The Experiment Pt. 01


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During the recess, I waited until nobody was talking to her and walked up to the table again. After sitting down, looking at her from above and glancing at her breasts, I leaned forward. Not all the way to her ear, but closer than usual. "You have an amazing ass, stunning legs, breasts that are beyond words, you're devastatingly beautiful and are simply overflowing with more lust and sexual energy than any person has a right to." I paused, trying to gauge her reaction. Heather was staring at me, looking up with her mouth slightly opened.

Looking around quickly, I continued "You're raw lust, and I'm seeing it shine deep in your eyes. I wanna take your neck in my hand and pull your head up to kiss you." I grabbed the desk hard, leaning forward and shaking slightly. "Sitting here right above you, I'm barely able to restrain myself. All I want to do is grab you and take you on this desk in front of all our colleagues."

I then sat straighter and away from her and I could see that she was surprised. When I stood and walked away she was frowning, completely at a loss. When I glanced down at her breasts and winked, she looked down and saw that her nipples were very hard and very noticeable. Heather moved very fast to reach for her large scarf, which she draped around her shoulders. Looking around the room, I noticed Johan staring at her. I grabbed my phone and sent Heather a text "Quick thinking, but Johan saw you." After she read my text, she looked up and spotted Johan, who promptly turned away. Heather looked at me, her eyes narrowing to small slits. She typed something on her phone and I felt mine vibrating. "Did you mean what you said, or was it just to tease my nipples?"

I was surprised by her question, and looked up at her. She was focused on her laptop, then began talking with someone else. Has she been believing that ever since we started? No, not possible. Not after everything she did, all the teasing. But then why ask? I wrote "The only way to make good compliments is to be honest." I was shaking. I saw her hand move to her phone as she felt the vibration, but she couldn't read my message until a few minutes later. When she finally read it and looked at me, I felt my heart thumping hard a few times. I wouldn't be able to describe what I saw in her eyes at that moment, but it was utterly different from anything I had seen there before. We stared at each other for a long time, feeling both completely alone in the universe and trapped in a room filled with colleagues.

After giving me a small smile, she typed again and told me to move to a very specific desk. We were using a regular classroom and all the desk had numbers on them. I had no idea what she had in mind, but I complied anyway. I hid my move by going to the bathroom right before the meeting resumed, and sat back. A few minutes afterwards, Heather caught my eyes, winked and slowly opened her legs under her desk. I then saw a flash of red, her panties glimmering briefly between her thighs. I grinned, then laughed at her audacity. Looking around, I determined that I was the only one who could have seen her exhibitionism. As I looked at her, she placed her finger between her lips and was staring back. I was still grinning.

Later, with the meeting over, I slipped out before we could talk. For unknown reasons I didn't feel up to the challenge of talking to her right then. As I was getting ready to leave to go back home, she entered my office and closed the door behind herself. "You left so fast... I wanted to make sure you were alright." she said, sitting in the chair used by my students when they came in for help. She twisted it around until her smooth legs were pointing right at me. And then, for the next fifteen minutes, she teased me mercilessly. She kept the conversation going all the while uncrossing and recrossing her legs, letting brief flashes of red satin escape from her thighs. The more she moved around, the more her skirt rose up, making those flashes last longer and longer.

Breaking what was by now nearly a monologue, I said "Those are some delightful panties, Heather." She stopped moving her legs, holding them slightly opened. Not lewd or vulgar, just slightly opened.

"Thank you, professor. Can you stand up right now?"

"Hmmm. No. Not really. What about you, would you dare to walk out of here like this?" I asked, glancing at her nipples.

Looking down at herself, she laughed and shook her head. "Well, it seems we both have the same problem."

As we stared at each other, Johan burst into my office without knocking. Luckily for Heater, she had her back towards the door and she simply closed her legs as she turned around to smile at him. Johan, not expecting to see her at all, froze. I could guess that he wanted to talk to me about her, about what he had seen during the meeting. And now she was right here, and Johan was suddenly at a loss for words. I asked "Yes?"

"Er... I only wanted to... I needed to talk to you about..."

"Nietzsche?" I said, helping him out. If I was wrong about what he had been wanting to tell me, he would frown and be surprised. If I was right...

"Yes, Nietzsche. Of course. Well, it's not urgent, and I see you have company. Talk to you later. Bye Heather."

As he was leaving, Heather rose as well, her nipples not obvious anymore. "Well, I'm free to leave. Care to get up and walk with me?"

"Nope... Not just yet. But, could you please do me a favour?" I asked her.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Could you walk slowly as you leave, I wanna stare at your amazing ass. Did I tell you how wonderful that skirt is, hugging your buttocks and hips so tightly?"

Heather smiled, then turned around and proceeded to walk slowly towards the door. As she did, she said "Are you thinking about that walk we shared to the library last week?"

"Indeed." I said, my eyes glued to her curves.

"Care to come up there with me again Friday?" she asked, in a seductive voice while standing in the doorway with her back to me.

"I think we both know what's going to happen if we find ourselves alone up there again." I whispered. It was bold, bolder than I would have chosen if I had been completely rational at that moment.

Heather turned her head slightly, but not enough to look at me. "Really? Sometimes men are overconfident, confusing a game with the real thing." she said in a low, sexy voice. "Such a shame."

After she was gone I sat alone in my office, completely taken by surprise by her comment. Her words were rather blunt, and should have felt like a cold shower. Then again she had kept her seductive pose, leaning against the frame and highlighting her curves, and she had spoken in that slow, even more seductive voice. I wasn't even sure we were doing my experiment anymore. She had changed it irrevocably by joining the game instead of being simply the beneficiary of raw compliments.

Maybe that was her objective? To show me that she wasn't only a pretty thing to look at? Yet wasn't she playing the part of the seductive vixen using her body to get what she wants? Wasn't that bad according to feminists? And, more importantly, what was it that she wanted? Acting the way she was was not going to prevent me from complimenting her even more. She was reacting exactly how a naïve woman would when complimented! As I drove home a bit later, I just couldn't figure her plan out. I couldn't figure her out. And that was also one of the things she wanted me to think. Maybe she wanted to show me that she couldn't be easily figured out like a dumb blonde?

We didn't see each other at all the following Tuesday, and while I've been tempted to text her a few times, I was still too unsure of where I was standing, of what I wanted, of what she wanted. Late that day, as I waited for a late student, Julia knocked on my door and asked, with a concerned expression on her face, if I knew if Heather was alright. My heart skipped a beat and I stood up from my chair. "No, what happened to her?"

"Oh, you didn't know. I'm sorry... It's nothing. But I thought she would have told you. I'm sorry..."

I walked to her and said "Julia, what's going on. Is she alright? Was she hurt?"

"What? No! I'm sorry... Oh damn it, I can't leave you hanging like this. She texted me earlier today and said that she had ended her relationship with Dave last night. She seemed alright when we briefly spoke on the phone this morning, but I haven't been able to reach her all day. She's not answering her phone or texts and she's not in her office. I hope she doesn't mind that I told you. Damn it! Me and my big mouth!"

Julia was blabbering, as she usually does, and for once I was glad she was. I was frozen in place, and would have been unable to talk if I'd had to. Heather was now single? Had broken up with her boyfriend just now, during our experiment and after everything we'd said and done. My heart was racing, my mind trying to follow as an explosion of possible scenarios flashed in my head. I managed to thank Julia and told her I would keep her secret. When I closed the door after she left, I leaned back against it, still unable to quiet my heart.

My first instinct was to call her, both to ask how she was doing and to act on this situation. But I didn't. Regardless of what I wanted, and what Heather seemed to want, breaking up with someone is never easy even if it's what we want. Maybe she had taken a day off and stayed at home, or maybe she had locked herself in her office and was working... And then it hit me. The library's attic. I walked to the cafeteria and looked outside at the staff parking. Her car was there. And Julia told me that she wasn't in her office. Of course. She was in the attic.

After I left the cafeteria, I stopped at an intersection. To my left was the corridor that would lead me to my office, and to my right was the library. I picked up my phone and feigned to read something: some of my colleagues already believed that I was weird, I didn't want them to see the philosophy professor simply standing there doing nothing! Two minutes later I went left, back to my office and I decided to leave early. I knew that if I stayed here, I would find a way to convince myself to go to the library.

Once more I spent hours thinking about Heather, my head trying to keep up with my heart. One moment I wanted to stop the experiment and the next I only wanted to go even further. Heather's signals were clear, and if she had indeed broken up with her boyfriend, whatever I was doing was working. It hadn't been supposed to work quite like this though, but it was surely working. I didn't get any email from her, but that wasn't especially unusual. We have been writing to each other more often in the last few weeks, but not everyday.

I woke up the next morning with no clearer image of what I wanted. Well, I knew I wanted Heather. But I had no idea how to get from here to there. I only had three more days until my experiment was over. I didn't know if I wanted to win or not anymore though. She had changed the game so much, and my intentions were now very different than they had been four weeks ago. I knew I had a late meeting with teachers from the humanities this afternoon, and Heather was supposed to be there. It would be a very short meeting, but I was very eager to see her and try to gauge her mood.

I was surprised. Even knowing that she had just broken up with her boyfriend, I couldn't detect even the slightest hint of a difference in her expression. Either she had been well past the point of breaking up with him when she did, or she was a dangerously good actress. After the meeting, with many people mingling before going back to our offices, I tried talking with her. I was not planning on complimenting her or doing anything else. I managed to get her alone, or as isolated as I could, and asked if she was alright. She replied yes, her expression making it clear that she was surprised by the question.

When I told her about Julia's confidence, she confirmed that she had given her boyfriend many, many chances to change and he didn't. He was angry about the separation, but she actually felt liberated. "And before you go all psychoanalyst on me," she said, smiling, "I'm not entering into whichever stage from whatever theory they now believe is the true one..." She shook her head. Heather and I were both pretty intense skeptics about psychology. "I think I even stayed with him for too long. I was barely able to refrain from exploding in anger when we talked for the last time..."

"Oh. Ok. All good then..." I said. "I though that maybe it had been because of our experiment... and that, well..." What was I saying? Why the fuck was I saying this out loud?

"Well what, mister philosopher? Have you finally lost your words?" she asked, smiling slyly.

I grinned, but saw on her face that she was not going to get me off the hook. I looked straight into her eyes for a long moment and said "I didn't know if you had left him for me."

That was bold. So much bolder than I would have wanted if I had planned this out in advance. But I hadn't planned this. I was just reacting to her. And I had been way too fucking bold! We were in a room with seven or eight people still around, not at all a place to say such a thing! But Heather simply kept staring at me with a smile, as if she was now, in turn, trying to gauge something in me.

With hindsight, I would one day realize that Heather had been playing me like a fiddle. She had accused me of doing that with her, but I was her fiddle. Already, especially from that moment on, I was hers. Fully hers. Yet I didn't know that right now. All she eventually replied was "And you think that I would just tell you, if that were the case?" I almost replied something, but decided to keep silent. I winked at her and turned around planning to leave without saying or doing anything else. Sometimes not saying anything was better than trying to be witty.

But then chance intervened. As I was turning around one of our colleagues bumped into me and pushed me against Heather. Nothing too violent, but as luck would have it, the back of my hand touched her ass through her long shirt and pants.

My colleague apologized and I left on my way, hoping she hadn't noticed it. Before I could get to the door, I heard Heather call my name out loud. When I looked back, she was walking towards me, my leather bag in her hand. "Here! You forgot this!" she said out loud, before whispering "If you ever want to touch my ass again, go for it... Don't fumble like a pimply adolescent boy."

My heart skipped a beat. But I gathered myself quickly, stared at her for a moment and replied "Thanks Heather. And it reminds me that I did want to show you something."

Heather seemed somewhat puzzled, but followed my lead. As I opened my laptop, she leaned forward to look at it. I moved around, placing myself between her body and the door. With a quick look around, I made sure that nobody would see my hand and grabbed her ass. Fully. Forcefully. At first I grabbed it through her shirt, but soon I slipped my hand underneath and felt the very thin and stretchy fabric of her tight pants.

With a wide opened hand before closing my long fingers around her flesh, feeling her well-rounded and firm ass yielding and moulding itself between my fingers. "Shit... You really don't need to be told anything twice, do you?" Heather whispered, staring at my laptop. When I pushed my fingers lower and deeper, not feeling even a hint of panties but feeling the warm flesh of her lips, Heather took a deep breath.

Given that I wasn't talking at all, Heather eventually cleared her throat and said "I see..." out loud for the benefit of our colleagues. Soon my hand had pretty much left her ass and was now fully cupping her pussy. I could now feel, through the very thin pants, the place where her lips met and even a small patch of bush above that. When I pulled backwards slightly, I pressed down on her clit. Heather took a sharp breath and said "Oh yes... That looks really good. But more circles in your diagram would make it even better." It took me a few moments to understand, but as soon as I began tracing circles on her clit, I felt her trembling very slightly. With my free hand I clicked a few times on random keys on my keyboard and she added "Oh yes, much better now. Make that circle a bit stronger."

This time when I increased my pressure I felt her moving down a bit, as if her legs had briefly given under her. She turned her head to look at me and whispered "Did you know I was wet even before you touched my ass earlier? I shook my head, not trusting myself to say anything at this point. Our closest colleague was maybe fifteen feet away. At most. Heather added "Do you realize I'm letting you give me an orgasm in front of our colleagues?" Once again, with hindsight, I knew I should have recognized that Heather wasn't an ordinary woman. Right there. But I didn't.

Instead, about a minute later, I was mesmerized by the sight of Heather climaxing in a room full of colleagues, in perfect silence. I was staring at her as she did, and counted myself lucky that nobody decided to leave during that time. Leaning forward like she was, her hair fell down, hiding her face from the rest of our colleagues. After her climax, when Heather finally stood back up, extremely close to me with a fine sheen of sweat on her flushed face, she looked like the most beautiful woman in the world. And I told her. She grinned, and thanked me. Twice. Her face inches away from mine, as I could smell the sweet odour from her skin and hair, she whispered "Why don't you meet me in the attic at six?"

She didn't even wait for a reply before leaving. I promptly sat down and faked typing on my laptop: it was the only way I could hide my erection. Later I grinned like a fool all the way to my office, only to remain seated there, stunned like a duck hit on the head. What the fuck was going on? It was getting clearer that Heather was using my lust to make me do anything she wanted. And it was also clear that the experiment was now done.

I looked at the clock: three hours to go until six o'clock. The longest three hours of my life so far. Four times I stopped myself from calling or texting her. I tried walking around on the campus, watching youtube, reading books or trying to grade a few essays from my students. Nothing worked, nothing made the time go by faster. I felt like being chained to the floor, unable to do much more than wait. Strictly wait, like a damned prisoner.

The only thing that made the time pass a bit faster was the shower I took in the gym. But even then it was tricky: we have communal showers in the men's locker room, and I couldn't stand there with an erection. I managed, but it took some remarkable willpower not to think about what I was going to do soon! Eventually though, given that time didn't care for what I felt, the clock showed five minutes to six. I stood up and walked to the library.

As soon as I entered I saw Heather all the way to the back of the library, sitting next to the ladder. I took a deep breath, trying and failing to quiet my heart. I felt the initial rush of blood towards my cock, not enough to give me a full erection, but still unmistakable. As I stood there, looking at her before she could see me, I felt a tentative smile forming on my lips. Heather made my mind, my heart and my cock sing. Why hadn't I ever considered her as anything else than a good friend and colleague?

I took a deep breath and walked in. My eyes were locked onto her, and I saw that she hadn't changed from this afternoon. She was still wearing the skintight pants, which I could easily see with her legs crossed in front of her, and the long shirt that made the pants decent. It was very ample and hid the curves of her breasts and waist, as well as hiding her ass. Earlier today, when I slipped my hand under that shirt and— Stop it! I shook my head and closed my eyes momentarily. When I opened them again, Heather had seen me and was smiling at me. I was very careful when I climbed the steps to the dais; the last thing I wanted was to trip and look like a fool.