The Freyja Club Ch. 29 - The Return


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Since they were twins, a description of one paints a picture of both. I had only seen Anita in a sitting position, so until Amelia showed up I couldn't gauge her stature. When I noticed that Amelia's face was level with mine and I was on a bar stool, I realized that she couldn't be much over five feet tall and probably weighed no more than a little over a hundred pounds, but I bet that five or six of those pounds had to be in their not insubstantial breasts.

Both sisters had short blonde hair cut in a style that was reminiscent of the Dorothy Hamill look that was popular after she won the gold medal in women's figure skating at the '76 Winter Olympics. That was almost eight years ago, but even though that style had pretty much run its course, I still liked the look. Both had pretty blue eyes and flawless pale skin, but enough pigmentation that they could survive a day in the sun. Amelia's pussy was trimmed but not shaven and while I couldn't see Anita's while her legs were closed, the few whiffs of pubic hair that poked out hinted that blonde may not have been the twins' natural color.

Amelia had not yet recognized my existence as she had been fully engaged with her sister, but when I moved over one stool, her attention was drawn to the newly empty seat and of course to me as well. Amelia glanced up and smiled a 'thank you' as she pivoted and placed one of her nicely rounded ass cheeks on the seat that I'd been occupying just a few seconds before. Anita took the opportunity to introduce me, and she explained that until Amelia's arrival, I had been helping her deal with the situation with Marc.

I'm not sure exactly what Amelia thought that meant, but she shifted her position enough that I could be included in their conversation. I wasn't sure that I wanted to be, but soon the discussion shifted from what had happened between Anita and Marc to what was going to happen as a result. Apparently, Marc had not only paid the hundred-thousand-dollar initiation fee for both women but the monthly fees as well, so Amelia turned to Anita and said, "I guess this party's over," as she glanced around the club.

Well here was a subject that was in my 'wheelhouse,' so for the first time, I interjected myself in the conversation. "I would doubt that," I said. Two heads turned in my direction at the sound of my voice, and when I knew that I had their undivided attention, I gave them a quick overview of what I had labeled 'The club's woman problem.' As I recounted each step and each question that I'd asked myself over the last year I could tell that both Girls began to understand.

It was Amelia who finally asked the critical question. "Are you telling us that the club desperately needs us, and would even be willing to waive the monthly fees to keep us?" I nodded and said, "Absolutely, it's a demographic issue, and believe me, you're holding a straight flush." Over Amelia's shoulder, I heard Anita ask, with a bit of incredulous wonder, "Who the heck are you?"

For the next twenty minutes, I explained in a general sense who I was, how I'd come into membership, and my interest in understanding how the Freyja Club had continued to exist into the modern age. From the looks on the women's faces, I could tell that neither of them had ever considered the question but the longer I talked the wider their eyes got and as these new thoughts began to register I could see them begin to understand.

When I finished, Amalia sat back on her stool and just said, "Wow!" Then, after a glance at her sister, she turned back to me and asked, "Well, what do we do now?" I tried to chuckle to myself, but I couldn't keep it in and I ended up laughing out loud. "Well, I have some influence with the managing director, so let's go ask her." I signaled to the nearest bartender and asked her to call and see if Danielle de Val was available. A few minutes later Danielle walked up, and when she saw my companions, she eyed me suspiciously and I could see "What are you up to now?" look on her face. I mentioned that we might want to talk privately, so we adjourned to a table in a secluded section of the restaurant.

I must say, Danielle looked as lovely as she had when she awakened in my bed just this very morning and my cock hardened a bit at the memory of her in the shower and her beautiful breasts in motion as she lathered her hair. Introductions were made but I wasn't sure they were really necessary. Of course, Danielle knew who the twins were and vice versa, but it was obvious that they hadn't had any meaningful contact in the club. Since I felt that the ball was in my court, I quickly outlined the issue for Danielle and stated that I was sure that, under the circumstances, she could find a way to maintain the women's memberships. Danielle started to say that she'd have to think about it, but since she was well aware that I had already put my finger on why women's membership was a thorny problem for the club, she took one look at me and just sighed a long breath. When her gaze returned to the twins, she took another deep breath and asked, "Do you work?" When both nodded and said they made about three thousand dollars a month, Danielle looked at me one more time and said, "I'll reduce your monthly fees to $300/month. Can you handle that and will you agree to keep this arrangement confidential? Can you do that?"

There were vigorous nods of agreement from both women, and Danielle got up and said that she was sorry, but she had another matter that needed her attention. The women did cheek kisses and Anita and Amelia headed back to the bar. Danielle hesitated a moment but turned towards me and brought her head close to my ear. "On one hand, I should thank you, I would hate to lose those two. But, on the other hand, I'm not sure your curiosity is such a good thing."

Her veiled rebuke was accompanied by a squeeze of my hand, and I got the impression that our relationship ratcheted a notch closer. I watched Danielle's cute butt sway as she returned to her office and I headed back to the bar to see if the Norse Goddess of Love had any more surprises for me this evening.

When I got back to the bar, Amelia was the first to thank me for my help, and in gratitude, she offered to "buy me" a drink. Of course, as we both knew, all food and drink were covered as part of the monthly fee, so I interpreted her offer as a symbolic gesture. Of the two, I was discovering that Amelia was the most outgoing, the most curious, and seemingly the sexiest, and I could feel my own interest in her begin to grow. While Anita certainly did contribute to the conversation it was mostly Amelia and myself that carried it.

I learned that they were both teachers in an American High School in Paris and had moved to Paris two years ago. A lot of people are surprised to learn that almost every foreign country has American schools, but they do. In most cases they're private, but I'm aware that the State Department runs a few. The kids who attend these are the children of diplomats, military, and private contractors. Most are Americans, but a fair number of students come from other English-speaking countries as well. I knew that the teaching positions at these schools were in high demand, and the fact that both twins had secured one told me that they were top-notch.

While I was enjoying our 'getting to know you' conversation, I was getting restless. That is until Amelia mentioned the sister's side business.

We had been talking about some of the activities, fetishes, and personalities that we'd experienced in the club when Amelia picked up her highball glass, brought it to her lips, and while looking over the rim as she took a sip said to me, "You know, the business model doesn't have to be exclusive." At that moment I had the impression of a ghostly image of Freyja whispering in my ear, "You're going to love this."

What Amelia told me was right out of the American manual of creative entrepreneurship. One evening the girls had hooked up with a French member who, it seemed, wanted the twins to accompany him to one of the activity suites and just pose for him while he masturbated. A few nights later the same kind of request was made by a woman. Later, back in their small apartment, Amelia said, "I wonder how many other people are out there that get their rocks off that way?" and the germ of an idea began to take shape. The more the sisters talked about it, the more it seemed that they might be able to help satisfy the latent demand.

They decided that they would start a 'Masturbation Club.'

The central idea was that they would offer 'memberships' to men, women, and couples who desired to either watch or be watched in the act of sexual self-abuse. They would maintain a catalog of members' desires and it would function like 'The Board' does in the club, putting people with compatible desires together. But unlike the Freyja Club, membership in their venture was 'exclusive' only to the extent that you could afford the $100/month membership fee. Amelia opened the small clutch purse that some women carry in the club and handed me one of their business cards. The card was blue with yellow lettering. It was written in French but the logo is what caught my eye. It was simply the outline of an open palm and next to it the name of their firm; "Services de masturbation" with a local phone number. I stared at the card for a moment before Amelia retrieved it, took a pen lying on the bar, and wrote her and Anita's Names on the back with a different phone number. "Just in case you require other kinds of services," she said as she handed the card back.

Amelia told me that they had initially put an ad in some cheap sexually explicit magazines that cater to people looking to find an outlet for their fetish. The ad was simple and straightforward.

'Interested in safe sex? Interested in a fun, exciting, and stimulating way to have safe sex with total strangers? Try the Masturbation Club!'

According to Anita, this ad had discreetly described the service and they had about fifteen members join up right away. One of the sisters handled the phone requests, made the matches, and arranged the meetings. Initially, they had to be involved with some of the requests, but as the pool of members increased they had less and less need to do that. Now they had over two hundred members in the area around Paris and had hired two women to man the phone. They no longer advertised the service because they were growing nicely by just word-of-mouth referrals. Amelia added that they figured that when they left France they'd sell the business and start a new one wherever they ended up. I nodded my approval of their plan and I started evaluating their chance of success.

I didn't know how much they were paying the women who were now handling the phone requests, but a quick mental calculation revealed that the monthly income from two hundred members was enough to cover that cost. From this point on, it appeared to me that each new member would be pure profit and if the twins' little venture got up to a thousand members they'd have a tidy side income that matched what they made teaching.

As I thought about it, I remembered a lot of nights in hotel rooms where a little stimulation along these lines would have been a welcome relief from Playboy or Penthouse. Yes, I concluded, I could see myself calling that number.

While I had arrived at the Freyja Club relatively early, I found that when I finally thought to check the time, almost four hours had elapsed, and except for the brief foray to the restaurant with Danielle, I hadn't left the bar area. I remember hearing the chimes that the Freyja Club uses to announce its various scheduled 'events,' but in the course of dealing with Anita's psycho-drama, Amelia's arrival, helping the women keep their membership and now learning about the 'Masturbation Club,' it was nearing midnight. I had switched from beer to vodka tonics at some point and I was feeling a definite 'buzz.' That plus the visual stimulation of the naked bodies of Anita and Amelia plus another dozen women in the bar were firming my cock and heightening my horniness, so I just plain-out asked if the ladies would like to continue our conversation in one of the activity suites.

It was as if the twins had forgotten that they were naked, and were sitting in the most exclusive sex club on the planet. Amelia looked at Anita and Anita looked back at Amelia then both looked at me and smiled. As I slid off my stool and helped the girls get off theirs, it occurred to me that this might be the first 'threesome' of my life.

Other than Danielle and her husband Phillipe, the only other person that I could remember from my first visit a year ago was the Board Monitor, Ming who had been the first to explain to me the 'ins and outs' of how the Board operated and her role in giving out keys to the private 'activity suites' located on the third floor.

I don't think Ming remembered me since I had only spoken to her once, but she did acknowledge Amelia and Anita, however, she had some bad news. All of the activity suite keys had been given out. This was the first time that I could remember this happening and truthfully, from the looks on the girl's faces it didn't appear that I was the only one disappointed.

I was pleased that the twins both seemed to desire me as much as my throbbing cock was ratcheting up my own lust for them. There were several options, including just finding a spot in the orgy room and getting it on. While I've fooled around some with public sex, it isn't my favorite. Anita thought that the apartment she shared with Marc was out of the question and Amelia said hers was a mess, so we decided we'd go to my hotel. Truthfully I was pleased since the club was scheduled to close in less than two hours and I definitely wanted more time than that with my newfound friends.

A few minutes later the three of us scrunched into the back seat of a Citroën cab for the twenty-minute ride to my hotel. While the sisters were identical twins, it was obvious that they had very different ideas about clothing styles. Amelia had emerged from the Swan Door in a paisley maxi slip dress and boots while Anita showed off her gorgeous legs by wearing a leather mini-skirt and silk blouse. Both girls carried light jackets but didn't need them as we got into the cab in the parking garage straight off the elevator lobby.

I don't know if the cab driver understood English, but if he did, he got an earful in the twenty-minute drive to the hotel. As he negotiated the Paris traffic, the girls revealed that 'threesomes' were very much their thing, beginning at puberty. I understood that psychologically, identical twins often displayed a special kind of connectedness, and as Amelia and then Anita described their sexual awakening I surmised that they had it in spades.

Amelia told me that they were originally from Erie, Pennsylvania, and were sophomores in high school when they decided to rid themselves of their burdensome virginity. The captain of the football team was a boy named Jeff who was apparently quite a hunk, and I could imagine his thoughts when the twins expressed their desire for his assistance in escorting both of them over the threshold into womanhood. I silently recalled that I too had been the captain of my high school football team, but had never been presented with that opportunity.

The crime scene was a deserted section of the shoreline on Lake Erie. Anita brought a large blanket and some other things and laid it out on the bank. All three rapidly undressed and got right into it. I got the impression that the twins had already mastered the fine art of cock sucking and Amelia went into some detail in describing how they both used this talent to bring Jeff quickly to his boiling point.

When his steel was hard enough, both girls laid down side-by-side and opened their legs. Jeff had been instructed to do it quickly and from their account, he did. Amelia and Anita had applied a copious amount of KY jelly to Jeff's cock and their pussies, so his penetration was easy.

First, he thrust into Amelia, knocking the wind out of her, and tore through her hymen with ease. When he withdrew, his penis was red with Amelia's blood and she quickly clamped her legs together to relieve the pain. Jeff then scooted over to Anita, and without bothering to clean his weapon, he immediately plunged into her with the same result. Later, they used a couple of washcloths to clean up their blood-stained gentiles and the girls sucked Jeff to completion.

As the cab pulled into the portico covering the entrance to the hotel, I gave the driver a fifty franc note and we walked towards the elevators. As we did, I was already thinking about how I could turn the twins' adventures into my next story. Every writer needs inspiration, and as I watched Anita and Amelia's cute butts sway left and right in front of me, I was feeling quite inspired.

I opened the door to my room on the fourteenth floor of the hotel and both girls gasped at the view out of the large picture window. The Casino was ablaze with lights and the fountains on the lake were dancing and changing colors. I had seen this display during daylight hours, but even I was awed by the magical scene that was playing out at night.

It was Amelia that turned back to face me first and I saw her smile in a manner that was reminiscent of the way that I imagined that foxes regarded chickens. As she took the few short steps necessary to close the distance between us, I heard her tell her sister, "Check out the honor bar, and I'll check out our host." Amelia raised her face and our lips met in a kiss that I would describe as both soft and full of promise.

Then, she whispered in my ear, "You've seen us, but we haven't seen you. I'm going to treat you like my Christmas present." To be honest, while Amelia did begin the task of removing my clothes, she did permit me the pleasure of removing hers as well, and a few minutes, and a few kisses later we were both naked from the waist up. I pawed her round breasts and she seemed fascinated by the parts of my body that she had so far revealed.

At six foot and a tad under two hundred pounds, I knew that my daily five-mile morning run and three times-a-week workouts had left me with a physique that wasn't quite the classic runner's body, but not overly muscled either but somewhere in between. Amelia seemed to like what she saw, and when Anita looked up from sorting through the miniature liquor bottles she'd found in the small refrigerator in the room, she gave me the female equivalent of a 'wolf whistle' and said, "Nice Abs."

Because of her short stature, the top of Amelia's head only came up to my chin and as we embraced she turned and laid her cheek on the hair that covered my chest and narrowed to a small strip that ran through my navel and disappeared beneath my belt. To me, it looks like an arrow pointing in the direction of my manhood, an area that Amelia had not yet revealed.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Anita was busy shucking her boots and wiggling out of her mini-skirt, as Amelia dropped to her knees and was busy unbuckling my belt. By the time she had done that and pulled down my pants to begin working on my shorts, Anita, now completely naked, had dropped to her knees next to her sister to help with my last bit of clothing.

As I've described in the past, my cock is only a tad above average, but more than one woman has said that "It's beautiful." When I've asked what constitutes "beautiful" from a female perspective, I've learned that, to them, it's a combination of proportion and virility. I'm circumcised and women tell me that they like that, but also that my girth is proportional to my six-and-a-half-inch length. My current girlfriend Karen has told me that it's the perfect size for filling her mouth or her vagina without straining the muscles of either. Finally, I would describe my normal state as 'nicely firm.' and, of course, when in the presence of naked women, I can usually gain an erection quickly. So this was my condition when Amelia, with an enthusiastic assist from Anita, uncovered me in full.