The Garbage Prince


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"Todd, I'm about piss myself," she moaned, wiggling in urgency.

"Bathroom's right there," he said, pointing to a closed door.

Freyja dashed into the small half bath and did not close the door. Todd did not peek in as he walked past, although it was tempting to do so.

Todd went out into the garage and opened the large deep freezer. He located the two large tubs of ice cream, one vanilla and one chocolate, right where Mrs. Greene had said they'd be. He made sure the door of the heavy appliance was firmly shut, and then brought the two tubs of ice cream to the kitchen.

Freyja was again standing in the corner, smiling playfully. Todd smiled and approached her.

"I'm back," she cooed, raising her arms.

"Uh huh," Todd smirked and touched her bare thigh with one of the ice-cold ice cream containers.

"Ow-uh!" Freyja squealed, jerking away.

"Hey, Kerry," Todd called, pressing a button for the intercom system. "Root beer floats in the kitchen."

"Todd? We can't find Freyja anywhere!" Kerry's worried voice cut through.

"Freyja? Screw her, more ice cream for us," Todd said.

"Yeah, I bet you'd like to," Freyja said into Todd's ear.

"Todd, it's not funny!" Kerry cried out. "Suppose she's somewhere hurt or something?"

"Kerry, she's right here with me," Todd replied, again pinning Freyja's wandering hands behind her back.

"Freyja?" Kerry called out.

"Yeah, I'm right here," Freyja said, struggling against Todd.

"Oh, thank God, hey Amelia, we found her," Kerry said, relief evident in her voice.

"Yeah, I know you don't like her," Todd said, bringing Freyja's arms behind her back and kissing her.

"But Kerry is one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet."

"Who said... Todd!" Freyja squealed as Todd reached a hand underneath her tee shirt and squeezed one of her bare buttocks.

Freyja did not try very hard to get away from Todd's imprisoning hand or his groping touches. He released his hold on Freyja when they heard the approaching feet.

"We were so worried about you!" Kerry enthused, hugging Freyja.

Todd put five very tall glasses onto five saucers, with five very long spoons and large straws. From the pantry and got out five cans of root beer.

"I'm doing one vanilla, then one chocolate, then another vanilla and chocolate," Todd declared, scoop poised over the tub of ice cream. "Paula, what you want?"

"That sounds good," the girl agreed, smiling proudly that he'd asked her first.

He quickly filled her glass and turned to Amelia. He held the scoop above a tub of ice cream.

"Me too," Amelia agreed.

"Freyja?" Todd asked and she too agreed; vanilla, chocolate, vanilla, chocolate.

"Why I'm last?" Kerry sullenly asked as Todd prepared Freyja's glass.

"Because they're our guests," Todd said, playfully touching the tip of Kerry's nose with the scoop that had been in the chocolate tub.

"Todd!" Kerry screamed and dashed into the half bath to clean her face.

"Butt-hole!" she yelled at him when she returned, still rubbing her nose.

Kerry slapped at Todd and he grabbed her hand, then grabbed the other hand and pushed both behind her back. He leaned close to her as she struggled mightily to free herself.

"Don't make me spank you in front of everyone," Todd hissed into Kerry's ear, only half joking.

"Oh," Kerry moaned, her panties becoming quite wet.

After everyone finished their snack, Todd started to clean up. He shooed them out of the kitchen. Kerry offered to help him, and he threatened her nose with the chocolate ice cream scoop again.

"So, what y'all..." Kerry said, closing the door to her room.

"Truth or dare," Amelia immediately suggested.

"Yeah!" Paula agreed excitedly.

"Not with just us girls; that's so lezzie," Freyja said forcefully.

"I'll go get Todd," Kerry said.

"I will, I'm right here," Freyja said and dashed out of the room.

Downstairs, Todd exited the small bathroom, feeling more than just a little guilty for masturbating. He was sure his sister and his girlfriend were looking down, disgusted with him for his vulgar thoughts.

"Hey," Freyja said, reaching out to grab his hand. "We're playing Truth or Dare, and we need you.

Todd grabbed Freyja's hands and again pinned them behind her back. She giggled, weakly struggling.

"Uh, ever heard of the word 'please?'" Todd asked, kissing her smiling lips.

"No," Freyja said. "What's it mean?"

Means," Todd said and gave Freyja two sharp slaps, one to each buttock. "You better say 'please' unless you want two more of those."

"Ow-uh!" Freyja squealed, giggling as Todd gave her another kiss.

"You really need to put on a few pounds; hardly any meat back there for spanking," Todd commented.

"Uh huh," Freyja said. "But, come on, we need you, okay?"

"Could have used the intercom," Kerry groused when Todd and Freyja entered the room.

"Okay, who's first?" Paula asked as they all sat on the floor of Kerry's bedroom.

"Amelia, you wanted to play this, you go first," Kerry ordered.

"Okay, Freyja, truth or..." Amelia began.

"Truth," Freyja said immediately.

"Okay, how far did you and Arnold go, really?" Amelia asked.

"Second base; I let him play with my titties," Freyja said. "Paula, truth or..."

"Dare," Paula said, looking at Todd, hoping he'd notice, she wasn't being chicken.

"I dare you to play with yourself, right here in front of us, until you come," Freyja finally said after deliberating and after whispering with Amelia for a long moment.

"Kerry, which pillow is mine?" Paula asked, looking at the bed.

Kerry selected one and brought the pillow to Paula. With a heavy blush, Paula removed her pajama bottom, then hesitated for a moment. She lowered her plain white panties, exposing her sparsely covered slit.

Paula then lay down, pillow firmly against her crotch. She tuned out Freyja's giggles and Amelia and Kerry's gasps as she hunched her pussy against the pillow. Suddenly, Paula stiffened, then let out a soft sigh.

"Kerry," Paula asked.

"Truth," Kerry said, green eyes wide with disbelief at Paula's brazenness.

"Who's the prettiest girl here?" Paula asked.

"You," Kerry said with no hesitation. "I mean, I'd love to look like any of you, but Paula, you really are just so beautiful."

"Aw!" Paula sighed, smiling happily.

"Um, okay, um, Freyja, truth or..." Kerry asked.

"Dare," Freyja said.

"Pajama', off," Kerry ordered.

Freyja looked at Todd to make sure she had his attention as she pulled the tee shirt off, then sat back down on the plush carpet. After a moment, she folded her tee shirt and sat on the garment.

"Todd, truth..." Freyja asked.

"Dare," Todd smiled.

"Make out with me," Freyja demanded.

"For how long?" Kerry asked through gritted teeth.

"A minute," Freyja decided.

Todd did wonder briefly how many millions, billions of germs were in Freyja's mouth. He had wondered that, briefly, when he and Kerry had shared their first kiss. But he had enjoyed the experience, and had not become ill from that kiss, so mentally shrugged and prepared to kiss Freyja.

Freyja moved to put her arms around Todd and Kerry smirked at Todd pinned Freyja's arms behind her back. Again, Freyja struggled weakly against Todd's grasp.

"And go," Amelia said, looking at her cheap wristwatch.

"Mmph!" Freyja moaned as Todd's other hand toyed with her sensitive nipples while their tongues dueled with each other.

"And time!" Amelia finally announced.

""I'm terrible at this so um, Paula...." Todd mused.

"Dare!" Paula quickly said.

"I was going to say you take my turn," Todd laughed.

"Oh, okay, Kerry..." Paula said, a little disappointed that Todd wasn't going to dare her to do something naughty, but thrilled that Todd liked her enough to give her his turn.

"Dare," Kerry whispered.

"Make out with me for two whole minutes," Paula challenged.

"Uh, kind of dyke there," Freyja whispered in Todd's ear.

"And... Now!" Amelia said, glancing at her watch.

"Paula!" Kerry cried out as Paula pinched Kerry's nipple through her pajama top.

"Ah ha! Got to start over!" Amelia and Freyja both cried out.

"And... now," Amelia again announced.

"Mmph!" Kerry protested as Paula again played with her breasts while slowly sucking on Kerry's tongue.

"And... Time," Amelia said and a very flushed Kerry sat down next to Todd again.

"Paula..." Kerry said, almost angrily.

"Truth," Paula said, dark eyes alive with amusement as Kerry huffed.

"Did you like kissing me?" Kerry spat out.

"Yes, very much; you are so pretty, and your kiss is very soft," Paula openly admitted. "I hope someone dares me to kiss you again."

"Amelia..." Paula asked, turning and facing Amelia.

"Truth," Amelia quickly said.

"Who is the sexiest girl here?" Paula asked.

"God, that's easy, Kerry," Amelia said.

"What?" Kerry squeaked, surprised. "Sexiest would be you, Amelia!"

"Whatever, um, Kerry, truth or dare?" Amelia said.

"Um, uh. Shit. Dare," Kerry said, stomach knotting up.

"Kiss Paula again, this time for three minutes," Amelia said and giggled at Kerry's consternation.

"Yay!" Paula said, crawling over to Kerry.

"And... Go," Amelia said.

"Damn it, Paula, quit!" Kerry complained as Paula started to unbutton Kerry's top.

"Ah ha! Now you got to start all over!" Freyja, Amelia, and Todd cried out.

"Quit, please," Kerry begged, buttoning up her top again.

Just two buttons, okay?" Paula bargained.

"And... Go," Amelia again said and Paula and Kerry brought their open mouths together.

Kerry struggled again as Paula's fingers unbuttoned two buttons of her top. The two girls continued to suck each other's tongues as Paula's hand stroked and teased Kerry's breasts and nipples.

"And... Time," Amelia called.

Paula would not release Kerry, though. She continued to kiss the blonde for another moment, then pulled her smiling lips away from Kerry's pouting lips. Paula gave Kerry's breast another soft squeeze before sitting back down.

"Damn, whose turn is it now?" Kerry asked, blushing hotly.

The others roared at Kerry's flustered state. Paula rose to her knees and gave Kerry another soft kiss before sitting again.

"Todd, truth or dare?" Kerry asked.

"Um, dare," Todd finally said.

"Clothes, off," Kerry ordered.

Todd grimaced. He'd been putting on some pounds, but he still saw himself as far too scrawny. With a sigh, he did wiggle out of top and bottom.

Paula's eyes opened wide when Todd's bobbing cock came into view. Paula helped her mother, she bathed both of her younger brothers. She dried both of her brothers, dressed them in their pajamas at night, their school clothes in the morning.

With his six and a half inches, Todd was even larger than Paula's fantasies had made him out to be. She looked at the fat member, the sparse blond tendrils dotting his crotch and felt her insides get weak.

Amelia's eyes grew wide too. Derek was always posing and preening, acting like his five inches of slim meat was something special. Todd's fat erection put Derek's cock to shame.

Freyja looked at Todd's cock and tried to imagine that thick meat sliding into her pussy. She knew the human vagina did stretch; it was able to give birth. But Freyja could not imagine being able to comfortably accommodate the girth or length of Todd's cock.

Kerry smiled smugly. Todd had seen her pussy and had seen her ass, now she was getting to see him.

"Why don't you take my turn, Freyja?" Todd offered.

"Paula..." Freyja said.

"Truth," Paula said.

"Are you gay?" Freyja asked.

"No but I am bisexual," Paula admitted. "I look at Todd and I want to kiss him and I want him to make love to me, but then I look at you and I want to kiss you and I want you to make love to me."

"And when you look at Kerry..." Amelia giggled.

"Oh, Kerry just drives me crazy!" Paula squealed. "I want you, and Freyja, and Todd, but I NEED Kerry!"

"Shut up!" Kerry cried out, and the others laughed.

"But Amelia..." Paula said.

"Dare," Amelia bravely said.

"Make out with me, for four whole minutes," Paula said.

"God, Paula," Amelia huffed, slipping her watch off and handing it to Freyja.

"And... Go," Freyja said.

Both Kerry and Freyja giggled as Amelia struggled with Paula's wandering hands. Amelia tried to avoid pulling away, though, lest she have to start all over.

"Mmph!" Paula grunted in surprise as Amelia decided to give Paula a taste of her own medicine and cupped Paula's very slick pussy against her palm.

"Oh!" Paula shuddered in orgasm as Amelia rubbed the heel of her hand against Paula's pussy.

"And... Time," Freyja said.

Paula gave Amelia a quick peck to her lips and smiled. Amelia blushed hotly but returned Paula's smile.

"Okay, Freyja..." Amelia said.

"Dare," Freyja said, staring hard at her best friend, challenging her with her eyes to spare her any difficult dares.

"I dare you to fuck Todd," Amelia said.

"No," Todd said firmly, even though he did desperately want to fuck the beautiful cheerleader. "If and when I make love to Freyja, or to Paula, or to you or Kerry, it will be in private. And it will not be because of a dare, but because it is something, we both want."

"Aw! Thank you," Freyja sighed and gave Todd a soft kiss.

"Then I dare you to suck his dick, until he comes," Amelia amended.

Freyja glared murderously at her best friend but bent over and took Todd's cock into her soft hand. With a sigh, she bent her head and took the head of Todd's cock into her mouth.

Todd was grateful he'd masturbated a few minutes earlier, but he could feel his semen bubbling up far too quickly as Freyja's tongue licked softly at the head of his cock.

"Freyja, I'm... aw damn," Todd grunted.

Freyja hollowed her mouth and sucked hard. Her tongue waggled at the shaft of Todd's meat as his hips bounced on the floor.

He lay back as his cock spurted and throbbed, shooting his load into Freyja's sucking mouth. When she'd determined Todd had finished shooting his sperm, Freyja pulled her mouth off of Todd's cock. She opened her mouth, showing the three breathless girls the lake of semen in her mouth. Then, with a satisfied smirk, she swallowed.

"Okay, Amelia..." Freyja glared at her friend.

"Dare," Amelia said sullenly.

She had no choice; Amelia had to say 'Dare.' If she said 'Truth' after giving Freyja such a difficult dare, everyone would label her as 'chicken.'

"Eat me until I come," Freyja said, already spreading her thin legs.

"Fucking hate you," Amelia declared kneeling between Freyja's spread legs.

Paula waved Kerry over. Kerry approached Paula, keeping a wary eye on Paula's wandering hands.

Paula pointed to the growing wet spot on the back of Amelia's gown. Kerry watched in fascination as the wet spot grew even larger.

"Don't think she hates Freyja as much as she says she does, huh?" Paula giggled, then gave Kerry a soft kiss.

"Ah shit!" Freyja cried out in orgasm as Amelia sucked hard on her clitoris.

After a long moment, Amelia sat back. She wiped at her face, then sat on the floor again.

"Kerry," Amelia said, glaring hard at Freyja.

"Truth," Kerry said.

"You like it when Paula kisses you?" Amelia asked, still wiping at her face.

"Yeah," Kerry blushed hotly, nodding her head.

"Aw, thank you!" Paula said and gave Kerry a quick little peck on the lips. "And I like the way you kiss too."

"Amelia," Kerry said.

"Truth," Amelia said, although she secretly wanted to say 'dare.'

"Tell us about your biggest fantasy, what you think about when you play with yourself," Kerry challenged.

"Any of y'all tell anyone, I'll kill y'all," Amelia threatened.

She described how she fantasized about being held down while some unseen man sodomized her. Quite often, she would jam a hairbrush handle into her anus while masturbating.

"Ew, that red one?" Freyja screeched. "I used that on my head!"

"I wash it off," Amelia defended. "Um, Paula..."

"Dare," Paula said.

"Eat me until I come," Amelia challenged.

"Okay, but what's the dare?" Paula asked, smiling as she helped Amelia out of her nightgown.

Freyja wiggled around Todd to get a better look at the lesbian activity. Paula used her small hands to open Amelia's pussy, then flattened her tongue against Amelia's brown curls.

"Uh!" Amelia groaned as Paula's tongue went from anus to clit.

Paula batted her tongue back and forth, teasing Amelia's puffy pussy lips. Then she tried to force her tongue into Amelia's pussy.

Freyja whispered something into Kerry's ear and Kerry giggled. Kerry leaned forward and stroked her fingers up and down Paula's upturned pussy. Instead of squealing, jerking upright like they'd expected, though, Paula spread her legs for her unknown groper.

She continued to lick and suck at Amelia's pussy while her own pussy was being pleasured.

"Uh! Oh God," Amelia groaned as Paula tickled her anus with her slim fingers.

Kerry mashed Paula's clitoris with her thumb and Paula grunted and shook in orgasm. While being pleasured, Paula managed to worm two fingers into Amelia's anus.

"Oh, oh, oh shit!" Amelia hissed out.

Paula sucked Amelia's heavy pussy lips into her mouth, sucking up Amelia's spendings. She wiggled the two fingers inside of Amelia's anus while she sucked Amelia's pussy.

"Fuck! I can't think!" Amelia admitted as she lay, slumped on the floor of the bedroom.

"Freyja," Paula said.

"Dare," Freyja hesitantly said.

"Do sixty-nine with me," Paula said.

Freyja hesitated for a moment, then nodded her head in agreement. Paula lay down on the floor and Freyja straddled Paula's head. She then bent and brought her tongue to Paula's puffy pussy lips.

Todd's cock was throbbing now as he watched the two girls lick and suck each other's pussies. Next to him, Kerry unconsciously twisted and pinched a nipple, watching the two girls. Amelia sat up slightly, leaning on her elbows and watched as Freyja bony buttocks shook, her tight anus winking at her.

"Ah shit!" Freyja cried out in orgasm and a moment later, Paula gave a loud sigh in orgasm.

Todd had his cock sucked by Paula and by Kerry, Kerry was made to describe her fantasy, and Todd was taught how to eat Paula's pussy. Amelia was made to admit she had enjoyed eating Freyja's pussy, Kerry had to masturbate for them, and Freyja was made to eat Kerry's pussy, then Freyja had to eat Amelia's pussy. Kerry and Todd were ordered to do sixty-nine and Todd admitted that Freyja was the best cock sucker in the group, the best he'd had that night.

"God, that's about it," Amelia finally conceded. "I mean, Todd won't fuck us, so..."

"Well then, good night," Todd said, gathering up his clothes and leaving the bedroom.

"And..." Kerry said, trying to find her panties so she could dress.

"Mmm," Paula sighed and gave Kerry's panties a deep sniff.

"Paula!" Kerry laughed. "Give me those!"

"Aw," Paula pouted but handed Kerry her panties. "Wait. You can have them back, for a kiss."


THE END of 'The Garbage Prince' part 1

And again, a special thanks to my friend BeBop3. He is a talented author, who unselfishly takes time from his own hectic schedule to help this author.

**Author's Note: I write these stories for my pleasure; I post them here for your enjoyment. I thank you sincerely for reading my stories.

I especially thank those that leave comments, whether those comments be good or bad. I also thank those that take the time to rate these stories, those that 'Favorite' my words.

Have a swell day. And some of you? Have a swollen day.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm really enjoying this series, but the parts with Mia are heartbreaking. I hope things turn around for her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

The two proceeding parts of the "Garbage" series were

easily 5 stars.

This one, however, had the blotch of the spankings, which I just do not get how it's erotic or enjoyable

-- whether giving or receiving.

But it's IS an intriguing JimBob story.

Looking forward with anticipation as to how some of these story threads work themselves out.


Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Mia, I wished you would have saved the little girl from that life

TiredOldMan502TiredOldMan502over 4 years ago
Looking forward to part 2.

It's been almost three weeks. Is everything okay, you're usually so prolific.

crazycujocrazycujoover 4 years ago
A lot of loose ends!

Wow, you have a lot of loose ends to wrap up! i'm looking forward to see how you tie them all together, and conclude the story. And then i'm hoping for a story with some real Cajun dialogue like you do every so often. Many Thanks Jimbob44!

tennesseeredtennesseeredover 4 years ago
School is in session.

I come to JB44 to get schooled in dialogue. No one on Lit does it better. Thanks, JB.

LancerInLALancerInLAover 4 years ago
Just my opinion

The interlude with the ex-wife holds zero interest to me.

I am sure JB has a plan for that part of the story, but I don't see it. When those parts come up, it just is a major distraction to all the rest.

This was unexpected with the Truth or Dare portion, it kicked up the eroticism quite a bit than what I was expecting. So many of the ladies like Todd. He almost would be beneficial to have a house on his own and the ladies. Perhaps for another

Very enjoyable, like most of your work. Thank you.

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