The Greatest of These is Love Pt. 05


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And she loved cum. She had no idea why so many other women made such a fuss about the flavor and consistency. Sure, she'd run across a couple of sour guys, and she never returned to any of them. She always had the option to spit or swallow. But John's spunk was her all‑time favorite in terms of flavor, consistency, and quantity. Best of all, she didn't have to worry about getting pregnant from a mouthful of the guy's seed.

Dawn knew that she wanted John to cum quickly and then return the favor. The week of her period and the accompanying cramping had put a huge damper on her libido, and she wanted to let it out, if only for her own peace of mind. Last night was good, but it was only a start. So, she took him deep into her mouth and extended her tongue to stimulate his balls. She raised her eyes to look at him full in the face with all the love she could convey. John had never experienced this and the result was exactly what she desired.

"Aaaackk!" he choked out when his eruption could no longer be contained and he flooded her mouth. She suctioned all the residual spend from the outside of his cock, which was still in her mouth, as well as the little bit still within his pee slit, and gleefully swallowed it all. She made a big deal of showing her empty mouth, sticking her tongue out while John lay there recovering his senses. She made sure that her mouth was empty before moving up to plaster her lips on his.

Laying there on the mattresses, she let her fingers do the walking and talking. She caressed his depleted cock and balls with such care and tenderness that John was certain there could be nothing better in life than this moment.

"Yeah, okay, you had a great idea, Dawn. Please ease those panties down so I can return the favor. You're probably going to have to get on top, though. You sure did a number on me."

Giggling with her delight, Dawn removed the obstacle and positioned herself over John's face so that she was looking at his tired phallus. John reached his hands up so that each clasped a butt cheek and he set forth to do unto Dawn as Dawn had done unto him. Over the previous month, Dawn had fine‑tuned John into her perfect pussy eating man, and once again she was not disappointed in the least.

After John had induced two wonderful orgasms from Dawn, she weakly waved a hand at the bathroom and requested a warm washcloth, which John quickly supplied after washing his face off. One of the nice things about being clean-shaven is that her scent was easily cleaned from his skin. Dawn was still a bit out of it, so he gently tidied up her now sensitive bits. He then indulged in his curiosity and explored her underwear drawer. He chose a very pretty bra with lace trim and matching white panties for her. He slid the panties up her legs and settled them around her hips, then gave her a gentle kiss.

"Are you ready to get some food now?" he inquired after she had slipped on her bra and sweats

"I could eat," she answered.

They returned to her room after a not‑so‑memorable meal in the cafeteria. They walked slowly along the hallway to her room with her leaning on him much of the way. Their pre‑meal exercises had taken more out of both of them than either had intended. They flopped onto the beds once they were in the room. All Dawn wanted was for John to hold her close, and John was more than happy to accede to her wishes. They were asleep in each other's arms by 8:30.

= [] = [] =

Friday, December 11, 2020

For some reason, custom referred to this last week of classes immediately prior to final exams as 'dead week'. Neither John nor Dawn had any idea why it had acquired that label, and it certainly did not apply to either of them. They both had been given the option of writing a paper in lieu of one of their exams, and they were heads‑down all week with researching and writing their 'anti-exam'. So, when Friday rolled around, they were both in need of a break, sort of the calm before the storm of finals starting on Monday.

"I think I've figured out why they call this 'dead week'," Dawn revealed to Julie once classes were completed on Friday afternoon.


"Yeah, it's called 'dead week' because everybody's heads‑down in cramming for finals so there's absolutely no social life on campus this week. Add in that some of the core classes were canceled so everyone could have extra preparation time. And once we've reached this point, we all wish we were dead." Dawn gave a wry chuckle at her attempt at humor. "Whatcha got planned for tonight, Jules?"

"Tom has one last shift in the accounting lab tonight, but I'm going to try to talk him out of working it. Who in their right mind would be showing up for that on the Friday night before finals?"

"So, you won't need the room before 9:30?" Dawn asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nah, you and John can have it until 9:30."

"Thanks, J. I've been truly blessed to have you as my roommate."

"That works both ways, Dawnie. Just remember to put things back the way you found them in the first place, okay?"

John texted Dawn at 6:00 when his last shift ended in the accounting lab because she had not shown up to go to supper with him.


Five minutes later he pinged her again. "Dawn? Is everything okay?"

After fifteen minutes of no response, John shrugged mentally and headed to his dorm's cafeteria. He kept checking for her response, but by 6:30 still no message had come in. They had not come up with an emergency communication channel. He was at a loss for an explanation for the 'radio silence' and his concern for Dawn mounted. He ate a burger and fries while trying to formulate a plan of action. He took his books up to his room and tried to call Dawn, but the call eventually rolled to voicemail.

"Dawn? Is everything okay? Call me ASAP, please!"

John's mind started to rev faster now. He knew of no reason why she would be uncommunicative. Yes, they had been heads‑down all week with their respective papers, but they had made time to at least eat supper in each other's company. Their papers had to be turned in before the end of the classes today, so he was baffled by her lack of response.

He didn't have Julie's phone number, but he did have Tom's. Then John realized that Tom would be in the lab after a half‑hour break in the schedule unless Tom bailed early because there would not be anybody coming in on the last day of classes for the semester. He called Tom's phone, but it also rolled over to voicemail. John was starting to get worried now. He wasn't the best at 'what-if' scenarios other than financial ones, which were merely calculations and purely based in fact. Try as he might, he couldn't come up with a plausible explanation for Dawn's silence.

He shrugged on his coat and headed back to the accounting lab room. During his walk to the classroom building, he began to recall some of the past that Dawn had shared with him. Tales about the parties in Frat Row where she would go from one house to the next. Then the stories began to replay where he had heard from others about the haze of pot smoke that would cloud the frat house rooms. He picked up his pace as his concern escalated.

He yanked the door to the building open as his adrenaline began to spike with his worry. Rather than wait for the slow elevator, he chose to climb the three flights of stairs to the floor where the lab was located. Panting from the exertion, he could see the door open to the lab and light streaming from the room. Tom was still there!

John hurried to the open door and grasped at the door frame to arrest his momentum. His sudden appearance at the door caused Julie to spring up from Tom's lap in surprise. They had just finished their discussion about why Tom was going to remain in the lab until the end of his scheduled shift, and Julie had been expressing her affection for him.

"John? What's up?" Tom asked, somewhat nonplussed at the other tutor's sudden arrival.

John held up a hand to request their patience as he caught his breath from the exertions of his rapid walk to the building, stair climb, and run down the hallway.

"Is Dawn out partying along Frat Row?" he blurted out. Surprised at John's inquiry, Julie placed her hand on Tom's shoulder to steady herself as well as keep Tom in his seat. A confused expression showed on her face at John's words.

"Noooo," she dragged the word out. "Not that I know of. Why do you ask?"

"I texted her when my shift ended at 6:00 asking her if she wanted to join me for supper as usual. No response. I texted her a few minutes later, and still no response. I called her phone a little bit later and it eventually rolled over to her voicemail. I'm getting worried that she might have backslid into her old patterns."

Julie looked extremely puzzled at John's declaration.

"She asked to have the room until 9:30 while I was here with Tom, presumably for the two of you. To the best of my knowledge, she's in the room, probably waiting for you. I can't imagine why she would backslide; you have brought forth a number of very positive changes in her. Why didn't you call us before running over here?"

"I tried, but Tom's rolls over to his voice mail and I don't have your number."

Tom made a sound of surprise as he pulled his phone out of his pocket: one missed call and one new voicemail.

"I'm sorry, John. My last class has a rule that all phones must be silenced, not even vibrating. I had a quick call with my dad after class. I must have accidentally put the phone back in silent mode. Maybe Dawn's phone is in the same state?" Tom suggested.

Relief briefly flooded Julie's face as a plausible explanation had been offered. She looked at John's face and grew concerned again.

"What are you thinking, John?"

"If she's in your room and waiting for me to contact her, why wouldn't she have noticed that her phone isn't ringing or even vibrating?" John wondered.

"I suppose there's only one way to find out for sure. Come with me, John. Tommy, I'll be safe in John's company and I'll be back as soon as possible, okay?" Julie assured her boyfriend.

"I'll make sure my phone is on and the ringer is turned up, Jules, just in case," Tom replied.

Julie and John left the room and hurried to the girls' dorm room. Along the way, John noticed that there were some very dark areas on their route. He made sure to stay even closer to Julie in those areas. Nothing was going to happen to her on his watch.

Julie let them into the dorm and they quickly went upstairs. Once at her room's door, Julis signaled for John to remain quiet so she could listen. Hearing nothing, she opened the door and turned on the overhead light, and they entered the room.

Dawn was slumped in her chair with her head turned sideways and lying on top of a textbook. She appeared to be asleep. There was a curious brown smudge at the corners of her mouth. Her phone was visible on her desk with its message waiting light blinking.

Julie stepped over to Dawn and gently shook her shoulder. Getting no response, Julie shook her a little harder and Dawn slowly, groggily started to come to her senses.

Dawn raised her head and John could see a small chunk of something brown pinched between her thumb and forefinger. Julie smiled knowingly and retrieved a cold bottle of water from the mini‑fridge.

"Here you go, Dawnie. Drink this all down and you'll feel much better," Julie advised. John looked quizzically at what was in Dawn's hand, figuring that it was related to the smudges around her mouth. Julie pointed at the trashcan which held the waxed paper and cardboard box with "Uranus Fudge Company" printed on it. Thus enlightened, John smiled as well and took over ministering to Dawn.

"Am I okay leaving her to your tender mercies?" Julie teased John.

"God, I hope so. Just stay in the well‑lit areas when you head back, Julie. I think Dawn needs me here, but I'd be destroyed if anything happened to you on your way back to Tom."

"I'll call you when I arrive safely at the lab. Have fun! I'll probably be back sometime between 10:00 and 11:00." And with a fluttering of her fingers, Julie exited the room once more. She called him ten minutes later and Tom affirmed her safe arrival back at the lab. Julie and Tom were plotting something between them, but John did not care. His concerns were for his recovering girlfriend.

John made Dawn finish drinking the bottle of water then sat on her bed and faced her while she remained in her chair. He took her hands in his and sucked first one fingertip then another between his lips. He caught the taste of chocolate from them and that just confirmed Julie's suspicions. Her eyes flared with her desire and he removed her fingertips and kissed the palms of her hands.

"Dawn, what happened?" he softly asked.

In a very soft voice, she answered him.

"I was being a very good girl, John. I was studying some stuff for Monday's exam. But it was so boring! Then I remembered the fudge we bought on our way back from home. I cut it into small pieces and then kept eating it while re-reading the textbook. I can't believe I ate the whole quarter pound! I must have fallen asleep in a bit of a sugar coma."

"Was your ringer silenced?"

"No, I don't think so. Try calling it."

Her phone rang, although the volume was not at its peak setting.

"You must have really been out of it not to hear it ring, Dawn."

"I'm very sorry, John. I'm so sorry for having worried you."

"It's alright, Dawn. You need some food in your stomach, though. The cafeteria closes in 15 minutes, so we'd better scoot if we're going to get you something from there."

They made it with five minutes to spare despite the evil looks from the student workers in the cafeteria who assumed there were other, sexual reasons why John and Dawn were so late. They took the food back to her room where she ate at her desk while John watched her. While she ate, he complimented her for trying to focus on Monday's final exam.

There was no passionate physical contact between them; Dawn's solo orgy of fudge having scotched her plans for their evening. However, the experience did make them acknowledge the need for emergency contacts for both of them. While they began working on the rudiments of a plan, they spent the rest of the evening just sitting on her bed and holding each other closely with occasional light kisses.

At 10:00 John got up and gently took his leave, relieved that his worst fears had not come true.

= [] = [] =

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Julie sat down with Dawn after each had spent nearly two straight days preparing for the final exams before them that week.

"Dawnie, I want to tell you about something that hopefully is coming down the pike. It's not definite yet, but it could impact both of us greatly."

"You're not pregnant, are you?" Dawn gasped.

"Now why would you go there straight off the bat?" Julie paused for a moment.

"No, I don't believe I'm pregnant. 'Aunt Flo' is due to show up next weekend, and Tom and I have been very cautious about using both pill and condoms since we began having sex. No, the long and short of it is that Tom and I are looking to get an apartment off campus for January through June. This room's too big for you to have as a single, so you'll likely be getting a new roommate."

Dawn sucked her lips into her mouth to keep from reacting verbally, but Julie could see that Dawn was not pleased with this development.

"When will you know for certain?" Dawn inquired.

"Hopefully before we head home for the holidays. The landlord is running the requisite credit and background checks now."

Dawn sniffed back a forming tear and nodded her head.

"Okay, so what can you tell me about this place?"

Julie waxed rhapsodic about its proximity to campus (only four blocks away), separate front and back door entrances, how it would be cheaper than living in the dorms, and how they would eat healthier. It would be sort of a trial living together, sharing one wider bed. She mentioned how the landlord, who also was an Eagle Scout, seemed to bond with Tom very quickly. It seemed that Boy Scouts could be good for more than knowing how to go camping.

"Hmmm. Camping. I've never been camping before," Dawn commented.

"Me neither." Julie chuckled briefly then continued. "Maybe I could get Tom to set the four of us up with a weekend out in the woods somewhere, sometime before the end of the spring semester."

"That aside, I need a break from this place and some fresh air. How about you and I take a walk and you show me where this place is?"

"Okay, I guess, but we need to get a move on. It gets dark much earlier these days."

The girls donned their coats, hats, and gloves then Julie led them to the front of Bruce Parker's townhouse. She pointed at the lower level, stating, "There it is. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, living room, and kitchen. You might want to step outside to change your mind occasionally. Actually, it's not that bad, especially for two people. I can't imagine having more than a few guests there at a time, though."

Dawn cocked her head in consideration but said nothing. The girls then hurried back to their warm dorm room.

"I hope this works out for you two, Jules. It also makes me sad that I'll have to break in a new roommate come January."

"Yeah, we kinda won the roommate lottery when they paired us the first time, didn't we?" Julie acknowledged. After a few minutes of contemplation, Dawn picked up the conversation again.

"So, Jules, when are your exams?" Dawn asked.

"I've got one tomorrow afternoon, one on Tuesday morning, and the last one on Wednesday afternoon. You?"

"With the paper I did, I only have two: one tomorrow afternoon, the same one you have, and one on Wednesday morning," Dawn informed Julie.

"Do you want to go through the items for tomorrow's exam?" Julie offered.

Dawn considered this for a few seconds and answered, "It's not how I usually prepare, but sure, let's give it a try."

Julie and Dawn spent a couple of hours reviewing and quizzing each other on content covered by their one class in common. Finally, Dawn had had enough and called it quits.

"I'm going to see if John can give me 30 minutes of his time before I turn in, Jules. Even if he can't, I'm going to be out for an hour or so."

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Dawn returned to her dorm room around noon after finishing her last exam. She had to admit that John's influence had caused her to study more than she would have otherwise, as her performance on her exams had demonstrated. She was riding high on the emotions of her successes right up until she entered her room. Julie was sitting at her desk and there was a pile of used tissues in and around the wastebasket.

"Jules, what's wrong? What happened?" Dawn rushed to her roommate's side and pulled Julie into a comforting hug.

"It's not the end of the world, Dawnie, but my exam with Professor Evans has been postponed until tomorrow. So, I'm stuck here until tomorrow afternoon. Tom's last exam was today and I don't want to be left here all alone. I've already texted him, but he hasn't gotten back to me yet."

"I don't think it would be hard for you to convince Tom to stay here at school an extra night for you, right up until your exam. I'm sure you can come up with a way to do that, Jules." Dawn gave a very broad wink. "Maybe he'd even help you to study a bit more. Although Professor Evans doesn't teach Biology or Anatomy, so I'm not sure Tom could be that much help."

Despite her tear‑stained cheeks, Julie smiled at Dawn's very suggestive idea.

"I'm all packed with what I'm taking home, and I'm taking John home first so he doesn't have to endure the Greyhound torture chamber. Just leave the room as clean as you can. No food left behind for the mice, please. Do try to keep in touch over the break. Happy Holidays, Jules. I'll see you in January." Julie replied in kind. With a longer, heartfelt hug and kiss on Julie's cheek, Dawn gathered up the last of her stuff and headed out the door.