The Hottie in the Mirror Pt. 01


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"Some medicine will be involved, yes," admitted Faria, "I have a hookup for some experimental black market drugs that will help quite a bit with some secondary sex characteristics that might put you off. But surgery won't be necessary. You would be shocked how much of gender is tied up in behavior and speech patterns. Trust me, if it walks, talks, and dresses like a woman, your cock won't be able to tell the difference. By the time that I'm done with her, the very idea that sex with her would be gay will be laughable, no matter what is swinging between her legs."

Anton hesitated, but increased blood flow to his dick told Faria that the idea was starting to interest him.

"I'll make you a deal," said Faria confidently, "If by the time Alex's programming is finished, she isn't a hot little slut that you are thrilled to have as your personal fucktoy, I'll refund every cent of your money. That's how confident I am."

"Suuure," said Anton slowly, "But I want to add one more detail to the plan..."

Faria listened carefully to his proposal, frowning slightly.

"Well, it would certainly make the training and conditioning portion a lot easier, " she conceded, "But that will cost you extra I'm afraid, and won't be refundable."

"That's not a problem, Ms. Faria," said Anton, his cocky smile and raging erection both back in full force, "I've got money to burn."

"Then give me a few weeks," said Faria, matching Anton's smile. Her nipples finally stiffened slightly at the thought of the project ahead of her, "I'll be in touch once I've set things in motion."


Alexander Fox woke up, groggy and confused. The last thing he remembered, he was going on a campus tour of Ramsey College, then his tour guide had looked a little familiar, and then... nothing, blankness.

As he tried to move, he suddenly realized he couldn't. The realization caused some panic, and he finally looked down to see his predicament.

Alex lay on a bare mattress and had his hands cuffed to a metal bed frame above his head. He had been stripped completely naked. In a position that required more flexibility than most men's bodies could handle, his ankles had been bound to his thighs. His tied up legs were spread wide and strapped down to the bed, exposing his genitals and asshole with no hope of concealment.

He had been humiliatingly trussed up in a position designed for maximum exposure.

The culprit was obvious: the only other person in the empty dorm room with him.

The hypnotist Faria.

"Faria?" he croaked, confused. "What is this? Why did you....? What's going on?"

"Sorry honey," said Faria sympathetically, sitting on the mattress near Alex and placing a comforting hand on his thigh, "Things aren't going to work out like you planned. It turns out that you'll be the target this time, not your bully."

Despite his fear and confusion, Alex could feel his cock react to Faria's warm touch on his tender, exposed inner thigh. He shook his head, trying to clear it. "W-we had a deal, Faria!" he said, struggling weakly against his binds.

"We did," agreed Faria casually, lightly tracing her fingers up and down her captive's thigh, her eyes flashing with amusement as she watched his small, pale cock stiffen. "But, although I don't typically advertise this fact to potential clients, I always allow the target to counteroffer. You wouldn't condemn someone else to a punishment you wouldn't risk yourself, right darling?"

"You can't do this!" whined Alex, beginning to struggle a bit harder. The dizzying power and control he had felt when first commissioning Faria was being completely reversed on him, leaving him feeling vulnerable and powerless. "Let me counteroffer again! I can pay you more!"

Faria shook her head, "Sorry honey, it's not about the money, it's about the risk. You took a risk to make Anton fulfill your dark fantasies, and now you'll be fulfilling his."

Alex grew pale. "What does he want from me?" he asked in a small voice. Faria noted that his little throbbing cock hadn't softened in the slightest.

"I'm going to turn you into his ideal woman."

Alex froze, his brows furrowed. He assumed that he must have misheard, but when Faria just continued to stare at him with her mysterious smile, he barked an incredulous laugh.

"Are you fucking serious?" he asked with a manic edge in his voice. He wiggled his hips the slight amount that his bindings allowed, making his penis and balls jolt and bounce. "I'm a fucking man! What are you even fucking talking about?" He wanted to yell but found that his voice simply wouldn't go past a certain volume. He realized he must already be under Faria's hypnotic command. No wonder she was able to get him into this compromising position.

The cool, mysterious smile never left Faria's face. "I didn't know you were so old-fashioned Alex!" she said reprovingly, "Haven't you heard? Plenty of women have cocks nowadays. It's all about who you are on the inside! And after I'm finished with you, you are going to be a hot, horny, girly-girl slut inside and out. It's going to be a great time, sweetheart. Trust me."

"Nooooo," moaned Alex desperately, trying to think of something that could help him escape his fate. But Faria cleared her throat and asked a question.

"Why are you trying so hard to be masculine? You make your voice lower, and try to act tough, and cut your hair as short as you can. Why?"

Alex found himself forced to answer against his will.

"Isn't it obvious?" he asked bitterly, "I've always been weak and girly. You should hear my father talk about it. Ever since junior high, people have whispered behind my back that I'm probably gay, just because of my stupid fucking genes. I've got a girly fucking face, and a chubby ass, and long eyelashes, and wide fucking hips and I hate it. I need to do everything I can to make myself more manly just so people don't immediately assume things about me the first time they look at me." He was breathing heavily, clearly worked up by his forced admission.

Faria nodded sympathetically. "I can see how all of those things would be frustrating to live with as a man. But the good news is that all those things are going to work in your favor once you're a girl. You're going to make all your galpals green with envy."

"I... you can't do this, Faria," said Alex desperately, "It's crazy! I can't be a girl! I don't want to be! I'm a man, god damn it!"

"Shhhhhh, don't be scared," said Faria soothingly, rubbing Alex's soft belly in a strangely violating and intimate gesture, "It won't happen all at once. I'm going to build some suggestions into your mind today that will slowly unfold over a year or so. It will happen in a series of gradual steps. It's going to feel natural and beautiful. And step number one is to help you to love your natural feminine features."

*Now you will enter programming mode. Close your eyes and relax completely. The words I say next will become your new thoughts...*

Faria's voice seemed to vibrate in his mind like a resonating bell. He felt his brain fill with warm pink fog as he lost the thread of reality and slipped into a waking daze...


Faria gazed down fondly at her new project.

Alex was making a big brash protest. But his pulsing little cock, dripping eagerly with precum, made Faria suspect that on a deeper level, the thought of being forced to become a girl was much more appealing to Alex than he was prepared to admit.

Alex certainly didn't look very manly right now, trussed up and exposed in a humiliating bondage pose in an unused dorm room at his future campus. It was all by design. The desired final product wasn't just a woman, but a submissive slut. It was essential to set the correct tone during the programming session: a blend of domination, humiliation, and sexual stimulation.

Anyway, time for the first round of programming. There would be many this time. Shaping a man into a woman was a complex process, even with a man as feminine as this.

*I am flattered when others consider me attractive, whether they are male or female.* Intoned Faria.

"-male or female," repeated Alex in a soft whisper, his words just a step behind Faria's.

*I want to dress to accentuate my most attractive features, without worrying about being masculine or feminine.* Continued the hypnotist

"-masculine or feminine" These suggestions would sink deep into Alex's mind, slowly taking hold and becoming his thoughts over time. They were enough for his first baby steps at least. Now for a couple of aesthetic suggestions that would set up Faria and Anton's plan for success...

*It is important to take good care of my hair. I strongly dislike the idea of cutting my hair.* Said Faria

"-cutting my hair."

*It is extremely important to take good care of my skin.*

"-my skin"

That should lead to some beautiful golden locks and creamy white skin over time. But speaking of hair... Faria wrinkled her nose while peering at Alex's body. He was definitely on the lighter end of the spectrum when it came to body hair, but he also had the very masculine habit of never grooming or shaving anything below his chin. Well, it would all have to go.

*Any hair on my body besides that on my scalp makes me unbearably uncomfortable.*

"-uncomfortable." Now that thought would build slowly over time until Alex had no choice but to shave or wax, if only to get some relief.

Faria snapped her fingers to call Alex out of his trance. She looked outside at the bright winter afternoon. She was going to need to keep things moving briskly today if she wanted to be done before midnight.


Alex watched avidly as his girlfriend Claire stretched luxuriously on the brand-new bed in his first-ever college apartment. God, she was hot. Even now, years after they had first gotten together, Alex couldn't take his eyes off her lithe brown body.

It felt amazing to just lay here together naked in bed, not having to worry about being discovered by snooping parents. Claire had her own apartment if only to not raise any suspicions with her religious parents, but she planned on spending most nights with him. Alex had the swelling, uplifting feeling that anything would be possible in college. It would be the start of a brand new him.

Claire caught his wandering eye and gave him a naughty, nose-crinkling grin. "Whatcha thinking about, Tiger?" She asked teasingly.

"Same thing as usual," said Alex, returning her smile, "my hot ass girlfriend."

She laughed her throaty, surprisingly deep laugh and gave him a playful shove, which turned into a tickle fight, which turned into a second round of passionate sex.

Having your own private apartment was amazing.

Claire had really been a godsend these past six months. Around that time, Alex had had a ... I guess you could call it an epiphany. Suddenly he had rejected all of his worries about not appearing masculine enough. Claire had been one hundred percent supportive when he started growing out his hair. Like she said, his wavy blond hair was gorgeous, and there was no reason for him to feel ashamed of it. When Claire brought up the idea that he had amazing skin and should take better care of it, Alex had found the idea appealing immediately. A regular moisturization routine had really brought out the natural glow of his pale skin.

In the past, he would have been self-conscious of his lengthening hair and smooth flawless skin, but Claire loved them. She made a point of running her fingers through his hair and nuzzling his soft skin during sex, increasing his confidence that the changes were for the best. If his girlfriend liked them, why should he care what other people thought?

He had been getting lingering glances from strangers in public as a result, both female and male. The male gazes had made him mildly uncomfortable at first, but he soon reasoned that he didn't have to want to have sex with someone to view their attraction as a compliment.

Of course, there had been other changes that were a bit more embarrassing. His armpits, crotch, and legs had been feeling so itchy and uncomfortable he was worried he had some sort of nerve disorder or allergy. Finally, one night in desperation, he had gotten out his razor and shaved his body from neck to toe. Inexplicably, he had felt instant relief. Ever since then, he had been forced to shave his body regularly unless he wanted to feel that horrible prickling sensation again as the hair grew back.

Claire had been a little less kind about this quirk. Flirty teasing had always been a part of their dynamic in bed, but Alex found her giggling remarks about his smooth legs and pits to be really humiliating. Alex had cum hard that evening, but the overwhelming feelings of humiliation and arousal that his girlfriend's taunts had caused in him scared him a little. He asked her to lay off the subject, and, sensing he was serious, she had quickly agreed.

His body was also going through some confounding changes. He had been putting on a little weight, and it was gathering in odd areas. His chest was getting a little flabby, and his thighs, hips, and butt, which were already more prominent than most guys', were plumping up even further. Claire had been sympathetic and helpful here as well, exercising with him and insisting on making daily "weight loss smoothies" for both of them for lunch. Alex didn't love the smoothies. They had an unpleasant licorice-like aftertaste, but he drank them because he appreciated the gesture and wanted to make Claire happy.

Alex was immensely grateful for Claire's support, especially because of his father's reaction. Alex's dad had always been a hard man to get along with. He was a prominent businessman and was used to getting his way. He was also a man's man. Sports, hunting and fishing, fine whiskey, rare meat. He loved all things hyper-masculine. And because of that, he always seemed to find it difficult to love Alex. One of his aunts once told Alex that it was because Alex reminded his father of his deceased wife too much, but Alex thought it was just as likely that he was disgusted by the physical features Alex couldn't control.

Alex's lengthening hair had caused the frosty atmosphere of their house to grow even colder, and without Claire's warm support, Alex didn't know if he would have survived the spring and summer. But now he was free.

Claire propped herself up on an elbow and gave him a serious look, her raven hair still messy from their enthusiastic lovemaking. Most people assumed that Claire Estrada was a bit of a spacey ditz based on her giggly nature and dreamy brown eyes. Alex knew better. Underneath her pleasant exterior, Claire was stubborn, ambitious, and willing to fight dirty to get what she wanted. Alex was well aware that he had been chosen by Claire not purely for his personality or looks, but also for his family's wealth and connections. She had calculated his chances of success in life and liked the numbers. Alex didn't think it diminished her love for him one bit. She had proven her deep loyalty and affection for him countless times in high school, catching a lot of bullying for dating him. But she was a young woman who carefully made choices based on all the factors.

"So," said Claire, her playful tone gone, "first Birchwood pledge meeting tonight. Ready?"

"Yeah," said Alex, more confidently than he felt. Anton was certain to be there. He knew that he had thought of some sort of plan to deal with Anton, but he couldn't remember what it was.

"Good!" said Claire with a renewed smile, "I know you'll knock it out of the park, babe."

Alex wished he had her confidence.

Alex probably knew more about the Birchwood Society than anyone else who wasn't a member. It was one of the few topics that his father enjoyed discussing with his son: he approved of Alex's ambition to join his old fraternity. Not that he would have called it a fraternity. Most of the Birchwood members were quite pedantic about how it wasn't just another fraternity. They pointed to its long and illustrious history, predating all but the oldest roots of the modern fraternity system, and its countless little rituals and ceremonies that made it distinct.

One of the most important things that set the Birchwood Society apart was its obsessive secrecy. Alex had no idea what to expect in his initiation. Another thing that was different about Birchwood was that its initiation process was supposedly much longer and more difficult than a typical fraternity. Some dark rumors about the nature of the initiation process bubbled up but had been curbed by the final and most important thing that set the Birchwood Society apart from normal frats: the uncommonly high rate of power and success obtained by its alumni.

Senators, CEOs, and military leaders. Even a few dictators in the Middle East and Africa were counted among the previous members. Numerous investigations into the scandalous nature of the Society's activities had been crushed by the influence of these alumni, keeping the Society in a shadowy cloak of mystery.

It made Alex shiver with nervous anticipation.

"Well," said Claire lightly, "my first pledge meeting isn't until Friday, so you'll have to tell me what goes on tonight. The Ladies of the Grove is technically the same organization after all, maybe they will be similar."

Alex looked away to keep himself from frowning. He had told Claire that he didn't think it was a good idea for her to join the Birchwood Society's sister organization, but she had insisted that if he was in the frat, she should be in the paired sorority. Once she got an idea in her head, it just wasn't possible to shake her. The problem was that the Ladies of the Grove, usually called the LGs to avoid the strange archaic name, just didn't have the high reputation that the male half did. The LGs didn't typically become business or political leaders. It was generally accepted that the LGs existed to act as a pool of fuck buddies that Society members were allowed to bring to club-only events. Also, if the vague rumors were true, the hazing rituals for the Ladies of the Grove were even crazier than for the Birchwood Society.

So, he wasn't exactly thrilled that his girlfriend insisted on joining. But she was her own woman, and he knew he wouldn't be able to change her mind.

Their conversation over, both of them got up and dressed. They had to get to class.


Alex stood nervously with the other freshman boys in a ragged line on the moonlit lawn behind the huge mansion-like house that was the headquarters of the Birchwood Society.

All that the email had told the potential members was to wear loose comfortable clothing and to be there at midnight. The waiting boys could hear a raucous party happening inside the house, with warm light pouring through the windows, but no Society members had appeared yet. Alex was a little relieved to see that most of the other boys looked as nervous as he felt.

Suddenly the back door of the house burst open, and a dozen laughing, joking upperclassmen burst out onto the lawn, looking at the scared freshmen boys with mean predatory smiles.

Finally, the older men stopped, lining up across from the freshmen in a loose crowd. A tall, square-jawed senior shook his head derisively. "What do you think about the crop of rushes this year, Redlin?" he asked in a theatrical yell.

"I think they look like shit, president!" shouted back a short, heavily muscled man in a backward baseball cap.

The Society president nodded in agreement, his mouth twisting with distaste as he surveyed the line of freshmen. "What do you think, Williams? Will this year be a total strikeout?"

And there he was. Anton Williams, Alex's nemesis and number one most hated person on the planet. Alex would never forget the horrible humiliations that the tall, handsome basketball star had tormented him with. Especially the last time they had met... Alex still woke up in the middle of the night sometimes, sweating and shaking after yet another erotic nightmare inspired by that day. His bully stood with the same smile he always wore when messing with Alex in high school, staring him directly in the eyes. "That's what it looks like to me, Mr. President!" he shouted back in answer to the question. Alex fought to keep his face neutral and his breathing even.