The Family Mansion Rewrite Pt. 21


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Liz realized as they all stood in the same room that everyone was there now. Truthfully, she thought, I could probably cancel the dinner and send my children away now and be safe from them for the rest of all our lives. This thought was full of hungover bitterness and didn't make her feel good about herself at all. She wanted to talk to her kids, one-on-one, but didn't really know what she was going to say, or do... she mentally added full of guilt and disgust with herself but knew that she wasn't going to lose control again, I just can't, not anymore.

Liz also knew she didn't want to be around Jenna for too long in case she started to suspect something, "Um, why don't Bri and I start on dinner," she said, even though it was closer to lunchtime, she still wanted this all over as quickly as possible.

As Liz and Bri left the room, Brooke turned on the TV. She had already unhooked her camera and put it back in her room so there was no fear of something "nasty" appearing on screen, and she just turned it to a daytime talk show.

Slowly, everyone else in the room settled down on the couch and watched with her. The people who knew where to avoid sat in "safe" spots. It was all clean now though, so it didn't really matter.

In the kitchen, Bri was still buzzing in a strange, euphoric excitement. She started humming as she took food out of the pantry and laid in on the counter. She noticed as she did that Liz was staring at her oddly.

"What?" Bri asked, then tried to shake off this good feeling inside her, "Sorry." She said a moment later, but still feeling just as good as she did before.

"What is with you?" Liz asked, "It's like you don't have a care in the world. How can you be like this after watching what you and I did with our kids last night!?" Liz realized after she said it that she referred to her son and daughters as "our kids" but didn't correct herself.

This made Bri smile, happily, sexily, "I guess they are 'our kids.' I helped you raise them. It's like Nathan is my son." Bri sighed with contentment, "It's like I fucked my own son. Who knew something like that would be so hot." She said this in a very dreamy way, already remembering how good Nate made her pussy, and her whole body, feel when she fucked him.

Liz cringed as she remembered as well, it made her horny, and she couldn't get horny, not anymore, "Don't talk like that. Can't you see how much this is freaking me out?!" then she scowled, angrily, "And you fucked him, I can't believe you did that! My own son!"

Bri didn't respond, she just sighed a sigh of utter joy as she remembered again the feeling of Nathan's huge cock as she rid him in the basement, filling her pussy up more than she'd ever been filled before, bringing her to the most climactic orgasm she'd ever felt.

Liz watched Bri react to this. She couldn't believe it, Liz was practically screaming at her friend and all she could do was happily hum to herself. Was fucking my son really that good? "This is just you trying to make me jealous, isn't it?" Liz asked, suspicious.

"What? No!" Bri said, this question snapping her out of her euphoria but only for a moment because she was already back in la-la land a moment later, staring off into space as her whole body seemed to glow. "I'm sorry Liz, he was absolutely amazing!" Bri gushed, unable to hold back how she felt anymore. She would always tell Liz about her sexual escapades before, how was this any different? "The way he touched me, it was like my whole body was on fire! I couldn't stop myself. Even just kissing him is electrifying. Look, I'm sorry Liz, I know he's your son, and he's practically my son too, but fucking him was like a life-changing experience. You have to try it!" Bri suddenly realized what she was saying exactly, "Um, I mean, uh, no. No, you shouldn't try it, but, um," Bri saw by Liz's confused and pained expression that she was only making things worse for her best friend, "Sorry, um, maybe I should just make dinner alone, for now, Liz." After Bri suggested that she turned to chop carrots and Liz walked out of the room.

Liz came back into the living room and announced something, "First off, Jenna?"

Jenna turned her head around on the couch, "What is it?"

Liz got a secret thrill knowing her sister was sitting in where the biggest pile of cum was, "Would it be okay if you took Nathan with you as well?"

Nathan didn't react to this as wherever he went didn't matter to him, just knowing he had to leave before he did any more harm to the rest of his family. Brooke, however, turned to look at her mother with a hurt expression. She had been looking forward to getting Nathan alone once they got to Aunt Andrea's house. She didn't say anything though, knowing she couldn't without raising at least some suspicion among her aunts and cousins.

"Sure, why not?" Jenna said, "The more the merrier." She said this as if she was bored but truthfully Jenna was very excited about this. Jenna wanted to find out what Liz was hiding, and with Nathan, because he lusted after Jenna like a love-sick puppy, she knew he'd be easiest to manipulate and get the information she wanted.

"Good," Liz said, "now, I would like to talk to my children, one at a time before they go." Liz had been thinking about this for a while and first wanted to talk to Brooke first, or Nathan, since she was dreading what they might do or say the most, but now that it had come time to do so, she lost her nerve and decided to talk to whom she dreaded least instead, "Lexi, why don't you come with me first?"

Lexi sighed, expected the worst, and got up to follow her mother out of the room. Lexi noticed as they walked through the foyer and upstairs to Liz's master bedroom that her mother was wearing some very tight jeans that hugged her ass to really show off how tone and shapely it was. Then Lexi caught herself realizing that she was having lesbian thoughts again. She had to admit though, Liz had a very sexy ass.

They came into Liz's bedroom and Liz sat on one side of the point at the foot of the heart-shaped bed and patted the area beside her indicating that Lexi should sit next to her. Lexi did so.

"I'm going to be honest with you," Liz said to her curly-haired, beautiful daughter, "It's only fair before I send you all away."

"Mom you don't have to-" Lexi started to say but Liz held up a hand to stop her from saying more.

"I do, Lexi, and I'm sorry." Liz told her, "If not, I'm going to lose control of my..." Liz sighed, not really wanting to tell her, Lexi and she had always been close and Liz was afraid at how she might judge her if she talked about her Sex Demon, but then she remembered the video and it was like it was already out there, "Fine," said, pretty much to herself, "it's my sexual drive. I've kept it locked up for so long, more than the length of any of your lives. And it seems that she's back with a vengeance, now. And I don't know how to help myself anymore. That's why I have to send you all away if I don't, I'm going to mess up all of your lives just because I'm a horny slut." As Liz said that last part she turned away from her middle daughter, feeling like she was about to cry.

As Liz spoke to her, Lexi thought about what she was saying, and felt she knew why, "This is my fault, isn't it?"

Liz looked back, this confused her enough that her tears immediately dried up, "What do you mean? You didn't do anything."

"No, it is," Lexi said, cringing, "You caught me with Nathan's, um," she thought about censoring herself but then thought, what's the point, "Giant cock in my hands and since then..." She trailed off but knew it really was her fault, and she felt so guilty then she said, "Don't send the others away Mom! I don't want you to punish everyone for something I did! Send me away, it's all my fault!"

This made Liz smile as she thought, that's just like Lexi, trying to keep the peace between everyone. I know this is tearing her up inside but she has to understand, "No Lexi," Liz explained, "This isn't your fault. If It's anyone's fault, it's mine, for hiding this part of myself for so long and giving it too much power, so to speak." She put an arm around Lexi and pulled her daughter into her, comfortingly, "This is just the way things have to be now."

This made Lexi tear up, but she held back on crying, "Are you really sending us away forever?" She asked, "I love our home, I know we're all adults but I never thought you'd make us leave." As she spoke she wrapped her arms around her mother and squeezed her tightly. She couldn't help but notice her head was currently resting above her mother's breasts, and Lexi started to get a little wet as she thought about sucking on them but shook this feeling off as she realized she was having lesbian thoughts again.

Liz ran her hand up and down her daughters back, trying not to think about how sexy and smooth her skin felt, even though it was through her t-shirt Liz could still tell her daughter's body was hard to resist, but she resisted, all the same, she couldn't let herself lose control, not again, she pushed her daughter away from her, both of them thinking that was probably best, "I don't know, sweetheart." Liz said, answering her daughter's question, "I just need some time alone, for now, we can keep in contact via text and I can let you know when I'm okay. Maybe then we'll be able to be a family again." Liz hoped so anyway.

Lexi was disheartened, "I hope you get better soon." She said, she thought about what she saw in the video, what she watched herself do, "If it's any consolation," Lexi said to her mother, "I think I'm the same way."

"What do you mean?" Liz asked.

"That I lose control," Lexi said, "when I'm horny, I mean." She felt silly after she said that second part, it was obvious what she meant.

Liz thought about that, well, we did all kinda lose control last night, she considered, maybe the entire family has a "Sex Demon" like me... but dismissed that thought, convincing herself that everything was her fault again. But she still said a moment later, "Well, if you feel like I do maybe you can understand why I have to do this. My family is more important to me than anything else in this world. If I don't do this, I'll lose all of you."

"I don't understand," Lexi said, feel very depressed again, "But I'll try to, for you, Mom."

Liz smiled and was glad, "Good," she said, "Now give me a hug and kiss goodbye. I know you aren't leaving until after dinner, but let's do it now so you can just leave when it was over." Liz was very determined to get her children out of the house as soon as possible. She was fairly certain she couldn't fend off her libido for long.

Lexi sadly sighed as she leaned over to give her mother a hug. They wrapped their arms around each other in a loving embrace.

Liz noticed right away that their tits started rubbing together and neither was wearing a bra, she knew this because only a second later both sets of nipples hardened and were fencing each other as Lexi pressed her body into her mother's sexy form. Liz felt her pussy get wet as this sexy young woman rubbed against her, and was ready to say stop when Lexi then kissed her on the lips.

It was a loving kiss, that didn't involve first. But after a moment of holding their lips together, Liz's tongue pushed its way into her daughter's mouth just as Lexi pushed her tongue into her mother's. They both started sucking each other's mouth muscles and Liz reached under her daughter's shirt and grabbed one of her tits. Soft, boob flesh filled her hand as she tweaked her nipple and Lexi moaned around her mother's mouth and tongue.

But then they both seemed to realize what they were doing and simultaneously pushed away from each other. Liz turned away from her daughter and said, "Um, that's all I had to say," she was blushing like crazy and was still horny as fuck and needed Lexi to get away from her before she did something about that, like make her redheaded daughter eat her cunt, "I think you should leave and send Erika up if you could."

"Um, right..." Lexi mumbled as she left the room. If Liz was looking at her she'd probably notice that Lexi's face was even redder than her's was.

About a minute later, Erika came into the room. Liz's bedroom was soundproof so Liz didn't even hear her come up the stairs.

"Hey, Mom, what's up?" Erika said, putting on her facade of being a totally innocent young, naive woman so her mother wouldn't realize how much of a selfish bitch she actually was.

Liz was still very horny but felt better when she saw Erika's face. Because Erika was a spitting image of her when she was her age (except even more beautiful) she always felt they thought about things in the same way. She couldn't be more wrong, but she wasn't any wiser about the situation. "Erika, I want to tell you about my sexual side," she started, she had considered leaving Erika in the dark, because she was "innocent" but realized that Erika was doing stuff just as bad as everyone else in that video, so it was best to just come clean.

A few minutes later, Liz had told Erika basically what she told Lexi, " you see," Liz continued, "If I don't send you away I'm going to lose all control again and ruin our family even more than I've already ruined it."

Erika had been sitting quietly and listening. She felt like pointing out to her mother that their family hadn't been having any fun together, that they basically ignored each other most of the time, that this actually brought them together, who cared that it was with sex? But then she remembered what she'd done in the video, how helpless she thought she looked, how she couldn't push her mother in the direction of sex if she wasn't sure that she was the one in control as she did so, but she also didn't want to leave either, "But Mom, do I have to go?" She asked, "I mean, I'm not the one to blame for any of this."

Liz rolled her eyes at her youngest daughter, Just like Erika, totally innocent, but not willing to take the blame for anything. She's almost the opposite of Lexi... That thought was very close to the truth, but Liz brushed it off as a rogue thought that didn't have any place with the others, No Erika is just innocent, she doesn't know any better. She thought before saying, "Maybe you don't get it now, Erika, but you will later in life when you have more experience."

Erika opened her big brown eyes even wider, hoping that the "sad, puppy-dog face" would help. Her eyes were her best feature and she could pull off the depressed animal look very well.

Liz was almost moved but then remembered what she almost did the night before, "I'm sorry, Erika, but no. I can't play favorites, even if it wasn't your fault. I'm sorry. I'll let you know when you can come back. Hopefully, it won't be long." But even as Liz said that she wasn't sure if she'd ever feel ready to have her kids return to her, "Now give me a hug and kiss goodbye."

Erika gave her mother a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, she wasn't happy with Liz but didn't want to do anything that would make her think she was anything but innocent. She figured if she could find a way to manipulate her mother into letting her back home, she'd find some way in the future, at least I'll be sent off with Nathan, Aunt Jenna works all the time, we'll have plenty of time together.

Liz told Erika to send Brooke in after she left and Brooke came a moment later. Liz was less worried about talking to Brooke than Nathan, and after talking to Erika, she was feeling much less horny. She figured after talking to Brooke, she'd be able to talk to her son without any sexual desire at all.

Brooke came in and sat down next to her mother on the bed as her sisters had done. She smiled at her mother, pretending she didn't notice Liz's pained expression on her face. "What's up, Mom?" She said like everything had been completely normal the past few days.

Liz scowled at her eldest daughter. Anger flared up in her at Brooke's being so calm about everything, "What the fuck do you think is up Brooke?" She said, too angry to stop herself from speaking so coarsely with her daughter, "You literally fucked your own mother last night and you can't even act like your ashamed about it!" Then she gasped, unbelieving how straightforward she was being about something so taboo and, blushing, Liz turned away from the blonde beauty beside her.

"Mom," Brooke said, moving closer to her on the bed, hoping to convince her that sending them away was stupid and it'd be more fun to let them stay, a lot more fun, "I just think you're so beautiful, and last night was crazy, but I couldn't help it. Not with a woman as well, to put it bluntly," As she said this took hold of Liz's hand on the bed, Liz returned Brooke's grip, "You are the kindest, sweetest, hottest woman I've ever known. How can I resist such a creature?"

Liz turned her head back to her eldest daughter, but only to tell her why they couldn't do anything, "Brooke, we can't," She said, "You know we can't. I'm your mother." She gripped Brooke's hand tighter as she thought about how to best explain to her why they couldn't do anything, why they should all be sent away, "And I have to make you all leave. I have a secret. A horrible, awful, terrible secret that I've never-"

"What?" Brooke interrupted, "That you have an overactive libido that takes control whenever you're horny?"

Liz gasped as Brooke guessed her terrible secret. "How-how did you know?! Have you been talking to...someone?" She asked wondering for half-a-second if Bri told before realizing that was ridiculous, Bri was her best friend and would keep her secrets. Then again, Liz thought, She was acting like a zombie after fucking Nathan, the thought of watching her son's humongous penis penetrating her best friend's pussy filled her mind and Liz had to suppress the rest of that thought to stay in control of her own body and mind

"Don't worry Mom," Brooke said, "I think I have the same problem...when I'm with you." Brooke knew that was cheesy, but also felt if she could maybe appeal to her mother's out of control libido she would have a better chance of changing her mind about sending her and her siblings away, not while we're still having so much fun. She thought as she put a hand on her mother's sexy neck and pulled her closer to her. Brooke then leaned in and kissed her mother's luscious lips and soon after, they both fell back on the bed as the mother and daughter French kissed on the bed.

Liz knew she should stop her daughter, she had stopped Lexi already, Brooke should stop too. But Brooke was a lot more sexually experienced than Lexi was, and Liz was already far too horny to hold back anymore. As Brooke kissed her, as Liz stuck her tongue in her daughter's mouth, her hands, seemingly on their own, went underneath Brooke's shirt, she wasn't wearing a bra so Liz immediately just started playing with her oldest daughter's big boobs and pinching her nipples.

Brooke moaned into her mother's mouth as her pussy gushed from the stimulation to her sensitive nipples. She did the same to her mother, except she took Liz's shirt off instead, but that made them both stop kissing long enough that both women could take all their clothes off and go right back to making out with each other. Except now both mother and daughter were free to explore each other's beautiful bodies with their hands. Which they did so, one of Liz's hands went right back to one of Brooke's glorious tits while her the fingers of her other hand traced down Brooke's back and wound up gripping Brooke's shapely and firm ass.

Brooke was more straightforward than her mother, she started off teasing her lightly, running her hands up her mother's legs, but realized it wasn't necessary as Liz was even more turned on than she was and immediately moved both her hands to Liz's pussy and with one hand rubbed her labia while she started finger fucking Liz's sopping wet hole with her other hand.