The Farm Lands Pt. 01

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The human Master has chosen his next goat wife.
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The Farm Lands Part 1

My Last Wife

Dream date: 02.04.2024

Finish date: 15.04.2024

Word Count: 4,732


master/servant, dominant man, submissive woman, older man, younger woman, human man, anthro goat woman, furry, monster fucking, teratophilia, non-human, height/size difference, praise, fellatio/blow job, fingering, voyeurism, stretching, straight sex, after care.


The Farm Lands residents were self sufficient folk. They were the horses from Stables, the chickens of Coop and the goats in Barn. Living their lives as best they can under the policing of the dogs. Following the orders of the Master.

The profiles were sent out, and now the dogs had come to collect the goat woman the "Master" had chosen.

Was the Master even real? Was it truly human?

"You." The dog said pointing at her. "You're the one Master has chosen."

Her heart sank. She was chosen. Of course. Chosen amongst dozens. The horses from Stables, the chickens of Coop, but the Master liked goats. He always chose a goat.

There was nothing left to do but fulfil her duties. She brought with her only what she could fit in her suitcase. The dogs were waiting outside to escort her to her new home.

The Farm Lands were vast but she knew it ended somewhere. That's what the dogs were for. To keep folk like her in and apparently, keep everything else out. Only the dogs knew where Master lived. The dogs only obeyed orders from the Master, and they enforced the rest to follow suit.

The walk was silent. She kept her head low as she was surrounded by four of the dogs. A female in front, a kelpie, flicked her tail at her suitcase.

"Up ahead." She said.

She looked up and saw the house. Her legs became weak. The Master was a bed time story. A cautionary tale to keep the kids in check. Be good or the dogs will take you away to be eaten by the Master and your skin turned into a coat. It still could be, just a story. Why was she so afraid of a house?

The group continued and a strange figure was there waiting. It rose from a chair and seemed to keep rising.

She had never seen a human before. She trembled on the spot. Her knees knocking her suitcase. The tails of the dogs in front of her began to wag.

He raised his hand to his mouth and a loud, high pitched whistle pierced her ears. The dogs scattered, leaving her alone with the Master. She had never heard the whistle that loud before. It was always distant. She had no idea it controlled the dogs.

Master's eyes looked her up and down as she continued to tremble.

"I've done not a thing to you," He spoke with a strange, deep voice that reeked with sophistication and authority. "And yet you tremble before me?"

She closed her eyes and kept her head down. She was terrified of the power he had over the dogs.

There was a pounding on the ground, coming closer to her. She opened her eyes and he was within an inch of her.

"Is that how you greet your Master?"

"S-sorry, M-master." Her teeth chattered as she spoke. Eyes still on the ground.

Master's hand swept under her chin, raising her head and holding her beard firmly. She barely came up to his chest.

"You will look at your Master when you speak."

Her eyes widened as his stare paralysed her. Not looking at her but through her, in the depths of her rectangular pupils.

"Y-yes, Master." She replied.

"Good Girl." He said smoothly. The grip on her beard relaxed. "Don't even try taking these off."

Master got down on one knee, retrieving something from his pocket. Some kind of band. It was familiar in some way. His hands sprung forward and she felt it tighten around her neck. She took a step back to no avail as she was already in his grip.

Dropping her suitcase, her hands searched the object. Feeling it at an attempt to identify it. Then she realised: The dogs wear collars.

Master slapped her hands away and took hold of her left one. Another one retrieved from his pocket. He locked it onto her wrist. Were they a match?

He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. Her body went stiff. Master rose, towering over her once more.

"Those are to symbolise your importance." He picked up her suitcase. "Don't be foolish enough to remove them." He lead her to the house, holding her hand.

The stairs creaked with each step and the Master released her hand to open the door.

"The dogs are not allowed inside." He informed her.

The inside was quaint but dim. A little stuffy too. There was a sitting area up front with a dining table to the side and kitchen at the end of the room.

"I have an errand for you." He said, walking forward and placing her suitcase on the dining table.

He picked up a piece of paper and handed it to her. She read it, puzzled.

"Head back to Barn. I should like this book."


He brought her here just to get her to go back? For a book?

"I have this book at home, Master."

"Excellent. Be a Good Girl and retrieve it."

That rubbed her the wrong way. Good GIRL. She wasn't a child.

"One more thing." Master met her at eye level. "That is not your home. This is. Here, with me." His hand reached out and caressed her ear. "Retrieve the book and return home, like a Good Little Girl."

Appearing again after only a few hours, she was bombarded with questions from everyone in Barn. All asking about Master. If he was really alive. If the rumours were true and he was in fact human. Why did he send her back collared like the dogs?

All she could answer was that he was alive and indeed human. The collar and bracelet were a mystery to her.

She returned to where she once called home and found her book. Before leaving she looked at herself in the mirror, comparing the bracelet and collar. They did indeed match.

Black leather with brown thread on the edges. Gold buckle and D-ring that looked well shiny. The bracelet was looser around her wrist. Allowed her to rotate her hand freely. The collar was a little tight. Not so much that it was difficult to breathe but it dug into her neck and she felt restricted.

She dared not adjust.

When she returned, home, Master was not out the front like before. She knocked on the door frame before letting herself in.

"Strange to be knocking upon entering one's own home." Master said looming over the table.

Having so far only spent five minutes in his presence, she still found herself shook to the core with how tall he was. Almost as tall as a horse. She scraped her feet on the entry mat to hide her trembles.

"I have the book, Master." She said shyly, looking up to him at the last moment so he wouldn't grab her beard again.

"...Good Girl." He said, collecting it from her. "I have some reading to do. You have lunch to eat." His hand nonchalantly gestured to the table with a sandwich, a tea cup and a teapot with steam coming out of the spout.

"Find me when you're finished." He walked away.

She could not deny how filling the sandwich and how delicious the tea was. She cleared the table and let the dishes dry on the rack. She searched for where Master disappeared to.

She found a sun room. Hanging plants all around and Master dozing in a hammock with glasses on his nose and the book opened flat on his chest. His snoring quiet.

She didn't know if she'd get another chance, so she studied him in his slumber.

Humans were so odd.

There was white hair around his mouth and on his head. And that was about it! His neck was bare, she couldn't see under his clothes and his hands were all skin and practically hairless.

His nails were bizarre. Blunt and thin. They only sat on the top side of his fingers. She looked at her own. Her perfectly normal hands with nails encompassing the ends of her fingertips.

Humans were strange.

She removed the glasses and picked up the book. She searched to make sure her book mark was still in place; it was. She found something to use as Master's book mark and set the book and glasses down on the cabinet nearby.

What was she to do now? He said to, "find him when she's finished." Well, he was asleep. Now what?

The sun shone in his eyes. It could not be ignored. He stretched in the hammock and rubbed his hands on his face. Then frantically looked for his book and glasses. He got up and found them on the nearby cabinet.

She put them aside for him. She was lovelier in person.

The dogs had delivered to him profiles of all the available women of Barn, Stables and Coop. Of course he only ever looked at the ladies of Barn. Goats were simply prettier to him. The black and white photo did not do her justice. How his heart leapt to see her beautiful ginger hair upon arrival. Her beard was soft and well groomed. He missed having the tap of hooves throughout the house.

Speaking of which, he heard the echoes of her puttering around. What was she up to?

When he arrived in the front room, he was practically blinded. The curtains were drawn open; the sunset flooding the room. The breeze from the open windows was lively in his home. Bringing fresh air back into his lungs.

He found her with a cloth dusting the knick-knacks. She looked over her shoulder at him and froze. He saw movement under her layers of clothes where her tail must be having a little wag.

He began to wag at how adorable she was. But it was not a tail.

"...What a Good Little Girl you are." His words shook with restraint.

Master's feet thundered towards her and he grabbed her with force. She didn't understand. Did she do something wrong? He just called her a Good Girl.

She winced under his grip and was pulled into his body. His large body that exerted heat. Feeling all consumed by him she realised she had no idea the power of humans. Humans that command dogs with a whistle.

Master's hands rubbed her against him. Along her back, her ears, her horns. All while pressing his body into hers. Groaning deeply against her, causing her to tremble. And that only made him groan more.

"What a beautiful Girl you are. The prettiest in all Barn. In all the Farm Lands."

His large hand trailed down her back and found her tail beneath her layers. Stroking it up and down. Going so far down, Master's hand dipped between her legs. She made a soft bleat as his hand continued further.

"Yes, Good Girl. That's it. Let me hear you."

She was being squished front and back. Master's hand pulsing, forcing bleats of pleasure from her and his human cock, throbbing and grinding on her chest.

"Take it out." He said. "Have you seen a human cock before? Tasted one? Undo my belt like a Good Little Girl."

Master allowed her space to move. His hands gripped around her horns. Stroking his thumbs up and down them.

Surely he would force her on him either way. She didn't want him to command the dogs to hurt her. She didn't want him to hurt her. She did as she was told.

Master hummed his approval when she brought his cock out. Her little fingers stroked him. Spreading the pre-cum.

He dipped her head forward. Her nose hitting the tip. Her breath rolled over his head and her wet tongue licked the smooth underside of his cock.

Her lips wrapped around his knob. She tasted more of his pre-cum as she continued to excite him.

Feeling the ridge pass her lips and the taste of Master made her shudder. She was getting hot thinking about how he had rubbed her just now. Calling her the prettiest in the Farm Lands.

She tried sucking more. To swallow his human cock as far back into her mouth as she could, but she couldn't.

When she opened her mouth more, the collar became tight around her neck, constricting her airways. To make up for not going as far, her hands pumped up and down his shaft. He had a strange kind of skin on it but now was not the time to question the Master about human anatomy.

"Put more in, Girl."

She gasped. Removing her lips and looking up at him. Concerned by his sternness.

"...I can't."

"Why not?" He gripped her horns tighter.

"I can't open my mouth wide enough. The collar, it's too tight."

"What?" Master released her horns and dropped down with worry in his eyes. "One or two more spacings?"

He adjusted the fit. Sticking a finger between the collar and her neck, making sure there was space this time.

She tested it by opening her jaw, taking in a deep breath and stretched out her neck. It was better. It was snug now, not tight.

"Was the bracelet okay?"

"The bracelet is fine."

"Why is he acting so concerned?" She thought.

"I'm sorry. I should have checked with you. Good Girl for letting me know."

Master's hands were gentle as they brought her head forward onto his lips. He rubbed the base of her ears as his tongue massaged hers. Her lips so soft, perfect for kissing. Also perfect for his cock.

He withdrew and stood. Hands returning to her horns, pressing his leaking member on her, dampening her clothes.

She opened her mouth wide and sucked further down Master's cock.

"Oh, Good Girl." He moaned, eyes rolling back. "Very Good Girl."

She was trying, she was trying so hard to please her Master. She let him hold her horns, pulling her on and off his human cock. She licked and sucked his large member. Not only was it longer, it was so much thicker than a goat.

Master's hips gave little thrusts as she went down. He couldn't keep still under her. She thought about how his cock would feel instead of his hand. How it would slide, if it could slide inside her. She was dripping and trembling thinking about the Master forcing it between her legs.

"That's enough!" The Master pulled her off his cock for the last time. "Be a Good Girl and take your clothes off."

She unbuttoned, removing her layers all while Master pumped his cock in front of her face.

"Look up at me."

Those eyes, that tiny body. The last of her clothes falling off her shoulders. He could cum on her now but he didn't want to. He had to be inside. He had to consummate the marriage, after all.

Master brought her to the lounge and sat down. He pulled her into his lap by her tail. Spreading her legs over him. His cock poking through, lubricated in her mess.

He pulled her tail again, and stroked his cock against her tummy.

"Does Master's cock make you wet, Little Girl?" He asks nestled in her neck. "I had to fight back and ignore the urge to fuck you on the spot. You're such a Bad Girl, you made that so difficult. Waltzing up here with your beautiful eyes, your cute little horns, your soft ears!"

Her head is tilted as Master had her ear in his mouth. His saliva making her ear go damp. Her fingers clenched into the lounge to keep her balanced. She was being pulled and groped everywhere. The Master was all consuming.

A bleat of pleasure erupt from her and she looked between her legs for the cause. His fingers were inside her. Master's strange nail-less, fur-less fingers glistened in her juices.

Her hips roll into his fingers.

"Good Little Girl." Master's kisses on her neck were desperate. His fingers swirled around inside her. His next words a lustful growl. "I need you so much!"

She became lost to the Master's words and touch. The way Master threw her where he wanted was a kind of power she didn't realise she liked. For him to say he had to hold himself back upon seeing her...

She sat eyes closed and legs spread over the Master in blissful submission. Warmth spread throughout her body. Those fingers, were too good.

Over their panting breaths, there was a clicking she could hear not too far away. Upon opening her eyes, she was shocked to find two dogs watching them on the other side of the screen door.

She squirmed to get away and not be looked at but Master was having none of it. He plunged his fingers in deeper and wrapped his massive arm around her body in a tight embrace.

"Don't mind them, Little Girl. All they can do is watch. I told you, they're not allowed in the house, remember?"

That didn't make her feel any better. Forcing her to be seen like this by the dogs made her remember she hated him calling her Girl.

She struggled under Master's grip looking fearful at the dogs. One of them she recognised. The lead female kelpie that escorted her here. The other, just some border collie. Oh no, was he?

The collie sat up stroking a thick pink shaft. Huffing in her direction.

"He wants you but he can't have you." Master purred in her ear. "Because he knows you're mine. The rest of the folk in Barn, Stables, Coop. They'll know you're mine because of the collar." His finger linked in the D-ring, giving it a tug. "The dogs know you're above them because of the bracelet. That bracelet means if anyone tries to touch you, I won't hesitate to skin and eat them."

She felt hollow beneath her ribs. A horror-struck tremble vibrated throughout her body, having learned another of Master's legends to be true: He did eat the folk.

That it wasn't just for dog food that they picked the folk off every now and again. She was always disgustingly relieved when word had gotten round that they made an attack on Stables. It meant for her and the rest in Barn, they would be safe for a little longer as the horses were a bigger feed. She pitied those of Coop. They always took so many of them.

And the Master must have been having his share too. What was she to do being wet in the arms of a monster like that?

"Hold me." The Master's hips bucked into her. "I want your hooves around my cock."

Her eyes darted back and forth between the dogs at the door and the monster's cock. She remained motionless.

He tugged at her collar.

"Are you disobeying your Master's orders, Girl?"

The dogs shuffle and scratch the floorboards as they move over each other. The kelpie, whimpering beneath the border collie as he began to mount her. Master watched them. Fucking each other in front of him with no respect.

"GET AWAY, YOU ROTTEN MONGRELS!" The Master's roar scared the dogs and terrified her in his lap.

Mounting each other had him furious. Letting them watch, drooling over him and his Little Girl was one thing. But fucking before he claimed her was something entirely different!

"There, they're gone now." The Master slapped his cock against her hole. "If you're going to tremble, do so in bliss from me inside, Little Girl. Slip me in."


She snapped her head down and looked at Master's leaking cock. There's no way she was getting that in.

"I can't... you won't fit. You're too big."

"You'll stretch." He said, slapping it against her more. "Put me in like a Good Little Girl. Please your Master. No! Please your Husband. Do not deny a husband's right to his wife. And you are my wife now, Little Girl."

Husband? Wife? What did those words mean?

His slapping cock became an annoyance to her. And that was the last Little Girl she could stomach.

"I'm not a Girl!" She spat. Pushing away the hand on her collar. "I'm not a kid!"

Master stopped his slapping cock in surprise of her defiance. Yes, he will let her tell him off.

He rocked her in his arms and rubbed himself gently on her. Lathering her wet over his shaft.

"Put me in, Wife." He cooed with a kiss on her back. "Let me stretch you. Make you writhe in pleasure."

His fingers dipped inside once again. She tried to muffle her moan but not enough to make it silent.

"I haven't even begun to show you what I'm capable of. How weak you make me." His teeth were blunt and careful as they nibbled her ear. "Here..."

Master rotated her around so that she were looking at him.

"Control how much you want me. Ease me in as much as you can." He sat her onto his throbbing member. Sliding her up and down. Stealing as much lubrication and prepping himself as much as he could for her.

The Master was too much. She was terrified and excited to feel what else he could do to her. But how was it going to fit?

"I don't know... how it can fit."

With one hand on her bottom, Master raised her up, lining the head at her wet hole.