The Elder Scrolls - Isekai Ch. 01


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Long Bow Bow 6 5 10


Name Class: Arm: Wgt: Sell Val:

Guard's Fur Gauntlets Light 7 2 5

Imperial Light Armor Light 27 6 25

Imperial Light Boots Light 8 2 7

Iron Shield Heavy 22 11 20


Name: Type: Effect: Wgt: Sell Val:

Frostbite Venom (4) Poison +25 Dmg 0.3 41

Grand Potion of Health Health +125 HP 0.3 34

Potent Potion of Health Health +50 HP 0.3 25

Weak Potion of Health Health +25 HP 0.3 5

Weak Potion of Magicka (2) Magicka +25 Magicka 0.3 5

Weak Potion of Stamina Stamina +25 Stamina 0.3 4


Name: Type: Wgt: Sell Val:

Alto Noir Wine (3) Alcohol 1.5 12

Eidar Cheese Slice Cheese 0.25 2

Farm Bread Bread 0.5 2

Potato (3) Vegetable 0.25 1

Raw Pheasant (Uncleaned) Meat 2 2

Raw Rabbit (Uncleaned) Meat 3 3

Waterskin Drink 3.5 5


Name: Type: Wgt: Sell Val:

Elves Ears (5) Herb 0.05 -

Frost Mirriam (4) Herb 0.05 -

Garlic (5) Herb 0.1 -

Pheasant Feather Feather 0.03 2

Salt (2) Mineral 0.25 2


Name: Type: Wgt: Sell Val:

Spell Tome: Sparks Spell Tome 1 50

The Book of the Dragonborn Book 1 4


Name: Type: Wgt: Sell Val:

Cast Iron Pot Cooking 2 12

Fork Cooking 0.1 1

Knife Cooking 0.1 1

Lockpick (8) Thievery -               1

Tankard Cooking 0.5               1

Wooden Bowl (2) Cooking 0.5 1

Hmmm, not a whole ton of valuable stuff to sell. Usually by this point I've maxed out my carry weight with weapons and other junk from Helgen, but I guess actually running for your life isn't conducive to looting. How much gold did I manage to scavenge? 447 Septims. Wow that's more than I thought it'd be... Ok, that should be enough to grab some clothes, a potion or two and a tent. Let's see what Lucan's got.

Cycling back to Lucan's store inventory, Stephen started hunting through the contents for what he wanted. After a moment he had a small list of items he was ready to buy.

To Buy:


Name: Class: Arm: Wgt: Buy Val:

Common Tunic Clothes - 2 55

Cotton Pants Clothes - 2 30

Fur Boots Light 6 2 15

Travel Cloak, Burlap Clothes - 1 24


Name: Type: Effect: Wgt: Buy Val:

Weak Potion of Health (2) Health +25 HP 0.3 15


Name: Type: Wgt: Buy Val:

Small Leather Tent, Bed Roll Tent 6 122

Charcoal Kindling 0.3 9

Lockpick (2) Thievery -               6

Wash Rag (2) Cleaning 1 3

Oof, 283 to buy all this... That'll leave me with 164, huh... More than enough to pay for food and a few nights at an inn, but I need to start accumulating some sellable loot fast, cause a couple hundred gold just isn't gonna cut it.

Selecting the "Buy" option at the bottom of the screen Stephen was shocked to see all of the items he'd just bought appear in the open chest in front of him. The tent and bed roll were both rolled up and placed neatly on the counter next to the chest.

"Is that it for today?" Lucan asked. He started withdrawing the items from the chest, placing them carefully on the counter for Stephen to take. "I don't mean to be rude sir, but if that's all for you then would you mind collecting your things? It's getting quite late and I'd like to close up shop for the night."

Stephen realized he'd simply been standing there, watching Lucan arrange his newly bought items on the counter. Jolting into action, he unslung his backpack and started shoving things inside. Once all the little things were in, he layered the clothes on top, closed up the pack and fastened the tent and bed roll to the top of the bag, giving the two buckles a pull to tighten it down in place. Hanging the bag back on his shoulders, he thanked the two siblings and headed for the door.

Oh! Duh, almost forgot to get the Golden Claw quest!

Turning back to the shopkeeper, Stephen said, "Would you welcome some help getting your claw back?"

Stunned, Lucan and Camilla both stared at Stephen for a moment, clearly not expecting such an offer. "You... You would do that for me?" Lucan said. "Listen, I've got some coin coming in with my next shipment. It's yours if you can bring my claw back!"

Flashing a smile and a thumbs up, Stephen nodded. "Sounds like a deal to me!"

Grinning from ear-to-ear Lucan rubbed his hands together. "Now, if you're going to catch these thieves, I'd check out Bleak Falls Barrow, up on the mountain just outside of town. There's a troublesome group of bandits that live nearby. I bet they had something to do with this!"

"Bleak Falls Barrow. Got it. I have some business with Alvor tomorrow morning, and I have a pressing engagement in Whiterun, but if you don't mind waiting a couple of days, I'll head up there and have a look." Stephen said.

Turning and leaving the still smiling man behind him Stephen headed back out onto the now deserted street. Finding the inn was easy, he'd played this game so many times he could probably find it blindfolded. Plus, there were really only 4 buildings that faced the main road anyways, and he'd already been inside 2 of them. The other had obviously been a private home, which just left the large building on the edge of town with the sign hanging above the porch that read "Sleeping Giant Inn".

Pushing open the door Stephen was met with warmth and the smell of barbecued meats and mead. The building was built in a long rectangle, the main room large and spacious. There was a roaring fire in the large open fireplace in the middle of the room, with a spit and some slabs of meat roasting away. Large communal tables and benches lined the wall to the right and along the front and back walls until the doors for the individual rooms started. Around the left wall, far on the other side of the long room was the bar, a large man standing behind the counter.

"Come on in stranger! We've got warm food, warm drinks, and warm beds," the man shouted.

The inn wasn't full yet, the townsfolk still finishing up their last chores before heading here for a drink to end the night. Even Hadvar hadn't found his way here yet. Even still, there were a few people populating the inn. A man was playing a lute like instrument in the corner with the town drunk as his audience. Delphine, the owner of the inn, was seated at a table by the bar, her back to the room.

And then of course there were the Fauns. At least, that's what most people in Skyrim knew them as. Stephen knew what they really were, of course. He'd been the horny little bastard who had downloaded a succubus mod in the first place. While they were happy to play along with the misconception that they were Fauns, a sort of half human, half goat forest spirit, these creatures were actually something decidedly more interesting.

According to the lore written by the mod author, Succubus were a type of Daedra created by the Daedric Prince Sanguine for the express purpose of reveling in sexual delight and debauchery. Highly attractive, though varied in appearance, they could always be distinguished by the horns growing from their heads and their many patterned tattoos. They drew their energy from their sexual partners, sometimes to the point of exhaustion for the lucky(?) mortal they were screwing. They didn't actually need to eat or drink, and unlike many Daedra they displayed no desire whatsoever for conflict, killing, or torture. They were motivated purely by one thing. An unending, insatiable lust. They were also masters of Illusion magic. As such, they were a common sight in the inns and mead halls of Skyrim, even showing up in the courts of Jarls.

There were three of them here in the main hall. One sitting next to Delphine, quietly talking to her, and the other two were softly swaying to the music being played in the corner. They eyed Stephen as he walked past, the taller of the two actually licking her lips.

"Good evening," Stephen said to the bartender, ignoring the obvious stares from the succubus across the room. "I heard you've got a small bath available for use in the basement? I've been out on the road all day and could certainly use it."

The bartender cocked his eyebrow. "We do indeed. It'll be 10 gold. We've got some soap available too for another 3 gold."

Stephen pulled his coin purse out, counting out the gold pieces and placing them on the counter for the man.

"Well alright then," he said with a smile, scooping the coins up and placing them in a small lockbox below the lip of the bar. "Hey Cerna? Can you head downstairs and get the bath prepared? You've got a customer."

The succubus that was sitting next to Delphine perked up when she heard her name, twisting to get a good look at Stephen standing there at the bar. Like all succubi she was a beauty. Tall and lissome, she had dark brown hair that fell just beyond her shoulders. Her horns were tightly curled, wrapping around the sides of her head, their tips pointing straight forward in front of her. She had her share of tattoos, although the exposed skin on her arms and chest seemed to be less covered than the other two in the inn. Stephen involuntarily shivered as she gave him a look that reminded him of a cat that was about to pounce. Smoothing her short dress out as she stood, she bowed before Stephen, putting the cleavage of her large chest on display.

"Of course Orgnar. You know it is always my pleasure. Give me just a moment to prepare the water and then send him down."

Stephen watched her walk by, staring a bit too long at the way her dress wrapped itself around her hips. She caught him looking and with a smirk she descended the stairs to prepare the bath.

"Do you think I have enough time for a mead?" Stephen asked, leaning against the bar.

Orgnar chuckled and shook his head no. "It's best not to keep her waiting. She gets... cranky, when she's made to wait."

The bartender turned away, walking over to the fire to tend to the racks of meat slowing spinning above it.

"We don't get a lot of travelers here in Riverwood anymore. The war keeps most folks away these days." A voice behind Stephen said. Turning to see Delphine focused on him, he gave her a small smile.

"Yeah, I just came into town tonight with Hadvar. We stopped to have dinner with his family and Alvor recommended I lodge here for the night." He replied.

"Hmmm... most of my customers are locals, come to relax after a hard day's toil. It'll be good to have someone new to liven the place up a bit tonight." She turned back to her mug of ale before Stephen could respond, apparently already done with their short conversation.

He stood there for a moment, still leaning against the bar, an odd look on his face at the innkeeper's rude behaviour.

"You should head downstairs now. Cerna doesn't like to be kept waiting." Delphine said over her shoulder, still not turning to look.

Shrugging, Stephen headed for the stairs, finding a door at the bottom with a sign above that simply said "Bath". Pushing open the door Stephen was hit with a small wave of steam, the humidity of the basement in stark contrast to the open warmth of the inn. Candles flickered in wall mounted sconces down a short hallway. A door at the end of the hall was barely open, wisps of vapor and a soft humming coming from inside.

Slowly opening the door, Stephen was immediately struck by a profound sense of calm, like nothing was or even could be wrong with the world.

Wow... I feel like I just popped a couple Valium. I should probably be worried about that, but damn do I feel good!

Still standing in the open doorway Stephen heard soft laughter, his eyes focusing for a moment as he noticed the succubus standing next to a large metal bath tub set against the back wall.

"Are you going to come in or not? The bath is all warmed up." She said, stalking towards him. Grabbing hold of his leather imperial armor she pulled him into the room gently, closing and locking the door behind him.

Helping him pull his backpack off, she pressed herself into his back. The feel of her impressive chest pressing into him became the focus of his hazy mind as a noticeable bulge formed at his crotch. Wrapping her arms around his midsection to begin unbuckling his armor she whispered hotly into his ear, "Now... why don't we get a little more comfortable, hmm?"

His sword dropped to the floor as she finished with the buckles. Helping him pull his light armor off, she directed him like a puppeteer. She backed away for a moment as the leather came up and over his head, before pressing back into him.

Stephen wasn't sure when she'd taken her top off, but he could feel two very distinct little nubs pressed into his now naked back that could only be a pair of nipples. The sensation gave him a brief moment of clarity.

Why is my mind so hazy? It's like I'm trying to think through pudding. Shit, she's probably using some sort of spell on me! Calm? Maybe Pacify? God, I wish I cared. Wait... don't I care? Why don't I care?

Running her hands across his chest, Cerna hummed in appreciation behind him. Nibbling on his earlobe, she ground herself into him from behind. Her hands crept lower and lower, stopping at the lip of the kilt like lower half of his armor. Undoing the belt that held it up she continued her marionetting, helping Stephen step out of the armor fully, leaving him naked except for a pair of boots and gloves.

Her hands returned to his chest, stroking muscles he was unused to having. She stepped back for a moment, Stephen shivering from the loss of contact. He could hear the soft sound of fabric sliding off her as she stepped out of her dress fully. Turning to look at the now naked Daedra Stephen's mouth opened in desire, his already hard cock throbbing painfully at the vision of sex standing before him.

There was a playful light in her eyes as she slipped Stephen's gloves off, quickly placing his hands on her bare chest.

"Oooo yes. Do you like them?" She asked, her arms slithering around Stephen's neck, her mouth finding a place again next to his ear. "I want you to enjoy them. I want you to enjoy me. Can you do that for me, sir?"

Stephen nodded dumbly, his hazy mind focused entirely on the pair of heavenly tits in his hands.

She laughed musically before continuing. "Good. Let's have you sit down on this bench for a moment, hmm? I need to take your boots off, and then we can get a little... wetter."

Extracting herself from Stephen's grasping hands she sat him down on a bench next to the tub, slowly running her hands down his chest to his thighs, gently teasing him as she journeyed to the floor. Undoing the straps on his boots and helping him out of them would have been easier if he could think clearly, but as muddled as his mind was at the moment, she did most of the work.

Finally freeing him from all of his clothes, Cerna worked her way back up his body, lightly touching everywhere but his dick. Pulling him to his feet she maneuvered him into the bath tub, a bar of soap and a wash cloth seeming to have materialized in her hands.

Still keeping the same slowly teasing pace she started washing him, running the warm sudsy wash cloth across his body. She took her time and washed the grime from him, careful to save his truly sensitive bits for last.

Stephen's dick had hardened long ago and the constant touching had left him on what felt like a hair trigger. He was having a hard time forming thoughts, let alone words so all he could do was sit in the mental haze and endure the teasing.

Finishing with his legs, Cerna started slowly kissing and licking her way back up towards his waist. Skipping up to his chest she stopped for a moment to lick and suck on his nipples. Groaning at the sweet torment Stephen brought his hands to her horns, holding her to his chest with what strength he could muster.

Breaking his light grip, she continued her slow ascent. Scootching forward a bit in the tub and with a surprisingly rough tug on his beard she slammed her lips against his. Both of them moaned into the kiss, Stephen finding his way through the haze just enough to reach down and grasp at her ample chest.

Reaching her hand down between them caused fireworks to go off in Stephen's head. Her delicate fingers caressed the top of his mushroom head, sliding down to wrap around his throbbing rod. Somehow, he hadn't cum yet, but as she brought the wash cloth out of the water to start cleaning him the sensations only got stronger.

Breaking the kiss, she rested her forehead against his, panting as she stroked him. "Mmmm, you're a fun one. You taste... Different. Familiar? Strange. But don't worry, I won't keep you waiting. Once I get you fully cleaned up, I'll be sure to take good care of you," she said, moving the wash cloth down to wrap around his balls.

Resuming their kiss, Cerna went back to rubbing him, cleaning off the sweat and grime of the day. Stephen moaned as she dragged the cloth between his legs, teasing his asshole for a moment before standing up and tossing the wash cloth in a small basket by the door.

Helping Stephen into a sitting position on the rim of the tub, his back against the wall, she sank back down into the water, her face now level with his crotch. Looking up into Stephen's glazed eyes she stroked him softly, deciding she'd teased him enough. Dipping her head lower she engulfed his tip in her mouth, her tongue flicking against him. Stephen moaned at the warm embrace, his brain losing what little grasp on the situation it still had left.

Bobbing steadily Cerna set a quick pace, pushing farther on each down stroke. Pulling her face back to his tip she looked up with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Shoving down until his tip poked her throat she slipped her tongue under his shaft, extending it slowly, far beyond human lengths. Wrapping it around his shaft until it hit the base she squeezed, milking his cock with her long tongue.

Stephen gasped at the overwhelming sensations, his back sliding against the wall as he surrendered to the erotic sight in front of him.

Moving downward Cerna popped the head of his cock into her throat, gurgling at his invading member. Her tongue, still wrapped around the bottom part of his shaft, stretched down to lap at his balls. This final move was all Stephen could handle, his hips jerking forward as he started cumming. Gagging on the upthrust Cerna kept him in her throat for the first couple spurts, his seed going straight into her stomach. Retracting her tongue and moving her head back until just the tip of his penis was left in her mouth Cerna continued sucking and licking his tip as he came, prolonging his orgasm as she hummed in enjoyment at her meal.

His hips finally settling down, Stephen slid down into the tub, his body more relaxed than he'd felt in years. Panting heavily in the humid air, Stephen's post nut clarity managed to break through the haze of whatever spell Cerna was still casting.

Focusing on her slowly, Stephen put his hands up to stop the body contact. He couldn't take his eyes off her exposed breasts as he spoke haltingly through gritted teeth. "Turn... it... off... whatever spell... turn it... off... please!"

There was a flash of fire in Cerna's eyes as she frowned and backed away, stepping out of the bath. Crossing her arms in front of herself defensively, she said "Spell!? What spell? I have no idea what you're talking about."

Stephen frowned, the haze over his mind beginning to reclaim his consciousness. Gasping, he blurted out, "Then why is my mind like mud? I know... Succubus... masters of illusion magic. Please, stop the spell!"

Fear coursed through Cerna's mind. He wasn't supposed to know she was a Daedra, let alone be able to resist both her Pacify and her Charm spell. How the fuck is he doing that?! Ugh, Lord Sanguine give me strength... It's always something with these fucking mortals.
