The Halloween Costume


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I spot the voice's owner rather easily thanks to what he is wearing. It's a guy in the midst of a crowd wearing a huge trench coat as well as a ski mask and baseball cap. I would say that it's some weird Halloween costume, but it seems too odd to be real. It resembles more like the guy doesn't want to be touched by the sun at all.

"Oh my gosh!" I state as it hits me who he is. All at once it rushes into my brain, where I would bet all my internal organs I know who it is. And that's Mind Field. He's one of The Force's enemies.

If memory serves, Mind Field, or his real name Manny Field, was part of an army think tank, tasked with improving soldier intelligence in war planning. He wanted to prove that human thinking would always outperform AI, but was fired when his human planned war games team lost every time to an AI enemy.

That's when he lost it mentally. He vowed to kill The Force to prove his point that only the human mind could plan and accomplish such a feat. So at least once a year he pops up and tries some plan to kill the superhero.

My fight or flight mode kicks in now, as I know this isn't good. At any moment Mind Field is going to unleash something, rather it be a gas bomb, or monster or whatever. Whatever he has planned is going to bowl everyone over and I don't want to be near when it does. I don't want to be just another nameless civilian that dies because of some loser-weirdo.

Panicking, I turn around, trying to find the place to hide. That's when I see the alley. Without thinking, I start to run right for it, knowing my life depends on it. The only thing I can think of is if I can get in that alley, I can probably get out the other end and it'll be far enough away to be safe.

The sound of The Force flying down is heard and it makes me run faster. The Force is going to know it's Mind Field. He would recognize the voice just like I did. And the moment The Force tries to grab Mind Field, the crazy bastard will no doubt fight back.

I see the darkness of the alley getting closer as it seems to block out the sun. Yet, a moment later everything starts to spin. My vision seems to go all over, even if it feels like my body is upright and normal. It's a very disorienting feeling, in which I wonder if I'm too late. That Mind Field has already unleashed some weapon to do this.

"It ends, now," a gruff and angry voice declares, right before I feel a huge amount of pain. Not just pain, but something knocks the wind out of me, forcing me to fight for breath. As I try to get air into my lungs, my body feels stunned, where I can't seem to move any of my limbs, even if I can still feel them.

What the hell is going on? What's wrong with me?

After a panicked few moments, I'm able to get some air inside me. My body finally allows air to fill my lungs and power my brain so I can think again. And from this, I find that I'm on the ground. Like I've been knocked over. In fact, I see scrapes all over my arms, showing I did fall or most likely was pushed.

I then notice that I'm not on the sidewalk anymore. It appears I'm on a roof. It's a completely flat roof that appears to be taller than most of the nearby buildings since I can't see any other buildings from where I'm sitting. How in the world did I get here? What's going on?

Behind me, I hear the strangest sound I think I've ever heard. It sounds like a cross between a bull and a human snorting. It's an angry sound, like when someone is about to charge or attack. It's a scary and intimidating sound at that.

"Force!" I gasp as I turn to see the superhero at the far end of the roof.

My eyes light up and my heart leaps at seeing him. Instantly I feel myself turn into a silly teenage schoolgirl at being so close to him. The urge to run to him and say how no one knows more about him than I do comes over me. To show him my homemade costume and how much time and detail I put into it.

It's just that I've never been so close to him before. Close enough to see what he really looks like. Close enough to feel the aura that comes off him. Close enough to see his thick muscles bugling. Close enough to smell him.

Yet as soon as my heart moves into my throat, it sinks at seeing his eyes. His eyes don't look right. They don't look normal at all. They are very glassy, showing that something is wrong. It sort of reminds me of this meth head I saw that was arrested near my work for scaring people with his ramblings. Where the person's body is moving about, but there's not much behind the eyes as if the brain has shut down. Where reality isn't where they live any longer.

"I...I..." I stammer, complete and utter fear washing over me at the anger on his face that is directed at me. I then gulp as no words come out to help me. My brain goes blank and I have no clue what to do.

Glancing around, there's nowhere for me to run because I'm on top of a freaking roof. Even if I could run, he would be able to catch me easily. He has superspeed, remember?!

My fear gets worse as I realize he brought me up here. That he did it for a reason, and I don't think I want to know what that reason is. He wanted me alone and that spells trouble.

"I'm done. With this. With you. This ends now, Sam," The Force growls, his huge chest heaving showing his anger. He looks so extremely pissed moment. Crazy and pissed, which is not a good combination.

"M-Mr. The Force...h-hi. I'm..." I start, slowly standing up. I try not to move too fast as I treat him like a wild animal. Moving too fast may make him attack.

I then realize he called me Sam, which isn't my name. This at least is a clue, as it means he wasn't out to get me personally. That makes sense as why would he even know who I am? I'm a nobody in his world.

It occurs that by calling me Sam he must mean Samantha. This makes my stomach sink yet again as that's not good. Not good at all. There is a Sam in his world...Dr. Samantha Avila.

"Oh shit," I say out loud, figuring out what trouble I'm really in. Glancing down at myself, I am in her outfit. I've even styled my hair and put on the exact same makeup she does.

He thinks I'm the real Dr. Avila. In his mental state, he can't tell the difference between the two of us. While anyone else would be able to, he can't, probably because he doesn't want to. He looks like he wants revenge. Oh shit. That's not good.

"I'm not Avila! I know I look like her, but I'm not her, I swear," I tell him, holding my hands out as he starts marching towards me.

Like a terminator, he marches towards me, which makes me back up. Only, there's about two feet before I reach the edge of the building, so there's no where really to go. Not unless I want to take an express method to the ground which is several stories below.

"I'm not Avila! Look, you can see on my Driver's license!" I yell, desperate for him to see that I'm not her. Then I remember I don't have my license on me. All I have is my debit card and cell tucked away in the utility belt. Otherwise I have nothing that proves I am who I really am.

"I'm not her. I'm just dressed up for Halloween!" I shriek as he gets closer and closer.

Looking at those glassy eyes makes me see that he's not going to understand this. He's not going to understand anything I say. He's too far gone. In fact, in his mind I could be yelling that I'm going to kill him and his family.

"I'm going to do what I should have done to you a long time ago," the superhero growls as he marches right up to me. Now that he is close enough, I get the strange whiff of whiskey and something else, smoke maybe? Like he has been by a bonfire or something.

"No! Please. I'm not her!" I beg as loud as I can. Panic sets in as there's nothing I can do to stop him. There's nowhere to run on this roof. I'm not even sure where the exit is, if there is an exit.

There's no way to fight him as he's faster, stronger and has the tensile makeup of metal. Trying to hit him would mean breaking your hand or foot. Even if I had a shotgun, it wouldn't do any good.

And there's no one else around that could possibly help me. Even if the police show up, what the fuck are they going to do? Hell, at this moment I would even take Mind Field doing something to stop him, but he is no doubt still on the ground. As stupid as Mind Field is, he probably thought he could just yell for the superhero to go to him.

With just a couple of feet between us now, The Force walks very slowly as he moves right up to me. In studying him, I knew how tall he was, but I didn't realize how tall that really is until he is right in front of me. Even if he was a normal person, I doubt I would be able to fend him off. He's so...huge.

More than that, I see the clothes that he is wearing and it sends yet another wave of fear over me. When I saw him on the ground, I thought he was wearing some special Halloween outfit. But no. He's wearing his normal outfit, minus the cape, but it looks like he's dumped paint all over himself. Either that or he got dunked in a bath or black paint or whatever it is. It further adds to the point that he's clearly in a bad mental state.

"P-Please I..." I say, trying to think of words that will stop him. Of something that can reach him, even in this state. After all, no one knows more about him than I do. But being this close to him makes me wonder if something happened in Colombia to him. From the looks of it, I think something did. Even in his worst moments, The Force has never done anything like this...that I know of.

All words die in my mouth as I feel that something's changed. I'm not sure what it is, but something about this whole thing has changed. I can tell The Force has made a move, but I don't know what it is because I didn't see it. He moved too fast for my eyes to be able to see what it was. But it doesn't look like anything's changed. Yet I know something has. Something feels different now.

The Force smiles a wide, toothy and creepy smile now. Gathering my courage, I look up at him only to see he's not looking at me. Well, not at my face. Instead those glassy wild eyes of his are looking at my chest.

Looking down to follow his gaze, I see both of my breasts are fully exposed. They heave up and down as I pant, showing how my nipples are very hard due to fear. I even see the one tiny blue vein in my right breast which doesn't show that often. Looking at them, I see how oddly large they look. How they seem much bigger than normal, like they are targets.

My brain tells me what's happened, but something inside doesn't want to believe it. He's ripped open my top. Snatched it at the collar and yanked, destroying the garment right by tearing it in two. And he did it so fast that I didn't even see it happen. I barely even felt it.

And now the two of us look at my bared breasts. The heaving breasts that move faster now due to my fear. Only he is the only one that is smiling while I have a look of horror on my face.

"No...please," I beg as The Force slowly lifts his hand upward me. At first I'm sure he's about to grope me. That he'll grab a tit and go to town, but he lifts his hand higher than that.

Scared, I can't think of what to do but beg as his fingers lift up and get closer and closer to my throat. That is clearly where he is going and he makes sure to go slow so I know it. We both know there's nothing I can do to stop him, so he goes slow to torture me.

The Force's hand then wraps around my throat. My hands move to his as he starts to squeeze enough to make it hard to breathe. Panicking, I try hard to pull him off as I know he could pop my head off like a teenage pimple.

"Just like old time, huh Sam?" The Force laughs in a dark way as he slowly chokes me harder. My hands keep trying to get him to stop, but it feels like I'm trying to peel some mechanical monster off as his hand and arm are so freaking solid.

I am allowed enough air to breathe, but not much. Already I see stars on the edges of my vision which begin to pulse. It doesn't help that I'm struggling which requires even more breath.

Feeling his hand choking me sends me back to the time I used a dating app in college. It was basically a hookup app where I was really bored on a Saturday night. There I matched with this one guy, and we did end up back at his his bed. As we were doing it, he started to choke me as well. He did it much like this, not strong enough to try and kill me or anything, but enough to scare me.

I remember lying in that bed, both scared out of my mind and more aroused than ever. At no point did I tell that guy to do that to me, yet he did it anyway. It was the fear of who he was, of being in some unknown location and the helpless feeling as I was naked and held down that make it so intense. And as I moved about as he both choked and fucked me, I remember the feeling of my tits moving about, just as they are now as I struggle. It all sort of blends together and that strange sort of sexual thrill returns at this horrible time, making butterflies appear in my stomach.

"Let me add in something new this time. Something you would never want to try," The Force hisses and then lifts me by the throat.

My eyes widen as I'm lifted right off my feet. It causes the choking to become worse as all my body weight is being carried by his one hand. I have to try and hold myself up by grabbing his hand as he treats me as if I'm no heavier than a sheet of paper.

I try hard to beg him to stop, but no words really comes out as I am choked. There's nothing but grunts and groans as he walks with me across the roof. I even kick and swing my legs, but this is of no use. Kicking him is like kicking a brick wall. I even try to push off of him, but his grip on my throat is far too tight.

The Force then lets go of me, only after putting me right on the edge of the roof on the other side of the building. Instantly, I try to back up, to get away as there's only inches between me and falling to my doom, but The Force grabs me and forces me to turn around to face outward from the building. He then stands right behind me as if he was a wall.

This causes me to scream as I look down to see the street below, several stories down. I see a busy downtown landscape below me, with adults moving to and fro, most dressed in costume. But with my scream, a good number of them stop and look around, trying to see where the scream came from. That's when they start to look upward.

"OUCH!" I cry out as The Force grabs a handful of my hair. This is rather painful, but also confusing. I don't get why he would do this as he knows there's no way for me to hurt him. That I could punch him as hard as I could all day long and it wouldn't do anything.

In horror, I understand what he's doing as he leans me forward and off the ledge while my feet stay on the roof. This makes me force my body into a stiff and rigid stance, as if I was a plank of wood. Now that he realizes I understand what he's doing, he laughs a crazed laugh, enjoying humiliating me.

In this position, my tits are exposed to everyone below. They dangle as I'm slightly angled, not to mention sway and shake from every tiny movement I make. Being like this allows anyone in the nearby buildings or on the ground to see them clearly.

He's showing me off. Showing me off like I'm a prized fish he just caught. Making sure everyone gets to see my breasts, which I barely show anyone. And there's nothing I can do to stop him.

"P-P-Please!" I beg heartily as more and more people on the street start to look up. By some miracle, there are no kids, so at least this won't traumatize any of them, but I'm sure everyone else is getting a good show. Especially the perverts and dirty old men.

My greatest fear starts to come true as person after person takes out their cell to record this. To record me, tits out and jiggling about. With me too scared to even more to try and cover them as there's no telling what The Force may do.

The Force makes it a point to leave me like this. He doesn't give the people a quick glance at my busty self, but gives them time to study me. To make sure they capture long seconds of footage. It is the most humiliating and scary moment of my entire life.

With so many emotions running through me, I almost don't notice the most surprising one. I'm wet. I mean, my womanhood is wet. I can feel it happening, where I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I'm aroused. I'm downright horny.

I've heard fear can make your body do a lot of strange things. It can give you brief superstrength, can heal wounds and can also make you aroused for sex after a trauma. I just never thought I would feel anything like this when my life is clearly in danger.

As surreal as the scene is, I know it's the fear and humiliation that is making me aroused. It takes me back to my partner that was choking me during sex. I remember how I wanted to so badly tell him to choke me harder. That he could even slap me if he wanted, but I never did. I didn't because it isn't what you are supposed to want. That if you have the power to stop stuff like that, you have to do it, because, well, because that's what you are supposed to do.

Only now, I'm helpless. Truly helpless. There's no way for me to stop him, and that's what is making me aroused. In fact, I can feel a dark part of me wanting him to do more. Where this time I don't have to tell him to choke harder, because he probably has worse in store for me.

"Someone call the police!" I hear someone shriek on the street, breaking me out of my thoughts. This allows me to come back to myself and push that arousal-trance away. Where I know I have to do something to stop him. To stop him before he does something that can't be undone.

"F-F-Force, p-please. I know you aren't thinking straight, but I'm not-" I say, trying to reach some version of sanity within the superhero. Then an idea finally pops into my head of what to do. A way to make him remember who he is and what he stands for.

I just need to make him remember someone that he couldn't save. In times when he's been in a rage or other intense state, they always get him to calm down by making him remember people that he tried to save but couldn't. Why didn't I think of this before? Damn it, no one knows more about him than I do, so use it!

"You know, without your precious hook, you wouldn't be able to survive falling off this building, would you Sam?" The Force asks before I can do anything, and a moment later, I feel my fake-utility belt ripped off me. I then see it go flying into the sky like a fastball from hell sent to the moon. As I watch it fly away, I had the tiniest bit of hope that at some point he might see it was fake and start to understand I'm not his rival.

"Be a shame if I accidentally let go, huh? That without your hook, you would be a sidewalk sandwich," The Force says in what is a clear threat. Fear and panic come over me again as all he has to do is let go of me, and I'm headed down. There's nothing to grab onto, nothing to break my fall.

"Go ahead and give the people a show. Shake those titties the way Daddy likes," The Force orders in a very lust-filled tone.

I'm stunned not just at what he wants me to do, but that it appears to be a kinky sex thing between he and Dr. Avila. It makes me wonder what sort of sex the two had when they were together. I mean, I already know that she likes to be choked.

Closing my eyes as I don't think I can watch the people's reaction, I move my shoulders back and forth. When I do, I feel my dangling breasts starting to sway and bounce. Not wanting to make him mad, I put a great deal of force into his, truly making my tits bounce.

A tingle erupts between my legs, sending a wave of sexual pleasure over me in a way I've not felt. It makes me open my eyes where I see the large crowd filming this. Seeing so many eyes looking and recording this makes the tingle grow. I don't just feel humiliated, but less than human. Like the people down there don't have to show their tits but I do because I'm less than they are.