The Gold-digger Ch. 05

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Stacy Furthers Her Control.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/20/2024
Created 05/16/2024
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Over the following couple of weeks, Stacy's wardrobe had changed considerably. Of course, she was still wearing sexy dresses and blouses, keeping Mr. Jameson under her spell. But now her clothes and accessories were from Chanel, Prada, and Louis Vitton. And everyone at the office noticed the new Mercedes Benz S-Class Stacy drove to work. Margaret Thrasher, one of the two women on the executive team, glowered from her office window as Stacy, looking like a supermodel on a runway, sauntered up to Mr. Jameson at the beginning of a new work day, leaned in close, touched his arm, and whispered something in his ear. Of course, Margaret's annoyance was partly due to the stark contrast in age and beauty between Stacy and herself. Margaret was a 60 year old, wrinkled, grey, grandmother, nothing like this 25 year old, smooth, blonde bombshell. But Margaret's bigger concern (or at least that's what she told herself) was for the company. Who was this girl? And how could she afford all that on a secretary's salary? There was no way.

So Margaret decided to do some digging. She sat down at her computer and began searching through the company's recent expenses. She was shocked. She found credit card charges for high-end boutiques and restaurants, some even in Europe. Who was using the company credit card in Europe? And then she saw the company jet's flight manifest. It was Stacy. How had a new secretary acquired access to the company credit card and get away with abusing it like this? Margaret looked up and saw outside her window. Stacy was still talking to Mr. Jameson. She was looking up at him with those sultry doe eyes and caressing his arms, while he seemed to be in a complete daze, his eyes glazed over and his jaw slightly open. Margaret knew that look in a man, and she concluded how Stacy must've gained access to the company's resources. Of course, she couldn't take this to Mr. Jameson, and she didn't trust the male members of the executive committee to risk their positions to go up against the boss. So she took it to her best friend, Olivia Palmer, a 56-year-old heavyset woman and the only other female member of the executive committee. Of course, in the male-dominated world of business, she and Olivia had grown close. They had worked harder than anyone else to get to where they were, and, unlike the men, they couldn't be so easily distracted by a nice pair of tits.

After meeting with Olivia and showing her the evidence, the women were in a frenzy. This was nothing short of embezzlement. It looked like Mr. Jameson was allowing his secretary to indulge her own appetites, probably in exchange for allowing him to indulge his. This certainly wasn't like Mr. Jameson, but they couldn't let it stand. Of course, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to dislodge Jameson from his job at this point. But they were going to give him an ultimatum. On a Thursday afternoon, when Stacy was out of the office (as she was more and more often), the two women barged into Mr. Jameson's office to confront him. Startled, he looked up. "What can I do for you, ladies?"

Margaret acted as the duo's representative. "Cut the crap, Richard. We know what's been going on." She tossed the account statements on his desk. As he stared at them and grew red in the face, Margaret continued berating him. "You deserve to be kicked out for this. Letting your secretary use company funds for her own luxury? Seriously, Richard? We're giving you an option. You either fire this girl and restore the funds or we're taking it to the board." A flustered Jameson paused and stared down at the statements. He wasn't sure how he had arrived at this point. It just felt so natural, so good to give Stacy what she wanted. He nodded, still staring at the statements.

"Okay. You're right. I'll talk with her this evening." The two women, still annoyed, were at least satisfied. They didn't trust Stacy, or Jameson for that matter, but they were convinced they had him in a bind. He would deal with it.

Of course, he couldn't meet with Stacy at the office because she had decided to take a long weekend and wouldn't be returning until Monday. But he had promised to deal with her immediately. So he found her address. He was surprised when he realized she was living in a penthouse in the finest part of the city. Wasn't that little excessive on her salary? Richard instructed his limo driver to take him to the address; he didn't offer any more information. Soon they arrived at the apartment building. Even Mr. Jameson couldn't go directly to Stacy's penthouse without permission. So he informed the man at the front desk, who then picked up the phone and dialed a number. The man nodded and said, "Yes, miss," before hanging up. Apparently, Stacy had given permission for her boss to reach her apartment. Mr. Jameson entered the elevator and headed up to the top floor. Suddenly, the elevator doors opened.

And there she was. Stacy was wearing a tight-fitting white shirt with black yoga pants. Her tits were nearly spilling out of her top. She was stunning. "Hi, Mr. Jameson. Isn't this a pleasant surprise!" She giggled. "I wasn't expecting you. Come in." Mr. Jameson, unable to keep his eyes off Stacy, stepped off the elevator and followed her to the couch. Even in his condition, he couldn't help but notice the luxury of the apartment.

Stacy sat down and patted the seat next to her. Mr. Jameson sat down and faced her. Holy cow, this woman is beautiful, he thought. She was facing him, with her massive tits right there, her head slightly cocked to the side with a sly smile. Her left hand rested on the top of the couch, while her right played with her necklace. "What can I do for you, sir?"

" see...well, it's..."

Stacy tilted her head down and nodded encouragingly, "Yes sir?"

"Well, I know I gave you permission to use the company credit card. But I didn't know you were to use it so lavishly! Two members of my executive team came to me and complained. I have no choice. I'm going to have to fire you." Even as he said it, Mr. Jameson's heart sunk; he was completely infatuated with this girl.

But Stacy seemed completely unperturbed. She just kept playing with her necklace and sighed, which expanded her chest and drew Mr. Jameson's eyes down to those magnificent orbs. "It's okay, sir. I know it wasn't your choice. You understand I was just using the company card to buy things that would make me more presentable in the office, right? Why don't I show you one of the outfits I just bought to wear to work?"

"Stacy, I'm not here to look at clothes. I only came to fire you and to tell you to pay back what you stole."

Stacy smiled and began bouncing the necklace up and down her cleavage, where Richard's eyes returned. Richard suddenly smelled that wonderful scent again, as Stacy spoke. "It'll only take a minute. You have a minute, don't you, Richard?" Richard slowly nodded. "Good. I'll be right back."

Several minutes passed. When Stacy returned to the room, Richard looked up and his eyes nearly came out of their sockets. Stacy was dressed in a tight black mesh dress, hardly more than lingerie, and her tits were almost entirely popping out. She approached Richard and set down close to him. Richard couldn't keep his eyes off her; his jaw was slack. "See, sir? I was only trying to look better for the company...and for you. Now tell me, who brought the complaints about me?"

"I...I...I can't disclose that...Stacy." He was trembling.

"Well, we know it isn't the boys. They like me a lot. So it must've been those two hags, Margaret and Olivia. Honey, they're just jealous of how well we work together." She lightly placed her hand on the inside of Richard's thigh; electricity shot through him.

"In fact, I think we should spend more time together...outside the office. Would you like that?"

"Stacy, I don't think it would be appropriate now that you're fired. Margaret and Olivia would..." Stacy cut off his objection with a passionate kiss. When their lips parted, Richard was in a daze.

"Don't worry about them, sweety. This is about us." Stacy lifted herself up and straddled her former boss; her tits were at his eyelevel. "Don't you want to get to know me better?" She suddenly pulled down her top. Her boobs bounced free and swirls of pheromones surrounded Richard's head. Stacy leaned in and whispered, "Why don't you give them a little kiss?" Richard lunged at her breasts and began licking and sucking like his life depended on it.

Suddenly, Stacy pushed his head back and lifted herself off him; he groaned in disappointment. Stacy climbed off and walked toward the window, as Richard stared at her ass. With a false pout, she said, "But, Richard, I'm not sure how I can ever trust you again since you fired me." She leaned over the windowsill, giving Richard a nice view of her bottom, which she began rocking back and forth, as Richard's eyes shifted back and forth with them. "And where am I going to live? What ever will I do?"

"I...I know. You could stay with me!" As soon as Richard blurted it out, Stacy smiled wickedly to herself; she had him. She turned around and strutted toward him, her exposed breasts bouncing with each step. When she reached him, she ran her hands up his body.

"Thank you so much, Richard. I appreciate a man who's so....generous." As good as this news was for her, Stacy knew she couldn't stay at Richard's house. If she was going to condition him properly, she needed to get him away from any distractions of friends or family. "But what about what everyone else will think. Don't we need to keep us a secret for a while?"

Richard kept staring at her chest and breathing heavily. "Sure, I know it would be best, but I can't hide it if you're staying with me."



She gazed up at him, smiling slyly. "You have a yacht, don't you, Richard?" She knew he did; she had read about his $100 million yacht in Time magazine.

"Yeah...what about it?"

"Maybe you and I could take a little vacation together?"

"I couldn't take the time away from work. And besides, I've only ever taken family on my yacht. I hardly know you..." Zzzziiiiippp. Before Richard could continue, Stacy had unzipped his pants and began rubbing and twisting her hand around his cock. Richard gasped in pleasure, amplified by more of her wonderful scent. His eyes glazed over and his mouth hung open. By now, the Harvard-educated MBA billionaire couldn't remember his own name.

"That's why you need to take me. So you can get to know me better. I think you'll like what you find. But if you need some more encouragement, here's a little taste of what vacation with me will be like..." Suddenly, Stacy knelt down and began sucking Richard's member. Richard's glassy eyes rolled back into his head as Stacy worked him. She released him and began slightly rubbing him with her hand, keeping him on edge. She looked up with her doe eyes. "So what do you say? Should I pack my bags with all of my sexy bikinis and lingerie?"

"Well, um..." Before he could finish, Stacy took him in her mouth again. "Oh....ohhhhhh....yeeesssss!"

"Wonderful! I'm so excited. Now get on the phone and make the arrangements. I'm going to freshen up." Richard immediately called a jet to take them to his yacht in Miami, and then he called the ship's captain to prepare the vessel for departure to Ibiza. Once he was finished, he called out for Stacy.

"Stacy, where'd you go? Stacy?" She wasn't in the kitchen or the bathroom. He eventually made his way to the bedroom. His heart nearly stopped. She was sitting on the bed completely naked with her arms between her legs, pressing her tits together. She was smiling at him like the cat that ate the canary. She lifted her arm and beckoned him with one finger. Richard stumbled forward into the luxurious room. The smell was heavenly; for the past 10 minutes while Richard had been on the phone, Stacy had been preparing the battlefield by pouring out her pheromones. Richard was now caught in a cloud of lust. His breathing was becoming more ragged and his eyes were dilated. Stacy stood up and pulled him around so that the bed was now behind him. With the slightest nudge, she pushed him into the bed and climbed on top of him. She soon had his pants down around his ankles, with his cock standing straight in the air.

"Now that we're officially on vacation, I want our relationship to be more....intimate." She kissed him on the lips. "Let's get better acquainted. Why don't you stare at my tits and....relaaaaaaxxxx." More pheromones flowed into his nose. As her tits hovered over his face, she began talking sweetly.

"I want a relationship with a man who trusts me and whom I can trust. I want a relationship where we don't keep secrets from each other, where everything that is mine is yours, and everything that is yours is..." she suddenly impaled herself on his shaft, "miiiinnnne."

"You do trust me, don't you, honey?"

"Of...of course." He moaned.

"You can't think about anything else but me. Right now, nothing matters but me. You want me, don't you?"

" much!"

"I make you feel soooooo goooood. You just can't get enough, can you?"


"Right now, I bet you can't even remember your name, can you?"

Richard moaned again in reply.

"You're completely lost in me. Nothing else matters. Only me. Tell me you love me and only me."

"I only love you."

"You want to give me everything."

"I want to give you everything."

"You have all that worry and stress. But then you see me, and you just relaaaax. Say, 'I need you, Stacy.'"

"I need you, Stacy."

"Take a deep breath. Breathe me in. Doesn't that feel so good?"

"Ohhhhh, yeeeesssss."

"I don't want you thinking about anyone or anything else. Got it?"

" one else."

"All you can think about is how to please me. Isn't that right?"

"Yes, only think about pleasing you."

"The word, 'No,' doesn't apply to me. It's not in your vocabulary right now. You just want to say, 'Yes, princess.""

"Yes, princess."

"It just feels so natural to agree with me. It feels so natural to nod along with everything I say. Isn't that right?"

Richard nodded quickly.

"Goood boooy. It's easy to please me. You just have to give, and give, and give. You work for me. You provide for me. You give to me. You devote yourself to me. My satisfaction is your drive. You want me to be happy, right? Say, 'Yes, princess, anything for you, princess.'"

"Yes, princess. Anything for you, princess."

"I need you to do one thing for me before we go on vacation. Next month's rent is due. Would you write a check for me to pay it....pleeaaaaaasseeee?" She rapidly rode up and down his cock.


"Say the two magic words, and you can cum."

"Yes, Stacy! Yes, Stacy! Anything for you!" Richard Jameson exploded inside his young secretary, who wore a mischievous smiled on her face.

Stacy leaned down to whisper in the dazed man's ear. "Sleep, now, Richard. We'll leave for Miami in the morning. Just have sweet dreams of my big, hypnotic tits and how much you want to give to them." And with that, Mr. Jameson drifted off to sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

Agreeing with Zena99 here while I'd find rather disgusting if she'd use farts, personally

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

I kinda would find it more sexy if Stacy was japanese (not correcting you tough) and just use her pheromones by farting. If she's so powerful she doesn't need to fuck her victims, just put her ass in their faces and they are done

zena99zena9924 days ago

I would think the rest of the board could be convinced to jettison Olivia and Margaret.

Paypig666Paypig66625 days ago

Making Olivia and Margaret submit will be natural

AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

Looking forward for new chapters!

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