The Greatest of These is Love Pt. 06


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They arrived at John's grandparents' home just after 1:00. The Smiths owned a house a couple of blocks away from the university in a quiet residential neighborhood. They pulled up in front of the house, parking in the driveway. Dawn noticed the neat sidewalk leading to a wide front porch, complete with a swing at one end. A smile slowly spread across her face, and she clasped John's hand in hers.

"Are you ready to meet my grandparents?" John asked, and Dawn's answer was a quick brushing of his lips with hers.

"Lead on, Mac Duff."

They quickly mounted the steps to the porch and John rang the doorbell. Nearly instantly, the inner door opened and a small shriek of delight came from his Grandma Smith.

"You're here! Come in, come in! Let's get you out of the cold." Hands shot out and grabbed Dawn by hers and quickly drew the girl indoors. John had to choke back a laugh at his grandmother's infectious exuberance. He stepped in right behind Dawn, making sure the door was closed tightly behind them.

"Did you have lunch on the way?" Grandma Smith inquired once John had hung up their coats on the hall coat tree.

"I'm afraid I fell asleep for a while on the way here," Dawn admitted. "John's a firm believer in keeping the left door closed."

"Ha!" came from the recliner in the corner, and Grandpa Smith rose to meet their guests. He was still a little miffed about John not coming home at Thanksgiving, but he could also see and appreciate the primary reason for John's absence. He had promised his wife, Kathryn, that he would hold off on forming an opinion until he had met and spoken with Dawn. A slow smile spread across his face at the beautiful girl. "Katy, bar the door. We don't want this one to get away from John."

A broad smile shone on Dawn's face as she turned and replied, "Dr. Smith, I presume? It's very nice to meet you, sir." She held out her hand to shake his but he stepped closer and gently pulled her into a hug. Sensing good intentions, she allowed herself to be pulled in and caught a whiff of wintergreen from his clothes.

While all this was happening, John's grandmother was hugging him and pulling him toward the kitchen.

"Would you two like some sandwiches and chips? You haven't had lunch yet." In typical grandmother fashion, she equated hosting family with feeding them.

"Come on, you two," John called to Dawn and his grandfather. "Grandma won't be happy until we've eaten something." Kathryn busied herself with getting out sandwich fixings and drinks. It turned out that Kathryn and Oliver hadn't eaten any lunch either, just in case John and Dawn hadn't.

Lunch was an extended affair because as soon as either John or Dawn raised their sandwich, either Oliver or Kathryn would ask a question. 'How did you two meet?' was the first one asked.

John and Dawn looked at each other. They had tried to anticipate many of the questions that would be asked. Dawn nodded at John and then took a bite of her food.

"We met on a double date set up by her roommate and her roommate's boyfriend, who I knew because he works in the Econ lab where I do," he explained. "Tom's a senior and is the go‑to guy for the Economics and Business Finance courses." Kathryn's ears perked up at John's revelation but she kept her peace. "We both have Work/Study jobs as lab assistants, helping other students. I have the 3 to 6 shift and Tom generally works the evenings." John chuckled a little as he thought about what he was saying. "When Tom graduates in May, I hope to become the go‑to guy for the department starting next Fall." He lifted his sandwich off the plate.

"Oh, no, Buster. You don't get off that easily," Dawn stated, having emptied her mouth. "Tell them the rest of the story now."

"Hey, I'm eating here," and he took a large bite of his sandwich.

"Okay, so he's gonna make me tell the story now. Tom did some fine‑tuning to John's self‑confidence and outward appearance before our date. He got John to wear his contacts, like he is now, instead of his black‑rimmed glasses; eliminated the shirt pocket and protector full of pens; got John to wear a polo shirt and jeans; and he spritzed some very appealing cologne on my man." Dawn's eyes glazed over briefly at the memory. "Anyway, we four went to the on‑campus free movie that Friday night. I forget what movie it was, but John and I weren't there very long anyway. The John Wilson with me that night and today, for that matter, was not the same John Wilson that I had seen around campus. I don't know what it was, but the package that was John drove me wild that night. I took him back to my room and had my way with him. We've been a committed couple ever since and I have no desire to leave your grandson."

Oliver looked a bit stunned by the open sharing, but Kathryn obviously was delighted with the outcome for her grandson.

"I don't know what John has shared with you about our background ...," Kathryn gestured between herself and Oliver.

"Not a whole lot, really," Dawn said. "Enough to know to call him Dr. Smith and try to get on his good side."

"Well, I'm also called 'Dr. Smith'," Kathryn explained. "I earned my Ph.D. in Economics, and I'm absolutely delighted that John is following that general path. He's never told us what he was majoring in."

"I didn't want to influence you, Grandma," John said quietly. "I also wanted to walk my own path."

"I can appreciate that, Johnny," his grandmother said.

Cocking her head slightly, Dawn looked at John's grandfather and inquired, "John never told me what your doctorate was in. Are you a medical doctor?"

Oliver laughed and answered, "Oh, heavens, no. My degree is in Political Science. We both taught here at CMU and we both retired in 2015. Well, she retired and 'convinced' me it was time that I retired as well." Dawn chuckled at Oliver's tongue‑in‑cheek delivery.

When the lunch discussion was done and the food eaten, Dawn jumped up to help Kathryn do the few lunch dishes by hand, volunteering to dry. Dawn gestured for John to leave her with his grandmother, so John went to sit in the front room with his grandfather and answered every question the older man posed.

John told his grandpa about his two times with Dawn's family in Phelps Bluff and how welcomed he felt (at least by her parents and sisters) there. He held back on many details about his relationship with Dawn but it was evident to Oliver that his eldest grandson had struck gold with Dawn and knew it well. John could sense that his grandfather was coming around to accept Dawn, which was a big part of this planned visit. John admitted that he felt a little odd riding as her passenger but that the tradeoff of spending time with her was worth any discomfort. Dawn had asked him to drive today, and John was very comfortable fulfilling her request. This planted a seed in Oliver's mind.

Meanwhile, Dawn was quite pleased with the acceptance she felt from Kathryn. The dishes were quickly done and Kathryn quietly pulled Dawn to the basement where they could talk without being overheard.

"How does John stack up to your prior lovers?" Kathryn's question came out of the blue and took Dawn aback as she took a minute to respond. John's grandmother had seemed very accepting so, with a nod to herself, Dawn decided to take the chance and not hold back.

"Until John and I met, I maintained that all I wanted was cock size and stamina from my lover. Well, I get that in plenty from John, and a whole lot more. I get his intellect, his respect, and his total devotion. In John, I've found 'the one'. I have no intention of ever looking for anyone else. We haven't had a serious fight, yet, and I hope that when it does come that we will quickly kiss and make up."

"Yes, dear, make‑up sex is sometimes the very best part of the argument," Kathryn grinned. "I might suggest that you keep an 'I'm sorry' and 'It's entirely my fault' in your back pocket. Don't try to outlast him, though. You may not win. He's got a stubborn streak, if you haven't encountered it yet."

"I'll be honest, Dr. Smith, I had no idea what to expect from this visit with the two of you. But I certainly didn't expect this level of openness. Thank you for this time to get to know you and for you to get to know me."

"Oh, my dear, you have no idea how happy you've made me by coming to visit with us. Although we were disappointed John was not home for Thanksgiving, having the two of you here for a while today without the distraction of the others is so much better. Truth be told, John's my favorite of the two boys but Susan has kept him on such a short leash all this time. I've been concerned for him for so long. I know that my attitude about your relationship may not be what you expected. I credit that to having been around college students for as long as I have."

Kathryn thought she saw a tear forming in the corner of Dawn's eye and quickly pulled the younger girl into a warm hug with a kiss on the cheek. That gesture nearly broke the dam and a few more tears leaked from Dawn's eyes.

"Dear, what's the matter?" Kathryn inquired, still loving on the girl in her arms.

"I lost my Grandma Taggart last January, and there are times, like now, when I miss her so much. She would have held me just like you are. I can't help myself from crying a bit."

"If, as you say, you are in this for the long haul, then I would be honored and happy if you'd call me 'grandmother' when it's just us," Kathryn volunteered, not expecting the tide of emotions to swell within Dawn only to come gushing out of her eyes.

Dawn had never felt this sort of love and acceptance from anyone outside of her family, other than John. Now she was expanding her family to include some of John's family. She was a little overwhelmed by that realization.

"Is... would it be okay for me to call you 'Grandma Smith'?" she managed to stammer. Kathryn chuckled as she hugged the girl and gently stroked her hair.

"Just don't call me 'Granny Smith'. I'm not a tart apple, but I can be very sweet unless you cross me," Kathryn joked albeit with a serious expression on her face. She continued.

"It took a lot of fortitude for John not to come home for Thanksgiving. That speaks volumes for your character and his love for you. Yes, love. I can see it in every glance he gives you, in every little motion he makes on your behalf. Love my boy back just as much, please."

Dawn had drawn back enough to watch Kathryn's face during her last comments. Despite the Granny Smith joke, Dawn could tell she was dead serious. This put another little spin on her relationship with John. It didn't frighten her because she, too, was dead serious about never seeking anyone else. But it did add another layer of complexity to things.

"I understand, Grandma, and I accept the challenge and responsibilities. I won't let you down."

"Good girl. Shall we go rejoin our men now?"

The four of them sat around the living room, talking about immediate and future plans for Dawn and John. The grandparents were enthusiastic about the summer job possibilities as well as the Wilson Family Reunion.

"We'll be gone on a cruise to Alaska at that time; otherwise, you'd be quite welcome to stay here," Oliver stated, getting a look of shock and delight from Kathryn. "Oops, did I not tell you that everything was confirmed?"

"No, you did not, Oliver! Did we get the stateroom?"

"Yes, dear, we did."

John and Dawn then received an impromptu course on how to kiss your mate, courtesy of their grandparents. At first, they just stood there, grinning at the PDA. After half a minute, it became a little embarrassing, and John and Dawn turned away with broad grins still on their faces. After another minute of listening to Kathryn express her appreciation to Oliver, John asked, cheekily, "Do we need to give you two some privacy?"

"I think I'll save the rest of my appreciation until after you two leave," Kathryn stated, wresting her lips from those of her husband. "John, I would like a few minutes of your time in the kitchen, please." She started off, not waiting to see if John was following.

"It would appear that I've been summoned. Play nicely with Grandpa Smith, please," John murmured in Dawn's ear. Their fingers ran down the other's arm and hand as he moved off, seeking to extend the time of their physical connection to each other.

Oliver reclaimed his seat in the recliner and gestured for Dawn to sit either on the sofa or in the comfy chair nearby. Dawn took her seat on the sofa and looked at him with a pleasant expression.

"So, what did you and Katy agree on earlier, young lady?" he asked with a smile.

"She read me the riot act about John and not messing with his heart."

"Yeah, his mother, my daughter, has him tightly wrapped up, at least when he's home. Looks to me like you've got your own wrapping going on with him. Just do it with love, okay?" he admonished.

"I promise. She also said that I could call her 'Grandma' in private."

It was Oliver's turn to be surprised, but it passed quickly.

"Back to John. You need to find ways to get him to do what you want in a way that he thinks it was his idea in the first place. Like I just showed you two with Katy."

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Dawn accused him with a smile of her own.

"Did what? My little 'oops' moment? You betcha! Did you see how she responded? Those kinds of little pleasant surprises help to keep things fresh between us. She knew all along that I was planning that trip. Hell, she has the household budget under her thumb, so there was no way that could have been a surprise. The surprise was that things are now arranged, just how she wanted them."

"You are a sneaky, clever, wonderful man, Dr. Smith."

"You can call me 'Grandpa' if you like," he replied and Dawn's eyes got very wide. She practically launched herself at him, and he caught her with a chuckle and a warm, affectionate hug.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Kathryn and John sat at the table and she took his hands in hers.

"John, I don't believe this is much of a surprise to you, but I heartily approve of Dawn for you. She may have some unrevealed personality quirks, but I believe her heart is in the right place and that she's good for you."

"Thanks, Grandma. I'm glad you and, it would seem, Grandpa, approve of her. We think we're good for each other. We try to make each other better, and our strengths shore up the other's weaknesses. And yes, I am aware of her 'more promiscuous' history. I've told her that her past is of very little consequence to me; what's important to me is our future, together."

Kathryn's eyes widened slightly at John's revelation and forgiving perspective.

John continued:

"Her family, well, maybe not her brothers so much, but her parents and sisters, and dog," he smiled at the memory of Gypsy's attachment, "all seem to approve of me. With Dad's help, we'll work to turn Mom around. I just hope my other grandparents find Dawn as acceptable as you two do."

"Well, from what I recall from Thanksgiving, your other grandfather seems predisposed toward your having a girlfriend. I can't say as much about your other grandmother, though."

"We'll see them tomorrow, Grandma. We need to get going fairly soon, though. It's getting dark and we have to drive to our hotel in Columbia."

Kathryn snorted softly as she knew full well that Dawn had plans for John that evening, just like she had for Oliver. They stood and pulling him into a hug, she offered one final piece of advice.

"Nearly every woman wants the man to take charge occasionally. Learn to read her, and ask her directly if you are uncertain. I look forward to spending some more time together and hearing how you are growing together."

They walked back to the living room together and John remarked, "Dawn, it's getting dark and we have to get to the hotel in Columbia. We should say 'goodbye' pretty soon, don't you think? After all, it's your car that we're driving."

"Oh! You're right, it is getting darker," Dawn replied. She and Oliver stood and loving hugs were shared all around. John retrieved their coats while his grandparents had a final round of hugs and whispers for Dawn, who was blushing slightly after Kathryn's words that John couldn't hear.

With final words of love and admonitions to drive safely from their grandparents, John led Dawn down the porch steps and out to her car. Aware that they were still being watched, Dawn pulled John into a scorching kiss as she backed up to her car.

"Do you know the road we need to take?" she asked.

"I think it's Route 240 or something. No, I've never driven it. Do you want to drive and I'll navigate?"

"Oh, you sweet, loving man! Yes, that's what I was getting around to suggesting."

He escorted her to the driver's side, opened the door for her, handed her the keys, and closed the door. As he went around to get in, he had a final glance and waved to his grandparents. While he was belting himself in, Dawn adjusted the driver's seat and rearview mirror. A brief honk and they were on their way to the hotel!

With John navigating using his phone, they made every turn without incident, arriving at the hotel in about 45 minutes. John was not aware quite how close to the University of Missouri campus the hotel was until they pulled into the parking lot, which fortunately was not full of cars. He commented on that to the clerk as they were checking in.

"Yeah, they got their asses handed to them down at Mississippi State earlier today. With the out‑of‑town game plus most of the kids are already gone home for the holidays, that's why you got a decent place to park," the clerk commented as he swiped Dawn's card and gave them the room keys. "Hope you have a pleasant stay with us," he said with a wink.

The moment the elevator doors closed, Dawn was all over John. Her desire and need for John had been kept contained for too long. Fortunately for her, it was a slow elevator. Fortunately for him, there were only four floors in the hotel. The doors opened on the top floor and John stumbled slightly as he exited but caught himself before he fell. Dawn snickered, pleased that she could have that strong of an effect on her man.

As they walked down the hall, John had time to recall what his grandmother had imparted to him, and he quickly made a plan. After fumbling once with the lock, the pair entered the room. The door slammed shut as soon as they had both stepped into the room. John backed her up to the wall, holding her hands above her head with his right hand. She wasn't exactly struggling to escape as his left hand carefully mauled her breasts through her shirt and bra. This was entirely unexpected though and she didn't quite know what to make of the situation. He was forceful yet gentle with her and she loved and trusted him, so she decided to let things play out.

John kissed her, hard, prying her lips open with his tongue. Not that he had to force the issue, but he was taking the lead. Their tongues tangoed, back and forth, as their thwarted and pent‑up desires burst forth. Still massaging her right breast with his left hand, he quickly sensed Dawn's excitement as her nipple hardened in his palm.

They were never sure how it happened, but they ended up sprawled on the king‑size bed, hands tugging on each other's clothing. Clothes went flying to either side of the bed and soon they were clad in only their birthday suits. John feasted on Dawn's breasts and she had a death grip on his turgid cock.

An hour later, John stumbled to the bathroom while Dawn lay panting atop the now‑rumpled bedspread. After he disposed of the used condom, he washed any residue from his groin. He looked up into the mirror, examining his reflection, looking for something that wasn't obvious. Ruefully shaking his head, he soaked a washcloth in very warm water and wrung it out. He exited the bathroom with the washcloth in hand to find Dawn with her head on a pillow. Her honey‑blonde hair was fanned out on the pillow and slightly damp near her temples.