The Flavor of Desire


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So now the ball was rolling, and as she gazed out the window, Lauryn thought of how she'd stretched the truth, telling both Fran and Talia that Andrew had come right out and said it was now an open marriage. He hadn't said that, but he sort of did, and Lauryn hadn't asked for an open marriage but she sort of did, and now the planning for the orgy testing was underway, Megan already booking a suite at a nearby hotel, looking into food and drinks, James and the other men all being notified right now, this morning, and the ball was rolling and Lauryn sat and let herself be blinded a little by the white hot sun glinting off the next-door building's windows.

The work phone on her desk rang. Lauryn answered it. "What is it, Megan? Did you finalize the hotel?"

"Yes, the hotel is all set. I had to take the bridal suite, the regular suites were all booked. I said the bridal would be okay. It's a little kitschy though, with a big round bed and a mirrored ceiling. Sound okay? Oh, it's got something called a peekaboo shower. I asked what it is and she said a wall is made of glass that can be electrically switched between gray and clear, to make the big walk-in shower visible to the rest of the suite if you want it that way. I saw pictures of something like it in an article I read not too long ago. It's the newest thing."

"Wow. Okay. That'll be...interesting. If you see Marley around, tell him I'd like to see him, okay?"

Lauryn hung up, but picked up the phone again and called the lab.

"Lab, James speaking."

"Hi Jamie. Did you get the word? We're all set for tonight. You're certain the new batch of pills will be ready?"

"Tyler and I are filling the capsules now. Double stimulant. They'll be ready."

"Good. Get them to Talia as soon as you can so she can distribute them, so everybody can take one ahead of time. There'll be sixteen of us tonight, I think."

"Sixteen, wow. That's...a full house. All in one room?"

"Yes, a suite. I'm looking at a picture of it right now on the hotel's website. A huge round bed, two soft chairs, a couch, a table and chairs for our food. The bathroom is stunning, wait'll you see it. Oh, and there's even a mirrored ceiling above the bed. Ha ha! How fun is that! Oo la la, right?"

"Wow. That is...something. Lauryn, I don't know how to tell you this, but...I won't be joining you all. I've decided against it."

"Oh no! Jamie, why? Oh, shoot, I'm sorry, it's none of my business, is it. It's entirely inappropriate for me to say this, but...I was so looking forward to seeing you tonight. You more than anyone."

"That's just it, Lauryn. I was looking forward to seeing you, too, and that's just...wrong. Your husband will be there. I'd feel very...uncomfortable with that, I think. I know I would."

"Jamie, he's not coming. I told him everything about what tonight would be. He declined."

"You told him about it. He declined."

"Yes, that's right. It's his prerogative, of course."

"Oh, of course. told him about it? He...declined?'ll still be doing it? With his full knowledge?"

"That's right. Apparently he's a much more modern man than I realized."

"Oh my God. Why would that?"

Lauryn smirked. "What are you saying, Jamie? If you were my husband you wouldn't?"

"Wouldn't what?"

"Wouldn't give me this freedom."

"He's actually doing that? I mean, wow. I can't imagine."

"Can you imagine tonight, Jamie? Me, wishing you were with us? There's mirrors above the bed for God's sake."

"Lauryn, I don't know what to say."

"I do. It's the first product test with real fucking and I'd really like my Principle Scientist to be there. How else will you know what it feels like? Bring your cute science stuff with you, your mechanical pencil and your thermometer. Oh, and, if you decide to come, bring a few fresh tubes of our best lube. I have a feeling a few of us girls might want to try some anal. Just, you know, to test how the stimulant affects that kind of thing."

James fell speechless.

"Jamie? Are you okay, honey?"

"Yes. I'm okay."

Are you considering it, or is your mind already made up?"

"I'm considering it. I feel like I should talk to your husband and...ask his permission."

"Wow. Remember when I told you girls like nice guys? It's really true, I'm delighted with you right now, as usual, but...girls like bad boys, too. Wanna be a bad boy tonight, Jamie? How can I convince you? Oh, I know something. All us girls tonight, we're all wearing really pretty lingerie. You don't want to miss that, do you, Jamie?"

James smiled. "Not gonna give me your husband's phone number, huh?"

Lauryn smiled brightly. "You'll have to trust me, Jamie. Do you trust me?"

"God help me, I do."

"Good. Megan and I will be checking in at five. The rest of you are expected at five-thirty. We're bringing our own bar supplies, and nice sandwiches and snacks for everyone. Kiss me when you get there, okay, Jamie? Some of the other girls will have their husbands and I'll feel lonely."

James smiled, hung up the phone, could hardly believe any of what he'd just heard.

Marley knocked at Lauryn's office door. "Megan said you wanted me?"

"Oh, hi, Marley. Come on in." Up from her desk she greeted him near the door, shutting it after he'd entered. "Have a seat."

Lauryn joined him on the couch sitting closer to him than he'd expected. She pulled up her skirt, her nude pussy there, no panties in sight. "Another test, if you've got a few minutes. We'll all be taking the new double-strength pill this evening, so...I was curious how the flavor is lingering from yesterday's single strength one. You have one of the best tongues for tasting, so...I'll write down what you find and add it to our notes."

Marley smiled. "Just...taste it real good? Right now?"

"Yes, please. Taste it...real good."

Laying herself down on the couch, one leg up and one foot on the floor, with her impeccably Brazilian-groomed pussy spread wide, Lauryn moaned so softly when Marley's mouth was there, his warm lips and tongue insistent on her wet flavor, her fingers gently fondling his big, masculine head. She came so easily, and then, minutes later, came again.


The suite was just as Megan expected, but Lauryn's swift disrobing surprised her. The hotel's porter had only been gone a minute or two and Lauryn's lovely tits were already bare, impressively displayed on the prettiest floral 'shelf' bra Megan had ever seen, a fleurs de pommier balconnet that Lauryn bought last year at a small lingerie boutique in Paris.

"You remembered to wear lingerie didn't you?" said Lauryn, now taking off her skirt. "Show me what you chose."

Megan shook her head a little, unable to look away from Lauryn's big, beautifully aroused nipples. "I can't compete with you. I don't know why I even try."

"Oh my God, what a stupid thing to say. You realize none of us like ourselves, right? No woman likes herself. On the other hand, I think you're rather beautiful. And anyway, this isn't a beauty contest tonight. I'm guessing that by the end of the night, all us girls will feel desirable, maybe more so than we ever have in our lives."

"Maybe. I mean, the other night, when we were with the guys in the boardroom, I felt like that. And afterward, at Renee's house. But, Lauryn, how do you feel about getting too used to that kind of thing? I mean, here we are doing it again, even more. We're all getting even deeper into it and it's only been, like, a week."

"You sound like a girl whose mother told her how wicked it is to be a slut. Am I right? Megan, I get it. I had that same kind of mother. I get what you're saying, and...I'm just not thinking it's a problem. Weren't we put on this planet to make the most of it? To try and enjoy life? That's what I go with. Especially this past week. That's my philosophy."

Megan looked unsure. "It doesn't worry you that it's...the pills? I realize now is a really bad time for me to bring this up, just amazes me, what we're doing, and I'm sure I wouldn't be here if I hadn't started taking the pills, and...doesn't it ever worry you?"

"Megan, we're all trying to understand it. We're all thinking about it. I've had a few long talks with James about it. He's as careful as careful can be, and yet he's decided to join our group test tonight. I hate to sound too pretentious, but we're pioneers, Megan. We're test pilots. Think of all the great, important discoveries in this world that wouldn't have happened if certain people hadn't put themselves on the line to find things out. Does the world need an orgy drug? No, of course not, but will the world be a more fun and interesting place if a good one exists? And what about all the women who struggle to reach orgasm. We may be ending that problem. That's astonishing, isn't it? We're test pilots, Megan, and the rocket we're riding truly might change the world."

"Wow," Megan said, smirking. "Let me know when you run for President. I'll be first in line to vote for you."

Lauryn smiled. "You gonna show me your undies or do I have to strip you myself? You took your pill, right?"

Megan smiled, began unbuttoning her shirt. "I did. The double-dose thing worries me a little."

"We'll have two scientists in the room keeping track of us. Let's not worry. Let's instead see where our little pills can take us. Let's free ourselves so we can truly understand. Oh my Gosh, where did you get that bra? Your breasts look perfect! Did you have it fitted, or are you a good guesser?"

Megan smiled sweetly. "I had a fitting a few years ago. It did make a difference."

As she took off her slacks Megan noted that Lauryn was barefoot, so she tucked her own shoes next to Lauryn's, next to the dresser, and she folded her clothes and put them in a drawer the way Lauryn had.

To take her mind off the oddness of being in her underwear, Megan went to work arranging the bottles of booze and the seltzer and tonic and other mixers on the dresser top. Lauryn had decided against asking the hotel for twenty cocktail glasses, thinking they might balk at the idea of that big of a party in the room, so Megan set up a stack of nice-looking plastic cups, and a nice clean dish towel to wipe the dresser-top when it gets messy from mixing.

While she was doing this Lauryn was leaning over the round table, arranging the catered sandwiches and snacks in a way that looked nice. Megan's gaze kept drifting over that way, seeing the backside of Lauryn's stunningly sexy French panties. A swell of inner warmth from the stimulant made Megan happily tingle. "Has anyone ever told you you have a Jennifer Lopez ass?"

Lauryn's head turned, her lipsticked lips smiling. "No, they haven't. That's sweet of you to say, Megan, but she's so much prettier than me. Thank you though. I'll keep that in my thoughts tonight."

"You're every bit as pretty. Maybe you could send Ben Affleck some of your pills. Obviously he's an ass man, but if he's a tit man too, you're golden."

Lauryn giggled, then someone knocked at the door. Megan's eyes widened. "Here we go. Oh my God, I just had a rush, almost like an orgasm."

"It's that double strength. Wow, I feel it, too. Remember it, Megan, tomorrow. We'll all be debriefing, tomorrow."

Megan watched, amazed, as Lauryn, with bare tits so beautifully presented, brazenly opened the door and welcomed all the volunteers. They all looked quietly excited, their eyes already looking with lust, Megan noticed, apparently all having got the memo to take their pill an hour before they arrived. Megan and Lauryn talked to each of the women, showing them the drawers where they could put their clothes, showing them the space where all the feminine shoes soon lined up.

A huge window bright with early-evening light made the hotel suite feel bigger than it was, but sixteen product testers mingling and freely chatting made it seem rather full-up and more like what it truly was -- a big, modern, comfortable bedroom meant for two. Lauryn looked around the room, seeing some excited faces, some wide-eyed curiosity, and some uneasiness. It was those with the most nervousness in their eyes whom she wished to relax. She began to speak, her business-like voice loud enough to quiet the room.

"Can I get everyone's attention please. Wow, what a nice looking group of product testers we have here this evening! You girls all look so good in your lingerie, good enough to eat. And you men, I'm seeing a double-strength twinkle in all your eyes. I thank you all for volunteering for this 'extra hours' project, one that seems to get to the very essence of that old saying, 'mixing work with pleasure'. We're here to learn, but we're also here to have fun. We're here to put this new product of ours to the test, to see, feel, and experience its amazing potential. It's been tested in the lab, and many of us have tested it at home and other places. We think it's a low risk product, unless you think elevated pleasure is a risk. I don't think it's a risk at all, I think it's a plus, a very big plus, and I've never been more excited about any product that we've brought to market. But, enough of the 'CEO' speech. Let's bring this down to a human level. From this moment on, let's forget this is work, let's let our hair down, let's eat, drink and be merry. Let's mingle. Let's be sexy and see just how good this shit makes us feel. Let's see if our little 'orgy pill' lives up to expectations. Let's go all the way, put it through its paces, and see how it works. Okay? Now, speaking of having fun, James, are scientists good at mixing drinks? Want to make me a nice strong one?"

James smiled, his nervousness slightly tempered but still affecting him all throughout his body and bones. Watching Lauryn approach him didn't help; he felt rooted, unable to move, unable to speak. He tried hard, but failed, to keep his eyes up off of her glorious tits.

"Nice room, isn't it?" said Lauryn. "Megan found it. We weren't actively looking for a bridal suite, but...the enormous bed and the mirrors above it are fun, right? It's all a rather odd mix of ultra-modern and sixties Vegas."

James nodded. "The glass bathroom wall is a surprise."

"Apparently there's a switch that can turn it gray. Some sort of electrified glass. Thankfully the toilet has its own little room, but how fun to have the shower right there, visible to everyone. Think anyone will take advantage of it?"

"Reminds me of the zoo. Animals behind glass, so close up and...close."

Lauryn smirked. "Do you and Tyler both watch the lab rats fornicate? Is there a name for that in your profession? Bestial voyeurism, or some such thing?"

James chuckled. "What are you drinking? I am, in fact, a halfway decent bartender."

"I thought you might be. Just a simple gin and tonic would be nice. Make it a double."

With the bar supplies set up on the top of the long dresser against a wall, James watched the room in the reflection of a huge, wall-hung mirror as he slowly mixed two strong gin and tonics, his eyes most often on Lauryn as she mingled amongst the volunteers. It didn't surprise him that she was making her way to each one of them, she's very much a 'people person', especially so this past week, with the stimulant in her system. It did surprise him, though, that she was doing it in such extraordinary lingerie, with her tits and her still-aroused nipples displayed so perfectly, for everyone to see, at a work event with her employees. He noticed how she stood so proudly postured, with her beautiful smile always there and occasionally so dazzlingly bright, and he saw her head swivel to look over her shoulder, almost like a beautiful owl in the beautiful woods, and her stunningly feminine eyes caught him looking. He smiled into the mirror, a rush of warmth exciting his insides.

"You forgot to kiss me when you got here," she said, suddenly at his side. "I thought we could be a fun couple tonight. Pretend we're...happy swingers."

James smiled, handed her the double gin and tonic. "Kissing my boss at work? What will the workplace rules police think?"

Lauryn smiled, whispered with warm breath in James' ear. "We'll give them a bottle of your pills. They'll be fine."

James turned his head to look closely--so very closely--into Lauryn's eyes, and her lipsticked lips were there, and now they were kissing softly against his, the tip of her sensual tongue barely licking his, then she pulled away, smiling.

In the mirror she noticed another kiss, and another, and another, and she noticed that James had noticed. "Your test is underway," she whispered in James's ear. "Or maybe we're both just dreaming."

"My test? Lauryn, this isn't my test, this is all you," he said, his eyes unable to keep from gazing at her tits again, "and oh my God do I love all of you."

Lauryn smiled. "Wow. My work husband using the 'L' word. I have a strong feeling I love all of you, too. Just think, we get to consummate our work marriage, right now if you want to. We'll even have witnesses."

James couldn't fight the honesty, the double dose well beyond his will-power. "I've dreamt of taking you from behind," he whispered, close to Lauryn's ear.

Lauryn whispered back, "You'll take off your clothes first, right here, while I watch."

James nodded, as if in a trance. He wondered if he'd be the first man nude, but he truly didn't care, the sounds he was hearing from the others telling him sexual things were already happening. Watching Lauryn's eyes, and her excited smile, he took off his shirt, and took off his shoes and his socks, and took off his pants and underwear, and he stood before her, fully nude, and her beautiful eyes looked so happy. Lauryn squatted, taking his cock into her moaning mouth, and it thrilled her so that he was so hard for her, hard enough to fuck for hours, she was sure.

Standing again, she whispered in his ear. "I want you to fuck me, Jamie. Right here, where I can watch you." She put her hands on the dresser, arched her back downward, her cheeky French panties making her ass look like perfection.

James saw her face in the mirror, watching him. With every shred of his willpower left at home somewhere, probably in the very spot where he took the double-dose pill, he felt powerless now, and yet so powerful, and he pulled aside the gusset of the cheeky French panty and his cock slipped so firmly and tightly into the warm euphoria deep inside Lauryn's wet pussy, a place he'd always known would be heaven.

"Ohhhhh fuck!" gasped Lauryn. "Oh yeah, that's it. That's what I've been wanting."

With her unblinking eyes locked on his in the mirror, James could barely believe this. A quick glance beyond her, at the others in the mirror, made him think he was the first lab rat fully overcome by the drug, the first man fucking, but instead of horrifying his conservative sensibilities, it thrilled him, and he looked into Lauryn's eyes again and she was dreamily smiling.

"Such a nice cock, baby," she purred. "You feel so fucking awesome inside me."

"Oh God you feel...! Oh, Lauryn!...Oh my God you're perfect!...You're perfect!"

"Oh my God, I'm gonna come," she gasped. "So quick, you're making me cum!...Oh you're right!...This is perfect!...Oh my God, I'm cumming!"

Tyler was suddenly there with his temple-reading thermometer, taking James' temperature even as James was still fucking. Seeing it in the mirror, seeing the odd look of surprise and embarrassment on James' face, Lauryn giggled in a devilish way as her quick but deep orgasm washed through her. "Don't let him stop you, baby," she breathlessly purred. "Keep fucking me. Make me cum again, and again. Make us both so hot we'll go right off Tyler's charts."

James moaned, fucking fully deeply and smoothly rhythmically as he watched Tyler put the device against Lauryn's temple. "Sorry, I should have gotten these sooner," said Tyler.
