The Highest Bid


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The jury took half an hour to find Essie not guilty. The judge had something to say about the case in his final statement and called Laura a slut from the bench. He went further to point out that the prosecuting lawyer should not even have brought this case to court because the principal at stake was simple, Laura had assaulted Essie and what happened after that was entirely on Laura. He issued a cost order against Laura and her father to pay my lawyer and dismissed the case.

Essie stared at me in surprise when the gavel came down. I was surprised too, I had thought a verdict of guilty but with extenuating circumstances was likely. My lawyer nodded in satisfaction as Laura's father had to confront the embarrassment of a verdict that his daughter was a whore and had got what she deserved.

"They charged assault with malicious intent. They could not prove intent. Thus, not guilty. However, the fun and games are now going to begin. I am going to sue for slander because her father spread it around that your daughter is a bitch and you're a shark who won't accept your responsibility. I am going to sue the education department for failing to protect Essie from assault, failing to protect Laura from embarrassment too." my lawyer said.

"No more lawsuits. It was stupid to begin with, find a case with real damage if you want to go after the school." I said.

He nodded and made to move off.

"Sue her father for slander and defamation."

"How much?"

"Make it ten percent of his net worth?"

"He'll rather give the girl to you than that!"

"I doubt it. She owns twenty percent of his company, he does not want me in there for twenty percent."

"She does?"

"He had to give it to her to start the business. His wife's parents gave the money and wanted their grand child to have a stake to use if he divorced. Between the two children and his wife they own sixty percent of his business."


Essie went to Nina's to give the news about the court case while I considered what to do next. Suddenly I remembered the deflowering and checked with the estate agent that the keys had been collected. They had and I went home to wait for what happened next. I wondered about how this was going to play out and created two million dollar numbered holding accounts that would just need FICA compliance to belong to somebody.

It was a method used in a lot of questionably legal international transactions to avoid moving money around the world. Essentially you bought something in a place like Russia and made the money available in the USA. The seller would only need to get FICA compliance on the account while you got your purchase shipped. The accounts were only available for three month and then the bank officially closed the accounts and forgot where the money had come from.

It would work now for this. I could also just give the wrong details and they would be nabbed as soon as they tried to access the money if it was a scam or an extortion racket. Working on the possibility that the auction had not been a con I also ordered two high end SUV vehicles. I had the vague idea of making an offer if the deal was straight up. One could come home and one could take the farm in Tennessee; it needed somebody living on it. Big breasts had struck me as being a girl who would like to have a farm from remarks she had made about horseback riding.

The trust fund was the easiest to do. It was a simple setup with the bank as the trustee; to access the money they need to present proof of needing it to pay tuition or tuition related materials or present a business plan with a cost breakdown. Together with getting FICA compliance on their cash accounts they would have the details to be the beneficiaries.

They got in touch on Saturday morning and agreed with the house. We set a date for two weeks, a day after schools shut I noticed. Mentally I ticked a box for this not being a con. A con would probably have tried to move fast. They had a proof of ability to pay in the house and a scam team would want to move fast now to get what they could. What pointed to a straight up deal was that they would need time when they could reasonably be at a party or something if they had moderately concerned parents.

The two weeks went by slowly with no sign of occupation despite the Estate agent reporting that the keys had not been returned. They had been worried about that because the address they had been given had turned out to be an old age home. I had smiled about that but told them to hold with taking any steps because I was selling the house in all probability.

In those two weeks the foreign navy bought all three cutters and I managed to sell one of the yachts to a maritime archeology and film company. Nina's father was doing well again and we had another dinner, this time at my home. We chatted easily and I watched the two girls out of the corner of my eye speculating about seriously offering to court Nina. She was lithe and incredibly sexy and moved around like a housewife with guests. I imagined her helping me entertain customers or just making me a nice home as she seemed to move around like she was at home. Thinking that it was a quick way to fuck a friendship up I kept my mouth shut and decided to see about the two girls on the video first.

The morning of the deal came and with Essie and Nina set to spend a week on a road trip. They intended to plan for a coffee shop in Charlotte, North Carolina where they were looking to go to college. I knew that both wanted to study veterinary medicine and they were going to use the coffee shop to pay for Nina's classes and then to have a going business after college aside from animals. I completely agreed with Essie's idea to help her friend and have something more out of it for both.

The medical certificates assuring virginity had arrived the week before to my ever growing faith that the deal was real. The doctor was reputable, in my neighborhood, and a phone had him agreeing that he had done the examinations and the two were regular patients but that was all he would say. It didn't matter much because I knew he would not willingly be involved in a fraud. As such I was curious and keen for the two girls to go so that I could find make the date.

I watched them go and went to the airport to rent a car. On the way I bought a picnic thinking it was a good way for us to get to know each other if we were in a park and I wanted to have a better idea of what was happening.

I arrived at the house ten minutes early, had a look at the car parked beside the house, and knew it wasn't a con. This didn't please me much though, I knew the car. I had made the deal though and had to pitch.

I got my key out and unlocked the front door; sitting nervously in the lounge were Nina and Essie. Both were dressed to undress, in their way, which meant still dressed respectably but with a few buttons undone. Nina nearly burst into tears at the sight of me. I just knew who had come up with this idea, Essie. She was the girl with big breasts and did love horseback riding.

Nina jumped up to see me and tried to flee. Essie knew better, I could be incredibly fast. I caught Nina and hugged her to my chest as she burst into tears. Essie knew there was hell to pay and running from me was not an option. She was more nervous as I picked Nina up and carried her to an easy chair then sat down with her on my lap.

"Please don't think I'm a whore Mr. Brickhill. Please don't tell my dad."

"Shhh Nina. Just tell me what led the two of you to this. We can sort it out." I said gently stroking Nina's hair.

"It was my idea dad." Essie said.

I bought that. It was the kind of radical thing she would come up with if pushed.


"At the time my start up fund was dead. Nina's dad was in trouble because his yard is too small for the big cargo ships and the trawler and yacht market is shot to hell. So we wanted to help her dad. He hates asking for help and he feels guilty about how much you have helped him. The only asset we had was that we were both still virgins and I thought we could solve all our problems with one good sale. We figured four million would set Nina's dad right. It would pay for Nina's brother's wedding in Romania. It would put the business afloat again and leave us enough to study and do the coffee shop."

I nodded. That was plausible. Nina was very concerned with her family and had often canceled weekends of horse riding or taking my boat around the bay to help out at her dad's ship yard. She was very good at wiring and why she wanted to study veterinary medicine was beyond me because she had the engineering aptitude.

Nina had stopped crying but had her face buried against my chest while I still caressed her and made soothing noises.

"While you were making your advertisement I was busy helping. I help them because it is never wasted you know. I have a lot of respect for your father Nina. If he doesn't want to ask me, you could have."

"Yeah and the deal was made by the time the court case started."

"My father is dead against backing out of a deal Mr. Brickhill."

"Dad too Nina." Essie said.

Nina started crying again. I looked at Essie in puzzlement.

"She wasn't keen on this dad. She's been holding out for you since she was fourteen. She has pictures of you. She wanted to give herself to you on the last day of school..."

I nodded about that. It explained a lot including her going to study with Essie. If I got upset with her father I might stop helping and her electrician skills would mean little to seeing more of me. Being in business with Essie was much more probable to keep seeing me in her thinking.

"You could have backed out with the house you know." I said.

"Yeah... But the deal was made, we figured that you were playing honestly so we needed good reason to back out." Essie said.

"And now?"

"You're the winning bid."

Nina wailed a little again. This was not how she wanted to lose her virginity. The issue wasn't me. The issue was the deal. I dug into my pocket and got the cards for the numbered accounts out and tapped them on the armrest in thought.

"What did the two of you want beyond being deflowered?"

"I thought maybe to have a good man. You were not going to take me... Wednesday night at your home when I saw you talking to mom and dad but not to me..." Nina said in a small voice.

Essie stayed quiet under my stare. She was not going to get away with it though she was going to tell. We both knew I was still doing this the nice way.

"I wanted an adventure! I wanted to know what Laura was getting and giving that she was so popular. I thought the guy would be married and just sort of come to see me sometimes. I wanted to go to college and know what the guys had and how to know the bad from the good." Essie confessed.

That was true. I had seen her look at the popular girls in envy. I also knew she had wanted Will to be the guy, only the second boy who had shown interest in her. I didn't use this moment to tell her that every boy she had been interested in had paid attention to her. The first had run away when he decided he was gay. Will had been good looking but had loyalty that made prostitutes look like marriage material.

"This is your million dollars Essie. Get to the bank and FICA the account or transfer it into your start up account." I said holding out a card for Essie.

She looked at the card in puzzlement but took it.

"What about Nina?"

"This one is her money. But I first need to make it right with her father."

"Mr. Brickhill?"

"Shaun." I corrected her while I phoned her father.

I was aware of her warm body against me and her intent stare as I spoke to her father. I told him that his daughter was with me at the moment. I wanted to court Nina and marry her was my next statement. He responded with delight and and agreed. I discussed how we could negotiate her dowry as was tradition in his family and said that I was giving her a million dollars as a gesture of good intent handing her the card as I said it. He agreed completely and asked to speak to her.

There was a rapid chat in Romanian and then she gave the phone back to me. We had a few more words and then I hung up. She was looking at me with hope in her eyes as I put my phone down and moved my hand to her waist.

"There Nina. Now, you are not a whore, not to me, not to your family. Would you like to come to me when we sort this out?" I asked and got a slow nod.

I nodded and kissed her lightly. She responded with a kiss in return but stayed still.

"Um Dad..." Essie started.

"Did the two of you decide which of you would be first?"

"Um, I sort of wanted to be second Mr. Brickhill."

"Shaun. You are not my just my daughter's friend anymore Nina. I meant it to your dad. I loved you for a long time and would be delighted to marry you. It was that I did not want to offend you or your family that made me keep my distance." I said gently.

She hugged me with the arm around my shoulders and smiled.

"So Essie was to be first if the guy was happy with that?" I confirmed.

"Yeah." Essie said.

"Do you think I should let Essie go Nina? Or do you want me to take her too?"

Nina's eyes stretched wide at the question. Essie went looked surprised.

"I came expecting to deflower somebody, you came expecting to be deflowered. There are expectations to be met Essie." I said.

"She thought of sleeping with you many times." Nina said.

I had thought of it too. One of the reasons I had come was because Essie was looking better than ever to sleep with just as Nina had been a very inviting prospect. For Essie's part her jaw dropped at the revelation that was clearly true.

"You are the customer dad."

"Right then, Nina? Is that my video camera beside the couch?"

"Yes." She answered shyly again.

" I take it you wanted a video?"

"Yes, we thought the guy might like one too and we could upload it for more income in a year or so."

Also have blackmail material if the guy did not pay, I thought to myself.

"Essie, you will be first. Would you like to film it Nina? Or would you rather go home?"

She got off my lap and picked the camera up for an answer. It was a bit dark in the lounge for the camera so I suggested the back garden, at least for a start. I knew the main bedroom faced south and was well lit; there was some talk first though and both girls were way too nervous for this to be anything but a terrible experience. I loved the garden at the back of the house and how relaxing it was.

In the back garden some ex girlfriend had left a garden bench In a little secret garden enclosure and that was where we and I had our recorded chat. Nina decided that she wanted to be first at the last minute to my personal relief and sat down beside me with her cup of coffee on a table next to her. With her purse at her feet she showed her nerves as Essie got the camera working.

"Nervous?" I asked as she fidgeted after Essie nodded that she was recording.

"Yes, a little frightened too."

I nodded. I was nervous, it was my friend's daughter and I was going to fuck her. If she had not been I would have worried even more.

"That's fine. We do go back some way and a lot will change now. It's normal to be nervous and frightened before doing something new. What might help is that there is always a first time, all women have had a first time and they were fine. I'll make it a wonderful experience if at all possible." I said calmly.

"Yeah, um how does this work?" Nina asked still nervous.

"Did you have have any ideas about how you wanted to lose your virginity?" I asked keeping my breathing calm and my voice gentle.

"Um, I sold it to you. I sort of figured you would have your own ideas." Nina's hands were calming down reflecting that she was calming down too.

"I did. That was to make it a fantastic experience for you filled with delight. What were your ideas before the auction?"

"Oh, before the auction I thought of all sorts of things... I thought of you taking me in some bushes when I was sixteen but lately I was thinking about like first getting to know a guy's body, sort of getting him to let me touch him. Will it hurt? Some girls at school said it hurt a lot."

"It might, a little. The big thing is that losing your virginity too early will hurt because your body is not ready. There are other reasons that will make it hurt more too. Most of it is because you are not aroused. The biggest part of this is getting you ready to lose your virginity and want to have sex."

"Oh, foreplay? That's a surprise! I thought you would just want to have me."

"I didn't pay that much because I just wanted to have my fun. I am more interested in pleasure. Pleasure is so much more than fun. Pleasure is knowing that you found the time rewarding too, pleasure is being able to take you again and next time will be even better because you know something too."

Nina was visibly relaxing at my words and voice. She was nodding a little as I spoke. She knew that it was pretty much how I did business she had seen me operate with her father. I didn't squeeze for every bit of money, I built trust and delivered what my customer asked for at a good price. At the same time I did not try to screw my suppliers hard, I just insisted on good service.

"Uh, I sort of once dreamed of giving you a massage...then getting uh taken."

"Ah, that would be fantastic." I smiled.

Nina was relaxed enough to volunteer information and was suggesting a way forward. That meant she was relaxing enough to go further.

"I wonder, is the garden private?" She asked.

That was a question more to poll if I would screw her outside than for her sense of security. She was having this recorded and had actively thought about other people watching her getting her cherry popped. Privacy was not a main feature of her ideas.

"I think so, the neighbors have never complained." I said.

Nina's body language was interesting, she had changed from being straight up to leaning back into the bench and slightly towards me. She had also edged closer. It all said she was forgetting that I was her customer wanted this to proceed.

I leaned across and kissed her lightly on her lips. The response was instant as she moved against me and tilted her head up. I kissed her again and her mouth opened to let my tongue dance with her tongue. We kissed for awhile and I moved my hand to cup her breast. She moaned softly as my thumb rubbed her nipple through the fabric of her top.

I broke off and stole a glance at Essie, her nipples were taught through the fabric of her top. The camera was not budging, I could see the zoom adjusting and realized she was finding this incredibly enticing.

I turned back to Essie and kissed her again moving my hand on the back of the bench to the back of her head holding her head firmly and exploring her mouth. Her arm wrapped around my neck and her other hand rested against my chest. When I broke off for air she moved her fingers nimbly and undid the buttons on my shirt. Her face was flushed and she was focused on getting my shirt off. I helped her by simply ripping to let the remaining buttons go flying.

She had seen me bare chested a few times, on the boat, at home around the pool, when I helped her dad do something physical. The difference was that this time it was for her to touch and feel. She stared and my chest hair for a few seconds and lifted her arms as I tugged her top up. Her little breasts were beautiful to see but I didn't get much time to admire them as she kissed my chest and reached to feel me.

Her fingernails ran lightly over my skin then she lightly scratched me back as I pulled her close and kissed again. My hand on her breast covered it completely with her stiff nipple between middle and forefingers had her moaning into my mouth at the light pinch. Still kissing I reached under her skirt and felt her mound and labia through her panties. She nearly bounced on the seat in delight at that.