The Good Ship Bison


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"Do I need to take it easy or something, while this is ... happening, in my head?"

"No. You are just getting healthier. Ethics would require me to warn you if you were at increased risk because of my actions."

Beth asked, "And... me?"

"Your lungs show scarring and occlusion from exposure to cigarette smoke, though it appears to be second-hand smoke because you have no nicotine in your system. This is being fixed. Also, your heart murmur is already repaired, and a lesion on your adrenal cortex is almost gone now. It has prevented you from adding muscle mass at a normal rate."


"These are not the most serious problems found among the crew, but they should help your quality of life."

I walked up and hugged Beth, and Alice came over, too. The group hug was great, and all the skin did good things for bringing me to attention.

We broke apart and walked over to the bed, and Alice took the lead by starting to suck on me while Beth watched.

Alice's process paused and she looked up at me. "Are you bigger? This feels bigger."

Beth asked, "You two were together, before, right?"

"Just ... I was a huge prude! For some reason I'm a lot more freed-up now. Something to do with being naked in a group of women on an alien spaceship, maybe." She smiled and flashed her eyebrows up.

We laughed.

"I asked Pat to make me bigger, when erect, but not so much that it would hurt anyone."

Alice bobbed down on me again, but couldn't get down very far; she had to hold the base of my penis with her hand. I could tell she was trying to get it deeper but she couldn't.

"Pat, question only. Is it possible to change Alice, so that she can deep throat me, uh, my penis, but not so she looks weird or has any other downside, like, disadvantage for her? What would change?"

"Kevin, Alice cannot deep-throat you now, given your size increase. She can get close if her gag reflex is brought under voluntary muscle control, and if certain ligaments in her throat are rearranged and resized. She would not notice any effects. If it is linked to sexual stimulation, any risks to choking while eating are less unlikely."

Beth asked, "Anything else?"

Pat continued, "If desired, sensory nerves such as those found in a vagina can be added to the mouth and throat, but it would be stimulating and distracting while eating. Instead of physical changes, psychological ones are safer, by associating fellatio with orgasm."

Beth said, "Give me that."

Alice asked, "Me, too!"

"Effects will not be apparent for several days. In process."

I said, "Thanks!"

Alice resumed her blowjob, and I asked Beth to come up and kiss me. She did, tenderly, beautifully, and we had an unhurried make-out session that got more interrupted as Alice's sucking on me got to be intermittent.

Breaking the kiss, I looked down to see her rubbing her sex fervently and only sometimes pulling my cock into her mouth.

I told her, "Alice. Lie on your back."

She quickly moved, but I had her shift down. "Beth, go up and straddle Alice's face? Face away from me, so Alice can look up your body and into your eyes."

They moved, and I came up between Alice's bent legs, lifting them up and to the side to open her sex to me. She was distracted, trying to figure out how to lick a pussy, maybe for the first time. I waited until Beth was telling her what to do better and moved my cock up to be poised at Alice's pussy lips.

They were definitely full and pouty. The 'meat curtains' moniker was about right in her case.

I pushed the head of my cock up and down, parting them and making her clit all the more prominent. I had only made love with this pussy maybe 10 or 12 times, ever, and never in the light, never where I had any kind of real control of the situation.

Her attitude before had always been, "Just go. Get it over with."

I could take my time.

Our gravity changed and shifted, more than usual, and I decided that making love on a spaceship might be easier if we were parked somewhere.

"Pat, what is our current course?"

"Jan has declared our primary mission for the day concluded and we are now headed for Faial Island, Portuguese Azores, well off the African coast. ETA is 45 minutes. We could get there faster, but when I informed her of your activity she plotted a course that would allow sufficient time for your conjugal rites."

I laughed internally at the 'rites' idea, but just said, "Excellent, thank you."

Resuming my pushing into Alice, I let my cock slide in oh-so-slowly, her tight tunnel taking me and pressing in with beyond-beautiful skin sensations. Alice cried out in whimpering happiness, her chin sticking out between Beth's butt cheeks.

In and out I slowly pressed, bringing my cock all the way into her, her legs up and away to give me full depth.

There was the slightest tickle on the end of my cock and I knew I was touching near her cervix with this stroking.

It was just a few minutes before Alice was writhing around with a full-on huge orgasm, jerking her clenched arms and legs around and using Beth's body as an anchor. I held her in place and kept up my thrusting into her (despite her desperate motions while coming). She even tried to arch her back but couldn't because I was so tightly holding her legs back.

The screams of joy were definitely something to listen to, though.

I felt a little twinge in my balls and slowed. I didn't want to come too soon, and I wanted to be face to face when I did that. Wondering, though, I reached out to Pat and mind-asked about what was going on, and I saw - images - yes, I'd given a little half-squirt of come.

The strange thing was, it was just a little pre-squirt, a tiny one really. In my mind, though, I could see the swimmers I had released suspended in my seminal fluid like a gel. Per what Pat had taught me earlier, they wouldn't swim for another 15 minutes, and then it'd be Up and At-'Em!, squirming madly spreading out and going up and into Alice's open 'os' cervix-slit, and inwards.

Sexiest damn thing, like, ever. Little guys, fighting to get upstream to the motherload, literally the mother-load.

My reverie was interrupted as Beth cried out with satisfaction at being licked so well. I decided to move much more slowly, very gradually rocking my body forwards and back to stroke her slowly.

Having the insight for what happened in a woman's body as a triggered cascade of happiness, I let go of Alice's right leg and started stroking my thumb over her clit.

That worked better than I expected!

Trying something new, I let my fingers trace over her lower abdomen and then press in, in a clench, as an experiment.

That idea didn't work.

Alice's uterus and other internal parts were WAY too deep for my fingers to have any effect at all. It might have been stimulative, but in the same way as holding her leg, it didn't do much. My thumb, getting back and striding over her clit, definitely worked better.

I called out, "Beth, I want to get face to face with Alice? Can you move off for a moment? Maybe just lie down "

"Oh, sure!"

She pulled up and got out of the way, and I let myself get down, face to face with Alice, eye to eye, my cock stroking into her as we stared at each other. Her eyes, and mine, got larger on the instroke, and half-breaths came on the outstroke.

We kissed, but that meant not moving since we weren't a perfect height match.

She whimpered, "Oh, God, I love you, Kevin."

"I love you, too, Alice."

My head went down by the side of hers, our embrace completed as 'the tightest hug'. Her arms were around my back and stroking up and down, and my arm was under her shoulders.

I dropped my other arm down her side and under her butt, cupping her ass cheek in a tight grab as a way to propel myself deeper into her. We grunted against each other, and her whimpers were deep and expressive.

Now, at this point, things got a little interesting. Although I knew what I was saying and I had control of myself, mostly?... I sort-of did-and-didn't control what I was doing.

There's a part of you, when you're making love, that's very animalistic, and deeply connected to the base part of our being?

Anyway, my words had started as a long series of "Yeah, feeling my cock in you, oh, fuck I love this hot slippery pussy, your cunt just sucks me up, so great, you're wrapping me, so fine..."

Into this mix, for some reason, I changed it into a whisper, right in her ear, "You will Obey Me. You will Do - Anything - I - Say."

I felt her, then, as flashes in my mind of her mood - not mind reading - but certainly assisted by Pat in some profound way. Pat was in both of our minds.

She replied, moving her hand to be over my head and pulling my head closer, right in my ear, "I Obey _You_."


"I Obey You, Kevin. Anything. Anything you say."

This was a moment, a moment in a line of moments, a string of thoughts that went through my head, and came out of my mouth, and I only briefly thought about it. It reminded me, maybe that's where it came from, as a memory from what Mads had said.

My string of consciousness with words continued, and I felt Beth's hand on my back and butt, almost ticklish but beautiful, too. I knew she was listening to us, but I didn't think she could have heard our whispers, the movement was making some noise.

The next thing I know, I'm whispering ultra-quiet in Alice's ear, "Make. A. Baby."

Where it came from, I have no idea. I think the thought lasted about 0.5 to 0.6 of a second, and it was out of my mouth and done. Where I thought that might be a good plan? I was clueless. She was 18, I was 18, we were still technically in high school (though, really, we weren't anymore, we were 'ditching', laughably in orbit doing so), and I had no ideas about being a daddy to anyone.

Now, when I say it was fast, it was very fast. She replied into my ear, and said, "I Obey."

And, then, I forgot all about it.

I remember it now, describing this, but then, it vanished from my mind - it happened, and then, other things happened, and I let it slip away.

My mouth went back to spouting stream of consciousness stuff about how great it was, and Boom, I was coming, spurting hot and strong UP and INTO her pussy, again putting cum right into her os, gobs of white (via my mind's eye view) spattered on her cervix, her os closing and opening with my motions and her convulsions, as she, too, orgasmed again under me.

Strong and tight, I pumped, and pulled my head back to look in her eyes (when I could pry my own open), to find her desperation for me matching my own feelings, too.

I hadn't just started with it, but then, yes, I was there and aware, too, of Beth, right next to me.

Beth was laying by Alice's side, her legs open and her hand moving furiously on her own sex. I saw that and said, "Alice. Beth needs me."

Alice nodded, and I pulled out, not quite done convulsing, and moved over to get into her. Beth's hand was waiting, right there to guide me, and I moved up and pressed in, fast, too fast, because her face screwed up in almost-pain as I did so.

She cried out, "Ohh..hhhollddd onnnn...."

Of course I did, but settled around better and felt my cock still convulsing and wanting to be deeper, so I moved a little out, then in, and and her face calmed down, until I was deep in her, just as I had been with Alice, and All Was Right Again.

Moving with her, the grip felt different than Alice, much tighter, but also the sensations were... not worse, not better, not a huge difference, but still a difference.

I lay down my body on her, pulling down on her shoulders to push myself in, and she pulled in on my chest to urge me inwards, too.

"You're... only the second.... person in there," she panted, "And... Oh, this is sooooo much better..."

Keeping my body moving, even convulsing as my cum-spurts kept going, made for an interesting first time with her, until I got tired and just had to collapse on her chest, her thin body under me so soft in places and bony in others.

I relaxed truly, and felt out with my mind again, seeing if Pat would give me insight into what was going on in her body, specifically her breasts since her nipples were poking and I liked the feeling.

She didn't have a ton of breast tissue, not like Mads, but the same basic structures were there - fat cells, mammary gland milk production cells, milk ducts in a network feeding the nipple, blood vessels filling and surrounding everything, lymphatic systems shunting fluids around, and even erectile tissue in her nipple and surrounding areola that was making that nipple be so nice and pointy into me.

I asked, "Am I too heavy?"

Beth cooed and said, "No. You're... just right. But, while you're in me?"


"Tell me. Order me?"

"...whut?" It dawned on me. "Oh." I took a deep breath, and looked into her eyes. "Obey me. Do Anything I say."

"I Obey You. I will do Anything."

I smiled at her, wondering what that was about, and she got a huge shudder of joy, flowing all the way through her. I felt it around and under me, almost like a mini-orgasm for her.

Tears dripped from her eyes.

I lifted off, and Alice made room for me to move. I lay on my side facing Beth, one leg over her, and Alice lay behind me, spooning me.

Alice's stomach burbled, and we laughed.

Beth said, "Cool sound! I love it when mine says, 'waa-waa-waa-waaa-waa'."

The imitation was flawless and we all laughed again.

I asked, "Pat, ETA?"

"ETA is altered slightly, now 11 minutes. Jan had me find an exact place to set down, near a restaurant that will be open. It's almost midnight there, on a weekday. Jan called ahead so we are expected."

"Thanks... Girls, we'd better get up and showered, or at least wiped off."

They kissed me and we got up. I opened the door, walked over to the bathroom and hopped in the shower for a moment - not a lot, but enough to not smell too much like sex, maybe.

My clothes were back in my room, but by the time I got there the girls were gone, dressed and probably back on the bridge.

I got put together and joined them, to watch us set down on an empty soccer field. We walked downstairs and out the cargo door into the cool air, dressed in the dark version of our cammies and wearing ball-caps from the light drizzle of rain that was falling.

Looking back, the ship was mostly hidden in the fog, but there was enough light from surrounding street lights that it would be visible if someone was close enough by.

The restaurant wasn't but a half-mile away, several minutes walk, and it obviously was a bar, too, with a bunch of locals chatting away and watching the TV, which showed replays of various scenes, including our descent and landing in Maine, the overflights and then the landing on the bridge in Boston, etc.

Cut between these were talking heads, mustache-heavy commentators giving opinions on what it all meant, and quite a few cuts to priests talking about the implications that aliens would have for humanity.

The guy behind the bar noticed us, and the six people there did, too.

Anna, who spoke Portuguese, walked up to him and said some words. He shut off the TV, and all 8 people at the bar turned around. Anna kept talking, and asked questions to each of them. They agreed, and handed over their phones to the barkeeper, who put them in an empty pitcher.

They all got up and walked over to us. We smiled. I said, "Hola. I am Kevin. I am sorry, I do not speak Portuguese. I'm in high school."

Anna translated for me, and they all laughed. I could apparently be forgiven for not speaking Portuguese.

We did shake hands though, and the barkeeper pushed some tables together. A lady came out from the kitchen and screamed, and came over. We smiled back at her, but she was just so startled.

The next hour was filled with them asking questions and us dodging them. We didn't know much. We didn't give away almost anything of what the interior was like, or what we did, but that we could see outside pretty well, and space was really beautiful. "But, not as beautiful as my crewmates," I said, and the men gave the kind of nods that said that this was so true it didn't bear notice.

I know they were looking at the girls with some lust, but like someone looks at a movie star with lust - not with any expectation they could 'get any', per se, it was all about the reality of their being smart beautiful American girls.

We had a lot of questions about what life was like in the Azores. They were very proud of their islands, their specific Island, and their village in particular - the beauty of nature there, the climate, the food they grew, their university over on Ribeira Grande island.

I asked about fishing, and they said it was horrible now, there was very little catch coming in, the oceans were empty, too many people were fishing and not enough fish were there to eat.

Anna talked for a while rapid-fire, and reported back that there are lots of chinese fishing vessels that sail in and sweep across the reefs, killing everything, but no one will stop them.

I asked if, maybe, they could cut the nets, but they said no, it's steel cables. Nothing is left, no place for the tiny fishes to hide so they can grow up.

This sounded tragic, and like something I might be able to do something about. It seemed like they had to know, to have eyes on the ocean, to see who was doing this.

I asked, "Hey, do you know people who can weld?"

One of the guys who could speak English (there were two of them) scoffed, "My brother owns a car body shop. He welds anything."

I said, "Do the Azores want a space station?"

They translated and everyone laughed a lot. They said they're a part of Portugal, and not a rich one at that. One of them said, translated, "Sure, but we have to have some kind of good price to get there and back. It's like a remote mountain cabin, right?"

We agreed, yes, mostly, and I described a simple dumbbell-shaped pair of tanks that spin end over end for gravity. Make an inner wall and an outer wall, for safety, pressurized, with gauges and tanks like scuba tanks. Build in some bunk rooms, ladders, etc.

Make sure there are bathrooms! Water tanks, toilet tanks, some kind of cleaning mechanism, whatever.

In the middle, put a part that branches out and doesn't move, maybe, with big windows or places for a crapton of telescopes.

Also, airlocks, and food, and plants, and paint the thing the right shade of gold, call NASA and ask.

They looked at me like I was kind of crazy, but one of the guys said, "Sheet steel? Cheap. Plate steel and box girders? Cheap. Hard part is the seals, probably the windows, too."

I shrugged. "You build it, fast, you get to be first in the world. Test the hell out of it. Get some aerospace engineers, just in case. Get a big engineering firm to sign off on good safety margins, I'm game, I'll put it up. Don't forget solar panels and a big battery - maybe use an EV car battery. Whatever. Do it very fast. Tell me when it's done."

I gave them Anna's phone number. We were full of great food, and I tried to pay, but they refused. Of course they asked if they could take our pictures then, so of course we all walked back to the ship and took a bunch of pictures.

I recorded an endorsement of the restaurant, how great the food was, and we closed up and took off.

On the way up, I called the lawyers and we checked in. A wire transfer would be coming in the next day, they said, from WHOI, for the first million bucks, but the work we'd done clearing orbits would take a while for USAF Space Command / Space Force to verify.

There were more things to do, but after I lifted up really high, we turned off the transponder and came back down to settle the ship in an empty valley far away from any houses. It was a good time to shut off our lights and call it a night.
