The Eyes of Mesmeralda


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She put all those thoughts out of mind, and clenched her fist in preparation - she was a superhero, and she was not going to be stopped in her pursuit of justice.

She opened the skylight, and jumped in.

Shooting Star landed on the floor of the bank, slightly away from the villain: "I thought I warned you before, Mesmeralda. You're getting sloppy, too," she noticed all the glass scattered around the room, "how many windows did you break to get in?"

Mesmeralda laughed.

She looked over at the heroine, and smirked: "That was all for you, Star, and your super-hearing. I was hoping you would come to play, and what better way to summon you? I want a bit of fun."

Star would not be trapped this time.

"Mind if I invite some friends?"

No sooner had she asked, Shooting Star used her powers to activate the bank's security system, triggering a loud alarm that momentarily stopped Mesmeralda's gang in their tracks.

The supervillain looked annoyed, just for a few seconds, before her face returned to its usual smug satisfaction.

"Oh, you're no fun. I only wanted to play with you, not the police. Still, there will be time for that, won't there, when we meet next time?"

"There won't be a next time - you'll be coming with me, Mesmeralda."

She smirked: "Next time we meet, I'm sure you'll be doing lots of cumming, Star."

"Very funny," the heroine replied, a definite hesitation in her voice - Star noticed, and she was sure that Mesmeralda noticed too. "Time to surrender."

The supervillain's grin only grew, and her eyes flashed a little.

There was a definite tremble in the superheroine's knees, and wetness in her crotch. No, she told herself, you're better than this - you'll beat this woman.

She forced her eyes shut once again, and dove forward. Mesmeralda was no match for Star's super-speed - the hero caught the villain right in the chest, knocking the wind out of her and launching her backwards, right into the bank wall.

Star opened her eyes, and saw the villain getting to her feet, a little blood running from her cut lips, somehow looking darker against the black lipstick.

"Hmm," she smiled, "you're stronger than I thought." Her eyes flashed again, just for a second. "I'm in there, though - I know it, and you know it. It's only a matter of time, Star, before you'll be desperate to stare into my eyes and play with me."

"How about this," Star said, not quite as strong as she would have liked, "you give it up and you can sign up to the jail softball team?"

Mesmeralda went to respond, but the sound of sirens in the too-not distance changed her mind. Instead, she looked at Star and a smirk once again crept onto her face.

"We might have to save this for next time, Star," she raised a hand and clicked her fingers, "but I'll still leave you with someone to play with, just so you don't miss me too much."

No sooner had she spoken, a figure leapt onto Shooting Star's back and wrapped her arms around her chest. Grabbing at her.

Grabbing her breasts.

It was one of Mesmeralda's minions, stopping her from pursuing the villain - well, was it that, or was it that flash of the villain's eyes, once again issuing a silent order to the hero?

She had swiftly determined that the minion was just a human, and she was barely posing a fight - there was no reason that Star couldn't swiftly disable her and pursue the supervillain. No reason but those eyes, commanding her. Mesmeralda told her not to follow, and she didn't.

Why did she listen?

Did she want to see her again?

Star threw the minion over her back onto the bank's floor, and with a swift blow, struck her as she got up and went for another go. It was enough - it knocked her out, and she dropped to the ground.

There was, for a moment, a strange feeling of absence - Star noticed, the woman unconscious, that her nipples were hard where the minion had grabbed them. She noticed she was a little bit wet - had she been enjoying tussling with this woman?

What was going on?

The Mega City police force smashed through the doors of the bank, guns in their hands, and found Shooting Star standing over the unconscious woman.

"What happened?" officers demanded. "Where's Mesmeralda?"

The mention of the name caught her offguard again.

"She... she got away," Shooting Star struggled for words, "but I've captured one of her gang. She's non-powered, as far as I can see."

One of the uniform officers knelt down, checking the unconscious woman before securing her, and then they removed her mask.

"Detective, Shooting Star, you need to look at this."

They both did, and the superheroine was shocked.

"Oh my goodness, it's Laura Morris."


Sitting in the police interview room, Laura Morris looked like an ordinary, respectable woman. Stripped of Mesmeralda's uniform, she was dressed in a plain T-shirt and casual trousers, and she looked attractive in them. Her brown hair was hanging loose, and she was just staring into the distance.

Shooting Star looked at her from behind the two-way mirror - it was hard to imagine that, just last night, this woman was one of Mesmeralda's gang, engaged in a number of robberies and abductions around Mega City.

It was even stranger to imagine, given that she was a schoolteacher, a respected pillar of the community before she looked into the eyes of Mesmeralda.

Shooting Star looked to the chief of the police, a solid man with a thick grey moustache.

"What has she said?"

"Nothing," he replied. "Whenever we question her, she either sits in silence or tells us that she wants to talk to you."

"To me? Why?"

"I don't know," the chief shrugged his shoulders. "She just says she wants to tell you about Mesmeralda."

Just hearing that name, Shooting Star could feel herself becoming a little turned on. Get a hold of yourself, she demanded, you're meant to be a heroine, not some kind of lovesick teenager.

She watched as Laura's head dipped forward, slowly, as if she was looking at the floor.

"What's happening, chief?"

"Don't know. She does this, up and down, like she's in some kind of trance. The doctor's looked at her, and not found anything wrong with her."

Shooting Star nodded.

"I suppose I better go and talk to her then, find out what's going on," she said.

"Be careful," the chief said. "Something about this that I don't like."

Shooting Star opened the door to the interview room and stepped inside.

Laura didn't need to look up: "I knew you'd come."

"I aim to please," the heroine smirked. "I hear you want to tell me about Mesmeralda, Laura?"

At hearing the name of the villain, Laura started to chuckle under her breath.

"What's so funny?"

Laura didn't respond - Shooting Star took the chair opposite her.

"Look, all I want to do is help you, Laura. But I can only do that if you tell me everything you remember about Mesmeralda."

Laura looked up, right into Shooting Star's eyes.


The heroine nodded.

"You don't know what you're asking for," Laura said, ominous and enticing in equal measure, "but I'll tell you what you want to know."

Shooting Star took the lead, the interview relying on many of those details that she'd committed to memory during her own investigation.

"Do you remember the day you disappeared, Laura?"

The woman nodded.

"What do you remember?"

"I was going to the shops - I wanted some Ben & Jerrys, that was it - it had been a bad day in the office. It was getting dark, but I had time. I was just out of work, and it was on the way."

"What happened?"

"I went into the parking lot, and I heard a noise. A strange noise - a nice noise. So I went to look at it."

"What was it?"

Laura said nothing - she tried to think, and simply shook her head: "I don't know."

The superhero was conscious that she was holding her breath, and she exhaled slightly, a little deflated and disappointed.

"So what happened next?"

"I... I don't know. I woke up, and I was here, arrested."

"Where did you go in between?"

She shook her head: "I don't know where it was."

"Do you remember anything about it?"

Laura nodded.

"Please, Laura, go on - anything you can tell me will help us find and free the other women."

Laura searched for words: "I was with Mesmeralda. And it was... blissful."

"I'm sorry?"

"It didn't really matter exactly where I was - all that mattered was being with her."

Star raised an eyebrow, and said nothing. Instead, she watched silently and more than a little curiously as Laura's eyes seemed to track elsewhere, and her hand crept into her police-issued trousers.

"Mesmeralda takes you somewhere else, somewhere fantastic," Laura said, looking upwards as she masturbated. "It's like being lost in a heavenly green fog, where all you feel is pleasure. That's all she wants from you, to serve her and to give her pleasure, and that's what she gives you in return. When you find Mesmeralda, and when you look into her eyes, you need nothing else."

Star's eyebrow raised, attempting to maintain a solid demeanour, but her heart was starting to pound as Laura spoke.

Did the young woman detect it - did she know somehow?

Whatever happened, Laura stopped playing with her pussy, and she looked directly into Star's eyes.

"You know, don't you? You've looked into the eyes of Mesmeralda."

It wasn't a question, no - Laura knew. There was no hint of superpower in Laura's gaze - she was just a normal person - but Star still felt compelled to answer her honestly.


Laura nodded, and resumed playing with herself.

"You'll know soon enough, Shooting Star. Mesmeralda won't rest until you share our pleasure."

Words of excitement, even tending towards acceptance, danced on the superheroine's tongue, but she just about held them in: "Mesmeralda is going to miss out this time."

Laura just shook her head, and let a slight laugh escape her lips. And that laugh was followed with a scream, a scream of pleasure as she pushed herself over the edge and came hard in the interview room. Star watched her in surprise, and she felt a tingling from her own pussy - she wanted to play with herself too, to experience that same pleasure that was written all over Laura's face.

The pleasure that Mesmeralda gave her.

The trembling young woman raised her hand to Shooting Star, and the superheroine could see her pussy juices dripping from it.

"You want to lick it clean?"

And suddenly, a desire that had never been there before burned through Star. She wanted to say no, to fly from the station and to find and finally capture Mesmeralda - to put an end to this insanity.

But then, she didn't.

She wanted to take Laura up on the offer, to try those juices and, knowing she would love them, to lap them up at the source.

After all, that was what Mesmeralda wanted, wasn't it?

She stared at Laura for what felt like forever, before somehow managing to force herself to her feet and stagger out of the interview room. She could feel Laura's eyes on her back, and even as she spoke to the chief behind the one-way glass, the young woman still seemed to be staring at her.

"What are we thinking, Shooting Star?" The chief growled through his moustache, a definite note of surprise and fear in his customarily stoic voice. "Is Mesmeralda kidnapping the women to make them into her slaves? Turning them into... that?"

"Looks that way," Star said. She wanted to elaborate further, but she was struggling to get Laura's words out of her mind. The poor woman had painted a picture that the superheroine found terrifying... and yet, somehow, so alluring.

Mesmeralda's words reared their head again - when the villain teased her, is this what she had in mind? Was she trying to hypnotise her?

"What do we do now?" asked the chief.

"I... I..." she couldn't think, "I have to go."

She didn't wait for the policeman to reply - she used some of her superspeed to get out of the police station, and she launched herself into the sky. If she was going to get Mesmeralda out of her mind, and start thinking clearly, she needed to do something about the building sexual tension.

And maybe a few times more, just to be sure.

She hovered above Mega City, her hands exploring her body, playing with her tits and massaging her pussy through her outfit.

It didn't take her long to push herself to a climax.

If anyone else was in the sky, they would have heard her call out the name of Mesmeralda as she came.

Lee Hoffman was closing up his newspaper stand that night - it had been a slow day, but he'd made enough to keep things ticking over.

It was a coldish night - not freezing, but he'd be glad when he made it back home to his wife and got into bed.

In the corner of his eye, he saw a trail of light pulsing across the Mega City sky. Nothing unusual there - everyone in the city knew that Shooting Star was above, watching over them and fighting crime on their behalf.

What did catch his eye, and he knew it had to be a trick of the light, was that, just for the moment that it hung in the nightsky, he was convinced that the trail behind the superhero was a little bit green.


It was the following night in Mega City, and Shooting Star was on patrol. She flew around the streets, using her super-hearing to listen out for any crimes or distrubances, but she knew that there was one person in particular she was after.

Mesmeralda was getting under her skin, and Star was ready to end this once and for all. The supervillain had had things all her own way for too long, but Star knew what she was up against now. She'd heard Laura Morris' story, and she'd experienced the effects of Mesmeralda's powers - she wasn't flying blind now, not at all.

She was going to find and capture the supervillain.

Star hovered over Mega City, using her super-scanning ability, when she was distracted by words floating in the wind:

"Shooting Star, where are you?"

She stopped in mid-air, stunned at the cheek of the villain. She wasn't hiding, no - she was actively calling for her.

"Shooting Star, come and play."

And then Mesmeralda laughed, a velvet laugh that teased and invited and mocked. It was the laugh of a woman who clearly wasn't scared by the superhero, and Star didn't know how to respond to that.

Was Mesmeralda leading her into a trap?

"Shooting Star, are you ready for some fun?"

If it was a trap, Star would be ready for her. Mesmeralda was probably expecting her to attempt an ambush, a sneak attack - so the superhero would throw her own curveball.

She'd face her head on.

Shooting Star followed her super-hearing to a rooftop, one of the many skyscrapers found throughout the city skyline. And when she landed, she found her target waiting for her.

Mesmeralda was there, wearing the same outfit as before, just sitting comfortably on one of the airducts. She looked relaxed, smoking a cigarette casually, and barely responded when the superheroine appeared to confront her.

"Mesmeralda, at last," Shooting Star said, "I hope you're enjoying your final night of freedom."

"Oh, I see," she smirked, before exhaling a steady stream of smoke, "you're finally going to capture me, are you?"

Shooting Star adopted a heroic pose, hands on her hips: "Yes. Your reign of evil ends tonight."

Mesmeralda took one last drag from the cigarette, before throwing it away with a casual flick of her fingers.

"But we've been having such fun, Star," she smiled, "we could play for a long time yet."

When Mesmeralda smirked, her eyes flashed green - just for a moment, not enough to hypnotise the superhero, but it certainly caught her offguard. Her pose weakened slightly as a wave of excitement ran through her. No, she thought to herself, keep it together. You're prepared for Mesmeralda's tricks - don't let them overwhelm you.

"Look at you," the villain's smirk only grew, "trying to fight your instincts. You want the game to go on - I want to play with you, and I think you want me to play with you too, don't you?"

She thought yes instinctively, and tried to shake the thought out of her head, but it was a battle that she wasn't confident she could win.

Or even that she wanted to win.

Mesmeralda's eyes flashed green again - she was enjoying playing with Shooting Star.

Star was suddenly very aware that she was wet - she was enjoying being played with.

It would be so easy to give in...

No, a voice in her head screamed: You're a heroine - this isn't you.

And she found it within herself to resist the villain's spell, and even vaguely convince herself that she actually wanted to.

"No," Star forced the words out, "I don't want to play with you. I'm going to take you in - you've had the run of Mega City for too long."

Mesmeralda laughed in response to the heroine's words, and held her wrists out in front of her, a sarcastic, mocking gesture.

"Oh, you're going to stop me, are you? Very well, then - I submit. I give in, I surrender to the amazing Shooting Star. Let me stop my reign of villainy, go away to some prison somewhere where you'll never see me again - that's what you want, isn't it? Do you imagine your life before you looked into the eyes of Mesmeralda?"

Shooting Star wanted to speak, but the words caught in her throat.

"That is what you want, isn't it?" The supervillain smiled, and lowered her arms, sauntering towards the heroine. "Or maybe, just maybe, it isn't."

She got closer, and Shooting Star didn't respond. She was weak, feeble, and all she could utter was a pathetic: "Stay back."

"Oh, I'm sure you don't mean that, Star. I'm sure you want me close - I'm sure you want me right where you can see me."

Focus, Star, focus.

"What I want is you to release all the girls you've captured, Mesmeralda."

Mesmeralda was right in front of her now - Star could smell the smoke on her breath. She hated that smell, but it somehow smelt delicious at this moment.

It wasn't just any smoke, after all - it was Mesmeralda's.

"Captured, Shooting Star? I haven't captured them, far from it - I liberated them, I showed them pleasure beyond anything they have ever known. And you call me the villain, Star - I'm the hero."

Star didn't reply - she could feel her brain starting to fog over, the image of those eyes filling her mind. She was prepared - she thought she was - but she was finding it hard to fight.

Mesmeralda walked to the side of the superhero, and draped her arms around Shooting Star from behind. She whispered into the heroine's ear, her words striking as if they were blows.

"You know, Star, you stole one of my playthings. I liked Laura - she was fun, and she was growing into a good pussy-licker. I don't like it when people take my girls from me."

"She's not yours," Shooting Star just about managed to say. But what her brain was screaming - what she was desperately trying not to shout out - was Sorry, I'm sorry for upsetting you, I'm sorry for taking her from you, please forgive me.

Mesmeralda laughed, and gently teased the heroine's earlobe with her tongue. Her body was on fire - she could feel herself on the verge of giving in. No, she told herself, hold tough.

"No matter," Mesmeralda said, "there are always new women, lucky women, who want to serve me. Women who want to fall into my power, to lap up my pussy juice and to experience ecstasy unlike any other. Women who want the love of a powerful, dominant woman who knows them - who understands their every need, their every desire.

"Women like you, Star."

"No," she said, more automatic than forceful. She was saying what she knew she should say, but she wasn't feeling it, not really.