The Good Ship Bison


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Several patrons had their cell phones out and were recording us.

I covered my mouth like I was leaning on my hand, and whispered. "Pat. Please ensure none of the videos from inside this pub are ever released or put on the web or anything? Can you do that? Especially, so they don't know it didn't work until afterwards?"

"Yes.... Done."

I leaned over and whispered to Chris, next to me, "Hey, pass it around, we're being video'd. Tell everyone to be a bit more dignified, okay? Talking good, dignified talking better."

"Okay, boss!"

She turned around casually whispered to some other people and they got the word around. We turned from a casual tourist group to a down-to-business group.

Tina asked about the ship's sensors, and then suggested we might be able to search for gold deposits. That inspired me, and I got out my phone.

For the benefit of the other patreons, I pretended to dial, then talk into it like a speakerphone. I said, "Pat, can you find any shipwrecks with both historical significance, and maybe some treasure, nearby?"

"Definitely, Kevin," Pat's voice came out of my phone as if it was a real call. "There are several within 500 kilometers of here. One is 300 km, it has a large gold hoard in the hold, not of coins but just of raw gold ingots, mined by the Aztecs and stolen by the Spanish in the 1570's. It is in international waters. There are others, slightly farther away."

"Which academic institution would best be able to process and learn from it most effectively, if we scooped up the seafloor and brought it along to them?"

"Woods Hole, in Massachusetts, or University of Florida, are the best and closest teams."

"Call the head of Woods Hole on his personal cell."

One ten-minute phone call later with an astonished Chancellor, we had a place to put the shipwreck - Nonamesset Island, the location of which popped up on my cellphone's screen.

Since we'd scarfed up the food quickly but couldn't finish the bounty they brought us, we asked to get the remainder as to-go and packed it all up in their clamshell styrofoam. The act of doing that made me wonder if there were better choices of materials that would help humanity that Pat could give us.

Willa was sitting next to me and I mentioned this and asked if she could make that a pet project - to reduce pollution both with better tech and via the ship.

She nodded, super-happy to have a task.

I mentioned to the girls that the ship could replicate everything we gave as samples, so we should definitely grab the good stuff, but also even small things like condiments and crackers.

Pat spoke in my head and said, "No need, Kevin. I've scanned it from here, all 35 dishes being served to you or other patrons, plus the 44 different kinds of beer, wine, and liquor in bottles behind the bar, and each of the ingredients in the kitchen spaces. I was unaware of the need to do this when we were previously stationary in a town."

I didn't mention this to the group because I knew we'd need dinner fixings.

We each thanked the owner and his wife, shook hands with all the other patrons, and headed back to the ship.

On the way out of the restaurant, I mentioned to Mads that we needed to go for the businesslike and competent vibe in the pictures, not happy-go-lucky tourists. Women's rights, it seemed to me, would be served by smart, capable women crew.

She just nodded and said, "Done," then fell back and talked up with the girls as we walked.

The pictures we snapped with the larger crowd of island residents were freakin' perfect.

Thin-set lips on determined faces, pleasant but not freewheeling, they carried the day with verve.

With all the island residents showing up, we had to do a bunch of group-pictures before we could get into the Bison and lift off. I told Pat to allow those outside pictures and videos to appear online since it wasn't so private.

== CHAPTER: El Alvaro Bazan ==

The trip to a nondescript patch of ocean made more sense when we could see a map-overlay of the shipwreck under the water. The ship had gone down with one mast broken and a giant crack in the bottom where the excessive weight obviously broke the keel. One of the girls said that might have happened as it hit the bottom and not in the waves.

I was happy to have mechanical engineering talent available.

Pat wrapped up the shipwreck of the 'El Alvaro Bazan' (including the sand underlying it) in a sphere, about 75 meters in diameter, so not huge by modern ship standards, but big enough that it was a big lift to my eyes.

As the globe cleared the water, water droplets cascaded off the sphere's surface, and then poured out the sides and from underneath as Pat made the force-sphere semi-permeable.

Setting our direction westward, we approached Martha's Vineyard (a set of islands immediately south of the Cape-Cod hook) and found some police cars on Nonamesset, which obviously the ferry had just brought over.

There weren't many people there besides the cops, though we could see a bunch of boats coming over from the mainland. Pat pushed the force-sphere down hard enough to press out dirt and make a depression so the resulting ocean-bottom section was about even with the surrounding land.

Getting out of the Bison to look at what we'd retrieved, we saw the arriving crowd was coming up to us fast. Some of them started walking or crawling up the sand, so I had Pat sound a loud bass-note Woot! The crew, myself included, told everyone to back off, it was an archeology site.

Eventually we found the man I'd talked to up to us, Chancellor Emeritus Deets. He was amazed at how we'd done the move, of course, kind of like I was, but I was doing well to hide it. The cop nearest us was in the process of putting 'keep away' tape up, helped by the crowd itself (surprisingly), and I found it funny they were trying to keep themselves out.

Soon the place was chock full of cops, state police, barricades showing a sharp line between people and the Bazan. I'd been worried about people running up and stealing gold, but apparently the people (including lots of obvious students) around WHOI were Way into the history angle, not just money-grabbers.

The Chancellor and I negotiated, though mostly it was Jan, who was old enough and USMC enough to push a good bargain.

Pat told me where to grab a large gold ingot near the surface, so I pointed and Alice walked across it and retrieved it. The Chancellor got big eyes (as did everyone else) and we asked for a $1m advance on the 'salvage rights' or whatever, payable in the next few days?

Given the bar was about 25 kilos of pure gold (about $1.5m), this was a good deal for us both, and he agreed.

Our final handshake agreement was that we got half the cash value of the wreck's artifacts, but the rest was a donation to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI).

Our bright redhead, Chris, was going to call our lawyer to set up the banking stuff, but she couldn't call Pat easily. This was quickly fixed - I told Pat to put a big button labeled, "PAT" on all of our phone's home screens.

It appeared moments later and turned out to be super-handy for everyone.

It turned out, Pat could have many conversations at the same time.

Happy with the in-situ pictures of the ocean bottom Pat gave the Chancellor as an addendum (and no explanation of how we got them), I left him to get the place organized and secured, and we went back to the ship and up to the bridge.

Once we were ready, I asked Pat to lift us to a 500 km orbit where we still can have 0.1 gravity on the bridge.

Jan interrupted and mentioned we had to fly by FAA rules, so we did it her way, getting clearance and all that stuff.

Once we were safely offshore, we could lift towards orbit. I asked Jan, "As a destination, can we start doing that orbital debris cleaning thing? It hits me that's a good money-maker."

"Aye, aye, Cap'n."

I laughed, "I guess I am a captain, I could start calling myself that. Maybe, more Cap'n-Crunch than Cap'n Morgan, though."

She nodded but didn't laugh. It occurred to me it was probably a frequent joke in the Marines/Navy. Her tone was level, "Definitely appropriate for you to be a Captain. You might want to designate a military structure and duty stations at some point. If there are controls, you might want to set up stations for people to staff - comms, radar, navigation, task lists, personnel, etc... I'm not sure what tasks are upcoming, you haven't mentioned any yet."

Looking around at the ocean and then the west coast of Africa turning under us, I said, "Well, strategic thinking is my job, probably, but I'm going to need some help. It's just lunch, but we'll need a nice, warm, safe island for dinner in a few hours."

"The Azores good?"

I had no idea. "Sure."

I got out of the chair and said, "Pat, please accept whatever course, heading, and altitude Jan wants, while keeping both us and the ship safe, and giving lots of advance warnings to me and her if there are hazards or fast accelerations coming." I turned back to Jan, "When you get us settled, can you call Space Command or whoever and find out their priorities? Oh - and where they want them moved to, some section of ocean?"

"Sure thing, Boss."

I stood, yawning and stretching, and looked at the pretty girls all around me.

Mads came up and gave me what started out as a quick kiss and a hug. This stretched out, though, and I let it because WOW, it's a hot kiss.

When it seemed like it was a little long, I broke it, at which point Alice came up and did the same thing. Her kiss was likewise quite steamy, with some body rubbing and small moans of enjoyment.

As soon as we stopped and unhugged, Chris came up. Then Tina, and Kara, and on around until I'd kissed all of them, even though that was as close as I'd come to them really since they came aboard.

The eye candy I was getting even though they were dressed? Amazing. Sexy legs and butts, and I realized I was really horny.

Maybe the most interesting kiss (probably because my high school wasn't that diverse) was Willa. Her being Black meant her lips were more full than the others. It certainly felt at least as good as the others, though maybe more so.

When I was done, I turned around.

Mads had taken off her uniform jacket and was busy pulling off her t-shirt. Alice was facing her and me at the same time, and obviously didn't want to be out-done - so she was pulling off her clothes, too.

Very fast, the floor around them was littered with clothing.

Anna Fernando, standing behind Mads, laughed out loud and said, "Oh, that's how it's going to be," and started pulling her own clothes off.

I just watched. Anna was faster than they were, for whatever reason, and she walked over to me and started unbuttoning my 'blouse' shirt, and then pulling up on my t-shirt.

It looked like I was going to get naked, too. I wasn't objecting! I'd only ever seen, before this, Alice, Mads, and (a long time before, by accident) my sister naked.

Anna's hispanic and mind-meltingly gorgeous face looked up at me as she worked.

I just looked at her and said, "Better make sure we don't get our clothes mixed up, I don't think I'd fit in yours... Always be tidy."

That last bit was me being distracted by her being about to pull down my boxers, and I was nervous about being naked in a group of girls.

She laughed at the 'tidy' comment and went ahead to pull down my underwear, carefully getting the waistband past my very stiff cock.

The girls were chatting with each other as they undressed, too.

I could barely concentrate. Each pair of legs was more gorgeous than the one before. Muscles, soft skin, round butts, boobs that hung in the air, nipples erect and crinkly with the room temperature, some goose pimples, it was ... wow-factor-huge stuff!

They were talking, though, as they undressed, and I tried to listen to what they were saying, as well as any change in the tone of the conversations as my penis was revealed and my underwear removed.

No big whup, people just kept on with their thing, stuff about orbits, seeing the continents and rivers, but... all while getting naked.

The thing was, as they were stripping down, they folded each item and put it on their pile by the walls, even making sure they were straight.

Apparently, my 'tidy' comment had meant something.

Mads and Alice came up to stand in front of me, Fully Naked, unabashed, full-frontal action, I could see all of them and Well Then that Was Something.

My eyes had to drop down their bodies, I couldn't NOT look. Coming up to see their two faces again, I saw each had a small expression of contempt and smiling at a semi-triumph, but also almost unsure of what to do next. Each probably thought they had 'won' by being naked.

Once their clothes were folded by the walls, the other girls started walking back to stand near me, too. I wasn't sure what was going to happen next, and it occurred to me that I probably should determine that myself with some sort of comment.

The girls were watching me. "Mads, Alice, it looks like you're trying to one-up each other. I don't want any kind of conflict? I think you should hug it out. Maybe a kiss of friendship."

There was a titter of laughter, and Carla said, "Yeah. We know where _your_ mind is."

I smiled and looked over at her and said, "With the beauty in this room? Oh. My. God. Of course that's where my mind is. You, Carla, you, too. Wow. I'd love to... you know..."

She chuckled and came over to me, "Yes. I'd like to, 'you know', too."

Alice and Mads had stepped into each other, and started with a perfunctory hug, waists far away, but I said, "No, Alice, Mads, closer. Full body contact. Erotic, even. Kiss. I don't want bad feelings between crew, especially between two of my ... girlfriends?"

Carla was bending down to take a knee in front of my quite-hard cock. Holding it, she said, "Haremmmmm, Kevin. Not 'girlfriendsssss', 'haremmmmm'.

They all laughed at that, too, and soon I was being fellated while being titillated watching Alice and Mads get ever more frisky with each other. They'd look over at me occasionally, and I'd do the encouraging, smiling-eyebrows-up-head-nod thing, and they'd keep going.

Kara came up behind me and hugged my back, pressing her breasts into the back of one arm, and Beth did the same on the other side, though her chest wasn't as large, her intent was more fervent.

Kara asked, "So, I think Carla has first dibs, but..."

Carla broke the suck-suck, and looked up, "I'd like to... but..."

Jan called out, "We're going to 0.1 g in about 12 minutes, so if you're going to get started, probably best to do it now."

Carla led me over to the mattress (by now, made, courtesy of someone being helpful), lay me down, and straddled slightly below my hips. I motioned to Kara, "Come over? As soon as she's on me, sit on my face and let me lick you?"

Kara was confused by this, she hadn't expected it for some reason, but she did.

The Amazingly-Good Surprise of having my cock be in a pussy? Wow.

Carla's was the third pussy I'd ever been inside. It felt about the same, maybe, if that's possible, still super-tight around me, but with much different visuals. For one, the room was well-lit like when I'd done it with Mads, but now, my eyes were going up a different body, lowering her sweet wetness to my mouth so I could lick her at the same time I was being fuck-ridden.

As soon as my mouth was covered, I whispered, "Pat. Can you affect their excitement levels?"

Pat replied evenly, "I can fully manipulate their sensations."

This was great! I said, "Good. Can you... increase their sensitivity? Stimulate but not in a specific place? Both of them, uh these girls. Increase the levels, like, steadily but not too fast. Get them to orgasms in, uh... 3 minutes? Nice long orgasms, too. Deep and complete, if that's possible. Execute, if that works."

"Possible, yes. In process."

The excitement, which I could get a cursory sense of from the sounds they were making, rose in shaking, quaking intensity, quivering muscles around me, soft squeezing parts wrapping and enrapturing both my heads.

Carla's ride slammed down on my hips and soon enough just stayed down as she slid slightly forward and back, her orgasm clenching HARD on me and jerking body motions putting animation to the sounds I was hearing.

My face was covered in Kara's delicious pussy, juices flowing and a pair of fingers stroking rhythmically in and out of her just as my tongue danced into flashing-fast tickles across her clit. First lightly, then with increasingly strident flicks, I could tell what I was doing to the nerve clusters by an insightful set of images Pat was giving me.

Eventually, given her peaking and my tongue getting tired, I limited my flicks to smaller and smaller motions, then to flat-tongued gentleness as Kara came down. Her entire body was flowing with oxytocin (per Pat's in-vision med hints), and I had a feeling (via the info Pat gave me on anatomy and neurology) that that meant she was probably falling in love with me.

Carla, too, was slowing, though she kept moving some given I was still vertical and stridently filling her pussy with my very hard dick. The motions she lent me then, more up-down and steady, pushed me up a slope myself of mind-numbing goodness.

Singular focus took my brain as I started coming, Coming! Coming! Into her, Clench-OH-FUCK yessss, a spurt and another, tightness from inside and underneath and out through my cock into her still somewhat-spasming cunt, painting the top of her vagina and cervix with my white cream! OOOOhhh yeahhrrrr, mmrmmmrrrrgg uhhhh!!!!

She felt me - I could sense it through Pat - she felt me spasming in her, she felt the cum spurting into her, and she loved it, and wanted me to have the Best Cum Ever, in HER, all the cum she could pull out of me, a useful cum, a cum that meant Goodness for both of us.

This part seemed odd for a moment, a juxtaposition with some of her attitudes.

Pat didn't give me her internal monologue or memories as images - it wasn't clear like that. It was more a kind of connection between Carla and me, a melting away of conflict, a mood of hope came through from her. I wasn't reading her mind, but I definitely got what mood she was in.

She stopped moving, and I felt and heard vague things from around us, and all too soon, Carla lifted off of me OHHHHH the ABSENCE, the empty wanting of what was...

And, uncovering my face, Kara fast lifted and shuffled down. She'd been facing my feet, so I saw her butt moving, her wide-open sex, her lips wide splayed by her hand, pulling up on me as Kara painted an oh-so-fast stroke across those lips with the dripping white-strewn cummy head of my cock and then, down and onto it herself.

Down she pressed, reverse-cowgirl, and then I was in! DEEP in, back where I belonged, INSIDE another hot slippery pussy, a gripping pussy, a beautiful place to find myself.

Dimples of Venus flexed into existence above her buttocks. I knew the name for those now. Pat had thrown a medical textbook at me, I think, of all things related to human sexuality known by both mankind and now by alien spacecraft autopilots alike.

Not a typical combination, that.

Looking sideways, some of the girls were looking at us, but others were looking at the walls since we were apparently proceeding into orbit and they were studying the graphs and charts they'd requested and Pat provided.

The gravity reduced, and I felt the moment dropping away, the moment where I could come again. Really, I probably could have, but somehow that wasn't Kara's joy-source, she just wanted a little bit of cock-time after her hard cum.

I had come hard, too, and I really wanted a hug from someone, so I told her, "Kara. Please. Climb off and lie by my side?"
