The Experiment Pt. 01


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She walked up to me and very nearly hugged me. She stopped at the last moment, and to my surprise indicated the seat next to where she had been sitting. "Now, before we go up that ladder to do whatever we'll do there, we need to talk about your experiment."

"My experi-what? Is that still going on?" I asked, a lopsided smile on my face.

"No, not really. But I was a bit disingenuous with you when we started this four weeks ago. You see, I already agreed with you."

"You did? You think it's a shame that men can't compliment women's physical beauty?"

"Yes, it is. Not just men, though. Men or women, straight or not, transexual or transgender... It doesn't matter much. What matters, and you were right on that one as well, is that we've kept that degenerate hate of the body from the catholic church. You see—"

"Wait a second." I cut her off, closing my eyes to think about what she was saying without being distracted by her beauty.

Before I could say anything though, she asked "Why are you closing your eyes?"

I opened them in surprise, then smiled. "Because you're too beautiful, and I can't think straight."

Heather smiled. "All during all these years we've talked... you've..."

"I've always had that problem, but I didn't know just how much lust and passion resided behind that gorgeous face. Now stop talking for a second, and let me think." I closed my eyes again, yet opened them once more when I felt her foot against my shin. "You little devil..." I whispered. "OK. Ok, let me see if I understand you correctly. You think it's a shame that feminism adopted a version of the catholic church's stance on the flesh, yet four weeks ago you ferociously argued that compliments on a woman's physical beauty were degrading, helped turn you into sexual objects."

Keeping her naked foot on my shin, Heather looked at me for a moment before replying. "Yes. It's a matter two notions, the first one being consent. You do know why most women don't mind being seen in a bikini yet would freak out if someone would spy on them while wearing lingerie?" I nodded. "Consent. If women were comfortable walking around wearing lingerie, the wouldn't be any peeping Toms trying to see them. You didn't fully realize it, but when you proposed your experiment, you were essentially asking for my consent. And I readily agreed." Heather smiled.

"So if men were to ask women about giving them such compliments, it would be ok with you?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Yes, most of the time. The other issue, though, is the difference between public and private spaces. If you would have complimented my legs, or ass or breasts in public, with many people hearing you, that would have been completely different. And unacceptable because of our culture. And that's why I formally stand against such compliments. When consenting and mature adults compliment each other's bodies in private, it's one thing. But when we see it in movies and TV shows and kids learn to think that there's nothing more to courting than that, it's something else. You just can't call out "Nice ass!" to a stranger who just happened to walk in front of you. Do you understand the difference?"

I nodded, but didn't reply immediately. I tried not to look at her, but my eyes kept coming back. I nodded again, and said "So. The reason why you and other feminists oppose such compliments is because you think that it shouldn't be part of the public sphere?"

"Oh, there are many many reasons why we oppose it. I was trying to convey why I wasn't as orthodox as some of my colleagues. I believe that our bodies are as much as part of who we are as our hearts and our minds. Yet complimenting different body parts with nothing more than sex in mind is akin to a butcher dissecting a carcass on a stainless steel table. In fact, I'll even go further and say that domination and submission can also be wonderful adventures, yet never unwillingly, nor in the public sphere."

I felt like Heather wanted to add something else, but she stopped. Later I would remember this moment and smile at my innocence, knowing what she'd had in mind and almost asked. Changing the subject slightly, I told her "We'll have to talk about this later. But right now my brain doesn't have access to all the blood it usually has..." Heather's eyes opened slightly wider as I said that. "And we are, actually, squarely in the public sphere, wouldn't you say? Are you sure you want to go up there, where all these people can hear every creak and squeaks?"

"Oh yes I'm sure. Can you be silent?"

"Can you?"

Heather only smiled as she got up and looked at the stairs. "Mind if I go first?" she asked, a smile on her lips.

"By all means."

"No, I mean mind if I go first and make you wait two minutes?" she said.

I smiled and nodded. I stood right next to the ladder and looked at her legs and ass, appreciating once again the fact that her pants were nothing more than a colored second skin. But as I looked up, I could eventually look under her shirt as it hung loose, and got a glimpse at her bright white bra. Before she disappeared, she whispered "Two minutes." Again, time was toying with me and I lived through the longest two minutes of my life. I think I stared at my phone's clock for two minutes straight.

Eventually though, I climbed up and poked my head in the attic. It was dark, very dark. Heather hadn't opened the lights, and the only light I could see was the stained glass windows. The ones on the west side of the library were brightest, with the lowering sun shining directly into them. They created five pools of coloured light, but I couldn't see Heather anywhere with my unadjusted eyes. After closing the trap door shut, I rose and began walking warily towards the lights.

And then I saw her. She was all the way across the attic and walked into the light. She was now being backlit by the stained glass. Immediately I could see that her hair was loose, with all the unruly locks glowing, and that she was now barefoot. Other than that, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I walked slowly towards her, my heart beating faster and faster. As she walked fully into the light, I saw one of her breasts' outline through her fine top. She must have used those two minutes to remove her bra and whatever camisole she'd had beneath her long blouse.

When I walked right in front of her, maybe three yards away, I couldn't see anything but her silhouette. The effect was breathtaking. She looked like a ghost in the multicolored light, an apparition haunting this attic. Her whisper brought me down to reality. "Undress." And so I did. In a minute I was completely naked, my hard cock pointing right at her. I heard her murmur a "Hmmm..." before she walked towards me. She stopped right in front of me; I could feel her breath on my face. Because of the light I still couldn't see anything and not seeing her expression unbalanced me. "Kneel." she whispered again.

As I did, I began to understand that this was not going to be a classic romp with me simply bending her over and humping her from behind. Slowly, my mind was coming to terms with something else entirely. "Kiss my feet." One more whisper, nothing more. I wasn't particularly into feet, but I didn't mind either, so I knelt all the way down and kissed the top of her feet, one after the other.

Suddenly I clicked and thought I understood what she wanted. I kissed the top of her left foot until I reached her ankle. When I kissed it and she said "Did I tell you to kiss my ankle?", I smiled. Instead of replying, I got up and looked her right in the eyes.

"Domination and submission, hum?" A trace of a smile appeared on her lips. "So this is what you like... I'll kneel, kiss your feet and await your command. But never forget that this is round one."

I saw her lips parting just slightly. Then, after a breath, she said "Pull my pants down, then go back to kissing my feet."

After looking for and finding no clasp or button, I slipped my fingers under the waist of her pants and pulled them down slowly, making sure to push my fingers against her thighs all the way down. My face nearly level with her pussy, I saw the dark line of unshaven hair above her pussy, but that pussy itself was in too much darkness. For now. After she stepped out of her pants, I bent down and kissed her feet again. "Go up, slowly..." she whispered. As I kissed, licked, sucked and nibbled my way up her shins, taking great care to cater to both sides, I started to discover the taste of her skin, her aroma and the slightly spicy scent coming from higher up. "Higher..." she said, and I was pretty sure I could detect a slight flutter in her voice. I grinned as I opened my mouth to gently bite her lower thigh.

Higher and higher I went, licking long stretches of her smooth thighs, letting her know that I found her delicious. As I got closer to her pussy, I dove deeper between her legs, but she never parted her legs wider. My cock was now painfully hard, but I was pretty sure I still had a long wait before I could fuck her. When I licked my way to the very soft fold of skin between her upper thigh and the outermost swell of her mound, I felt her tremble slightly. Before going further inward, I asked "Can I pleasure you?"

"Hmmm... I like that, you learn fast. Yes you can." she whispered back.

She was in the dominating role, but I wanted to tease her. I wanted nothing more than to crane my neck and dive into Heather's pussy. Instead, I caressed what few pubic hairs she had with the tip of my tongue. Not the skin beneath them, just their tips. Heather shivered. As I went lower, still teasing her slowly, I finally felt her flesh. And a hint of her taste. Instead of diving deeper, I moved upwards again, tickling her hairs once more. Above me, Heather whispered "Bastard...", but I could just about hear the smile on her lips as she said it. But I was ready to wait, feeling her warmth on my chin, and I teased her a little while more until she said "Eat me, make me cum with your mouth."

I happily obliged. I didn't go as gently as I would have had in ordinary circumstances, but neither did I dive in like the unexperienced and pimply adolescent she accused me of being earlier. I let the tip of my tongue touch the hood of her clit first, then I pushed harder and harder until I spread my tongue and slid it lower. My chin forced her to open her legs and I pushed in deeper. As my upper lip was maintaining contact on her clit, I guided my tongue partway inside her. As I lapped it back in and swallowed, I pulled back sharply. Heather moaned and whispered "Don't pull out!"

"Damn you taste good! Can I devour you?"

"Yes! Damn it! Don't pull away until I cum!" she laughed as she pulled my head back against her pussy.

And this time I dove in. I roamed all over her flesh, going from the smoothly shaven outer lips to her hole, tickling her inner lips and teasing her clit until I used my thumb to pull her hood partly off. Heather now had both her hands on my head, more to hold herself up than to guide me. She was giggling and gasping above me as I gave my best. I then pushed in a little lower and drove my tongue inside her. Not every girl and woman I've been with liked that, but Heather sure seemed to. She gasped when I did, especially when I pressed my upper lips against her clit at the same time. "Just keep doing that... Don't stop, don't stop..."

A minute or so later, as I drank her in, Heather seemed to implode around my face. Even though she was holding onto my head, I had to act fast as her legs gave way for good this time. Holding her firmly with both my arms, one around her thighs the other on the small of her back, I lowered her all the way down, never moving my mouth away from her pussy. Eventually she pushed me away, trembling and shaking with a huge grin on her face. As she was regaining control over her breathing, I sat between her opened legs, staring at her beauty. Her breasts were still covered by the thin blouse, but she was still a wondrous sight.

When she looked at me, with her skin covered with a glowing sheen of sweat, she smiled. She was in a particularly submissive position, but I still got the impression that she was fully in control. I repeated "Damn you taste good... And to think that we haven't even kissed yet." I moved forward, walking on hands and knees above her, pushing her legs opened even wider.

Just as I was about to kiss her, she said "Kiss me, but don't put your cock inside me."

I groaned. "Hmmm, I really think we're ready for round two." I said, alluding to my earlier comment about having our turns at dominating.

"Oh no dear man. You'll have your round two when I say you can." she replied in a low voice. "Now just kiss me and don't let your cock enter my pussy. Even if I try to guide it in."

"What?" I asked, surprised.

"Shut up and kiss me."

While her pussy tasted spicy, and its taste was still there in my mouth, the sweetness of own her lips and tongue soon overwhelmed it. I had never realized just how badly I've been wanting to kiss that woman through the years. As I did, it was as if a mental block was removed and I felt the pressure of years of latent desire rushing in. Despite the position and her open legs, I forgot about my cock and simply abandoned myself to the kiss. Heather had full lips, as generous as her breasts were, and she knew how to use them in a kiss. I was mesmerized by her skills and passion, but soon something else became clear: I was falling madly in love with this woman. I broke our first kiss and said "You're so wonderful, I can't stop kissing you!" And we kissed again, until she turned her head slightly.

"You haven't seen anything yet..." Heather said, arching her pelvis forward and making her pussy touch my cock.

I groaned again and kissed her harder. But I said "Oh I don't doubt it, but I wasn't talking about that. I just realized that I've been wanting to do this for years..." and I kissed her again.

With her pussy still pressed against my cock, she broke the kiss again and said "Why didn't you?"

"I have no idea, but one thing's clear: I wanna make up for that lost time!"

And so we kissed again, while Heather still teased me with her pussy. When she slipped one of her hands between our bodies and tried to push and pull my cock inside her, I pulled back, regardless of how hard it was to do so. Heather wanted to be in control and wanted to know if I could obey her. I dearly wanted to push my cock inside her, but I wasn't eighteen anymore and wanted to see how far she would take it. I heard her groan in frustration as I resisted but I never really moved off. I simply resisted. When she whispered "Bastard." through gritted teeth, laughing briefly at the same time, I grinned.

"What's wrong, darling? Not used to men with willpower?"

"Ooooh... that's a low blow." she laughed.

"I'm beginning to understand that you're not just a vanilla girl in bed, but—"

"You have no idea." she whispered.

"But I think you've got more than you bargained for with me, mistress." Heather looked at me for a moment, her expression unreadable. Just as she was about to speak, I cut her off and said "Maybe you'll feel the need to punish me for this, but there's something else I've been wanting to do for years."

With that I grabbed her flimsy blouse above her breasts and ripped it open. Heather had barely made a sound when I did. My eyes opened wide as I saw her breasts moving in the colored light. I slipped down lower on her, placing my cock a safe distance away from her pussy and plunged between her breasts. Instead of complaining, Heather grabbed both her breasts and pushed them up and against my face. I proceeded to feast on her breasts as I had feasted on her pussy a few minutes ago. Last week, Heather had teased me with a description of what her breasts were like. She hadn't lied. They were absolutely incredible. As I let my lips, tongue and even teeth graze their supple skin, Heather began moaning. And when I sucked one of her nipples in my mouth she bucked under me. After releasing it and burying my face between her breasts, I said "Oh... You have sensitive nipples?" Heather laughed.

Long delicious minutes later, I released her nipple again, watching the flesh of her breast bounce for a moment, before looking up at her. "Now I know you want to be in control, but soon I'll either have to die or fuck you. What will it be?"

"Crazy man!" she said while laughing , a full throated laughter I had only rarely heard her do before. "Just fuck me already!"

As I pushed upwards, wrapping one of my hands around her shoulder and the other grabbing a fistful of hair against her nape, I leaned in and kissed her again. After fumbling for a few moments my cock suddenly touched her inner lips and felt her wetness. I pushed my tongue inside her mouth as my cock did the same, rediscovering her sweet mouth and discovering her burning hot pussy.

I hadn't been with that many girls or women before Heather, and while pussies varied wildly for the eyes, they were generally very similar from the inside. Yet there was also something distinct about each of them. As I fully penetrated her, feeling the base of my cock stretching her lips, I held her tight and remained there. Penetrating Heather was wonderful both for the feeling of her flesh against mine and her already undeniable muscle control, but also because it was her. I had confided about having wanted to kiss her for a long while, but I was not ready to talk to her about just how powerful my emotions were.

Her legs were already splayed open, but when she pulled them back even more, I slipped in deeper and felt her cervix. "Oh shit... Isn't this nice!" she groaned in my mouth, not even breaking our kiss properly. "Fuck me Jer... If you make me cum before you do, I'll ride you in the light and make you realize that your wildest dreams were not up to what you're about to experience." I almost laughed out loud at her confidence. Yet Heather was revealing herself as something quite a bit more impressive than I had, in fact, imagined.

I pulled back slightly, resumed our kiss and fucked her with very short but very deep strokes. I didn't want to pull back too far, because I knew I would climax, but I was hoping that stimulating her clit this way would work. Soon it appeared that it would. I worked at it harder, fucking her decently fast but still with short strokes. I could hear her moans, feel her loss of control over the kiss and when she suddenly threw her head backwards, biting her lower lip, I felt her climaxing again. This time I was feeling more than her pussy's muscles around me: Heather spasmed many times, clamping both her legs and arms around me, arching her back to meet my thrusts.

As she eventually froze, racked by her pleasure, I lengthened my strokes to full length penetration. It was a gamble, as some women didn't want anything to change as they climaxed. But it paid off, as I heard a new strangled sound coming from her mouth. I also felt her nails biting in my back. Her strangled sound lasted for a long while as I kept fucking her until she went completely limp, almost falling on the floor, her arms and legs spread out on the floor. When I kept fucking her, slower this time, Heather twisted slightly and placed her hand on my belly to stop me. Her mouth was wide opened in a silent cry, but I could see that she was grinning.

In an unexpected burst of movements, Heather got up and ordered me on my back. When she squatted over me, I felt my eyes open wide and my jaw drop. The cowgirl position was one of my favourites, especially with voluptuous women. And Heather was certainly that. Her breasts, which had been amazing while she was on her back, were barely believable as she sat upon me.

But part of the magic was also the colored light shining upon her. Heather looked like a nymph or a goddess right now, her skin glowing red and blue and orange, her pale green eyes looking mythical in this light. When she pushed her hair backwards and threw left and right, I was overwhelmed by the sight. And then she rose up and down, looking at me with a wolfish smile. I wanted this moment to never end, yet I knew I would not last long.