The Guardians of Justice Ch. 02


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"I wanted to tell you," he said, "that the NCAA and the Conference will be announcing by the end of the week that they are closing out their inquiries into the Gonzales molestation issues, as they have accepted your explanation of what did occur."

"I'm glad to hear that, Mr. President." I said.

"Things are working out very well with Dr. Cordell running the Hospital," said Wellman, "and of course I am very happy that your wife was cleared of those false charges and is back on Staff, there."

"As am I, sir." I said.

"So," said Wellman, realizing that I wanted to get to the point of my visit. "What can I do for you today?"

"I wanted to ask you about a former Regent, Austin R. Murphy." I said. "I am wondering if you know what happened to him, or where he might be now."

"Ah, Mr. Murphy." said the University President, and I noticed that he was setting his face into that perma-grin with a little extra effort. "As you may know, he was a Regent and he also was one of the trustees of the Wargrave Trust, which Mr. Henry Wargrave set up in his will to provide endowments to the University. Unfortunately, he left both positions a few years ago and pretty much disappeared completely."

"Who is overseeing the Wargrave Trust now?" I asked. "Mrs. Wargrave?"

"Tom Riordan was also one of the trustees, and left." said Wellman. "Mrs. Wargrave was named as a trustee, as was Mrs. Myrtle L. James. She is a Regent as well, as you know. Harold S. Truelove is also a Regent, and was in the Wargrave Trustee role in Mr. Murphy's absence, but he resigned from the Wargrave Trust when Mr. Llewelyn was named to it. Mr. Llewelyn is an outside Board member of BigAgraFoods, by the way. Good man, too."

"Interesting." I mused. "So you haven't heard from Mr. Murphy in some time?"

"Not in at least two years." said Wellman. "Is it important that you speak with him? I might can contact some people to see if we can get in touch with him."

I realized that Wellman was trying to get information from me on why I wanted to find Murphy, but all I said was "That would be nice if you can find him, sir, but it's not urgent. Some things came up regarding the Acme Group that Henry Wargrave set up, and I was just hoping to get some clarification."

"Ah, I see." said Wellman, nodding in perhaps real understanding. He'd have to have realized that some of the BigAgraFoods names would come up in association with Acme, and I'd recently perp-walked Mittens Willis into his most unfortunate destiny. "Well," he added, "my only suggestion is to talk to Mrs. Wargrave, though she washed her hands of her husband's businesses and is now a jet-setting socialite."

"I appreciate your time, Mr. President." I said. We got up and shook hands.

As I was about to go, he said casually, as if it were an afterthought, "Who do you think is going to win this special caucus tomorrow?"

"I'm not sure, Mr. President." I said. "But no matter who wins, I suspect there will be lawsuits over the results."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"You're not worried that Dr. Wellman will pick up the phone and alert Murphy that you're looking for him?" asked Chief Griswold as he and I talked in the backyard of the Mountain Nest after dinner. Mrs. Griswold, Laura, and Edward and Stephanie Steele were inside. Carole and Marie were writing and drawing a new book. Bowser and Buddy were surveying the property after we'd taken them out to do their business.

"Not really, Chief." I said. "In fact, it might be good to rattle some cages, stir up the hornets's nest. And I saw what I wanted to see."

"What's that?" growled the old Chief.

"President Wellman is very good at not giving away his emotions." I said. "He sets his face in that grin of his, so that we can't read what he is thinking. But he can't stop his mind from projecting, and he projected. I could see he was making an effort to keep his face calm, but I could sense his agitation."

"You're getting to be like Ms. Ross." said the Chief.

"Her power of the vibe is much stronger than mine." I said. "As is Carole's. I don't know what I'm going to do when she gets to be a teenager, and has that huge advantage over me."

"Har." said the old Chief. "You worry too much about the future. You'll figure that out when the time is right. For now, you worry about today, the here and now."

As usual, the Chief's advice was sage...

Part 11 - Voting Irregularities

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Fox Two News!" shouted the redheaded reporterette, from in front of the Federal Building on Courthouse Square, at 7:00am, Tuesday, October 9th. "The Guardians of Justice have struck again!"

"The Guardians released documents showing that the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice are already planning to file lawsuits against the Town & County, Sheriff Daniel Allgood, and Police Chief Sean Moynahan if the TCPD investigates any voting irregularities in the General Election in November! Even more, the DOJ has already drafted a criminal indictment against Police Commander Donald Troy, and plan to arrest him and jail him without bond if they deem that he acted to suppress minority votes by using Police investigations as an intimidation tactic!"

"The DOJ issued a statement in Washington denying having pre-plans to sue the County." continued Bettina. "However, they did say they would be closely monitoring Commander Donald Troy for potentially abusive tactics to suppress minority votes..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Fox Two News with breaking news!" said Bettina as she broke into the 'Point Taken' show. "Attorney Mike G. Todd of the Madison & Ives Law Firm... that's Mike G. Todd of the Madison & Ives Law Firm... filed a lawsuit in Federal Court against the US DOJ Civil Rights Division."

"Federal Judge K.M. Landis issued an injunction against the Department of Justice," continued Bettina, "enjoining the Department of Justice nor any Federal agency from arresting or harassing Mike G. Todd's client, Commander Donald Troy, without going through Judge Landis's Court, showing cause, and getting a proper arrest warrant first. The DOJ said they would appeal the Court order, but would abide by it until the appeal is heard..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tuesday, October 9th. Dressed in civilian clothes, I went to the Civic Center to take part in the Caucus. I was shocked at just how many people were there.

"Chief," I said to Chief Griswold, "how many people are here?"

"The formal meeting and voting began at 5:00pm." said Griswold. "We've got those scanner machines going, and over 10,000 people have voted. There are at least that many more waiting..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I was at The Cabin, as were Laura, Cindy, Callie, Teresa, Todd, all their kids and mine, and of course two outstanding dogs. Molly had stayed at home in Nextdoor County, doing Nextdoor County Police Chief things, and her mom was keeping the boys at Molly's condo.

"Your house is coming along very fast." I had remarked to Todd earlier.

"They have some incentives that they get if landmarks are met." Todd said. "But only if the quality is also good. George is a great contractor; he's doing a great job with the house. We may be moved in by Thanksgiving, though Christmas is the target."

"Cool beans." I said. "It'll be nice having you guys next door."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Fox Two News!" said the redheaded reporterette at 9:00pm, reporting from the KXTC Anchor Desk. "We are bringing you coverage of the Special Caucuses! Both the Democrat and Republican caucus meetings are overflowing with voters! Political experts were expecting very light turnouts, but each caucus may get 20,000 voters in attendance!"

"We're here with political reporter Amber Harris." said Bettina. "Amber, why the heavy turnout?"

"On the Democrat side," reported Amber, who was sitting next to Bettina, "Maxine Watts had a hugely effective organization. They had buses to give people rides from their normal polling places or other pickup points, and a really big 'get out the vote' organization of young people eager to help their candidate win."

"On the Republican side," said Amber, "Sharon Marshall also had a good organization and buses, but most people came in their cars to vote at the Civic Center, and the mood is one of enthusiasm for Sharon Marshall, but also one of disgust with Attorney General Karl Handel and Secretary of State Brian Cagle."

Bettina said "Let's go to Karl Frazier of Public Policy Polling at the KXTC Decision Desk. Karl! Why the turnout?"

"As Amber said," said Frazier, "the Maxine Watts machine really showed itself, getting the black vote out in unexpectedly large numbers. As for the Republicans, our exit polling is showing that the votes for Marshall are just as much votes against Handel and Cagle, who are considered to be Establishment candidates, while Marshall is the Jared supporter and endorsed by the Governor. The Grassroots enthusiasm that won for Jared two years ago is still strong, Bettina..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

At 11:00pm, my phone rang. Bowser was most very displeased, and let us know it with his barking frenzy.

It was Mike G. Todd. "Don, I just wanted to give you a heads-up. We're filing a lawsuit in Superior Court. The numbers being reported are not matching up with what the State Republican Office in Midtown is reporting..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Fox Two News!" said Bettina at 11:30pm, from the Courthouse Complex. "Fox Two News has just learned that attorneys for Sharon Marshall filed a lawsuit against the State Republican Office, claiming that their numbers are different than what the County Republicans reported. Let's go to Amber Harris. Amber!"

"That's right, Bettina!" Amber said from the Decision Desk in the KXTC studios. "The voting was finished at around 11:00pm, and the County Republicans reported that there were just over 20,000 votes, with around 15,000 votes for Sharon Marshall, 3000 votes for Karl Handel, and 2000 votes for Brian Cagle."

"However," said Amber, " the State Republican Office in Midtown reported they'd received the County tally as roughly 12,000 votes for Handel, 8000 for Marshall, and 2000 for Cagle, and they consider those numbers official. The lawsuit filed here is not the only one, as 54 of the 96 counties in the State, not including the autonomous City, filed complaints that their numbers do not match what the Midtown office is reporting------"

"We have to break in, Amber!" said Bettina. "Superior Court Judge Patrick R. Folsom has issued an order from the Bench, which enjoins the State Republican Office from certifying the results and declaring a winner! Folsom cites widespread differences in the numbers reported. Other judges have issued their own injunctions, as well!"

Bettina went on: "Also, the 54 precincts that are filing lawsuits went for Sharon Marshall, per those local precincts. The numbers that precincts were reporting as Handel victories were the same as what the State Republican Office is reporting."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"The State Republican Office has declared me the winner of tonight's caucus." said AG Karl Handel. "They have certified the results as accurate, and I fully expect to be the Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor in November." Handel was speaking to reporters at the Midtown Marquis Hotel, where he'd arranged a victory party.

"The Courts have declared this sham result by the State Republican Office to be invalid." said Sharon Marshall, speaking from her campaign headquarters in Westphalia. "I am calling upon the SBI Office of Ethics and Review to investigate the State Office Republicans, Wilson Hammonds, Karl Handel, and Brian Cagle. This attempt to thwart the will of the People will not be allowed to succeed. We must bring Justice to those that are criminally changing these voting numbers!"

Back to Amber Harris at the Decision Desk: "And this just in: the State Democrat Party's numbers do appear to match those of the reporting precincts, and the overwhelming winner is State Senator Maxine Watts with 72% of the vote!" the blonde reporterette said with a huge smile on her face.

"And this just in!" shouted Bettina as the feed went back to her. "Federal Judge K.M. Landis has also issued an order enjoining the State Republicans from certifying the election! Judge Landis says that Federal election laws have likely been violated, and he will work with Judge Folsom to ensure that this election is not stolen..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"As Joseph Stalin said," Teresa said, "those who vote don't matter, those who count the votes do matter. Or something like that."

"Wow." Todd said. "I didn't think they'd be this blatant about it."

"Don apparently did." Teresa said. "It was his lawyer that filed the first lawsuit."

I gave Teresa a dark look, and said no more. "It wasn't you?" she asked, not getting the hint.

"No." I said. I got up and said "Captain, come with me." Teresa knew she was in trouble as I led her outside onto the deck.

"Teresa, did you tell Todd about what Janice Holloway told us, and the stings we're preparing?" I asked quietly as I looked over the Town.

"Oh." Teresa said, realizing where I was going. "No, I didn't tell him nor anyone else."

"Good." I said. "I didn't tell Laura, either. What really happened is that Mike is on retainer by the County Republicans, as suggested by Chief Griswold. They don't know about Holloway, either, but they do know we're expecting dirty tricks. We didn't expect to need Mike's services tonight, but that's why he was ready to go. So let's just not say any more about it, okay?"

"Yes sir." said Teresa. "I'm sorry, sir."

"Don't apologize." I said. "Just keep the secret. It may be the most important criminal sting we ever make."

"Sir..." Teresa asked, her voice faltering, "... what happens if the U.S. DOJ tries to arrest you?"

I made a point to look into Teresa's eyes. "Let's hope those poor bastards don't have to find out."

Part 12 - Feeding Frenzy

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Fox Two News!" shouted the lovely redheaded reporterette at 7:00am, Wednesday, October 10th, from in front of the State Office Building. "Fox Two News is bringing you continuing coverage of the total chaos that is Governor Jared's Special Caucus elections!"

Bettina was dressed up just a bit better than normal, and her makeup and red hair were as perfect as she could make them as she reported: "On the Democrat side, State Senator Maxine Watts scored a resounding victory, garnering over 70% of the caucus votes Statewide."

"State Secretary of State Brian Cagle certified Senator Watts's victory, but was stopped by the Courts from certifying State Attorney General Karl Handel as the Republican nominee for Lieutenant Governor." said Bettina. "The discrepancies between what 54 counties reported with what the State Republican Office put out are astounding, and the tallies of what the counties reported would give Representative Sharon Marshall a huge win. But Mr. Cagle refused to certify Marshall, saying he believes what the State Republicans put out, and that that should be the only count that matters."

"The State Republican Party has filed a countersuit to the lawsuit first filed by the Town & County, which the other county lawsuits were rolled into in a class action by Federal Judge K.M. Landis and Superior Court Judge Patrick R. Folsom." continued Bettina. "The State Republican Party is asking that either the State Republican Office numbers be the official count, and failing that, they want the entire caucus vote to be set aside, and the Party allowed to name its nominee as it sees fit."

"The State Democrat Party filed their own briefs in the case, asking the judge to throw out the vote, but to disallow any Republican candidates to be on the November ballot for Lieutenant Governor." said Bettina. "But Judge Folsom ruled immediately that that would not happen, and that either both parties will have candidates, or neither will. And he also said he was willing to delay the beginning of early voting in order to give the Courts time to reach a ruling."

"In a related action," said Bettina, "Governor Val Jared issued a statement saying that he is asking SBI Inspector General Britt Maxwell to investigate the State Republican Office for voter fraud. Inspector General Maxwell has opened an investigation and assigned SBI-OER Lieutenant Norm Chow to the case, and she plans to ask SBI Inspector Donald Troy of our Town & County to work with Lt. Chow in the investigation. Neither Commander Troy nor the TCPD have returned our repeated calls for comment on this issue."

"Rep. Wilson Hammonds of Pottsville blasted Governor Jared," went on Bettina, "saying that Jared is a traitor to the Republican Party, that all of the confusion was Jared's fault, and that Jared should either resign or be arrested himself. Other Republicans, including AG Handel and Secretary Cagle, also condemned Governor Jared, calling him a traitor to his Party and unfit to lead the State as Governor..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

To the Detectives's collective surprise, Chief Sean Moynahan came into MCD for the coffee klatch, as did Captain Teresa Croyle.

"I have lost both my Police Commanders again." lamented the Chief. "They are already headed to Midtown, to help the SBI Inspector General investigate the fraud that took place last night."

"Will the US DOJ try to arrest Commander Troy for that, sir?" asked Theo Washington.

"That depends on their level of desire to commit suicide." Captain Croyle said darkly, a 'Teresa Cunt' look on her face. The Chief was less than thrilled at that comment, but said nothing.

"I wonder how this is going to end up." said Joanne Warner. "My cousin was cheated out of his rightful win because the Republican Establishment wouldn't lift a finger to help him. Now it looks like they're trying to do the same thing to Sharon Marshall." (Author's note: 'Hot Wives Investment Club', Ch. 04.)

"I don't know what happened with your cousinnnnn," drawled Chief Moynahan, "but have faith that a crime this egreeeegious will not be allowed to succeeeeed."

"We should start a pool on the outcome." said Jerome Davis. "My bet is that no names for Lieutenant Governor will be on the ballot."

"Mine is that they delay the early voting until they can get those names on the ballot." said Joanne.

"Mine is that the Republicans will be allowed to name their candidate, and it won't be Sharon Marshall." said Theo Washington.

"Betting in my MCD room, ladies and gentlemen?" said Chief Moynahan. "I am shocked... shocked!" There was tepid laughter; no one knew if the Chief was kidding or serious.

"At least you're not betting a hundred bucks apiece and losing, like the FBI Agents that bet against Commander Troy." said Teresa...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The women of 'Point Taken' filed into their studio and took their seats, eager to tell their viewers what to think about the caucuses.

"The cheating by the Republicans was totally unexpected." said Connie Chen.

"What cheating?" countered Ruby Russell. "The fraud is coming from the Sharon Marshall supporters claiming the reported numbers are different. She's trying to steal the election from its rightful winner, AG Karl Handel."

"Are you kidding?" said Zara Zeigler. "It's well documented by the Media in many of the disputed districts: the local precincts showed the ballots and the vote tallies, and they are completely different than what the State Republicans were reporting. This is the most blatant case of voter fraud I've ever seen."

"Absolutely." said Donna Roselle. "It's hard to believe in this day and age of technology, and everyone with an iPhone recording what's going on, that voter fraud this rampant can happen. But the Democrats didn't have this kind of widespread cheating. This is all the Republicans."