The Elder Scrolls - Isekai Ch. 01


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"Hey Stephen! This looks like a way out! Gods, I was starting to wonder if we'd ever make it," Hadvar exclaimed.

Rushing forward the light got brighter as they entered the mouth of a cave, trees and blue sky visible ahead of them. Exiting the cave the two men blinked at the bright light, rubbing their eyes and taking in deep breaths of fresh air. They were in a forest, with tall pine trees around them on all sides. A small path led down the hillside from the cave opening into the woods beyond.

"Wait!" Hadvar cried, as a roar sounded above them, followed by the flap of giant wings. They hid back in the mouth of the cave, seeing the giant body of the dragon Alduin fly overhead, leaving the carnage of Helgen behind and flying back towards the mountains it had come from.

"Well... Looks like he's gone for good this time. But I don't think we should stick around to see if he comes back. Listen, the closest town to here is Riverwood. My uncle is the blacksmith there. After how many times you saved my life today, I'm sure he'd be happy to help you out." Hadvar said, starting to walk down the path leading away from the cave's opening. "I don't know what your next plans are, but if we must split up here, I wish you good luck. I wouldn't have made it without your help today, and I want you to know that I owe you a debt. In fact, the whole empire owes you a debt for almost executing you today. I can see pretty clearly now how that would have been a mistake. Thank you for not holding it against me, friend."

Stephen smiled, "I think I should be the one thanking you, Hadvar. You saved me just as many times as I did you today, so I owe you just as big a debt. Let's just call ourselves even and forget about that whole mess with the execution. Also, I might have had some plans before I woke up in that cart, but after everything that's happened today, it's safe to say I need to reevaluate my next moves. I'd be happy to head to Riverwood with you. Especially if it means a warm meal and a soft bed for the night."

Slipping his backpack off Stephen stopped to rummage around for a moment. Pulling out two apples he tossed one to Hadvar as he slung his pack back on, adjusting his bow and strapping his shield onto his pack. Taking a bite out of the apple, Stephen was surprised at how sweet it was. Thinking back to this morning, it felt like it had been years since he sat down at his desk to work on setting up his new computer.

I should probably be freaking out right now. I mean, I must be completely crazy. Not only are gods real, specifically the Elder Scrolls gods are real? And of all the gods I could have come in contact with, I was kidnapped by Sanguine and Sheogorath. Either way, I'm almost far enough to mess up that prick Sanguine's bet. Just need to make it to Riverwood. Then what? I guess Whiterun, but after that, who knows. God damnit. Or, I suppose I should say Gods damnit now shouldn't I

Stephen started laughing at that thought, pausing for a moment as they trekked down the side of a hill towards the main road. Hadvar looked back at him questioningly. "Something wrong?"

"No no no, sorry sorry, just reflecting on what happened today. It's just been... well, it's been a bit of a crazy day," he replied.

"Aye, that it has been, that is has been..." Hadvar sighed. "Listen, you should head to Solitude and join up with the Imperial Legion. I know we probably didn't give you the best first impression, but we could really use someone like you. And if the rebels have themselves a dragon, well... General Tullius will need everyone we can muster."

Chuckling at the thought of Alduin actually serving a human, Stephen patted Hadvar's shoulder reassuringly. "The rebels don't have themselves a dragon. I know that Alduin's attack was almost too well timed with Ulfric's execution to be a coincidence, but that is what it was. A coincidence. Do you know much about the Dragon War, way back in the Merethic Era?"

Hadvar cocked his eyebrow and shook his head as the two men found the main road, walking down it towards Riverwood. "I can't say that I do."

"Well... When Ysgramor and his companions first settled in Tamriel they brought with them the old Atmoran religion. Parts of this religion can still be found today. Think about sayings like "Shor's bones." That stems from a time well before imperial gods were ever a thing. Otherwise, you'd say something like "Shezarr's bones". Anyways, Those old Atmoran's saw certain animals as totems for the god's and would often honor them with special gifts or thanks. The animal they believed was a totem for the time god, the one we today call Akatosh, was the dragon. However, unlike the other animal totems, like owls, bears, and foxes, the dragons were both immensely powerful and incredibly intelligent. This made it easy for a cult to develop around the worship of the dragons, and they were worshipped as sort of living god-kings, in a similar way to how the Dark Elves worshipped the Tribunal."

"Foremost among the dragons was Alduin. The ancient Nords believed him to be the time god himself. They also believed that his job was to be "The World Eater", and that he would be the one to destroy the world at the end of time. Unfortunately for the dragons, the Nords worship led to arrogance, and that arrogance led to cruelty. Alduin forsook his proper place as the "The World Eater" and decided that he and the dragons would rule over mankind directly. From what we can tell, things seemed relatively peaceful in Atmora with the dragons as overlords."

"But in the centuries after Ysgramor and his companions conquered Skyrim, the dragons and their human subordinates, the Dragon Priests, became cruel dictators. The people finally had enough and rebelled. This rebellion led Alduin to hate humanity. You can imagine why, right? 'How dare these tiny weak humans rebel against him?' So, he and his dragon hordes laid waste to humanity. It got so bad that it is said Kyne herself intervened, convincing a few of the dragons to also rebel against Alduin and teach humanity how to use the dragons own power against them. At Kyne's urging, these dragons taught humanity the dragon's language and how to use the Thu'um, or to Shout, and with this power the humans were able to turn the tides on Alduin and his armies."

"Eventually Alduin's armies were defeated. A vast number of dragons were slain and Alduin himself was chased all the way to the Throat of the World. At this point his hatred for humanity burned greater then ever and he almost defeated the warriors who had cornered him. But they managed to banish him, removing him from Nirn entirely, albeit, obviously, only temporarily. And like that, Skyrim was finally freed from his tyranny. The Nordic kings would spend the next several hundred years finishing off the Dragon Cult and slaying any dragons they came across."

Sighing as he took another bite of his apple Stephen turned to Hadvar, "However... it looks like Alduin has finally found his way back into the timeline. So now we have a reemerged Alduin, a being who already hated humanity, who's had thousands of years to stew in that hatred, back in Skyrim, soon to wage war on humanity once again. I don't know why he chose today to attack. I don't know if he just reemerged today and immediately went on a rampage, or if he reappeared a hundred years ago and is just now finally setting his plan into motion. What I do know, is that after what happened last time, he would never, ever, work with humans again. And he would certainly never work for humans. So at least you don't have to worry about Ulfric all of a sudden commanding a dragon into battle."

Hadvar looked at Stephen with wide eyes. "I said it earlier, and I'll say it again. You're an odd man Stephen. You seem to know far more about this situation than should be possible. If even half of what you just said is true, then the situation is dire enough that word should be sent to the Emperor in Cyrodiil with a request for more legions."

Stephen nodded and then frowned. "That would be a good idea, but with the threat of another Thalmor invasion if the legions are spread too thin, I doubt there will be many soldiers to spare."

"Still, at the very least the emperor should know of what happened to Helgen."

As the men talked, they continued on down the road, walking slowly as the sun began to move lower in the sky. An hour went by before the forest finally thinned around them, a few patches of wild flowers popping up around the road. Walking around a bend in the road the view opened up before them, a small mountain in the distance filling the skyline ahead of them. There was an enormous ancient tomb built into the side of it, visible even from this distance.

"You see that ruin up there," Hadvar said, pointing up at the buildings on the mountainside. "Bleak Falls Barrow. When I was a boy, that place always used to give me nightmares. Draugr creeping down the mountain to climb through my window at night, that kind of thing. I'll admit, I still don't like it much. But after today? I think I have something else to fuel my nightmares."

A guard tower peaked around the next bend in the road, built just off to the side. Several men were stationed around it, making it clear it was some kind of check point. As they got closer one the men called out to them.

"Hail legionaries! Do you come from Helgen? What has happened? We can see smoke from that direction and some sort of giant beast flew overhead almost an hour ago! Did the Stormcloak's attack!?" The man asked, concern evident in his voice. He was clothed in a guard's uniform. A chainmail shirt covered by a scaled leather vest and a grey-blue sash, a closed helmet obscuring his face, and a sword at his hip. The distinctive stag motif of the Falkreath hold was painted onto his shield.

Hadvar and Stephen looked at each other and frowned before Hadvar turned to the man. "A dragon has destroyed Helgen. We both barely managed to escape via a tunnel system below the keep. Most of the town had already been destroyed when we entered the keep, so I imagine the damned thing didn't stop until everything was in flames. We're on our way to Riverwood right now to resupply, before heading back to Solitude to make a report on what has happened today."

The guard took a step back and shook his head, a clear note of dread infusing his voice as he spoke. "Did... Did you say a dragon? Shor's bones, man! Those things are just a legend! What really happened?"

"It's true! There really was a dragon! That thing will haunt my nightmares for the rest of my life," Hadvar huffed. "Don't you see the smoke in the distance? Didn't you say you saw a giant beast fly overhead? That was a dragon, and the damned thing has completely destroyed Helgen!"

The guard's shoulders slumped as he realized Hadvar was telling him the truth. "HELFAR! Come out here boy!" He shouted at someone in the tower. The door opened and a boy no older than 16 came jogging out. He was dressed a little simpler than the rest of the guards, no chainmail or distinctive helmet, but he had the same sash and shield as the rest of them.

They must be using him as a runner until he's old enough to actually fight. Stephen thought.

"Yes, sir?" The boy said, skidding to a stop beside the guard in front of Hadvar and Stephen.

"Take one of the horses, and ride as fast as you can back to Falkreath. Tell the Jarl that Helgen has been destroyed and ask him to send reinforcements so we can assess the situation." The guard stopped, clearly thinking. "Also... tell the Jarl... tell him that it was a dragon that destroyed Helgen. And tell him that... this can be attested to by imperial soldiers who managed to escape. Now ride boy, there's no time to waste!"

The boy took off running again, this time disappearing around the back side the tower, where a small stable was built. They saw him reappear a moment later atop a chestnut-colored horse, riding back up the road they came, towards the town of Falkreath.

The guard sighed as he turned back to the two men. "If you'll excuse me, I have things I must prepare for. Safe travels, friends."

Walking on past the check point the two men treaded on down the dirt road, slowly descending towards a river below them. They came upon a stone pedestal built onto the edge of the cliff that the road was following. Three man sized stones stood there, grouped around the pedestal. Each had a small hole chiseled into the top half of the rock and was covered in intricate carvings on the side facing the center of the pedestal. The stone on the left, the Thief Stone, had a carving of a man in a cloak and hood, a cloth mask covering his face below his nose. He had a dagger in one hand and what looked like a rapier in the other. The Mage Stone, in the center, had a carving of a wizard, a staff in one hand, the other outstretched as if firing off a spell. The Warrior Stone on the right was the one Stephen was interested in. It had a carving of a man in full armor with a raised shield in one hand and a giant battle axe in the other.

"These are the guardian stones. Three of thirteen ancient standing stones that dot Skyrim's landscape. No one is really sure how they got here, who put them here or really even how they work, but they must have some sort of connection to the divines, because if you lay your hands on one of them it will give you a blessing. But judging by that look on your face, you probably already know all this, don't you?" Hadvar said.

Stephen chuckled, already walking up onto the pedestal and laying his hands on the Warrior Stone. "I do indeed Hadvar. Thanks for keeping me informed either way."

As Stephen focused on the stone in front of him, the world suddenly stopped, a text box popping up in front of his eyes.

*Those under the sign of The Warrior will gain two abilities:

  • Fierce Spirit: Power attacks do 15% more damage, and ranged weapons do up to 15% more damage based on distance.
  • Warrior's Path: Learn all combat skills 10% faster.

You may have only one sign blessing at a time.*

Oh dude! I forgot I downloaded that mod to make the standing stones more interesting. What was it called? Andromeda? Something like that... Man if I've got Andromeda standing stones in this game then I need to go find the Lover Stone asap, cause that things auto-revive ability is absolutely busted.

Selecting Accept Sign with a thought the text box flashed out of existence, the world suddenly moving again. A cool blue light began to glow in the hole in the rock, dots in the carving lighting up, as if stars in a constellation. As the light grew brighter a beam appeared at the top of the rock, shooting into the sky, sustained for a moment as the light surrounded Stephen in a blue aura. As the light began to fade and the beam cut out Stephen heard Hadvar behind him.

"Warrior! Good. I knew you shouldn't have been on that cart the minute I laid eyes on you. Everything you've done today just reinforces that opinion. Come on, Riverwood isn't too far now."

The two men pushed on again, walking down the switchbacked road as it descended towards the river.

"Listen, Stephen... As far as I'm concerned, you've already earned your pardon. And I'm sure the general will agree once I get back to Solitude and tell him about how you laid your life on the line for mine. But... until we can get that confirmed by General Tullius, you should steer clear of other Imperial soldiers. Just to avoid any... complications. All right? Oh, also. Once we get to my uncle's place, I'll make sure he gets you some new clothes. It wouldn't be good for you to walk around in Imperial uniform if you're not actually in Imperial service. Too many questions."

Stephen nodded, a twig snapping in front of them grabbing his attention. "Of course, Hadvar. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you looking out for me like this. You've proven yourself a true friend today." Stephen grabbed his shield from off his back, his hand falling to the hilt of his sword as he stopped in the road and listened.

Hadvar saw Stephen stop and tensed up, grabbing for his own sword. As the two men stood there quietly, listening for signs of movement, the road stayed quiet, except for the sound of the river to their left. As Stephen took a step forward however, movement burst around them as howls split the air and several wolfs jumped out of the bushes to their right.

Placing his back against Hadvar's as the wolves circled them, the two men drew their swords and raised their shields, ready for the fight.

"We just can't seem to catch a break today, can we friend?" Hadvar said, as a wolf lunged at him, it's bite blocked by his shield.

Two wolves charged at Stephen, one nipping at his legs as the other jumped and slashed at his face with its claws. Stephen brought his sword up to block and with a cry of pain the wolf landed hard and backed away, growling as blood leaked from its now wounded leg. Stephen kicked at the other one, landing a blow in its midsection as it too backed away into the rest of the pack.

Hadvar hacked and yelled as another wolf charged him, coming from the side this time. His swing was timed perfectly however, and the wolf fell to the ground dead, a deep slash cutting into its skull. The wolves howled for their fallen packmate and closed in tighter around the two men. The wounded wolf came charging towards Stephen again, a quarter of its health bar already depleted. With his shield raised he was able to block the wolf's bite and a quick slash left it gutted, it's hp dropping to zero.

Stephen wasn't able to block the second wolf's bite, however. Crying out in pain he smacked his shield downward onto the head of the wolf that had latched onto his leg. Growling in pain, but not letting go, the wolf ripped its head back, pulling Stephen's foot out from under him, dropping him onto the ground. Bringing the point of his sword around Stephen sunk it into the side of the wolf, finally shaking it from his leg. Hadvar slashed at a wolf charging at the downed Stephen, keeping the pack at bay for the moment.

Kicking at the wolf with his good leg, Stephen managed to scoot away, getting enough ground to crawl to his knees. Placing his shield in between himself and the wounded wolf, Stephen let out a rumble of frustration and pain as his wounded leg crumpled beneath him, refusing to hold his weight.

Hadvar continued to hold the rest of the pack off, practically standing over Stephen at this point, his sword waving, curses and shouts flowing freely from his lips. The wolf Stephen had wounded finally picked itself up, limping away, blood still flowing from its side. With a quarter of its health bar still intact Stephen knew it would take at least another hit before it would go down.

However, with a chorused howl the pack began to back away, deciding that with two of their own already dead, and another now grievously wounded, this prey was officially more trouble than it was worth. Letting out a final growl the pack turned and ran, slipping back into the light woods along the road.

Stephen slumped over with a groan, laying down in the road and closing his eyes, silently cursing the two demons who were currently forcing him to experience this day of pain.

Take that Sanguine, you fucking prick! Stephen thought with a groan.

"Are you alright Stephen? That wolf looks like it took a pretty nasty bite out of you." Hadvar said, worry peppering his voice. "Here, let me see if I can find a health potion in your pack."

With a groan Stephen sat back up, giving Hadvar easier access to his backpack. Opening his Skills menu with a thought Stephen looked with weary eyes at his health bar. 75/125
