The Girl Next Door

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She's something special, alright.
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Arnie Alderman arrived home from a day at the lake. He was the author of three successful children's books involving the "Little Arnie" character and had been seeking inspiration for work on his next. Arnie was not becoming rich by any means, but he was comfortable, so to an orphan who had nothing growing up he had already attained the American dream.

He took his belongings into his house and then came back outside to smoke a cigarette. He caught movement from the corner of his right eye and glanced over to see Karla Radcliffe, his neighbor, moving a hefty pile of pine needles to the spot where she conducted her burning. She dropped the pine needles, straightened her back, stretched, and ran her forearm across her brow as she looked over. She saw Arnie and quickly looked away.

Arnie couldn't believe how sexy Karla looked even though covered in sweat. Maybe her cut-off jean shorts and red-and-white-checked sleeveless shirt had something to do with it. Maybe it was the fact that she was a dead ringer for Kaley Cuoco, that woman who played Penny on Big Bang Theory. Nah, he thought. It's her ass. It's always been her ass. It was the sexiest ass he had ever seen. He thought back to the first time he had seen it.

Arnie had just moved into his house a few days earlier. He was removing belongings from his pick-up when he glanced over and saw someone lying on the ground. She was apparently sunbathing; her body was already deeply tanned. He could tell she was not wearing a top. His eyes followed down the curve of her back to where lay the most perfect ass he had ever seen. He had lit up a cigarette and stood at the corner of his house, just out of view, sneaking glances at her. Just then her phone rang.

"Hey," she said in way of greeting whoever was on the other end. Then, "What? Oh, shit. I forgot. Yeah-yeah-yeah. I'll be right there." She stood immediately and gathered her things and trotted toward her back door. Arnie could see her breasts jiggling as she ran. He also saw something else, a pleasant little surprise that instantly made him want her even more.

That was about six months ago, and it was enough to prompt him to reach out to her as good neighbors should. Oh, they never became anything more than platonic friends: acquaintances more like it. They waved and spoke with one another whenever reason to do so demanded, other than that they kept to themselves.

About four months ago Karla began seeing some douchebag named Wesley Weems. Arnie didn't know anything about the man, but he recognized narcissistic personality disorder whenever he saw it, and this prick had it bad. Arnie had tried to warn Karla about him, but she just wouldn't listen. "He doesn't mind going shopping with me and he calls me frequently," she had told him.

"Yeah," Arnie replied, "that's called keeping you on a short leash. I'm telling you, Karla: He's going to end up fucking your whole world up for you."

Karla dismissed it, but in the weeks to come she had made mention that Wesley had been helping her get rid of "toxic friends." It was a few weeks after that when Wesley began to view Arnie as a potential threat and instructed Karla to never speak with him again. She tried to argue her case for Arnie, but it fell on deaf ears. Wesley even had the nerve to escort Karla to Arnie's house so he could hear her tell Arnie not to speak to her ever again. Karla did as she was told, and for that the matter was settled.

There were times that Arnie would arrive home and see Karla outside and she would quickly turn from him and enter her house, or she would arrive to see him in his yard so she would enter her house through the back door. Arnie didn't give a tin shit if Karla ever spoke to him again, but it was the "why" of the matter that upset him most. Even still, her rules, so he played by them.

Karla began walking toward her back door but changed course at the last second, which resulted in her nearly tripping over her own feet. She took that little two-or-three step jog before setting herself aright, then casually made her way over to Arnie. He looked up but didn't say anything. Seeming to search for some kind of ice breaker, Karla finally said, "Think I could get one of those from you?"

Arnie held out the pack of cigarettes and the lighter. Karla took one, lit it, and leaned her back against the house. "Hot today."


"They say rain is coming before the weekend."

"That's why I'm waiting to rake my yard. I'd hate to have to do it all over again."

"Guess I should have waited as well," Karla said as she swiped her forearm across her brow again. She looked over at Arnie, then cast her gaze back upon the ground. Nothing more was said as she finished her cigarette. She handed him back his cigs and lighter, said, "Thanks," then turned to leave.

"That's it?" Arnie asked.

She turned, her brow furrowed, then her features softened. "I'm sorry, Arnie. I've been a real shit heel to you. You're a nice guy. You deserved better."

"I tried to warn you," Arnie reminded her. "You just didn't want to listen."

"Do you know how hard it is to find someone who will date me?" Karla asked. "It's not as easy as you think. That's why if someone shows interest, I try to be who they want me to be."

"Yeah, but at the risk of losing everything, even your own identity?" Arnie retorted. "You're a beautiful woman, Karla, a damned beautiful woman, and the small parts of you I have come to know... Well, you seem like a very nice woman as well. Don't be so quick to latch onto the first guy who shows interest. Wait for something better."

"Believe me when I say there are things about me you just don't know."

"And believe me when I say I know more than you think."

Karla just looked at him for a few seconds before extending a hand. "Friends?"

"Friends," Arnie said as he lightly shook it.

She held onto it as she stepped close to him and softly said, "You know, you're welcome to come over and let me show you how sorry I really am."

"What kind of people are you used to dealing with?" Arnie asked with a small amount of incredulity. "I am deeply, deeply attracted to you, and I have been since the first day I moved here. There is no way in the world I would ever accept sex as an apology. If you and I have sex, I'd want it to be because our feelings led us down that path. Thank you for the offer, but I just don't want it to be an empty thing, especially when I believe it can be so wonderful."

"I understand," Karla responded as she lightly nodded. She was hoping Arnie wouldn't say anything about the apparent look of embarrassment on her face. She turned and returned to her house. Arnie returned to his as well.

The following day, Thursday, Arnie and Karla had managed to not run into each other when coming and going. Friday, Arnie was sitting in a lawn chair when Karla arrived. After a pleasant hello back and forth, Arnie walked over and helped Karla bring in her groceries. Before he left, she asked, "What are your plans for tomorrow night?"

"Nothing really," he began in response. "Probably work on my next book some."

"Well, I bought a couple of steaks. Would you like to come over for dinner?"

"Oh! Wow! Um... Yeah. Sure. That'd be great."

"Baked potato and broccoli good as sides?"

"It's like you're reading my mind here," Arnie said with a small chuckle. "What time?"

"I'll try to have it ready by six, so just whenever."

Arnie surely didn't know Karla's financial status, but he couldn't help but feel a bit chagrined knowing that he could better afford to make the meal than she. Well, he could always do the "next one is on me" thing and make sure there were plenty of leftovers for her to take with her. He also wondered about her reasons behind this. It wasn't really a date, was it? Could it be a more concerted effort at an apology? He momentarily entertained the thought that it could be something more, but he quickly dismissed that idea.

The only thing of note that happened in Arnie's life on Friday was that he spent time speaking with his agent over skype. She told him that the publisher wanted a new three book deal after he fulfilled this contract. She also told him that Disney Channel was interested in doing a live action series based on his books and she was awaiting further word from producers for more information. Of course, with the series, a whole new marketing campaign would be instituted to sell merchandise. It was just talk right now, though, so Arnie shouldn't put any eggs in that basket until the final word had been given, she told him.

He stayed inside all day with exception to stepping out for a smoke, and then he used the back door as to avoid Karla. He just didn't want anything to happen that might cast a shadow over their dinner later. At four-thirty, he got a shower and dressed in khaki pants, a white polo shirt, and a blue blazer; he felt casual dress was the best way to go.

He had purchased a bottle of Gallo Red to go with dinner, which he grabbed on the way out. He didn't think it was too assuming, and he hoped Karla felt the same. He knocked on her door and she answered, looking a bit disheveled but not at all put out by his early arrival. "Come in," she said as she took the wine from him. "Don't you look handsome tonight?"

"Thanks," Arnie responded with a bit of a blush. "I really don't get the opportunity to dress nice unless it's for a meeting with my agent or I'm reading to a class of children."

"Well, you look just fine, which is more than I can say for myself," Karla stated. "Let me step in the back and change clothes. Why don't you open the wine and let it breathe?" She was immediately gone, leaving Arnie to the task at hand.

He opened the wine and then looked under a towel on the counter. It was the steaks. Really nice rib eyes, too. "Have you started the grill yet?" he called back to her.

"Be a sweetheart and do that for me," she returned. He had no problem doing so, seeing as to how he was almost an hour early. He had hoped to spend this time talking and getting to know her better, little knowing she had planned every detail to maximize exacting results.

As Arnie poured the charcoal into the grill a small snicker escaped his lips as he recalled an incident from his youth. "Hey, Father McBride. Do you think I could do it this time?"

"It takes a lot to get this just right, son," the head of the orphanage had told him. "You must arrange the briquettes geometrically for maximum burnage."

Arnie had responded with, "Yeah, great, Padre. I never would have thought of putting them in a pile." He returned to his room after that, laughing at himself for one-shotting the priest.

Back in the present, Arnie had arranged the briquettes geometrically, doused them thoroughly with lighter fluid, and set them ablaze. He lit up a cigarette as he watched the coals burn. Karla peeked her head outside and asked, "How's it looking?"

"Fifteen-twenty minutes," Arnie answered as he glanced over his shoulder. He did a double take and said, "Wow!" when he saw Karla. She was wearing a black dress with plunging neckline, black stockings, black three-inch heels, a silver pendant hung between her breasts, and her hair and make-up were flawless. His mouth worked to offer something else, but the only thing he could manage was another, "Wow!"

"I take it you like it," she said as she slowly turned. He nodded. "Well, I had to do something to match you. I didn't want to wear cut-offs and an old T-shirt."

Arnie smiled and nodded, but he thought that whether she wore the dress, the old T-shirt, or even a shower curtain, she'd look just as beautiful. "Why don't you go ahead and bring the steaks out? These coals seem to be burning a little fast."

Karla went to the kitchen counter and took possession of the platter the steaks were on, then she grabbed two bottles of Yuengling. She handed Arnie the tray, then a lager. He took four gulps of it and said, "Man, that hits the spot." He looked at Karla, who had turned her bottle up and drained it dry. "See," Arnie began, "now that's what I call an admirable quality in a woman: she can down a beer and look like a lady while doing so."

"I'll grab us a couple more," Karla said as she headed up the stairs.

"Here," Arnie called. He removed his blazer and handed it to her. "It's too hot for this thing."

"Yeah," Karla retorted. "Besides, you've already impressed me with it," and with that, she was once again inside.

I've already impressed her? echoed through Arnie's mind. Does that mean she's into me? I mean, look at how she dressed. Okay, don't fuck this up, Arnie. Just chill and let whatever happens, happen. He downed the remainder of his beer before she returned, and as she handed him another, he thanked her before saying, "Best to nurse this one. Don't want to fill up before dinner, much less be running to the restroom every three minutes."

They stood in relative silence for a few minutes more. Arnie was getting antsy. I know... "How do you want your steak?"

"I don't know. How are you making yours?" Karla asked.

"Well, it's like my dear old grandpappy Euchariah Alderman used to say, 'Cook your steak according to the night you hope to have,' so I guess I'll have rare."

Karla eyed him. "Is there some kind of sexual subtext there?" Arnie smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "Mmm-hmmm. Well, make mine rare to medium rare."

Arnie smiled as he nodded his head. I think she's feeling it. Let's hope she is.

"I'm going to go and get the potatoes and broccoli ready," Karla told him. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek before returning to the house.

On the outside, Arnie was cool as ice. On the inside, however... Yes! Yes! This shit is finally gonna happen. I'm gonna go for two nuts. Hell, I might even try for three. Then a louder voice was heard. Hold on there a second, hoss. She kissed your cheek, not your dick. Slow the fuck

down and wait to see how this shit plays out. That kiss might be all you get today. Remember the

three-date rule? This is only number one. Arnie had to admit that second voice was right. He got busy with the steaks: Five minutes per side for Karla's, and three-and-a-half per side for his. Once done, he returned them to the tray and entered the house.

As Arnie walked in, he caught sight of Karla adjusting one of her stockings. She looked up and smiled, not embarrassed in the least. "It became unattached from the garter belt. I was just fixing it. Set the steaks in the kitchen."

He did, and it's safe to say his hard-on reached the kitchen well before any other part of his anatomy had. He calmed himself--at least he tried--and when that didn't work, he returned to the living room and asked, "Where is your restroom?" Karla pointed down a short hallway. Arnie began walking. As he passed her, he said, "Beer is going right through me."

"Well, hurry up before it gets cold," Karla called behind him. He raised a hand and waved it before entering the restroom.

He did have to pee, and once relieving himself and washing his hands the issue was no more. He returned to the kitchen to find the table set. Karla was seated, waiting on Arnie. He took a seat and took a sip of the wine before asking, "Do you need to say any novenas or anything like that?"

"Oh, I'm an atheist, so no," Karla responded, "but you go ahead if you need to."

"I'm an atheist as well," Arnie told her, "but I will thank you for having me over and preparing this lovely meal."

"Hey, you were the grill master, so--wait." She cut a piece from her steak and slid it into her mouth. Her eyes rolled back and she farcically went limp. "My god. This is the closest thing to an orgasm I have ever experienced."

"Well, I'm pretty good at those, too." Arnie couldn't believe he said it. It was like the words came out of their own volition. He was about to offer an apology when...

"Oh, really?" She had a sly smile on her face while Arnie looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Care to show me?" Karla stood and sashayed her ass to a room in the back. Arnie quickly followed. Upon his arrival, Karla was holding up her long, luxurious blonde hair from the back as she said, "Unzip me?"

Arnie did, and with her back still to him she allowed the dress to fall to the floor. He followed her body down her back to the black thong that was flossing her perfect ass to the garter belt, the stockings, and finally her heels. She turned to face him. Her breasts were beautiful, as was her little "innie" navel and fleshy tummy. "My god, you're beautiful," he said above a whisper.

Karla smiled sweetly at him as she lifted a leg. "Just let me get these heels off and--"

"No!" Arnie said a bit too forcefully. "I mean, no. Keep them on. They're sexy as hell."

She then straightened and said, "Well, at least let me pull off these--"

"Leave those on, too," Arnie said of her thong. "I want to be the one to unwrap it."

Karla gave a light chuckle as she comforted herself on the bed. "Okay, big boy. Your turn." Arnie shed his shirt in a whirlwind. Next was his Florsheims, then his pants, his underwear, and when he reached to remove his argyle socks, Karla said, "No. Leave those on. They're sexy."

Arnie gave a small laugh as he crawled onto the bed. He lay on his side and faced her.

"Now what?" Karla asked.

"Now this," Arnie answered, and he moved in and began to kiss her. They kissed for a good minute, after which Arnie pulled back and asked, "This isn't an apology thing, is it?"

"No, Mr. Alderman," Karla began as she lightly kissed him again. "This is," kiss, "me wanting," kiss, "to make love," kiss, "with someone who appreciates me," kiss, "for who I am," kiss.

"Lord knows I truly appreciate you," Arnie responded before laying into her once again. He slid a hand onto her left breast. It was natural, no boob job. He was glad. He slid his hand down her belly and up again. "You don't know how long I've wanted you."

"Now you've got me, so treat me right," she told him.

"I plan to," Arnie said as he kissed his way to her left breast. He kissed his way around it in a spiral, finally coming in contact with her nipple and areola. She purred as he took them into his mouth. Simultaneously, his right hand was slowly caressing her inner thighs.

"Oh, Arnie. Damn."

He kissed his way to her right nipple and areola, following the same spiral pattern and softly sucking once he reached them. His hand moved behind her to her ass. He lightly squeezed and rubbed. It was soft yet firm, and there was just one thing he really wanted to do to it.

He kissed Karla down to her navel, then turned her to where she was lying on her stomach. "Raise your hips," he told her, and she did. Arnie then peeled back the strap of the thong and completely immersed his face between her ass cheeks. Karla let out a loud moan of pleasure as Arnie's tongue bathed her with saliva. He pulled her cheeks apart, nestled himself deeper into her, then brought the cheeks tightly around his face. He was in heaven, and he wanted no escape.

Karla reached behind herself and held his head in place. "Yes. That's it, Arnie. Eat that ass. Oh, god damn, eat that ass." The hand on his head and the words echoing through his ears drove Arnie into a frenzy. He was tearing that ass up and Karla was enjoying every second of it.

Arnie didn't know long he had been back there--he guessed fifteen or twenty minutes--but it was time to move on to other things. He slowly detached himself from Karla's ass, then he looped his fingers into the seam of her thong and eased it off her. "Turn over, baby." She did, and her seven-inch cock stood hard and straight like a soldier at attention. "There it is," Arnie said with a smile.

"You like it?" Karla asked.