The Happiest I've Ever Been


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What the fuck are you thinking? said that little head tilt. Go sit with them before they change their mind, you goddamn moron!

He made a good point, so I shrugged and walked over to Angel's table. She clapped her hands gleefully as I sat down.

"Finally!" she said, turning to me. "Hi, I'm Angel."

"I... I know," I said dumbly. "I'm Connor."

She laughed, those beautiful lips spreading into a room-brightening smile, and gestured to the barista. "This is Kate. And you know Brittany already. She told us you were so nice to her at the car wash this week."

"Oh," I said. "Uh... just doing my job. But thanks."

"No, thank you," Brittany said, leaning forward like she didn't know her shirt was super low cut and showing off the lacy black bra beneath it. "The other people there always laugh at me when I ask for a reminder and it makes me feel so dumb."

"You're not dumb," the barista--Kate--said, eyebrows furrowed as she reached across the table to touch her friend's hand before turning to me. "She didn't learn to read English until a few years ago so sometimes she forgets what the words look like."

"Really?" I asked.

Brittany nodded. "It's not my first language."

"Wow," I said. "I would, uh... wouldn't have guessed that. You don't even have an accent or anything."

She beamed. "Thank you!"

"Well, you really made her day," Angel said. She started saying something else, but the waitress picked that moment to walk up to the table.

Each of the girls ordered a drink and I asked for a beer. I figured I'd buy them a round at least, since that seemed like the right thing to do, and pulled out my wallet. As I did, though, Kate shook her head and Angel grabbed her purse, digging into it and withdrawing a few bills that she gave to the waitress. Immediately after the waitress walked away, Brittany and Kate launched into a loud discussion about the drinks they had ordered, and it was only when it was clear that Angel wasn't involved that I turned to her.

"You didn't have to do that," I said. "But thank you."

Her eyes crinkled as she smiled and I almost melted. "I know. But after overhearing what your friends said last weekend..."


As if her bringing it up wasn't enough, Kate and Brittany stopped talking and looked at me. That feeling of my cells shrinking and curdling in embarrassment started again. I tried to laugh, glancing down at the table as my face started turning red.

"That was really mean of them," Kate said sincerely. She let go of Brittany's hand and, surprisingly, placed her hand on my forearm. "You seem too nice to be friends with them. I went to school with Patrick and I know he can be such an asshole. Though that's partly my fault."

"It is?" I asked.

She nodded, her eyes almost sparkling as she hid a smirk. "Yeah. He was rude to me at work one day so ever since then I've been giving him decaf instead of espresso each morning."

I tried to hold in a laugh but failed. Kate grinned and rubbed my arm in a way that was incredibly inappropriate for someone I'd literally just met and yet so, so good.

"It was mean," Angel said decisively. "Especially because everyone I know thinks that guys who are willing to take birth control are about ten times sexier than the ones who think it's stupid."

I chuckled awkwardly. Ten times zero was still zero, but the sentiment was sweet. "That's, uh... kind of a nice side effect, I guess."

"Definitely." Out of nowhere, Angel put her hand on my other forearm. "I heard it's got some other great side effects, too."

Before she could elaborate, the waitress returned with our drinks, and I hurriedly changed the subject. It was strange enough to be talking to three hot girls who didn't think it was hilarious that I was taking a birth control pill. It didn't help that my mind was making connections between No-Nutter's actual purpose and the fact that I was surrounded by three hot girls, two of whom were wearing incredibly low cut shirts and one who had breasts that were putting a lot of strain on the fabric of her t-shirt.

"So Angel, where do you work?" I asked after the waitress walked away.

I'd gone to the bar to watch hockey, but honestly, I couldn't have even told you who was playing once I started talking with the girls. They were way more fun than my friends were, and not just because they were hot. Brittany was incredibly funny, Kate was almost wholesomely sweet, and Angel was a natural leader with a big heart.

I learned all sorts of things about them. Brittany spoke six languages and she'd learned nearly all of them by ear, which was why she had such a hard time reading and writing most of them. Kate loved working as a barista and wanted to open her own coffee shop. Angel was working on her Masters degree in some kind of biology. The three of them had been friends since high school, when Brittany had moved here as part of an exchange program and liked it so much she decided to stay. They loved drinking wine and watching game shows together. Brittany liked painting and drawing in her spare time, Kate was big into football, and Angel loved plants--I wasn't sure about carnivorous ones specifically, but she had a big plant collection, which I definitely got more and more jealous of the more she talked about it. And, most relevant to the events that happened next, they all lived together in a two-bedroom apartment three blocks away from the bar.

"...and a variegated string of hearts," Angel was saying as she told me about her plant collection. "But my favourite is this kinda rare one my grandpa found for me."

"What kind is it?" I asked.

"It's called a pitcher plant," she said. "They--"

"--love to eat bugs," I finished.

Angel grinned. "You know your stuff. Well, this is an Australian one called an Eden Black and--"

"No shit?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah!" she said excitedly. "You like them?"

"So much," I said, almost wistfully. "I've always wanted to see one of those. You'll have to show it to me sometime."

And here's the thing.

I didn't say it flirtily. I didn't say it like I was insinuating anything. I didn't say it in any way whatsoever that anyone could have construed it as me hitting on Angel. I sounded friendly, sure, and maybe even a bit whiny because I was so fucking jealous of her for having a plant like that, but I wasn't trying to get an invitation back to her place or anything. I mean, I was attracted to Angel, that much was true, and I was really starting to like her because she was an awesome person, but even if I had been aiming to get in her pants, I wouldn't have suggested going back to her place with more roommates than they had bedrooms.

But none of that mattered.

"You should come see it," all three girls said at once.

And what was I gonna do? Say no?

Let me tell you, I might've been insanely shocked, but nowhere near as shocked as Patrick, Bobby, and Dave looked when I rose with the three girls and started towards the exit. They were so obviously thrown off that Angel noticed. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her nudge Brittany and gesture at Kate, and before I even knew what was happening, I had three hot women literally hanging off me. Angel slipped her arm around my waist and Brittany put her arm around Angel's shoulder so she could put a hand on me, and Kate... whew. Kate was on the other side of me and she could have easily just held my hand like a normal person. Instead, she entwined her arm with mine, pulling it against her torso so her gigantic breasts pressed against my bicep.

"What the fuck?!" I heard Bobby say just before we reached the exit, and honestly, I thought about the same.

"Think that taught them a lesson?" Angel whispered as we walked out of the bar.

I chuckled, my face turning red as I nodded. "Uh, yep. Yep, I think it did."

She grinned and leaned her head against me.

I thought the three of them would let go of me when we reached the sidewalk, but boy, was I wrong. By the time we reached the apartment building a few blocks away, my mouth was dry and I was fighting to keep my cock where it was. Angel was pressed against my left side. Brittany was casually rubbing her thumb against my skin. Kate's tits were bouncing against my arm with every single step. I was starting to wonder if I'd been hit by a truck or something and was in some kind of weird coma that was part good, part bad.

Good in that oh my God there were three hot women touching me and laughing at my lame-ass jokes.

Bad in that oh my God there were three hot women who apparently had no idea what kind of effect they had on people.

Fortunately and not, they let go of me so Angel could dig out her keys and open the door. I followed her up the stairs with Brittany and Kate both behind me until we reached the end of the hallway on the second floor. Angel unlocked the door and looked back to smile at me.

"Come inside," she invited, and I mean... I wasn't going to say no.

Their apartment was nice, if a little small, and appeared smaller still because of the huge plant shelves sitting in front of the balcony door.

"Wow," I said as I slipped my shoes off, my eyes on the veritable jungle in front of me.

"Kate and Brittany are the sweetest for letting me take up so much space," Angel said.

"This is amazing." I was so enthralled by her collection that I didn't even wait for her to invite me to look at it before walking across her living room to examine the shelves. "And they all look so healthy."

"She takes very good care of them," Kate said as the door closed behind her. "And I swear the air in here is fresher than it is outside."

I laughed as I examined a delicate-looking calathea. "I believe it."

From behind me, Angel cleared her throat. "Connor, come see my pitcher plant. I keep the ones that need special care in my room."

And see, I should've figured it out there, right? But I wrote off the way Kate and Brittany were giggling softly as them thinking I was a total plant nerd--which was true--and the little gleam in Angel's eye as her being excited to show me her plant collection. I could barely bring myself to look at Angel as I followed her to her bedroom and examined her really cool plants, asking questions about how she took care of them and where she got them and what insects did she usually give to her pitcher plant?

"I let it catch whatever it can," she said. "But I also get fruit flies for it sometimes. Kate and Brittany can't stand it when I give it bugs, though."

"Is that why you get your own room?"

"No, that's because Kate and Brittany are together."

That was a surprise. I nodded slowly.

"That's cool," I said, fidgeting nervously as I stared at the plant. "It's crazy how they can lure bugs in, you know? Some of them just have, like, a sugary nectar sort of thing to attract bugs, like any other plant would, but others put out a scent sort of. Like a--"

"Like a pheromone?" Angel said.

"Uh... yeah."

"Interesting how those work, eh?"

I frowned. "How... pheromones work?"

"Mm-hmm." Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw her step closer. "Did you know that's one of the side effects of the male birth control pill?"

"I... uh..." I stopped and thought for a moment. "Yeah, actually, I do remember them mentioning that. How did--"

"I'm studying human biology," she said. "So it's kind of fascinating to me to find out that not only do humans have pheromones, but that this pill can make you exude them so strongly. And that they work really, really well."

I swallowed hard. "They d-do?"

"Oh, yes." She was right beside me now. "Brittany and Kate can feel it, too. It's like... you're irresistible."

No one in the history of ever had told me I was irresistible. It was usually quite the opposite. And don't get me wrong, I was... I mean, who doesn't want to be told they're irresistible? Who doesn't want an insanely hot girl to sidle up beside him and admit she and her two hot friends are into you? It was a wet dream come true.

The problem was, unlike a dream, Angel wasn't a figment of my imagination, which I confirmed when she touched my arm and I felt compelled to look up and meet her gaze. Her beautiful big eyes were dark and needy as she bit her lip, and oh God if I didn't want to lean forward and use my teeth to tug that lip out of her mouth.

But if the only reason she wanted to be near me was because of the side effect of a pill...

"Maybe I should, uh, go," I forced myself to say.

Her eyes widened. "Wha... what?"

"Home," I said, my voice cracking. "I should, uh..."

"Did..." Her face started turning red. "Oh my God, you don't want to hook up, do you? You actually just came over to look at the plants and--"

"N-no!" I protested, shaking my head violently. "I... Angel, trust me, I... you are so hot. But I don't want to... you know. If you're just reacting t-to pheromones, it's not right for m-me to... to hook up with you."

"I thought your friends said you haven't got laid in ages."

My face burned. "That's, uh... I mean, yeah. No, I mean. I... fuck."

She pressed her lips together, amusement flashing in her eyes. "And even still, you'd turn me down because you're worried I'm... what? Overwhelmed by your sexy manly pheromones?"

I grimaced as I tore my eyes away from her, shaking my head. "If it weren't for the No-Nutter, you wouldn't even look at me twice. I don't want to take advantage of that."

She didn't say anything for a moment. Then, very carefully, she took my hand.

"You're right," she said softly. "I wouldn't have noticed you if it wasn't for a biological reaction to an odorant your body is producing because of the No-Nutter. The same way I might not have noticed you if I hadn't overheard your friends making fun of you for taking the No-Nutter and being a responsible, generous person who doesn't just automatically think that birth control should be solely up to the woman. Because that's just it, Connor. A pitcher plant might put out a pheromone to capture an insect's attention, but it's the shape and colour and scent of the nectar that lures them in."

She reached up, guiding my chin back to face her.

"I might have noticed you because of the pill, but I started liking you because of how you act. The moment you even thought that I might be influenced by something else, you said you'd leave so you wouldn't take advantage of me. Do you know how rare that is? You're a good guy. You treated my friend nicely. You came over here thinking I was just going to show you some plants and send you on your way."

"Well... yeah," I said. "I mean, I'm... you're so far out of my league that--"

"Don't even," she said sternly, and the hand on my chin moved to the side of my face. "I want to hook up with you. Don't insult my good taste, okay?"

"I... okay," I said dumbly. "But w-what about, um, your... roommates?"

Laughter flickered in her eyes and the next thing I knew, she was pulling my face down to hers, and her eyes were closing and so were mine, and her breath was brushing against my lips, and holy shit I was kissing Angel.

"They're waiting for us," she said against my mouth. "Those pheromones caught all our attention."

Oh, fuck.

"But you said they were--"

"They both like some dick now and then," Angel said. "I believe Kate says she prefers sucking it and Brittany likes it in the ass."

Oh, fuck.

"And you?" I choked.

She grinned. "All three."

Oh, holy fucking fuck.

Angel kissed me again, intentionally or unintentionally giving me a moment to process the whole thing. Once I repeated it over in my head a few times--three hot girls want to fuck me is this real life what the fuck how did I get in this situation am I dreaming nope I'm pretty sure I'm not dreaming holy shit Angel just stuck her tongue in my mouth oh my God Brittany and Kate probably want to stick their tongues in my mouth holy shit how did this happen am I really going to do this who am I kidding of course I'm going to fucking do this holy shit three hot girls want to fuck me is this...--and gotten used to the feel of Angel's mouth against mine, I was ready.

I was going to do it.

I was going to fuck all three of them.

My dick caught up with my mind and realized that Angel's perfect little body was pressed against me. I could feel her breasts pressed against my chest and her hips were nudging mine, so when my cock started hardening, there was no way she didn't feel it. I felt her smile as she kissed me and slowly, achingly slowly, she swayed from side to side, a tantalizing motion that made my cock react more and more.

"Come on," she murmured. "How about we give this No-Nutter a test drive?"


She giggled and took my hand, leading me out of her bedroom and back into the small living room. I don't know what I was expecting, but despite knowing they were together, it wasn't to see Brittany and Kate pawing at each other on the couch. Brittany's hand was beneath the flirty little skirt Kate wore, and Kate had a fist full of Brittany's chestnut hair tangled in her hand. They parted and looked at me and Angel as we entered the room.

"Please tell me he agreed to it," Kate said in a heady, desperate voice.

"He said maybe," Angel replied before I could enthusiastically confirm that I definitely agreed to it.

I felt as confused as Brittany looked.

"Maybe?" she repeated, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Mm-hmm." She squeezed my hand and tugged me forward into the room. "He said he might need to play with Kate's tits for a bit to really make up his mind, you know?"

I must have looked wildly alarmed because Kate glanced at me and then burst out laughing.

"Be nice to our poor, sweet Connor," she scolded Angel, untangling herself from Brittany and standing up. "Do you want to play with them, Connor?"

"Uh... I mean... yeah," I said, and she grinned.

Kate took my hand and led me to the couch, seating me beside Brittany before standing in front of me and taking off her shirt. I was completely entranced; I mean, who wouldn't be? Her breasts had to be at least a D, maybe more; truthfully, I had no idea how bra sizes worked, but they were pretty damn big. She was wearing a pink bra, and then approximately five seconds later, she was no longer wearing a pink bra and I was staring directly at the puffy, rosy pink nipples capping her beautiful breasts.

"What do you think?" Brittany asked from beside me.

"Wow," I managed to say, my eyes glued to Kate's tits.

All three women laughed and I jumped slightly as Brittany slipped her hand into my lap.

"She likes having her nipples sucked," she whispered as she ran her palm along the bulge in my jeans. "And you should try just shoving your face right in her cleavage. It feels amazing."

Before I could respond, Brittany took her hand back and Kate crawled onto my lap, straddling my thighs and pushing me against the back of the couch. I reached up and cupped my hand around one breast, then mirrored the action with my other hand. She watched as I fondled her, purposely avoiding her nipples as I traced my fingers all along the magnificent globes in my palms, indulging in the softness of her skin and mesmerizing weight of her tits until I couldn't take it any longer and brushed my thumbs across her nipples.

She moaned. And oh God was it an amazing sound. Throaty and breathy and yearning, and it absolutely compelled me to flick my thumbs across the hard little nubs again, and a third time before I couldn't take it anymore and had to push my face between them like Brittany had suggested.

It was a great suggestion.

Kate squirmed in my lap as I licked her breasts, kissing along the sensitive flesh until I found one of her nipples and twirled my tongue around it before taking it into my mouth. She made another one of those insanely desirable sounds and shoved her tits against me harder.