The Expat


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After cleaning up together, we played a board game until Suze started to get sleepy and barely managed to keep her eyes open. While Amy helped her into her pyjamas, brushed her teeth and got her ready for bed, I packed up the game and placed it back in the cupboard where I had seen Amy get it from. I also got myself another mug of coffee and walked out to the patio overlooking their small garden.

"Mr Hero's presence is required in the princess' bedroom in order to read her a bedtime story."

I chuckled and turned around, a wide smile decorating my face.

"I never stood a chance, did I?"

"You could have left town after saving us," she replied as she pulled me into an embrace and rested her head on my shoulder. "But now, hush. Don't let her Highness wait."

I placed a quick kiss on her lips before I went upstairs to read Suze a story and wish her a good night. After having spent the biggest part of the day in the pool it didn't take her long to fall asleep. I placed a caring kiss on her forehead and then stood to go back downstairs to Amy.

"You'd make a really good Dad," Amy commented when I turned and saw her standing in the door. She had obviously been watching me from there. Or maybe she was checking on me.

"She'd make a really great daughter but let's first find out how much you dislike my snoring or my bathroom habits. We don't know yet but you could be one of those lunatics who put the toilet paper rolls on the holder the wrong way round."

She laughed melodically at that. I think we both already had a quite good idea of where our relationship was heading. Or maybe I had an idea while Amy probably already knew. We didn't go to the bedroom directly but returned downstairs and walked out on the patio where we cuddled against each other on the hammock. I sat mostly upright while Amy leaned against me and pulled my arm around her, her legs wrapped under her. We chatted for a while, mostly about Suze's conquering of her hydrophobia and my part in it. After a while, we changed position and both lay down. Me on my back, Amy above me. We were still fully dressed, her garden was well visible from the neighbouring houses, and exchanged soft kisses in between low-voiced conversations.

"My parents helped me with the down payment on the house and also support me with the mortgage. They are very supportive and wanted to provide for their granddaughter as good as they can."

She could feel my mood dropping when my thoughts automatically turned to my own family. She frowned a little at seeing me sulk.

"What's wrong? Did I say something bad?"

"My mother died four years ago while I was still working in Brazil and the relationship with my father is non-existent."

"Oh my god. What happened?"

I went on to relay the story the way I had experienced it but always made clear that it was likely that he had a different point of view. But as he never replied to any of my emails I didn't know what his take on everything was.

"You must try to fix this. He's the only family you have left."

"That's not totally true. I have an uncle on my Mum's side of the family and I call my Dad's parents a few times a year. From what they tell me he's even refusing to speak about me. I have no idea what to do, other than move on with my life and try become a better Dad than he has been in the last six or seven years. He wasn't even a good Dad before that as all he ever cared about was his business. I don't remember a single swimming or school event where he was present."

I tried to avoid it but the situation with my Dad still hurt and I had tears filling my eyes. Amy tried to change the topic to something happier and I tried hard to follow her but the mood had been sustainably tainted and every topic she tried somehow led my thoughts back to my Dad.

"Maybe I should leave. I'm not good company anymore. I'd love to come back tomorrow, though, if that's ok with you."

"I'm not leaving you alone to brood over this. Let's go to bed. Suze will be delighted to find you here in the morning."

I was just about to object when Amy anticipated my argument.

"I didn't say have sex or make love. I said go to bed. Some cuddling will do you good tonight. Come."

She climbed off me, took my hand and led me towards the stairs. As I walked a couple of steps behind her I got a good look at her ass moving under her sundress. She had replaced her Bikini with panties after showering and I got a clear impression that it was a thong she had put on. I didn't realise that Amy was looking at me over her shoulder.

"You men are all the same. As soon as you have a piece of ass in front of you, all your emotions are put on hold and your penis takes over."

I looked up, blushing lightly, trying desperately to come up with something to say.

"In this case, it's not just a piece of ass, it's a hot piece of ass."

Not exactly Shakespeare or Marquis de Sade but it earned me a chuckle.

"Why don't you use the guest bathroom for whatever you men do before bed and then come and join me in bed?"

As we had both anticipated we didn't make love that night but the soft kissing, the cuddling and the spooning during the night really helped me out of the dark place I had fallen into.


The next morning, Amy woke me by shaking her body and repeatedly pushing her shoulder into me. This was easy to do for her as we still lay there, comfortably spooning.



"Are you awake and responsive?"

Reluctantly I opened an eye only to find it inches from a wall of black hair. I reflexively inhaled her scent.

"Yes. I'm good. What's up?"

"Suze will wake up in half an hour or so. If she finds you in here, any chance of distancing will be gone. I don't want you to but I owe you the opportunity to withdraw before she starts calling you Daddy."

It didn't take long for me to come to a decision. We still had a lot to discover about each other and the way we hung up the toilet paper rolls would be the least of our worries but under no circumstances would I do anything that hurt either of these two lovelies so I used the hand that laid on her waist to pull her closer to me and locked her in place using the arm she rested upon.

"The offer has been received and declined."

I had expected her to relax in my arms but that was not her plan. She used the little freedom she had and turned around until she faced me, gave me a closed-mouth kiss and then snuggled into my chest, one arm over my chest and the other hidden somewhere under us.

"You haven't even sampled the goods yet."

"I've sampled the relevant goods; your intelligence, your wit, your kindness. Everything else is less important but I'm still sure they're of highest quality."

We relaxed a bit longer, smooching and bantering and talking until the door opened.

"Mom? When can we go and see Mr Hero again?"

"If you climb up here, you can see him right now."

The sun that lit up on her face when she realised I was still there proved my earlier decision right. That sight alone was worth taking a chance. Suze climbed right up and cuddled in between us and we got another half an hour of more or less quiet rest. Sunday morning breakfast, usually consisting of a cup of coffee and surfing the net for news or digging into an analysis, was a cheerful event with more freshly cooked food than I usually ate all day. While we were packing everything for a day at the lake, I noticed that the house could use some maintenance and commented accordingly to Amy.

"Well, maybe if there were a man in the house he could take care..."

She trailed off when she saw the expression on my face change and I did something I hadn't done in years. I started swearing in Swiss German, my mother tongue.

"Gopfertami none mal. Wie blöd chasch eigentlich si, du Vollpfoschte? Du bisch so nes hirnloses Stück Dräck, es isch es Wunder, dass bim Schiise d'Schüssle triffsch!"

***Translation for the interested: God dammit. How stupid can you be, you fucktard? You're such a brainless piece of dirt, it's a miracle you hit the toilet bowl when taking a shit!"***

"Mom? What is he saying?"

Suze looked at me as if I had lost my mind as I kept running around swearing and facepalming myself.

"I have no idea, Suze but from the sound of it I don't want you to listen too closely."

"Please. I need a pad, a pen and thirty minutes to myself. You, Amy Frazier, are a genius!" I returned to English as the spoken language.

I had just found the solution to the problems at the mall. I couldn't afford the cash payment for the renovation and modernisation of the building but I could afford to rent out some of the stores for free and the companies would be allowed to use the mall itself as their showroom. I would ask some of the larger craft businesses if they were willing to do the work and in exchange, they would get to rent a lot for free until the bill was covered and they could simultaneously use the work done at the mall to show potential customers.

'This glass front was constructed by X.'

'This seamless cast concrete was laid by Y.'

'This illumination was created by Z.'

They would get multiple returns on their investments; free rent, free advertising, free showcasing and if it worked, loads of potential customers and I was able to spread the effect on the cash flow over several years.

Amy showed me to her office, placed a pad and a pen in front of me and left me alone. She and her daughter finished packing and prepared a picnic basket for us. After twenty minutes, I had written everything down so I could present it to my team. On my phone I wrote a short mail to Constance which called everybody to my office at nine on Monday morning and then I decided that this was enough for today. Depending on where I spent the night, I might be able to prepare a few PowerPoint slides to show but I could just as well do without.

I walked out of the office with a big smile on my face and was greeted by Amy and Suze who still had no idea what had happened. I apologized and explained roughly that I had finally found the golden egg but insisted that today was not about work anymore but about having fun at the beach. This announcement was gladly welcomed by the two ladies, especially Amy who had been a bit afraid that I would rush off to work and was worrying how she would explain this to Suze.

The day at the beach was fantastic. When we arrived, it took Suze roughly two seconds to overcome the remnants of her hydrophobia and by the time we left for home it was only a distant memory. While Suze was playing in the sand, Amy and I discussed how we wanted to move forward.

We came up with a plan where we would have dinner together once or twice a week and, if possible, spend the weekends together. She accepted that I might have to work late sometimes and was not able to define the evenings we could share. I also asked her to do her shopping at my mall so I could chip in as I didn't want her to be stuck on the costs for food when I earned multiples of her salary. She agreed readily to this proposition confirming my suspicion that money was very tight for her.

Suze was not the only one sulking when they dropped me off at my apartment on their way home. I sat in the quiet kitchen, ate a microwaved meal that tasted like cardboard mixed with paste and never before in my life had my bed felt so cold and lonely like that night. While I was tossing and turning in my bed, trying to find some sleep, I came to a decision. It was the easiest decision in my entire life.


I rose at four in the morning, packed some of my clothes into two suitcases and loaded them together with my suits into my car. When I arrived at the office, my mind made up on all important questions, I must have radiated happiness. Constance, of course, was the first to pick up on it.

"Phil. Whatever you did over the weekend, you must do it again. I've never seen you so relaxed and happy."

"I will, Connie, I will."

"Your mood doesn't happen to have anything to do with the two raven-haired beautiful ladies you spent the day at the beach with yesterday?"

I laughed. She was incorrigible and better at collecting information than the NSA.

"They have everything to do with my mood."

We didn't have much time as I had the meeting to prepare but I gave her a rough outline of what had happened and how Suze had taken my heart by storm, only fractions of a second before her mother took what was left of it. I also asked her to have her net of informants alert me when Amy came to the mall for her shopping.

During the meeting with my team, I outlined my idea for the mall on a whiteboard, I never understood how I had managed to miss this easy and obvious solution, and six intense hours later we had defined our targets for the next three, six and twelve months, developed a strategy and compiled a list of tasks and steps that needed to be done. For the first time since I had arrived here in Bomery, I saw a real future for the mall after I had started to severely doubt that there was one. I learned later that headquarters had not expected me to succeed and the fact that I had come up with a solution was the main driver for my later promotion.

After the meeting had concluded I was pondering whether to drive to Amy or wait for her here when the decision was taken out of my hands. Constance peeked into my office, passing on the information that 'the boss's girls' had been sighted entering the mall. So at four in the afternoon, I quickly closed up for the day, to a theatrically overacted heart attack from Constance, before I rushed down to meet Amy. After being enthusiastically greeted by Suze - "Mr Hero!!" - and slightly less publicly but not less lovingly by Amy, I paid for the groceries and asked whether I could invite myself to dinner.

"Anytime," was the unambiguous answer.

Of course, we had to drive there in two cars and the effort to move the kiddy seat into my car was discarded as an overkill, despite the loud protests from Susanne. When we arrived at the house it took all my underdeveloped talent to persuade Suze to give Amy and me a few minutes to ourselves. Under the pretence of trying to repair something on the front porch, I went outside, equipped with a screwdriver, but instead of fixing anything I just picked up two suits from the car.

"Amy, can you give me hand out here for a minute?" I called into the living room, knowing that she had not yet started cooking.

"Yes, sure," came the quick reply and I heard her walk towards the door. "What..."

I stood there smiling, a suit in either hand.

"If you'll have me, I'd like to move in with you and Susanne."

She had ambushed me often enough in the few days we knew each other so I thought I might just as well pay back in kind. I had expected her to be confused or maybe a bit unsure or at least hesitate for a few seconds but I had barely finished my sentence when my suits flew left and right and Amy hung on my torso, her arms around my neck and her legs clutching my waist, kissing me feverishly.

"What took you so long?" she asked after she had calmed down after a minute, but still had me carry her weight.

"I'm a man. I can be really stupid sometimes. But the taste of the ready meal and the lonesome feeling of my cold bed made it really easy in the end. I almost called you during the night to come over."

We walked in, hand in hand, and started our life together. We prepared dinner, or rather Amy prepared dinner and I starred in a supporting role by preparing the vegetables, washing up whatever she discarded and setting the table. I got the honour to read Suze a bedtime story again. Once she was fast asleep, Amy and I settled down on the hammock again for a little while until we decided that it was time for bed. At eight thirty.

We undressed, down to the boxer shorts in my case and only a T-shirt for her, and quickly prepared for the night. When we had finished, this time we shared the bathroom, we turned towards each other, smiled and moved in to initiate a kiss. Like the first kiss we had shared three days ago, it was a slow, unhurried kiss. There was no urgency in it, just a feeling of fulfilment and satisfaction. I picked her up, she felt light as a feather and carried her to the bed where I carefully sat her down. A soft pull on the shirt indicated my intentions to remove it and she quickly aided my effort by lifting first her butt and then her upper body so I could slide the shirt up. I bent over her, pushed her on her back by connecting our lips again and, in a surprisingly elegant movement rolled over her and laid down on her side. The hand I didn't need to support my body started its journey of discovery, tracing her breasts, her hips, travelling up and down and all around her body. I softly kissed her nipples, flicked my tongue over them and moved my hand to the hot centre of her body where it found a well-lubricated pussy. She was trimmed but not bare as I noticed to my contentment and I started to softly spread the lubrication she provided over her lips.

"Stop wasting time. I want you and I want you now," she whispered as she took my head in both of her hands and pulled me over her.

Gladly complying with her wishes, I pushed my boxers out of the way and off my legs and placed my erection at her entrance.

"It's scary how much I love you after only a few days," she groaned as I pushed slowly into her, our eyes locked onto each other.

We connected, I bottomed out and held still for a few seconds.

"If you had told me that I'd jump at the chance to become a father for a four-year-old only two months ago, I would have laughed at you. But today, there is no doubt that I want both of you to be in my life for as long as my heart beats. I love you, too, Amy Frazier."

I pressed my lips to hers, lured her tongue out to dance with mine as I slowly pulled my cock out of her until only the tip remained lodged. I reverted, still moving slowly, filling her up again.

"That's so wonderful. Keep doing that."

I only moved my hips, our mouths remained connected, her hands massaging my scalp as we slowly made love to each other. After a while, maybe five minutes, maybe fifteen, maybe an hour, neither really cared, she pushed softly on my ribs. I took the hint and rolled us over, pulling her onto me, never losing the connection we had formed with our sexes and she continued to patiently and slowly ride me. She sat upright, denying me more kissing, so I crunched and connected my mouth to her breasts and nipples, holding her on the side, facilitating her movements.

Despite not knowing her body and her signals yet, there was no doubt when I felt her approaching her climax, her movements became erratic and irregular and I took over, pushing into her from below. When I felt her pussy start to quiver and her lips opened in a silent scream I pulled her down and pressed a kiss on her mouth. Her entire body started shaking as the tension left her body and she finally slumped to a rest on top of me.

It took her a minute to recover during which I kept stroking and massaging her back and whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

"You're not done yet, are you?"

"That depends on you, my Love. If you're up to another round then so am I. If you're not then I'll happily just fall asleep next to or under you," I replied, keeping my ministrations up.

"Get on top again. I'm not done until I've felt you come deep inside of me."

With a little effort I turned us back and wanted to resume our mating but her idea was slightly different. She pushed me out of her, not without a disappointed whimper, and flipped around below me. In position, she pushed her butt up into my crotch. I took the hint and pushed into her again. It wasn't my favourite position to make love because of the missing eye contact and kissing but it was my favourite to fuck. Hoping she would tell me if she wanted a change I started the age-old game by grabbing her hips and pushing into her again and again. Her moans indicated that she was enjoying what I was doing and soon I felt the well-known burning, starting in my balls, extending outwards until I found it nearly impossible to hold back any longer. My last few strokes were harder and less regular and when I finally released my tension I barely registered that Amy below me also had another climax, screaming into the pillow while I did my best not to collapse on her and at the same time hold my balance.
