The Gate - Elvish Has Left


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Carny laughed for a bit then said, "That's funny, but what does it mean?"

Lelu shrugged, "I don't know, it's like when I'm very upset, he says he has to coax me down off the shelf. I'm not sure what that means either." Lelu's train of thought was interrupted by two glittering insects that fluttered into the bath leaving a vapor trail of glitter as they flew, and they came straight for Carny and Lelu. These were fairies of course, cute little winged demi-humans, they're kind of stupid but they're easy to train and they make great gifts for the children. Queen Mary gave one to Carny when she was young, back before Mary Atchi became Queen Mary.

"We have a message for you!" the fairy with dark blue hair said.

The other fairy, a pink skinned little creature with bright orange hair said, "The empress is coming for her evening bath!"

"You have been deemed acceptable and are permitted to bathe with her!" cried the blue hair fairy, bursting with excitement.

"Rejoice and be well!" they said in unison and fluttered over to the entrance from the shower room and hovered on either side of the door. Soon the beautiful red haired crown princess Pina Co Lada entered the bath. She was followed by her two closest advisors, short dark purple haired Beefeater E Caty the captain of the Rose Order of Knights, and fellow Rose Order of Knight the stunning blond Bozes Co Palesti.

As they started to take their towels off, Lelu covered her eyes and asked Carny to tell her when the royals were safely in the water. "Ok, they're in," said Carny brightly, and Lelu uncovered her eyes.

"What was that about?" asked Beefeater.

"Just in case my husband is..." and she started to mumble.

"He is what...?" demanded Pina in her best empirical voice.

Lelu began to blush and sink lower in the water, but Carny said clearly, "They're bound! He can see what she can see, and she doesn't want to show him our bodies!" Then the bunny stood in the water in front of Lelu and started doing a dance that caused her large breasts to shake invitingly. "Oh Stefan! Look at me dance for you Stefan!"

"Bound? Another couple?" asked Bozes. "There appears to be a rash of this happening."

"No, just us."

"Really?" Bozes asked in a snobby voice. "The couple I met that was bonded was a human and a..." she suddenly realized that there was a very angry looking warrior bunny glaring down at her.

Carny whirled to face Bozes. "Say troll, I dare you," she hissed.

"I was going to say an unfortunate victim of this empire's worst behavior," continued Bozes. She looked at Lelu who was looking forlorn. "That was you?" gasped the blond warrior. She moved next to Lelu and hugged her. "You look wonderful! What happened? Was it a healer?"

They had been joined by a dark elf, a high elf, and a small human with teal colored hair. "It was two arch mages and a week of their work nonstop to heal most of her outside injuries," said the Yao Ro Dushi, the dark elf, as the three entered the water next to Lelu.

"Itami ordered us to help her," said Lelei La Lalena. "He said he would protect us from the emperor's anger." When Pina looked at her strangely Lelei continued, "Your father issued an order to all healers and all mages with healing magic to let the victims of his torture suffer until they die. Itami told us that the emperor's order was illegal, and he wanted Miss Lelu ready for her wedding as soon as possible."

"He said that?" gasped Lelu.

Tuka Luna Marceau, the high elf that joined said, "They repaired most of the exterior injuries, but the interior damage caused by your father and your brother is beyond their skills to heal." She pointed an accusing finger at Princess Pina.

Beefeater Caty leapt to her feet, water streaming off her taut athletic figure, "I will avenge my empress!" she shrieked and crouched in a fighting stance.

Crown princess Pina Co Lada leaned forward and placed her hand on her chief of the guard's hip and asked, "Avenge me for what? You want to protect me from hearing the truth?"

"My lady!" gasped Beefeater, "she insinuated..."

"She insinuated nothing! She did something that hasn't happened in this building for centuries, she spoke the truth," said Pina. The room was silent except for Lelu's stifled laughter. "Does this amuse you madam elf?"

"No, but I'm sure my husband will find it hilarious," Stephan's laughter in her head was contagious and she couldn't help but laugh along. "He heard you say..."

"Your husband hears us, and you hear him?" asked Pina, "How is this possible?" She gestured to Lelu to come join her. Still shy about her body, Lelu made her way over to the crown princess and Carny followed closely. Seeing Carny stick close to Lelu's side, Pina asked, "and you are?"

"Carny Taz, I am Lelu's cook, bodyguard, and daughter."

"How interesting!" Pina laughed, "a green man marries an elf, and their child is a warrior bunny. I love it!"

"We're not married yet," said Lelu, "there's something we have to do first." When Lelu and Carny sat down next to Princess Pina, Yao explained how bonding worked and was very specific about mentioning that this bond between a human and an elf had never happened before.

"So, your husband can see and hear everything that you see and hear?" gasped Beefeater and she slipped down into the water up to her chin followed by the rest of the girls except for Pina. "Your highness!" gasped Beefeater, always protective of the princess.

Pina shrugged, "If he's already seen us, it makes no sense in hiding now."

Lelu laughed and said, "no, he is not watching now, and he insists that I'm the only one he wants to see naked."

"Oh, that's sweet!" chirped Tuka. Both Tuka and Yao take encouragement in seeing Stefan and Lelu's elf/human relationship, because they both have eyes on Itami and wouldn't mind an elf/human relationship of their own.

When the coo's of "How sweet," died down, Lelu explained that they can only see what she sees when they're in physical contact. "But the next time we touch, he'll have access to my memories," and she waggled her eyebrows.

"How lewd," sighed Tuka.

"I believe this is the first time we've ever had an elf and a warrior bunny in the Imperial Baths," said Pina as the chuckling died down.

"No, your highness," said Lelu softly. "I've been in here dozens of times scrubbing the baths after..." In his youth, Emperor Molt Sol Augustus, Pina's father, enjoyed orgies here in these baths where raping prisoners was on the menu. His orgies held in the baths allowing political allies to indulge their sexual fantasies with his stable of demi-human prisoners was the talk of the empire. Luckily, he found Lelu's disfigurement disgusting and he left her alone.

"Stop." Pina ordered. She knew where Lelu's story was headed and she didn't want to hear it, and she didn't want Lelu to relive it. "It ends now." She put her arm around Lelu's shoulders and said, "I want to have a word with you and your husband, I have a few ideas." She looked over at Itami's friends, the two elves and the mage. "Come join us, I want to hear your ideas too." When everyone was close, she said, "First I need an advisor..."


For the next week terror stalked the corridors of the palace at night. A spirit roamed the dark hallways of the dungeons and the brightly lit hallways, apartments, and offices above the dungeons judging the guards for their past misdeeds. It was said that this spirit would walk up to a guard, stare him in the eye then either congratulate him for his past good behavior, or ask "Remember the time when you thought it would be fun to abuse a prisoner?" Then beat the ever-living shit out of the guard warning him that he better claim to have fallen down the stairs or he won't survive the next beating, nor will his family.

The crown jewel of the imperial dungeon, the interrogators, all disappeared leaving behind suicide notes describing their past misdeeds, especially when it came to torturing elves. All these notes left by the interrogators were a surprise to the empirical court because one of the skills required of a good interrogator is illiteracy. When "encouraging" a prisoner to sign a confession, one doesn't need the interrogator to understand what the prisoner just agreed to confess.

Crown Princess Co Lada was overwhelmed with requests from injured and bandaged soldiers who claimed to have "fallen down the stairs," for reassignment to far flung outposts regardless of how dangerous the assignment was. She had expected several when she laid out her plan with Lelu and Carny, but the number was overwhelming. Their fear of the palace "stairs" was all consuming. She finally turned to an advisor who informed her of the most knowledgeable man in the palace regarding staircase safety. She summoned him to the throne room at once. Looking down at the man she said "Sergeant Hanover, I have been told that you are an expert on stairs may know why so many of my men have been falling down the stairs in recent days."

"It may be possible that they're showing up to work drunk, I've met a few of your men who reek of elven wine," Stefan as he looked at the emperor, not Princess Co Lada.

"That certainly may account for a number of them, but many have been here far too long and know the penalty for being drunk on duty. Do you have any idea why they may suddenly fall down several flights of stairs?" Crown Princess Co Lada realized that when he spoke, Sergeant Hanover was not looking at her, he was staring at her father with barely concealed disgust.

"Your highness, forgive me if I am blunt, my home country has no love of royalty, we are a country of separatists..."

"I understand sergeant, your wife has briefed me of this." Princess Co Lada frowned; he's skirting on the edge of insolence.

"Well, we're not actually married either, we want to gather her whole family together first, but her mother is a "guest" of your brother in one of his dungeons." Stefan glared with barely controlled anger at the emperor who is now starting to notice his disdain. "As for your guards, I venture a guess you may want to entertain. Your stairs are well made and even though the risers are worn from centuries of use, that should be of no danger to a well-trained, well-disciplined soldier. I can only assume that these men have something on their mind and just aren't paying attention to what they are doing."

Princess Co Lada leaned back; he's finally getting to the point. "Do you have any idea what may be on their minds that would cause such a calamity?"

"This is just a guess, but it just may be possible that guilt for past misdeeds could be clouding their minds to the point that slipping and falling might become a very real occurrence." These words were aimed at the former emperor like a dagger thrown at the heart.

"Thank you, sergeant. That will be all." Pina glared at her father. When Stefan had left the throne room she said, "I see that we will need new recruits for the palace guard. I believe they should be chosen on their ability to GUARD rather than to turn a blind eye to certain deeds committed by certain people."

The former emperor just shrugged and waved a bored hand. "It's your palace now, do as you like."


The throne room was gayly decorated with banners and bunting and flags of the empire and Japan hung in places of honor. Governors of the different empirical provinces were in attendance wearing their finest robes and togas, and a band struck up anthems as the empire's army honor guard dressed in their finest uniforms took their place in the throne room. Crown Princess Pina Co Lada took the emperor's seat while her father took the seat of the Grand Vizier behind and to the left of Pina. Behind Pina with many other VIPs sat Queen Mary Atchi, Crown Princess Hahn Tahn Amaya, and Princess Leah Cooka Rohcha.

The herald at the main entrance banged the butt of his staff on the stone floor twice and the audience instantly went silent. The herald announced, "Commander of the Japanese Self Defense Force's Third Recon Team, Captain Yōji Itami and his advisor demigoddess and apostle of Emroy, Rory Mercury." Itami in his dress uniform walked side by side with Rory in her black and red gothic dress carrying her massive halberd. The edge of the giant battle axe is so sharp that small blue flashes of light could be seen dancing along the blade's edge as air molecules that struck the edge of the blade were sliced in half. They walked up to the throne and presented themselves to the future empress then took their places with the governors.

The herald again banged the butt of his staff on the ground twice, the sound echoed through the throne room and silenced the crowd. He announced, "High Elf Prima Diva Lelu Nikto De Sebat and her heiress, Warrior Bunny Carny Taz." Dressed in beautiful gowns they slowly made their way up the center aisle to the throne. Lelu's gown was varying shades of green to represent the forests of the elven folk, Carny's dress was varying shades of golden brown to represent the fields of the Warrior Bunnies. They knelt before the throne awaiting the words from Pina. Would she say what she promised? Lelu was terrified to be here; in her history with the empire, the truth and the empire's leadership have a contentious relationship. Carny reached for the long knife hidden in her gown... just in case.

"Lelu Nikto De Sebat, I understand your distaste for this throne, you came to that distrust honestly, which is more than I can say for the way we have treated you and your people. Having shown fealty to my administration, would you serve as advisor to the affairs of the Empire regarding the needs and desires of the nations of the elves?" The entire crowd was shocked, elves were considered mere possessions of the empire, a thorn in the side of landowners, and a woodland creature to be hunted like a deer, why would the empress need an advisor for them? Why would the empress deign to employ one of them? At the same time the elves in attendance including Tuka Luna Marceau and Yao Ro Dushi held their breath in excitement, representation by and elf for elves in the royal court? It was a dream that goes back hundreds of years.

"I will, your highness." Lelu never looked up, the terror was too real, even the calming words of Stefan in her mind were of little help.

"Then come, join me. Guide my hand," said Pina and gestured to a seat on her right. "Lead us to a new day." Lelu rose and on wobbling legs she ascended the dais and took the seat next to Pina. Carny followed and stood behind her, occasionally grinning over her shoulders to her cousins Hahn and Cookie seated behind her.

Again, the herald banged his staff twice and announced, "United States Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant Stefan Edward Hanover." Stefan rolled his eyes, his rank was getting more use in this world than the entire 20 years he was in the corps. He walked up the aisle wearing a simple uniform that a soldier of the empire would wear, however rather than a leather kilt, the kilt he wore was wool with a blue and green tartan plaid which he said was close enough to his mother's Scottish ancestry. He wore an ornamental brass breast plate polished so brightly it showed like gold, brass shoulder pads, and a short sleeve leather shirt that showed off the magical globe and anchor tattoo that glowed softly on his forearm. He carried a short sword that he picked up from the corpse of an old soldier that was executed before his eyes as a reminder of the inhumanity of these people. When he neared the dais, he stopped and stood at attention. The whole trip up the aisle was spent gazing in the eyes of Lelu, they teased each other and made plans for an evening of love before this "dog and pony show," which made the empress' new advisor smile and blush sweetly as her man winked at her.

A highly decorated empire army officer approached him as another herald approached then turned to the audience and announced, "Upon finding himself within the boundaries of the Empire through no fault of his own, Retired Gunnery Sergeant Stefan Edward Hanover joined observation team 117 in their mission of observing the movements of the rebel forces of the criminal Zorzal El Caesar. Sergeant Hanover saw that El Caesar had taken over seventy-three citizens of the empire as slaves to be sold as booty. Enraged with the treatment of these noncombatant civilians, Sergeant Hanover defeated eleven rebel soldiers and liberated the captives. After liberating the captives, he treated the wounded and escorted them back to their home in Nangda. But enroute to Nangda they were assailed by a major force. With the aid of a single partner, he defeated all twenty-five heavily armed rebel knights and returned Princess Leah Cooka Rohcha to her mother Queen Mary Atchi, Lord and Sovereign Leader of the Nation of the Warrior Bunnies. Stefan Hanover's actions reflect credit upon himself, the Marine Corps, and the Saderan Empire."

The overdecorated officer, a general probably, was handed a tray by an aide, the tray held two medals with brightly colored ribbons. Stefan was a bit taken back, usually the aide holds the tray at an award ceremony while the general does the presentation. If a general is holding it, then the presenter outranks him. With a gasp from the assembled crowd, the crown princess rose and turning around she nodded to Queen Mary then stepped off the dais and approached Stefan. This was unheard of! At an award ceremony the crown would just watch with bored resignation until the ceremony was over and then he/she could get back to whatever debauchery was on their social schedule for that day. "Could we have your partner join us?" Pina asked loud enough for the VIPs to hear.

The look on Princess Pina's face was priceless when Lelu stepped up next to Stefan. "Not Hahn?" she asked quietly. "I was told she was part of the action."

"That was a bit of political showmanship on Queen Mary's part for the people and bunnies of Nangda," Stefan said as Pina picked up a medal from the tray the general was holding.

"For their great courage and for saving the crown princess's people they are awarded the Emperor's Cross," called the herald. Pina put the medals on both Stefan and Lelu, shook their hands and joined the crowd in applauding them. Not to be outdone, Mary, Hahn, and Cookie rose and gave them a standing ovation which forced the crowd to rise also. You just can't ignore when royals rise to applaud, it's just not done!

When they were done clapping and back in their seats Pina said to Stefan, "hand me your sword sergeant." He unsheathed his nicked, battered gladius, and handed it to her pommel first. Pina had been told about this sword by Lelu in the bath several nights ago and she inspected it carefully, obviously concerned about the chips and cracks in the blade, the old soldier that carried this weapon obviously had a tough life. Lelu said that Stefan carries it to remind him of that old soldiers death at the hands of Zorzal's army. He once told Lelu, "This tired old blade looks like how I feel when you're not around."

With all the dignity she could muster Pina said, "Kneel." Once they knelt she looked at the audience and declared in a loud, commanding voice, "Be it known to all that I, Crown Princess Pina Co Lada am minded to raise Stefan Edward Hanover and Lelu Nikto De Sebat by virtue of their honor, loyalty, valor, and skill at arms, to the high rank of knighthood!" when her declaration stopped echoing she then said to the kneeling couple, "Stefan and Lelu, do you swear and acknowledge me to be your true and lawful liege?"

"I do," both said.

"Do you also swear fealty to the Rose Order of Knights, to defend and obey them until relieved of duty, or death shall take you?" Pina continued.

"I do," both said.
