The Five Week Plan


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"Oh, there you are sleepyhead. Pour us some coffee while I finish making these pancakes."

"So we're having breakfast before sex this morning, huh."

"Yeah. Giving me enough oral sex to satisfy me can last a while and I want to make sure you have enough energy to finish the job. I hate to be left hanging."

She slid the pancakes onto plates and put them on the table.

David looked at them and made a remark about her cooking.

"What's the matter with my cooking?"

"Well, pancakes are usually round, but these look more like... a big penis and a swollen pussy. I take back my comment. You are a very creative cook."

"Foreplay doesn't have to start in bed. The sooner you start dropping hints about what you're hoping for the more receptive she will be in bed."

"I'll have to remember that. Maybe I should start a diary of what I'm learning from you."

"No need. By the time we're done you will be able to make love in your sleep."

"Now that would be interesting."

He remembered his thoughts from the night before and thought maybe he could find out where Maggie was on the relationship thing.

"You know Maggie, I've been thinking about what I'll do with these skills you taught me. I'll know the fundamentals about how to please a woman but where will I use them? Should I go out and pickup women for dinner and sex? I don't even remember how to approach a woman for a date."

Maggie looked down at her food and cleared her throat. After she got her emotions together she said, "By the time we're finished with the program next week I hope you will have that figured out." Damn, men are so stupid. He hasn't picked up on a single hint and I've been dropping them like breadcrumbs. The latest ones are so obvious I don't see how he could miss them.

"Are those tears in your eyes? Are you crying?" David asked.

"No, I got some pancake flour in my eyes," she said as she threw her napkin on the table and hurried upstairs.

David didn't know what he was supposed to do. Should he go up to the bedroom and strip down for action or wait for her to call for him.

After a few minutes in the bathroom Maggie got her tears under control and arranged herself at the end of the bed.

"Hey David, where are you? I thought you would be here in the bed with your tongue hanging out."

Still not certain what her mood was David climbed the stairs slowly. As he entered the bedroom and saw her waiting for him with her robe flung open to display her full nakedness.

"Get a move on. I'm getting horny here." David laid down on the bed and crawled toward her pleasure center as she drew her legs up to let him in close. He stretched his neck out to lick her pussy but she held up a hand.

"Run your finger through my slit. Do you feel any moisture?"


"That means I'm not ready yet. You have to slowly work your way towards my pussy. You start with kissing my mouth. As some passion builds you flick your tongue into my mouth. If I'm feeling it I'll let my tongue enter your mouth, then we begin tongue fencing."

"I don't know how to do that."

"Trust me, once we get to that stage you won't have to think about it. It will all come naturally."

"What next?"

"After several minutes of passionate kissing you start kissing your way down my neck. Stop and enjoy a nipple or two along the way, then continue down my belly until your tongue feels the beginning of my fur patch. This is a good place to stop smell the roses, so to speak because if you have done your job my scent should be working its way into the hair patch by now."

"So is this when I lick your clit?"

"Nope. You approach my pussy stealthily, just like you did with the vibrator. You kiss your way around it. Maybe kiss my inner thighs down to my knees and back. While you're doing that gently run your finger through my slit. Then do the same thing with your tongue. But stay away from the clit at this point. Don't go there until she begs you to.

"The last stop before we fuck is my clit. Use your tongue to circle it, making the circles smaller and smaller until you feel the little penis. It will be fully erect by that time so you can suck it into your mouth and flick it with your tongue. But always remember be gentle with the clit, until..."

"Until what?"

"Until I grab your head and push it into my pussy. That's when I'm close to my first orgasm. Stay with it until it's over, then look at me and say "More?" I will usually say yes unless I'm desperate to fuck, then by all means accommodate me. Got that?"

David nodded yes.

"O.K., then give it a try. Right now I'm already hot and wet from talking about it so you can go directly to your tongue in my pussy part. Tomorrow we'll take it from the top."

David followed her instructions while she interrupted now and then to give him some pointers, until she got so close to her climax that she couldn't speak coherently. As it hit she grabbed David by the ears and pushed his face into her pussy, wanting more contact. When she started bucking Davis thought she was going to knock some teeth loose but she wouldn't let go of his head. When her orgasm was almost finished she ground her clit against his lips, wanting to capture as much pleasure as she could.

Afterwards they both laid side by side on the bed until they got their breath back. Then David rolled over to face her.

"How was I," he asked.

"That was good but your technique needs some work. We'll practice that for the rest of the week."

By Saturday's session he had gotten good enough that he brought her to three climaxes before she signaled she had enough.

Week Five

David was looking forward to the final week of the program wondering what special tricks Maggie planned to teach him. But he was also sad because he didn't want these pleasurable days with Maggie to end. Maybe she could give him a refresher course now and then.

"Do I need to get naked too?"

"Not for this exercise. Today is all about MY pleasure. I'm going to show you a new way to pleasure me. Do you know what a G-spot is?"

"I don't know. Maybe a single $1,000 bill?"

"No, silly. It's another super-sensitive spot on a woman's pussy."

"Where is it? I don't remember you pointing it out when you gave me your anatomy lesson."

"That's because it's hidden. I could let you go hunting for it which would feel great but that would take too long. Kneel beside me on the bed and give me your hand. Now close your fist, then extend your index and middle fingers." She held hers up to demonstrate, then showed him what to do next as she slowly pushed them into her vagina.

"I'm supposed to do that?"

"If you want to give the woman maximum pleasure in foreplay this is what's required."

She withdrew her fingers and smiled at him.

"Now it's your turn. Give me your hand."

She touched his fingertips to her vagina entrance and slowly pushed them in. She let them stay still, then she slowly pulled them out and pushed them back in.

"Oh god that's good. Now you do it a few more times on your own. That's right, like that. Ahhhhh."

After several trips in and out she held his hand still.

"Fucking her with your fingers is a great part of foreplay for most woman, but it's not really what I want to show you today. Turn your fingers to the front and bend your knuckles a little. Do you feel that roughness of the vaginal wall against your fingertips?"

"Yes! Yes, I feel it."

"That's my G-spot. Now if you will flex your fingers, like you are motioning for your dog to come to you.... Yes that's it. Keep it up, don't stop. Sometimes I can climax with only this. Oh god, that feels so good., David. I wish you could do that forever. Mmmmm.

After several minutes she grabbed his wrist. "Stop for a minute. I want you to add something to it."


"Do you see where your thumb is?"

"Yeah, it's right above you clit."

"Does that give you any ideas?"

"No, not really." Then he smiled. "I know. I can use my thumb to rub your clit at the same time I'm doing your G-spot."

"Bingo! You win the prize."

"What's the prize?"

"Well, if you keep it up your will see the strongest orgasm you have ever seen me have."

His eyes grew big. "You mean you will let me do that?"

"If you don't I'll scratch your eyes out."

David resumed his double-barreled stimulation. "How does that feel?"

"Heavenly," Maggie replied. "Keep going."

It only took a few more minutes for Maggie to scream out her orgasm. He started to pull his fingers out.

"No, David. Don't quit now. Please. This is the most intense pleasure I have ever felt."

He continued until her eyes rolled back up into her head, and then he panicked again.

Oh my god she passed out again. I'm sure I've done something bad this time.

He hugged her to his body and talked to her through his tears.

"Maggie, wake up. Oh please wake up. I love you and I don't want to lose you."

As she regained control of her mind she thought she heard him say something - something special. She shook her head to clear it, but that drove the thought out of her mind.

Was I dreaming or did he just say he loved me? I think I was just returning to reality, but he would never say that. I know he wants to use what I taught him on other women. He told me so.

She was awake enough to stand, so she pushed him away and started to leave the room but David called out to her.

"Are you O.K.? Maggie? How was your climax?"

She replied "It was nice. We will have to do it again sometime," as she turned and hurried downstairs to start breakfast.

Over breakfast Maggie wouldn't look at David. She kept her eyes looking down at her food. David tried to engage her in conversation a few times but all he got was one-word answers. Finally, in exasperation he slammed his coffee mug down.

"Look at me Maggie." She raised her eyes raised to his chest, but no further. He put his hand under her chin and forced her head up to look at his face.

"What's going on with you? What have I done or said to piss you off.... Come on, speak up."

"You talked about how you will use the skills I'm teaching you to look for other women."

"And why would that make you mad?... Well? Give me an answer."

She answered in a quiet voice and David wasn't certain he heard her correctly.

"Speak up!"

"I said I love you. I have fallen in love with you and the thought of you making love to other women makes me angry."

"How could you fall in love with me? You said at the beginning that you had no sexual feelings for me?"

"I lied. Ever since we started working together I liked you. Then when you told me how Peggy had treated you, had destroyed your confidence in bed, my heart went out to you. But I couldn't tell you because I had to heal you first."

David stepped up to her and took her hands in his. "The truth is that I love you too, Maggie. I was just too afraid of rejection to tell you."

They both hugged each other and laughed. He pulled her lips to his and began a tender, loving kiss. Neither wanted to pull apart, so the kiss became more and more passionate. As Maggie started to feel herself getting wet Davis's erection pushed against her mound. She broke from him, gave his hard cock a playful squeeze, and said "Come on up to the bedroom. We still have a few days to go on the Five Week Plan."

They both got naked and David sat on the bed with his back against the pile of pillows. Maggie pulled a chair up beside him.

"Here's the lesson plan, my love. We have focused on teaching you how to respond, and how use my excitement to boost your own desire. If I left you at this stage you would have no problem ejaculating, but without some control you will come way too quickly to give your lover - that's me - enough stimulation to orgasm while your hard dick is inside me."

"But I can give all the orgasms you want with my mouth and my hands So it won't matter if you come during lovemaking."

"Have I taught you nothing Grasshopper. The final goal of all the kissing and mutual foreplay is for the two lovers - that's you and me - to finish with an orgasm, preferably both at the same time."

"That's impossible, Maggie. You and I will always move toward the finale at different speeds. One of us - usually me - will come first, and when my dick goes limp that's the end, at least until I can get it up again."

"Not if I can teach you some control - or is it cumtrol. There is a simple technique that will let you, or your partner, choose when you will come. By the end of the week we should have you lasting fifteen minutes or more."

"I'll bet you would love that."

"I'm getting wet just thinking about it. So let's begin. The technique is called the stop-start method. The exercise is for one of us to get you to the very edge of coming, then stop and let your peak excitement fade. Then, in a few minutes we begin again and do the same thing - stop just short climax and pause. When you feel back in control again we begin again."

"How many times do we do this?"

"All day if you can last that long. The idea is to get your body conditioned so you won't come as soon as it gets excited enough. We have to reprogram your sexual response."

"O.K. I'm game. How do we start?"

"You just sit there while I give you a hand job. When you feel that you're getting close you have to stop me and I'll let you rest for a couple of minutes. Then I'll start again. The key here is teaching you how to recognize that you are about to come and stop the stimulation until the urge goes away. your conditioned ejaculation response to signal how close you are so we can stop in time.

Maggie put some oil on her hands, warmed it up, and wrapped them around his very large, very stiff cock. As soon as she began the up and down motion on his shaft David moaned.

"I don't know how long I can last Maggie. This is really exciting."

Maggie stopped moving for a bit, then began again. This time he was almost ready to come after the first stroke. She paused again and waited until the stiffness of his cock relaxed a little. Then she began again. She got several strokes in before semen squirted from his penis.

"God, I'm sorry Maggie. I couldn't help it. Something just takes over makes it automatic."

"As a woman I can't relate to that very well but I have read enough to know how strong that reflex is in men. That's the reflex you must learn to control. I'll give you few minutes until you can get hard then I'll start over."

"At the end of the day do I get relief?"

"No. We will begin again tomorrow."

"How long are we going to do this?"

"Several times a day until Saturday."

"What happens then?"

"It's Graduation Day."

"What do you have planned for that?"

"You'll see. It's a surprise. But you will finally be allowed to have an orgasm. Maybe more than one."

"By then my balls will be bursting. Have pity on me."

"No, no release until Saturday."

# # #

As the week went on David got better and better at controlling when he came. Maggie praised him and looked forward to the graduation ceremony.

After breakfast on Thursday Maggie told him that she was going to change the exercise a bit. For the final two days he would give himself the hand jobs, and instead of start and stop he would use fast and slow to keep from coming.

"Why? The start and stop approach is working so well."

"Because your lover - that's me - doesn't want you to come to a full stop. Her excitement level will drop a bit if you do that and it will take longer to get her to orgasm. Besides, she will start cursing at you if you stop. Just keep things moving so the walls of my vagina will have continuous stimulation. So why don't you show me what you got."

David started jacking at a medium speed and was able to get to four and a half minutes before he felt the urge and had to slow down for a bit. After another few cycles of fast and slow he was getting very close to a climax so he had to slow way down. He kept his hand barely moving and after a couple of minutes the urge went away.

"That's good David. Even if you have to slow down to a crawl it will keep me hot so that as soon as you start moving again I'll move ahead of where I was."

They did the exercise for the final time Friday afternoon. David said his testicles were really hurting from being close to orgasm for so many days and he didn't think he could take any more. That night they slept naked in each other's arms.

Graduation Day

David woke up to the smell of bacon, eggs, biscuits, and gravy. He pulled on a pair of boxer shorts and a T shirt and hurried down to the kitchen where he immediately put his arms around Maggie's waist and kissed her on the neck. She was naked except for an apron so David reached up and pinched her nipples. She felt his growing hard-on cradled in the crack of her ass and pushed back with a wiggle of her hips.

"Why the big breakfast, honey?"

"Because you're going to need all the strength you can muster for today's activities, stud."

When they were finished Maggie told him to stay in the kitchen while she straightened up the bedroom. By the time he had the dishes washed he heard her call "O.K. You can come up now."

When he got to the top of the stairs the bedroom door was closed and Maggie stood in the doorway of the bathroom.

"Strip those clothes off buster. We're going to start the day by showering together."

They had no trouble fitting into the oversized shower stall, although when they started playing around they bumped an elbow or two. When they emerged she had two huge towels waiting for them. They dried each other off and hung up the towels, then Maggie took David by the hand and led him to the bedroom. When she opened the door he was amazed. New gold satin sheets were turned down on the bed and it was sprinkled with rose petals.

"Oh my god, Maggie. This is stunning. What's the occasion?"

"You are going to make love to me!"

His eyes got big. "Do you mean it? For real?"

"Nothing but the best for the man I love. The graduation exercise is for you to use everything I taught you to give us a day of pure pleasure."

They made love several times that day, giving each other orgasm after orgasm. David called a restaurant to deliver supper and when they were finished they were worn out so they went to bed and held each other. David thought one more time screwing his lover would be nice but he realized there was no hope in getting his cock to cooperate.

As they were drifting off Maggie said, "Oh David. There's something I need to tell you."

"What's that."

"There is no Five Week Plan. I made it up as I went. I was going to get us in bed together one way or another."


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The author would appreciate your feedback.
kirei8kirei811 months ago

5 stars! Yes, it was a little clinical and long but I'm a sucker for good endings. I see him ticking her to orgasm after she came clean.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Awesome keep writing great story's about love and sex

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I really love the ending commentt no 5 week plan

OOAAOOAA11 months ago

Fantastic story 👍👍👍

Nice, exciting and very well written!!

Congratulations 👏

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc11 months ago

I would have liked more depth on his ex, maybe even her perspective. My life experience has been if they are that jealous they are the ones likely cheating. Other than that, pretty straight forward storyline with solid narrative and dialogue. 4.2*

SouthdownSouthdown11 months ago

Some really great tips here, It's a bit surprising and disappointing sometimes that WOMEN are not always so knowledgeable about their own anatomy and very seldom about men's This was almost valid as a textbook or handbook for men and women. I have had sex with a number of women who knew nothing of the 'G' spot and only wanted clit stimulation. I have an average size penis and have always thought it could be the reason for women not being used to Gspot stimulation but we guys are often our own greatest critic.

kiwianne12kiwianne1211 months ago

He seems a bit inexperienced for someone who was married. But I like how she took him an designed a perfect lover for herself.

Perfect man who dies just what we want in bed. Yeah right!

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