The Girl in His Reflection Ch. 02

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Jules begins to build the identity of Julia.
10k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 01/19/2024
Created 06/25/2023
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CW: gender swap; transformation; bisexual; public;

'Shit,' Jules said, throwing the phone face-down into the bed. He pulled the blanket up around his legs, covering his mound as he tried to catch his breath. He'd just had, only moments ago, one of the best orgasms of his life, and that's when the collar had let him take it off. He put his fingers to it again and - there was no give. It was stuck fast again. And he was stuck like this again until-

'Uhhh,' Ben said, his voice muffled and tinny. 'Jules?'

'Shit,' Jules said again, looking at the face-down phone. He scrambled off his bed, his feminine hips wider than he was used to, the bounce of his new... anatomy making his centre of gravity harder to predict. He wasn't used to this yet.

He moved to the pile of clean clothes that he had, yet to be arranged, and pulled out some unseasonal shorts and a baggy tee, pulling them on quickly. He checked his reflection to see how post-orgasm he looked.

Fuck, he'd almost forgotten how attractive he found himself in this... body? Form? Jules was hot - and he'd just given his roommate a full-frontal glimpse.

He picked up the phone.

'Sorry,' he opened with.

Ben looked a little sheepish. 'Yeah, no, don't, uh, don't worry about it.'

Even over facetime, the sudden awkwardness that fell over them was palpable - so Jules decided to change the scenario. His bedroom had stank of the sex he's had with Sam - whoever Sam was, as it seemed evident to Jules, now what had happened - and now it just smelled more like pussy, sweat and sex. It was lurid.

Jules took a deep breath, and headed out into the flat, to get away from the way the smell of sex was making his head swirl.

'So - did you have anything on that guy?' Jules asked.

'Oh!' Ben said, like he'd suddenly remembered something. 'I didn't find him, but I wanted to see if you'd be open to me being more... direct about finding someone?'

Jules frowned, as he sat on the sofa. 'What are you talking about, man?'

'Jules,' Ben said, a sigh in his voice. 'If we want to find out who did this to you-'

It wasn't him, its the collar, Jules thought.

'-and WHY-'

He left the collar behind for me to find; maybe it was some sort of passing-the-torch? Maybe it was to get rid of it?

'-then we need to widen the net. Can I show people the picture of him, in the corridor? And tell him he was, you know, with you?'

'No!' Jules blurted out. 'No, I don't... I don't want people to think I was raped, or something. That's not what happened.'

'Okay, yeah,' Ben said.

'Plus - he didn't do anything wrong,' Jules said. 'Kind of. You know what I mean. He's not a rapist - I don't want to ruin his life, and mine, just to find him.'

Ben nodded. He was outside, somewhere, even though it was daker now; as Jules had been fucking himself between genders, the sun had started to set. He wondered if Elliot's game had started.

'What if...' Ben began, before stopping himself.

'What?' Jules asked.

'What if we told people that he'd been with you. Not Jules - the, uh, female version of you. And he bounced, without you getting his name. And you want to find him.'

Jules went a little cold in his stomach. 'Ben, I don't-'

'Look, I'm at Elliot's place; I won't do anything tonight, so don't you make a decision yet, but... think about it. I'll be back in a few. Let me know if you need anything.'

Jules nodded, feeling like he'd been steamrolled a bit. 'Sure,' he said.

'See ya,' Ben said, before hanging up.

Jules found himself in his flat, his female form wearing only a tee and shorts, with nothing to do. Nowhere to be.

And, like, sure, he understood that he couldn't go out like this. That people couldn't see this version of him. But, also...

Why not?

No one would know that it's him. He would just be... some girl. Some girl, going to the shop or something. He didn't have to go out-out. He didn't even have to talk to anyone. He just had this impulse to go out. To be seen by more than just Ben. It was a Saturday, people would be far more interested in themselves than in some random girl walking about.

Fuck - they would think he was a girl.

It was such a strange idea, and yet... it kind of sent this rush through him. It was like a disguise, or a trick or something. But, also, it was deeply exposing. Like putting a side of himself on show that he'd only discovered recently, for all to see.

'Fuck it,' Jules said out loud, to no one. He stood, and went to his room, looking for something more appropriate to go out in - more so than shorts, at least, in the cool of the evening.

First, he found a pair of jeans that he pulled on. They fit, for the most part, but the way that they felt as he pulled them up his legs felt... strange. Like they were a totally different pair of trousers. His legs were slightly shorter, so the cuffs were around his feet, and while the lower legs were a bit more airy, the upper leg, thigh and butt were stretched more than he was used to. It wasn't even sexy, in his opinion - looking in the mirror, it looked just as uncomfortable as he felt.

So, instead he shrugged them off and went back to what he'd been wearing before, though a slightly cleaner un-worn version of it; he changed into some clean jogging bottoms, dark grey and elasticated in all of the right places, and while he didn't have a bra to help with his new chest - was he going to have to buy a bra? - his tee, with a jacket over it, would do the trick.

He looked again in the mirror, and sighed.

His hips and butt made the jogging bottoms, despite being the same as he wore most nights, look almost like he was asking for attention; the way his hips came in meant the bottoms rested lower on them, giving the slight slip of his pelvis away and - if he moved a certain way - he worried that his pubes would be on show, even trimmed as they were.

But he didn't have anything better, so he found himself a hoodie he could pull over his chest, hiding the way his breasts shaped him, and came down beneath his butt - over those joggers, and the slip of his hips.


Perfectly innocent.


Jules stepped out into the world. Was he Jules anymore? He certainly didn't look like Jules... but he felt like himself. Didn't he?

He set off towards the corner shop that was at the base of his block of flats - at the other end of the building, so it was a five-minute walk, at best - and let his mind start to filter through all of the things that had happened today.

Had it just been today?

It was hard to parse it out, really. To recap it in a way that made sense, emotionally. So, he started with the facts.

Last night, Friday night, he'd picked up Sam at that club. They'd come back to his flat, which he shared with Ben, and spent the night fucking. It was... fantastic.

A small part of Jules relaxed at the memory of how much he'd enjoyed himself. He still liked to fuck - he was still a 'man' in that sense. Okay, cool.

When he'd woken up, Sam was gone - and she left behind her collar, choker-thing. Ben had seen a guy leaving Jules' room, and the camera backed that up. Turned out 'Sam' was a guy, and the collar made her a girl. Jules then... put on the collar. And couldn't take it off - like, fused-to-his-skin couldn't. Once Ben was gone, Jules did what any reasonable guy who was suddenly in a woman's body would do, and masturbated - and it was good.

After the climax, he was able to take off the collar, and was immediately his normal self again. So - was it just the orgasm that meant he could take it off? He'd have to try it again. Because - oh, yeah - Jules had put it back on, and promptly accidentally shown Ben his phenomenal tits.

Jules crossed the quad in the middle of the student accommodation block - a patch of grass with pathways crossing it, trees and flower beds and benches all around. During the day it was delightful. Now, as the sun was setting and already hidden behind the rise of the buildings, it was a little eerie. Quiet, too, for a Saturday. He could see open windows and hear the odd conversation, people going about their day. They didn't pay him any mind at all.

Well - one guy did. As Jules approached the corner shop, a little cramped off-licence that sat tucked into the corner of the block, someone came out through the grubby-looking doorway. A guy Jules half-recognised - a neighbour from the building. He was blonde, and well-built, wearing a tank top and shorts and, despite the hour, sunglasses. He was handsome in a sports-movie kind of way, and he nearly walked straight into Jules in the doorway, his chest bouncing into Jules' front before hopping back.

'Hey there! Sorry, love,' he said. His accent was southern, but not harshly so - maybe from Dorset, or somewhere like that. Jules looked up at him, as the handsome stranger had a good foot on his female form, and he smiled down at her warmly. 'You live here?'

Jules nodded. 'Uh, yeah.'

'Nah,' he said, stepping aside to let Jules squeeze past - and it was a squeeze. 'If you lived here, I'd remember you. Far too cute to be forgotten, you.'

Jules pushed past, and felt the unmistakable graze of his thighs against Jules' - and maybe something else - as they pushed past each other. Jules blushed.

'I don't think so,' Jules said.

'What's your name?' the guy asked, following him into the shop, despite having a back in one hand and clearly not needing to come back in.

'Jul-ia,' Jules said, having to stop himself halfway through. 'Julia. You?'

'Mack,' he said. 'Harry Mackenzie, but, Mack,' he said. 'Can I get your number? Or your snap or something?'

Jules swallowed, and realised all at once what was happening. 'What?'

'Your snap,' Mack said. 'Sorry - I don't mean to be forward or anything but... yeah.'

Jules swallowed, as he realised that he wanted to. He didn't know why - he'd never been attracted to guys, but maybe 'Julia' was. 'Julia' was pausing, and while she wasn't sure what it was she liked, she knew she liked the attention Mack was giving her. It was different to anything Jules had known.

No one had ever asked Jules for his number.

So, Julia - was he Julia now? Was it easier to think of this version of himself as a whole new person? - got out her phone. 'I don't have snapchat. Or, any social media. But put in your number.'

Mack happily filled his number in her phone - her phone? - and handed it back, beaming.

'Nice to meet you, Julia,' he said, before turning to leave. 'Give me a text, whenever you want. No pressure.'

Jules - Julia - nodded, and Mack walked out. Suddenly, he was alone in this shop, aside from the girl behind the counter, who had watched everything. Jules made eye contact with her, a stringy little blond strip of a young woman, who gave her a smile.

'He's hot,' she said. 'Comes in a lot. Nice. Dumb.'

Julia nodded. 'Right.'

'Bet he fucks like a freightrain, though,' she said. Then, snapping out of it and remembering she was at work. 'Sorry, that was- sorry.'

Julia laughed - and it was a woman's laugh. Lighter than Jules' laugh. Softer. For some reason, it was the laugh that did it - the presence of something that was completely automatic being different proved to Jules/Julia that they were different people. One mind, one set of memories, but different people.

'No, I bet he does,' Julia said, before going to grab a diet coke from the little fridge. She swallowed the nervous excitement that was bubbling up inside her, paid for the drink, and made her way home.

Her way.

It was strange to Julia how not-strange it felt to think of herself as a 'herself'. It should have been alien, confusing, odd. And maybe it was, but certainly not to the extent Jules would have guessed, had he been asked this question yesterday.

How has it only been a day?

Julia headed home, a new contact in her phone, a diet coke in her hand, and a bit of a swing in her step.


It was Julia, rather than Jules, who walked back into her student flat, a bit of a smile on her face. What was happening?

She shut the door behind her, took a final sip of her diet coke that she'd drunk on the way home, and dropped it into the bin as she went to the sofa, just... lounging. Feeling her new body in a more casual way. Sure, she'd already had fun with it, as well as accidentally shown Ben her tits - which was probably going to have to be dealt with - but there was something very different about being normal in this body.

She could feel the way her limbs settled differently - without a penis or testes between her legs, it was in fact a bit more comfortable to sit with her legs together; her hair, longer and softer, fell over her shoulder now that she had the hood down, and she could feel the shift of it as her head moved; her breasts, while not massive, had weight to them that she wasn't used to, and it altered how she sat - how her posture rested, and how she got comfortable. It was all new.

But, equally, it had all started to... settle. As though this was the norm, now. Or, if it became the norm, she wouldn't be upset about it.

Something about that thought scared her a little. After all, she still was Jules, really. Jules was the person, with a passport and family photos, the student ID and dating history and bank account and job. Julia didn't have any of those things. She wasn't held down by anything real.

She was outside of all of that... responsibility.

Maybe that's why it felt so good.

Julia was freedom, in a way. An escape from being Jules that granted him so many gifts - not least of which was the fact that sex was amazing. And, while Jules didn't know if he was ready for real, actual sex, Julia really wanted to text Mack. She pulled out her phone - Jules' phone - and looked at Mack's contact info. Her mind raced.

Could she do that?

Could she just... talk to him?

Jules had tried the online dating scene a little bit, and while he'd had some luck with Sam - that it was now clear wasn't really luck - he was generally a bit of a strike-out kind of guy. He wasn't particularly 'hot', though he took care of himself and reckoned he was about average, but it seemed to him that, across the board, guys had a tougher time in the dating scene. It was no secret to him that it was a market of choice for women, though he had always just kind of assumed he'd eventually fall in love with someone down the line. It was fun to go drinking, maybe hook up if you're lucky, or just have a good time.

But as Julia, things were different. She had seen the way Mack had looked at her. Hell, she'd seen the way Ben had looked at her. If she wanted, she could have them. Probably. Not to be arrogant, but Julia was hot, and Ben had seen her tits and just stared, and Mack had asked for her number. At the very least, she could get a date out of this.

Hell, her mind turned to Sam - she had been able to pick him up easily; Jules was a guy who was just happy to take a smoking hot girl home, didn't think about it twice. Julia could definitely do the same.

If she wanted.

Did she want to?

She decided not to text Mack tonight - maybe she'd come back to it later - and instead just watch some TV as 'Julia'. Just be in this body. Just relax in it.

She'd drifted off to an early TV-lit sleep when the door to the flat flew open, and Ben raced in. Julia jumped up, and saw in silent horror as three people - Jules' other friends - followed Ben in, half holding him up. Elliot, who had arranged the games night Jules had skipped, was there, as well as Tony and Rusty.

'I'm okay, I'm okay,' Ben was repeating over and over, slurring a little bit.

'What happened?' Julia asked, before realising that no one there aside from Ben knew who this random woman was.

'We think he got spiked,' Tony said. A wide-shouldered guy with no hair and rounded features, he looked up at Julia with brief shock, then acceptance. 'Hiya. I'm Tony - this is Elliot and Rusty. You've met Ben?'

Julia assumed it was best just to say as little as possible. 'Yeah.'

'Ben said there was a girl staying here while Jules was recovering,' Elliot said. He was tall, gangly and thin as a rake, with sandy brown hair and a stain on his t-shirt. 'Shame he missed the night. What's your name?'

All of a sudden, Julia realised how silly it was for her to use just a feminised version of Jules' name in front of Jules' friends. Not that they would ever click on, but... still.

'Tha's Julee,' Ben slurred, as Tony helped him to the sofa.

'Julia,' she said, deciding that Ben had basically forced her hand, and at least it was only one name to remember. 'Jules is my cousin, I was in town.' She was rambling, giving details. Shut up, Julia.

'Jules and Julia,' Elliot said. 'That's funny.' He didn't seem suspicious.

Rusty, nominally ginger and the most well-kept of the three, having decided to wear a shirt, patted Ben on the head. Ben's eyes rolled as he lay back.

'Should we call, you know, an ambulance?' Julia asked.

'Already have,' Rusty said, his Scottish accent soft but noticeable. Julia had never registered how handsome that ginger prat was, despite how many nights they'd spent playing games or getting shit-faced as a group. 'He didn't start to show, you know, symptoms until we were halfway up the stairwell. Must have happened just as we were leaving.'

'Shit,' Julia said, still watching them from across the room. Now, with all of these men in here, slightly drunk and being all nurturing, she couldn't help the way she was feeling - an odd pull.

Now that scared her.

Julia swallowed the tightness in her chest. 'How long?'

No sooner had she said it than lights began to flash outside. Elliot ran to the window, popped it open and leaned out, shouting down the room number to the paramedics.


'This is kinda mad,' Julia breathed, back on her sofa. Elliot and Rusty were still there, while Tony had offered to go with Ben in the ambulance. Julia had offered as well, but they said it was better if someone who was there could go with them, just in case he could answer any questions.

'Yeah,' Rusty said; he was in the kitchen, and had helped himself to some water, clearly trying to sober up a little. 'It wasn't even late - we'd only gone out because the game didn't really work without Jules.'

'Yeah - should we wake the bastard up?' Elliot asked, sitting in the chair across from Julia. 'Your cousin, is he fit for visitors?'

'Not unless you want sick on you,' Julia said, hoping to Christ they didn't go into that bedroom 'He's been chucking it up all night.'

'Ew,' Rusty said. 'Yeah, maybe not. I'll just text him, so he knows what's up.'

Julia swallowed the sudden worry in herself, and pulled out her - Jules' - phone, and put it on silent. She needed these guys out of here - they were making things too complicated. She saw Rusty's text come through, but decided she needed this night to be over. She could go and see Ben in the morning.

'Not being funny,' she said eventually, 'But Jules is asleep, and I don't really know you, so-'

'Say no more,' Rusty said, hands going up. 'El, we should go.'

Elliot nodded, and stood - but not without leaning forwards and clamping a hand on Julia's bare thigh, right beneath where her shorts ended. 'Let us know if you need anything, yeah?'