The Hodengreif Procedure Pt. 02


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Josh kept apologizing for what had happened before. He'd not been fat before but now he was getting a bit skinny from all the sex and work around the house. I probably should have let him eat more but he used to be such a pig. Also, we could save a lot of money if he didn't get much meat.

After a few months of beating and pumping the sin out of Josh, I started to think that maybe I'd done as much to Josh as he'd done to me. Faith, who had become pastor Faith after the church decided women could become pastors, told me that she'd been mad at Pastor Black at first but that after the souls of the males had been cleansed, we should remember that vengeance was for SHE, not us. Of course, we could not let the males return to their sinful ways and had a right to enjoy what was ours to enjoy, but we should not cause them to despair of ever getting right with HER.

About that time, I found I was pregnant and decided that Sindy may be part Jezebel or Potiphar's wife. She seemed to have too much hate stored in her from her years before she found the church. I told her to slow down on using Hawk as a whipping boy. He wasn't made of metal after all.

After Sindy also got pregnant, we agreed that we should not force Josh and Hawk to do things that might hurt their abilities to help raise good church families. We're still friends and sometimes do things with Josh and Hawk together including some things sexual but we also take turns having Hawk or Josh watch the children, have Josh and Hawk work together in cleaning our houses, including dusting and doing the windows, while Sindy and I study the scripture.

I make sure we are doing our marital duties although a lot less than 20 years ago.

INTERVIEWER -- In this case we found some discrepancy between what the woman and the male told us. The Interdisciplinary Committee believes the male has a hyperactive imagination, but excerpts are provided from our interview with him anyway for whatever they are worth.

JOSHUA: Amazing grace. I think I almost died, but even before the Weicherz Reforms, Christine decided that I'd suffered enough and slowed down on making me pay for my sins.

I could hardly believe it. Once Christine figured out what she could do and make me do, she went from a frigid prude to a wildcat. I almost died. She'd let me sleep, then I had to do my husbandly duties in the morning. If it was a workday, I'd get a few hours to recover while at work. On Saturday, I had to do my duties first when we woke up, make breakfast, work around the house for a few hours while Christine napped or read scripture or listened to Pastor Faith on the TV. Then I had to make lunch before I was required to do my husbandly duties again, then work outside on the house or garden for a few hours before doing my duties again. After I made dinner and we ate, I did my duties again and again until I was allowed to go to sleep. Sunday was like Saturday except we were at church all morning after I did my duties.

My husbandly duties were ok, even good the first few times each day, but after the fifth or sixth orgasm, it was like dry heaves. My tongue got very tired. It seemed like Christine had something to prove but she said I had been a powerful sinner. I'm sure she was right.

INTERVIEWER: Did a Ms. Sindy XXX cause the behavior of your wife that you found surprising?

JOSHUA: Sindy was there some but after showing Christine what to do, it was like Christine wanted to take out on me every frustration she'd had since puberty and make up for everything she could have done when she was preserving her virginity. No wait, I didn't mean that. What I meant to say is that Christine was very concerned about my immortal soul and used her experiences to help me.

Sindy had a rough background we discovered afterwards. Hawk deserved to do a lot of penitence. Sindy only used me a bit at first to show Christine what to do. She always did it to me at Christine's urging after Sindy had punished Hawk hard for his sins.

Sindy was there when Christine had me and Hawk lay down with a bunch of cushions under our buttocks so that our balls and fully erect man parts were thrust up a foot or so higher than our heads and feet. Christine and Sindy whipped our balls with rulers and some sort of little whips they'd gotten at the church for reenacting scenes from the lives of the saints. Christine told me that I was suffering just like a regular martyr and if I moved my hands or did anything else to protect my testes, she zap me so many times with her Freedomstone device I'd wish I'd been crucified. My balls were martyred for sure. Luckily, Sindy said one should never hit an erect cock because it might do some sort of damage and Christine agreed that they did not want to break their vessels.

After all of this ball whipping, Christine rode Hawk reverse cowboy style sort of squeezing and pinching his balls while she wiggled all around. Sindy told Hawk to be quiet so he just grimaced during the squeezing and pinching while he thrust up and back like crazy. I know Christine came a few times. I think he came in her while she did this, but I couldn't blame him. He didn't have any control. It would be more accurate to say Christine drained him.

Sindy looked on a while, then sat on my cock facing me. She played with my nipples, which had been pierced, and kind of dug her nails from her left hand into my chest while reaching back and squeezing my balls. She said man tits can be hurt too and bounced up and down like Christine had on Hawk only she sort of made a dance out of it. I came for the first time that day with her pinching my nipples. I came ten more times that day feeling something between agony and ecstasy by the end. Sindy and Christine seemed to have a real good time.

There were a few days Hawk and I were whacked and used more than that even but I can't keep it all straight in my head.

Maybe it was Sindy who told Christine that after we'd be caused to spurt a few times, they never had to use the orgasm blocking function anymore. But they used the erection causing part as much as the devices would allow.

For a while, Christine was coming up with a new fantasy every week. Sometimes I was a martyr. Sometimes she was an inquisitor and I was some kind of witch, warlock, or whatever she made up. Whatever the fantasy, it always ended with me exhausted, pumped dry, and feeling like my balls had been used as a punching bag and my penis was a worn-out paper straw. Most of the time we were alone but sometimes Christine did this with Sindy.

Later one of her other friends from the church, Salome, would work on me and her husband. Sindy had kind of dropped out of Christine's games saying Christine had gotten a little too weird for her. Salome, though, seemed to really enjoy embarrassing and causing pain to her husband John and me. She and Christine would tie things around our genitals, drag us around the house and say if we gave them any back talk, they would have our heads or another part of our bodies on a platter. John and I knew they were kidding but it was still awful.

When the rule came down saying that men had to be allowed to have an orgasm every 4 days or some sort of buzzer would go off, Christine laughed and pretended that meant that I had to have at least four orgasms a day. That did not matter, though, as she'd been making me have at least 4 times a day before that and more like 8 times on the weekends.

INTERVIEWER: Funny, Christine said it was Sindy who led the way on all the actions needed to cleanse your souls and Sindy forced so many orgasms on you on you and Hawk.

JOSHUA; Oh lord, did I contradict Christine just now? Please do not tell her. I just can't go back to where we were. I'm nearing 50. If you'd told me 25 years ago that I'd be worrying about too much sex, I would never have believed you. The 10 times a week Christine is having me perform now is all I can take. The soul is willing, but the flesh is weak, even the flesh that has been made hard remotely because of the miracle.

INTERVIEWER: Christine will not learn anything of what we heard from you. Has she stopped whipping you and making you have more sex than you want?

JOSHUA: Thank God you aren't going to tell her anything. Things have been okay for almost 15 years now. I love, honor and obey my wife. She does have to discipline me she says by zapping me once or twice a month. She says I need it.

I've come to enjoy almost all of what she does. I get whipped about every month but I'm sure I deserve all that and Christine has a right to use me however she wants. She's become a deacon and Pastor Faith and Pastor Black say it's alright to force me to do penitence as long as it's done in moderation. Pastor Faith says that she makes sure that Pastor Black doesn't fail in his duties or risk his soul by allowing him to stray again from the straight and narrow. Seems Pastor Faith has Pastor Black do his marital duties a lot for his age too. When Pastor Black and I get to chat making meals at the church or cleaning up after services, he always emphasizes how lucky we are to have women that don't tolerate us straying from HER way.

INTERVIEWER: Then is everything done now in moderation?

JOSHUA: Of course, and I deserve whatever Christine does. And please make sure you don't tell her I said she is still whipping my balls and using me four times a day. I am very well treated.

B. Social Effects

A number of conclusions are summarized here.

Abortion -- The number of abortions has fallen 79.87%. It appears that this is due to the effective ending of incest and rape and the ease of using birth control if there was not a male urging one to have sex when it was imprudent. Further, the reduction of sex outside a monogamous relationship and the awareness of males that they will certainly be called on to help take care of any child had the effect of terminating pressure on women to engage in unsafe sex. See also the discussion of birth rates below.

Prostitution -- Heterosexual males cannot now practicably patronize a sex worker unless the woman who holds the controls for that male wants them to do so. There are some sex workers who cater to threesome business, but the customer is the woman who controls the male, not the male.

Female prostitutes who provide services to woman are outside the scope of this study.

Although not prostitution because no money changes hands, a small portion (1.66%) of the males are held jointly by the Department of Male Control and may be used by women for pleasure on a first-come first-served basis with a contribution to the cost of keeping the males required to be made based on the woman's income level. This institution has been successful in meeting the needs of women who do not wish the responsibility of controlling a male.

Displays and Fetishes -- Women are no longer forced to participate fetishes or other sex acts that they don't wish but, of course, some women do wish to participate. That is their business.

Given the Hodengreif devices, males can be caused to participate in anything the woman that controls them wishes. No women expressed concern regarding this.

In some cases, female control of males has led to CFNM tea parties and other activities of a kind designed to please women rather than male fetishists. These events do not normally involve any sort of sexual activity and consist solely of nude or near-nude males being required to serve tea, wine or other beverages as well as clean up before and after the party. Some women do decide to share males for an evening or longer as a result of such events, but this is not considered to be of concern.

Other events involve "Dude shows" in which males are displayed by the women that control them. The males are displayed in a variety of costumes and in the nude. Prizes are award to the woman whose male appears most healthy and well groomed. The Committee believes that such events are entirely beneficial and urges the Governing Council to consider subsidizing them.

It is thought that BDSM activities involving female dominants may overall have increased slightly above pre-Hodengreif levels, but solid data is not available. After properly discounting the proclivity of males to fantasize, it is believed that there were some cases in the early years after full implementation of the Hodengreif Procedure of activities involving flagellation of males, causing discomfort to testicles, forcing males to be in uncomfortable positions for long periods, inserting objects in their rectums and electro-shocking. In most cases, this sort of thing seems to have been a self-help therapeutic response by women designed to aid their recovery from earlier trauma caused by males. Quantitative measures of the extent to which such activities continue cannot be stated with statistical significance given the male fantasy factor.

Complaints by males of too little or too much sex were generally discounted as too subjective for analysis.

In a few cases, the implementation of the Hodengreif Procedure has led to the unusual situation in which a woman has forced a male to pretend to dominate or discipline her because of her submissive desires. The psychology of someone forcing someone to dominate them was considered to beyond the scope of this report.

Love and Romance -- Dating and wooing has continued among lesbians and gay men, but heterosexual dating games have effectively ended.

Some anticipated and feared that the end of heterosexual romance would be a great loss to culture. In retrospect, it is clear the loss was not important. Historically, marriages were arranged by parents. The system adopted in the Colony does not defer to parents but seems to have been at least as successful as dating and other pathetic human efforts to find suitable mates developed in the 19th Century in the Mainland.

Divorce -- As males cannot commit adultery or seek to change spouses without the consent of the woman controlling them, there are few males available for a woman who decides to surrender her male. For this reason and others, divorces are very rare. For the most part, divorce occurs when a woman decides she no longer wants any male about, not even one who must love, honor and obey her. Given the continuing difficulty of finding reliable domestic help, it is a rare woman willing to surrender her male without sufficient compensation.

It has occurred that women have decided to trade consorts. With appropriate adjustments to the controlling devices, switching consorts is possible. It is also rare.

Birth rate effects -- It was feared by some on the Confidential Council pre-implementation that many women would not have children if not forced by males to do so. It is clear, however, that the Hodengreif Procedure has greatly increased the birth rate. Women in interviews clearly stated that what was holding them back from having children was the fear of having to do all the childcare. Once it was clear that males would have to do at least half the childcare, the birthrate began to soar. Over the last 20 years the birthrate has risen from 1.6 to 2.7 live births per woman.

C. Economic Effects

Sales of guns, alcohol and tobacco have plummeted. Many women are not willing to allow the males they control to spend family resources to buy such items. Further, the demand for these products has fallen as a result of the perceived reduced need for self-defense and the drastically reduced need for women to drink or smoke because of male misconduct.

Clothing and fashion -- The fashion industry feared that elimination of the need of women to please men would decimate sales of women's clothing. This concern proved to be entirely unjustified. It turned out that women were really dressing for each other all the while.

Employment -- No effect found except that, as males could not use work as an excuse to avoid housework, less useless hours were spent in the office.

I. Recommendations

The Hodengreif Procedure has proven to be a great boon to the Colony. It is feared, however, that the leaders of the Mainland countries may act to protect their current power and privileges no matter how detrimental that is to social welfare.

Thus, it is imperative that the Hodengreif Procedure be implemented in the Mainland as soon as possible. This should be done both to protect the great cultural progress that has been made in the Colony from possible misunderstanding in the Mainland and from the danger that the Mainland will use our choices as an excuse to meddle in Colonial matters. Moreover, given the clear success of the implementation of the Hodengreif Procedure, it is inhuman to allow women in the Mainland to continue to suffer in a barbaric rape culture.


To both look back on the development and widespread implementation of the Hodengreif Procedure and to look forward to the expansion of the benefits of this remarkable invention, a portion of an interview is presented of Dr. Ulrike Hodengreif and former Governing Council President Victoria Maechtig on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the announcement of the full implementation of the Hodengreif Procedure. The interview was conducted by the famous Mainland correspondent and Interviewer, Richard Cocshure, who established a strong reputation as a reporter and journalist despite his relative youth.

The interview of Dr. Hodengreif and former President Maechting, now respectively 73 and 68 was conducted at the site of Dr. Hodengreif's original laboratory. Two male guards, three female members of the Interdisciplinary Committee who volunteered to serve as observers and Sofia Suesweib, PhD, were also present. Dr. Suesweib is a junior scientist currently working to improve the Hodengreif Procedure still further and also working on the artificial womb project that it is hoped will liberate women from having to carry developing homo sapiens.

The portion of the interview contained below follows Cocshure's questioning of the elder scientist and the elder stateswomen regarding the development of the Hodengreif Procedure and its complete adoption in the Colony. Having learned the facts, discussed in Part I and Part II above, Mr. Cocshure, dressed in a gray Arman Georgie Suit, a light rose Lawrence Rolf French cuffed shirt, a red dotted tie designed by Charles Longfield, and black, side-laced, Maden Steffani shoes, questioned as follows:

COCHSURE: I must admit that I had little idea of the facts regarding the Hodengreif Procedure when I set out for the Colony. I had heard only that the Colony had adopted a number of practices that do not exist in the Mainland that would be of interest to our readers.

MAECHTIG: You were not quite right about that either. Although not reported, the Hodengreif Procedure does exist on the Mainland. It has been used in hundreds of thousands of cases. Admittedly, that is a tiny portion of the population of the Mainland, but the numbers are growing rapidly if secretly.

COCHSURE: That is surprising. However, to get back to what you have told me of the development of the procedure and it's now almost universal implementation of it in the Colony, looking back, Dr. Hodengreif, do you believe that such a drastic means should have been used to reduce male violence against women? I believe I heard that you did not originally intend that the procedure would be used so broadly.

DR. HODENGREIF: You heard correctly Mr. Cocshure. I did not initially advocate such widespread utilization of the procedure in the Colony. But I now have no doubt in my mind that President Maechtig, Victoria, was right. It was the right thing to do particularly in view of the many benefits of full implementation of the procedure found later that neither Vicky nor I anticipated at the time.

COCHSURE: But don't you think implementation harmed men and took away their liberties.

DR. HODENGREIF: Their freedom to rape was taken away but males were not harmed as to legitimate interests. Many males were affected only positively. Those males who had never been abusive, never wanted to rape anyone, and got along with the women in their lives experienced only the lower incidence of drunk driving and substance abuse, lower overall crime rates, and the knowledge that their wives and daughters would not be assaulted by some jerk on their way home.