you. Do you remember me saying that I didn't have a basement to keep you in?" She laughed. "Well, I'm chaining you to the bed or maybe getting a lock for the wardrobe."

"Do you have chains?" My turn to laugh, I shook my head. I put my hand on her chest, between her breasts and was heading downwards but had to stop and caress them for a while, they were so beautiful and so receptive.

When I eventually left them alone I kissed down her belly and without a pause went straight to the junction. She was wet and the slightest touch made her shudder, but that was the last slight touch that she got, the rest of what I did with my tongue was forceful and determined.

Anna grabbed my hair and was pulling at it rolling her head from side to side, mouthing things with the occasional word slipping out, not that I could make them out, I was in a world of my own. I probed with tongue and fingers, sucked on her clit and caressed the surrounding area with my free hand. I felt as good doing this for her as I had when she was doing similar things to me. She was coming repeatedly and I could feel another one building inside me. She tugged at my hair shouting, "Please stop, please I can't take any more, please." I don't know if that was what made me come but I did.

"Sarah that was so fantastic, so magical, please chain me to your bed, keep me as your pet." I laughed but the idea was worth considering.

Eventually, I managed to find the energy to go and fetch some soft drinks and a towel. We sat gazing at each other in silence for a while before we both moved at the same time. "I want you again," she said.

I replied, "But I want you, now." We found a way, sixty-nine. We copied each other and spent a long time pleasing each other.

I was exhausted and lay back; by chance, I caught sight of the clock, 3.25 am. In three and a half hours I'd come more times with another person than I had in almost ten years, and I'd been married during that time!

The next thing I knew it was just after ten, the sun was out and a naked woman was holding a mug of something in front of me. A beautiful sight, maybe the most gorgeous thing that my eyes had ever seen.

"Good morning, I hope you didn't mind. I was desperate for tea. Are you okay?"

"What a lovely sight and no I don't mind at all. A beautiful woman bringing me tea, what more could I want?"

I sipped tea. "There is something else that I want. A shower, but not alone, then maybe we can change this bed and get right back in, or do you have another plan?"

"That sounds like a pretty good plan to me."

I have a large shower, with three heads, plenty of room and for the first time, it had two occupants. We washed each other, we used a lot of water and it was so sensual. I'm fairly sure that there was no chance of finding a part that wasn't scrupulously clean. Anna massaged my scalp, then rinsed and then did it over again, it left my legs unable to support me and I slid down the wall. I wasn't quite as proficient but she made gentle purring noises so I'd say I was doing a fair job. It can be a challenge to breathe in running water when your tongue is buried deep inside your lover and we had to turn the shower off a couple of times.

We were wrinkly when we eventually ran out of energy and used several towels to pat each other dry. I discovered how erotic that can be but nothing compared to having body crème applied to all of your parts. It's possible that applying it to a person that you love is almost as erotic but my senses were overloaded and I can't be sure.

I left Anna to change the bed whilst I went to make us something to eat and in those few minutes that we were apart I missed her. I didn't miss her when she grabbed me around the waist and nibbled at my earlobe but I did nearly burn the toast.

We ate leisurely whilst staring at each other with those dopey eyes. I moved our crockery to the sink and took Anna's hand in mine intending to head to the bedroom but she resisted and dragged me to the sofa. "I need something, I don't feel able to say it out loud because it's... but, can I point?"

That puzzled me until she threw herself down on the couch and sat with her legs wide apart. She looked coy with one finger to her lips and the other pointing between her legs. I'm not sure exactly what she wanted but my instinct was to drop to my knees in front of her and lick up her thighs. The sounds that she made suggested that I was close and when I probed with my tongue she used more specific language.

"Oh fuck yes, yes, there, like that, more, just like that, oh help me, please." Most of the rest was garbled and incoherent but then I knew from the last few hours that coming and speaking at the same time was a challenge neither of us could manage.

I paused to ask if she wanted more and she used those glorious eyes to tell me that she did. So I complied, I licked and nipped, bit, kissed, caressed and probed. She started to come and again they seemed to roll into each other. Then suddenly she went limp and I panicked until I realised that she'd passed out. It made me smile; I'd never accomplished such a thing and always assumed that it was in the realms of fiction only.

She was smiling when she came to as I held her, "You okay?"

"Maybe, maybe not, I have no idea."

I took her hand, "Please come with me." I led her back to the bed and we held each other close for a while. I had my eyes closed until I felt her move and realised that her head was between my legs and my legs were either side of hers, sixty-nine. That had worked well earlier. It worked well again now and within a few minutes, we were both coming. I dozed off; I couldn't keep my eyes open.

I made us both more tea, it was late on Sunday evening and I was exhausted from the last twenty-four hours and the things that had happened. I'd made a decision, it had been made very quickly, and as an analyst would point out on limited data, but somehow I knew that it was the right one, but how would Anna feel?

"Here's your tea."

"Thanks. Sarah, this weekend has been a revelation to me and I've enjoyed all of it. I hope that this thing between us goes somewhere." She kissed my cheek as we faced each other at the kitchen counter.

"Revelation is right. I love you, I do and I've never felt so certain of anything."

"What about my age?"

"I don't care; it hasn't made any difference in the last few hours, has it? l. But I do have something to ask and I hope that you take this the right way."

She looked nervous. "Okay, ask away."

"Would you like to move in here, permanently?"

"Are you offering me digs?" She grinned.

"No, not digs, not the spare room either. My room, our room. I'd like you to come and live with me, be my partner, my lover."

"Are you serious? We barely know each other."

"Deadly serious, because I love you. If it all goes wrong what have we lost, but if it goes right ..."

There was a grin spreading across her face that threatened to cause permanent damage if it didn't stop soon. "Would you come with me after college tomorrow and we could collect my stuff. I don't have much apart from my love for you."

I dropped my mug and it broke in the sink but I didn't care. I grabbed her hand and dragged her to our bedroom.

The rain seemed relentless, yet again.

"Good afternoon Ms Glenn, awful rain again today, may I take your coat? Is it just a wash and trim, as usual, today Madam?"

"Stop it and give me a kiss." I got my kiss and as Anna pulled back she gave me that lovely smile.

"You know that it's five years ago today that you rescued me from the rain and here we are. I could never have believed back then that I'd be married and own a salon of my own, sorry, I'm mean of our own."

"Offering you a lift that day changed my life. I've never been as happy and that's down to you. Thank you, Anna, I love you."

The end

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

As usual a great story. Short, sweet, and totally believable. All you writing is brilliant keep going, add more to some of the stories if you can but write more I just love the way you write.

_robin_robin7 months ago

Holy sh*t what a lovely story! Small quibble - writing quality a wee bit slapdash in places, but still a great pleasure to read. Anna is such a sweetie. To me, that’s what makes a romance powerful & effective; characters that are intriguing & sympathetic. (TBH, the actual sex acts I could quite well do without, but that’s just me!) Thank you for this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very nice story. The flash forward at the end seemed a bit rushed though. Still a 5 star effort. Thank you.

PurplefizzPurplefizzover 1 year ago

Small but perfectly formed! My only issue with this story is that she’s spent less than a complete week with her and wants her to move in? Maybe I missed a turn, but if not it’s a bit “U Haul” to be moving that quickly. Good otherwise!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I keep coming back and reading it again and again. But then, I do that with most of your stories. Thank you.

FandeborisFandeborisalmost 2 years ago

I love this one. Very good short story.

It must rain in England A LOT!! It was raining when they met and five years later it's STILL Raining!! LOL

Nicole2023Nicole2023almost 2 years ago

Yeah Fluff nice story

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Another fabulous story thank you.

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