The Finsub Brewing

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A new relationship is on the menu.
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Disclaimer: Enjoy the story below, it is not one that focuses on arousal or sexual tension, but rather a new connection forming.


Mark is a rather a busy businessman in his mid-30s, He frequents a local coffee shop to unwind and conduct his business on his various devices before going into his actual office. This time allows him to get caught up on any updates or business items that may require his full attention before people start coming to his office. Recently while trying to keep to his new commitments, he started to frequent a local mom and pop coffee shop, in place of his usual big box store.

Shortly after 9am a mystery woman he'd noticed over the past weeks walked in. Melissa's mornings were never complete without a visit to her favorite coffee shop. The cozy atmosphere, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, and the friendly baristas made it her sanctuary. With her trusty frappuccino in hand, she would settle into a corner booth, where she could observe the world around her and indulge in her digital world. Her eyes were mostly on her tablet, but occasionally she would glance up time to time to see if anyone had peaked her interest. Based on her stylish business attire and air of confidence, Mark guessed she was some type of executive like him. She carried herself with poise and purpose as she typed away. Her body language was open and approachable, yet she clearly radiated authority. He found that at times he was rather distracted in seeing what others were doing in there, and even trying to guess what they did with their lives.

Mark ran a successful company, but he was actually introverted by nature. He admired the woman's mix of warmth and strength, though he felt he would never strike up a real-life conversation with her. Approaching attractive strangers was something that was outside his comfort zone, the only reason he was able to accomplish as much as he had in his business was due to faking it. He could talk business to anyone all day long, but when it came to personal relationships, he was unable to really maintain any. Mark had never been one to really date, and even his friendships were difficult to manage as he didn't seem to be able to actually devote time to them.

As time went on, he noticed more about the regulars in the shop, and thought it was rather odd that he never saw this woman talking to anyone. Once he thought he saw someone go over to her table, but they left so quickly he wasn't sure if they actually did or not. She would nod to a few that would greet her, but as far as bringing in business partners of hers, or even friends, it never seemed to happen. Mark became more curious, as even the most reclusive people there had friends join them once in a while. Though he was an introvert, he enjoyed games, and he thought it would be a fun game to see if he could actually get her to talk to him. Maybe part of him wanted her as a friend, but there was something about her that pulled him in and he couldn't understand it.

He timed himself perfect the next day, to get there at the same time as her. She stood in line and he queued up behind her and patiently waited for her to order. She had her phone in her hand and she was flicking through a few screens. Most of her business he had noticed was done on her tablet but it seems she was quite well at doing it on her phone too. After she ordered, she went to pay for it, but Mark quickly spoke, asking her to allow him to purchase her drink that day. She tipped her head to him as she smiled warmly, thanking him for his kindness. She didn't say anything else to him but she went and sat down in her usual spot. Something told him that he wasn't invited to sit with her, so he simply ordered his drink and paid for both before he went to his spot to do his work. He heard the names Mark and Melissa get called out at the same time... Ah, so her name is Melissa...

Mark got up quickly and grabbed both drinks, he took Melissa's over to her and placed it down on her table. His eyes glanced briefly at her screen as he sat her drink down, he saw the name of the site, and how it said her name across the top. He was amazing when it came to attention to detail and he made quick work of noting the page to memory so he could find it later. Melissa noticed his eyes glancing, but she also noticed that they did not linger on her device. She thanked him for bringing over her drink, before going back to her work.

Mark decided this digital realm was the way to get to know Melissa, he was quite good with technology and it seemed as if it was the only logical thing to do. He went over to his usual table and typed in the website information onto his computer so he could get a better look at it. He was quite confused as it listed various gifts with different dollar amounts. Being someone that has spent a lot of time online, he seemed confused as to why there was a website for gifts. It wasn't a donation website that he had seen, nor one that had anything for sale, it also didn't appear to be a crowdfund for anything. Mark looked around and for the life of him, he couldn't even see any information about how to contact Melissa. It was solely an anonymous place for gifting.

Sipping away at his coffee, he couldn't help but wonder just what it was he was actually looking at. As his curiosity grew he went and did what most people do... He typed in looking for a review using a popular site that people share information on, to see what they had to say about it. Before he knew it, he had quite a few terms coming up on his screen about just what it is. Findom? Finsub? Pay piggies? Paygasms? The terms were on his screen in various ways, in multiple post, and he found himself quite intrigued.

As Mark delved deeper into the mysterious world of anonymous gifting and Findoms, he found himself increasingly curious about Melissa's involvement in this type of lifestyle. His research on the websites he had seen earlier led him to read about the personas most Findoms have and the baffling concept of payers willingly giving away their money without apparent reciprocity.

Determined to make a connection with Melissa, Mark found himself at the coffee shop earlier than usual the next day. Though he couldn't wait for her to arrive before ordering, he didn't let the opportunity slip away to still purchase her drink. As Melissa's familiar car pulled in, he quickly navigated to her website and decided to gift her a coffee, leaving a simple message saying it was from the man at the coffee shop. Surprisingly, an odd feeling of satisfaction washed over him as he finalized the gift.

When Melissa entered the coffee shop her phone had dinged to get her attention, she noticed Mark's gift among the messages on her wishtender. A smile crept onto her face, realizing that Mark must have seen something on her screen during their previous encounter. When her drink was ready, he quickly got up, as Mark approached with her coffee, she acknowledged him with a smile and a nod of appreciation. Though Mark felt curious about her reaction, he didn't push for conversation, returning to his own table to attend to his busy morning.

A short while later, Richard, Mark's business partner, arrived at the coffee shop for a meeting before they headed to the actual office. With it being his first time in the coffee shop, he looked around to get a good look at what it had to offer and to see how busy it was. Richard was unaware of Melissa's presence until he saw her in the shop, sitting at her table in the corner. His eyes went wide, his hand reached to his pocket to ensure his wallet was there.

Richard knew the rules.

After Richard and Mark sat down together, Richard excused himself so that he could get a drink, he went and ordered one, then went over to Melissa's table. Mark watched intently, unable to hear their conversation but intrigued by what transpired. He saw Richard open his wallet and hand over a considerable amount of cash. While he couldn't discern the exact sum, though he knew that his friend typically carried a few hundred dollars in cash at any given time.

Richard seemed eager to go to Melissa rather swiftly upon seeing her. At first, Mark thought that he might sit down with her, but the exchange happened swiftly, and his friend quickly went to get his drink. As Richard returned to their table with a delighted smile, Mark tried to remain composed, not letting on that he had witnessed the interaction. Though questions swirled in his mind, he chose to respect his friend's privacy for the time being.

As the two businessmen went about their meeting, discussing important details for their upcoming business ventures, Mark couldn't help but wonder about the world he had stumbled upon. His encounter with Melissa had opened the door to a realm of intrigue and complexity, and he sensed that his journey into this enigmatic world was only just beginning. He resolved to learn more and explore where this path might lead him, even as he navigated the challenges and intricacies of his own busy life.

The next day, Mark found himself once again at the familiar coffee shop, with a sense of anticipation. He arrived early, as he had been doing lately, and decided to take a chance once more. Before Melissa even entered the shop, he logged onto his laptop and gifted her coffee online, leaving a friendly message along with his name. He couldn't help but wonder if this digital gesture would elicit any response from her.

Shortly after, Melissa walked in, looking as poised and confident as ever. Mark was pleased to see her smile when she received the notification of his gifted coffee. However, he couldn't shake the curiosity of the previous day's encounter with Richard. As if on cue, Richard arrived and went through the same interaction, he went to Melissa first on his way in. Their interaction was short, and Mark noticed that this time, Richard seemed to have even more cash in hand. Richard went to order his drink before going to join Mark at their table so they can have their meeting.

Once Melissa had settled at her table, Mark and Richard returned to their own spot. Mark wanted to understand the dynamics of these interactions better, so he pulled up the website on his screen, the same one where he had gifted Melissa's coffee. He wasn't sure how to talk to his friend about what he had seen twice now, but he had an idea and pulled up the wishtender site, he showed it to Richard, letting the digital image do the talking.

Richard's face softened with a mix of understanding and relief. He knew that Mark was trying to comprehend the situation, and he felt the responsibility to enlighten his friend about the intricacies of this world. He explained that the payments, known as "tributes," were a way for people like Melissa, known as Findoms, to receive financial gifts from admirers and submissives. These tributes were a sign of admiration, devotion, or simply a way to express support and appreciation for her presence in their lives.

It's a form of consensual power exchange, Richard explained to him, where some individuals derive pleasure from providing financial gifts to Findoms, like Melissa. In return, they find satisfaction in knowing they are contributing to her well-being and happiness, even without expecting anything material in return. He went into further details about it to Mark, trying to get his friend to understand.

Mark listened intently, trying to absorb the information. He was still processing the complexities of this unusual world, but he appreciated Richard's willingness to share his knowledge and help him understand. Maybe this was the feeling he had when he had gifted her the coffees over the last couple days. It gave him a sense of satisfaction that he hadn't had before from other experiences.

As the days went on, Mark found himself becoming more immersed in this intriguing realm of anonymous gifting and the dynamic between Findoms and their admirers. He continued to see Melissa at the coffee shop regularly, sometimes exchanging brief nods and smiles, and occasionally gifting her coffee online. He admired her for embracing her identity and the power she wielded, all the while remaining an enigmatic presence.

Over time, as Mark delved deeper into this world, he found himself forming a genuine admiration for Melissa and the uniqueness of her relationships with her admirers. He learned that this was not merely about money; it was about connection, trust, and the exchange of emotions in a realm where traditional boundaries didn't apply.

Though still somewhat outside his comfort zone, Mark began to appreciate the power of genuine connections and the value of expressing admiration and appreciation in different ways. In this unexpected journey, he discovered that understanding and acceptance could bridge gaps, even between seemingly disparate worlds, and that every individual had their own path to navigate in pursuit of happiness and fulfillment. And so, with an open mind and heart, Mark continued his encounters with Melissa at the coffee shop, embracing the lessons this unique connection brought into his life.

As Mark's fascination with the world of gifting and the enigmatic Melissa deepened, he found himself drawn further into the web of connections and emotions that swirled around her. It became a part of his daily routine to visit the coffee shop, gifting her coffee in the mornings as a gentle gesture of admiration and support. But as time passed, his feelings for Melissa began to evolve beyond mere curiosity or intrigue.

In the evenings, as he sat at home, Mark couldn't help but think about Melissa and wonder what she might be doing. He began to send her small gifts through the website, knowing that she would likely see them before going to bed. At first, the gifts were modest, just tokens of his appreciation, but as days turned into weeks, he found himself becoming more generous, his admiration for her growing deeper with each passing day.

Yet, through all these gestures, Mark kept a respectful distance, never expecting anything in return though he was starting to crave it. He understood the nature of this realm, and he knew that Melissa's interactions with her admirers were part of a delicate balance, a dance of trust, understanding and worth.

As Mark continued his daily visits to the coffee shop, he noticed that Melissa's routine remained unchanged. She would arrive, carry herself with grace and authority, and focus on her work as if she were the center of a powerful and captivating storm. Her presence commanded attention, but she also exuded a certain sense of compassion, an intriguing combination that kept Mark both intrigued and mesmerized.

One day, Richard joined Mark at the coffee shop again. As they both approached Melissa's table, they seemed to be guided by an unspoken understanding. Without exchanging words, they opened their wallets, as if in silent communication, and handed her their offerings of admiration. Mark hadn't been invited to do so, but he felt an undeniable pull to follow his heart, to express the growing depth of his feelings for this Goddess figure before him.

In that moment, Mark realized that this wasn't just about gifts or money. It was about acknowledging the connection he had forged with Melissa, an unspoken bond that transcended societal norms and conventional expectations. It was an acknowledgment of her power and influence over his thoughts and emotions, a testament to the impact she had on his life.

As he handed over the gift, their eyes briefly met, and for a fleeting moment, it seemed as though there was a mutual understanding between them. Though no words were exchanged, there was a sense of connection, a shared acknowledgment of their unique relationship in this mysterious world. When he went back to the table, he had realized that he forgot to also purchase her coffee. He sent the digital gift to her, with a message stating it was from him. This time, he was shocked to see that he had a response from her, a reply came across, with her contact information and an invitation for him to contact her directly.

From that day forward, Mark continued his daily routine of visiting the coffee shop, connecting with Melissa in this unorthodox yet meaningful way. After this had continued, she actually had invited him to sit with her a couple of times, giving him quite bit of her full attention as she learned more about him. Their conversations grew not just from those exchanges, but even through messaging late into the evenings. Mark was realistic, he knew that his Goddess had other finsubs, but the attention that she was giving him was so personalized just to him. He realized that these gifts were not about impressing or gaining favor; they were a genuine expression of his respect and admiration for her. The appreciation he received in return was not in material form but in the knowledge that he had made a positive impact for his Goddess, and the feeling of release when he gifted her.

As he navigated this unconventional realm, Mark found himself embracing the complexities of human connections and the significance of vulnerability and authenticity. Through his interactions with Melissa and the other admirers in this world, he learned that sometimes the most profound connections were found in the spaces where traditional boundaries blurred and new perspectives emerged.

In this journey, Mark discovered more than just a fascinating world of anonymous gifting; he found a deeper understanding of himself and the beauty of embracing the unknown. He had embarked on an exploration of the human spirit, where admiration and respect took shape in unexpected ways, and where vulnerability and strength coexisted in harmony. And in the presence of Melissa, a figure who embodied both power and grace, Mark had discovered a connection that transcended the ordinary, leaving an indelible mark on him.

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Paypig666Paypig6669 months ago

Once Mark felt the rush of paying Goddess he became a paypig. Goddess knows your weakness and need to submit. It is so hot to read about another entering Goddess’s blissful web.

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